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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Dec 08, 2010 2:55 pm
by Silver the Wanderer
*poofs in*

Thanks for bumping this thread, Dot - I didn't know it existed! :P

I'm very active in my school's drama club. So far, I've been in ten plays - number eleven starts up in the next couple of weeks.

I'm in the middle of our school's fall show. It's different from anything we've done previously because it basically is a bunch of small skits and improvisation games. I'm on the improv troupe. I have to admit, I was nervous because I've never done anything like this before. But I know everyone else on the troupe so well by now! We're all really close, and we have a blast getting up on stage and making complete fools of ourselves! And it's neat because every show is different. If you've never done improv before, I'd definitely recommend giving it a try! :D

This is the last weekend of that show, but we're also having auditions for our spring show! We always do musicals in the spring, and this time around is a show called The Mystery of Edwin Drood. It's based off the last book Charles Dickens wrote, but he died before he could write the ending. In the musical, the audience gets to vote on the ending. I'm really hoping to get a good part!

Which reminds me - I should really be looking over the songs we need to learn for auditions...

Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Dec 09, 2010 2:11 am
by sandyentersNarnia
^Wow. You have lots of experiences with acting huh. ;) Good luck with the play! So tell me more about it.... the title is very interesting... :-?.

Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Dec 09, 2010 9:57 am
by Elanor
I'm going to audition for Annie Get your Gun on Monday - so I'm excited about that. :) I've been lonely since Little Women was over. . but it was an amazing experience!!

Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Dec 09, 2010 9:38 pm
by Orious
Good luck with your audition, Elanor! Just do what comes nat'rally. ;) Okay, bad pun-ish thing, I admit, but I do love the music from that show.

I see that this thread is about acting so I do not feel that I particularly fit. I do admire the acting talent and I love to watch live theatre, however. I hope that will qualify my entrance into this thread. I've seen several plays this year, as well as several skits. The plays were Fiddler on the Roof, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Music Man, and Wicked.

Two of my friends and several acquaintances were in Fiddler on the Roof. It was an amazing show! The girl who played Chava was so good in the end, I got chills! :) Sadly, being a local production and such, the cast was rather lacking in the male specimens. ;)) The song Tradition went something like, "The Papa! THE MAMA! The Sons! THE DAUGHTERS!!!!!" :p

I admit that my introduction to Seven Brides for Seven Brothers didn't happen until this past summer when I saw one of my friends (and another acquaintance) perform in the show. That show now ranks as one of my favorite productions ever! I loved it! The cast was amazing and they were all so stinkin' funny. I wish the song We've Got to Make it Through the Winter was in the movie, it's such a funny song!

The Music Man was a highschool production that yet another of my friends was in. (Yes, I have a lot of very talented friends!) My friend played one of the barbershop quartet dudes and also one of the traveling salesmen in the train scene. They had some technical issues that were a little irritating (the sound cut out whenever the singers hit high notes and other slight issues) but it was a great show. Zanita Shinn is my absolute favorite character! She is so funny. :D "Yegads!"

Wicked was amazing. What more can I say? Has anyone else seen the show? What do you think of the song No Good Deed? What was Elphaba saying? Some of the people I saw it with argue that she was saying that she was going to start doing bad deeds and some thought that she was declaring that she was officially taking her oar out. What do you think?

Can you tell that I particularly found of musical theatre? :)

Well, I hope this post isn't considered off-topic! It's not talking about my own theatre performances but those of others.

(Pssst. I am seeing Les Miserables in May. *squee*)

Agents and Auditions!

PostPosted: Jan 01, 2011 11:55 am
by Lucy of Narnia
So I thought it would be neat if we had a place just to talk about that shaky land of trying to find an agent and trying to get auditions! We can offer suggestions and encouragement, or ask questions and for advice!

I have two questions!

1: How did you find your agent? What mistakes to avoid? (I know about the asking for money before scam, and how agents get a percentage of money you make when they land you a part). Any others?

2: What was your first audition like? Did you get the part? Anything you're kicking yourself for doing that you'd never do again?

Mods, is this topic okay? I know there was another topic kind of like this but I thought this one could be separate because of it's nature. Is this too narrow a topic, etc?

