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Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 04, 2009 5:09 pm
by Umbarto
Lol, not really off topic. It is a feedback thread ;)

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 04, 2009 5:17 pm
by carissa
The new site looks good! Very sleek! I will love it once I'm able to find my way around easier! :)

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 04, 2009 5:30 pm
by Bother Eustace
It's certainly VERY different. I love all the new features... it'll take me a while to get used to it and figure everything out, but I'm okay with that. We're all learning together!!!

EDIT: Wow, just found the new Character profiles. I never would have thought they'd be set up wiki-style like that... very interesting. Is it just me or is there more now than there were before? (I admit I never used to check them often, I know all the characters pretty well from memory). Well, I'm off to find more new stuff!

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 04, 2009 6:34 pm
by Narnian_silver
I like the new look. It's very clear and modern looking.
I haven't really looked around yet but i'm sure I'll like it :)

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 04, 2009 7:30 pm
by -queenSUSAN-
*tiptoes into the new forum* *footsteps echo off the floors* *takes a deep breath and inhales the new paint smell*

Boy, it's nice in here! :ymapplause: Kudos to all of you mods. I