Lu :)

Re: Agents and Auditions!

PostPosted: Jan 01, 2011 1:29 pm
by DamselJillPole
1. I found my agency online. Whatever area you are in look for an agent or agency close to you and is okay if you get one that's in a different city but since you are first starting out do not get an agent out of state.

When you find an agent or agency that seems legit to you under any circumstances do not give them any info about you or anything by phone, e-mail, or fax. This is a huge turn off by agents. What you do is send them something by mail adress. It may take a while to hear back from them but it's more professional to do this.

Be sure to include more than one headshot, have a resume that explains your skills, birth, weight, height, etc. Look up how to do a resume on google, they have many great examples. Experience on your resume is a big plus for agents.

One more thing, agents may ask you to take headshots for them that may cost money, make sure you are already with them before doing so because they may scam you for more. Agents are supposed to be finding the jobs for you not you paying them. If something like this ever comes up and they ask you for money when you're not with them, get out of there now.

2. Before getting an agent and starting professional theatre i had many mess up auditions, even many professional actors still have them and even if you did give your best many actors still get let go because sometimes casting directors are looking for something different. This is the whole point about being an actor and being rejected at times. It will happen no matter what.

I've been rejected many times but i've gained experience and have gotten better and stronger because of it. Just stick to it and get up and try again. ;)

Good luck or in this case, Break A leg!! :D

Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Jan 01, 2011 1:58 pm
by Lucy of Narnia
Thank you, Damsel! I've been looking at this casting agency near my home and they want an email submission that only asks for your name, (first and last), email and comment, I think. Is this a scam?

Lu :)

Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Jan 01, 2011 2:10 pm
by DamselJillPole
Your welcome! :)

Post the url to the site or what is it called? I'll check it out for you.

It's just I have an agency where movies and professional theatre always happens so iDK.

Edit: Only first and last name? Doesn't ask or give guidelines? If not then that is a scam or could be something dangerous. It be best if you had a parent or gaurdian look up agencies with you.

Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Jan 01, 2011 2:32 pm
by Lucy of Narnia
Thanks again! I'll look at some other ones for now.

Lu :)

Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Jan 01, 2011 2:36 pm
by DamselJillPole
^ Good Idea. To make sure it's legit look for some reviews the agency gets, look for accounts that proves the agency has clients, guidelines, etc. ;)

Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Jan 01, 2011 3:04 pm
by Lucy of Narnia
How do I find reviews? :)

Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Jan 01, 2011 4:44 pm
by DamselJillPole
Some agencies and Agent websites will have an honors page like you see on DVD covers that'll say "Two Thumbs Up". Some will have pages like that and they'll have sponsor pages including some lists on projects they've helped clients get into and you can google the agencies name and see some article proof about it as well. ;)

Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Jan 01, 2011 6:09 pm
by Lucy of Narnia
So I should pick a specific agency I'm looking at and then search? Like let's pretend it's Lucy's Narnian Talent Agency, so then I'd type that in and "reviews' and then see what came up? :D

Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Jan 02, 2011 12:05 am
by DamselJillPole
^Correct. I hope you find one that is legit! ;)

Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Jan 02, 2011 3:31 pm
by Lucy of Narnia
Thanks! Will look up the one that might be a scam, though of putting [it's name] scam? and seeing what came up. :)

Another question: are all the auditors, agents uptight? I think I'll be nervous!! :-s

Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

PostPosted: Jan 02, 2011 3:45 pm
by DamselJillPole
Lucy of Narnia wrote:Thanks! Will look up the one that might be a scam, though of putting [it's name] scam? and seeing what came up. :)

Another question: are all the auditors, agents uptight? I think I'll be nervous!! :-s

You don't need to type in scam but see if they have reviews to see if they are trully a buisness.

At auditions it's better to pepare yourself before going, do some reasearch and practice the play and characters, this increases your chances in getting something. Also learn a long monologue cause you never know ith auditions. They can get you to read from a script, ask you to do a monologue or just simply ask you questions, but it is always key to be perfectly prepared. And no not all casting directors and agents are harsh, agents have to be nice to keep their clients, some casting directors can be harsh at times but if you impress them enough they'll give you a wink. ;)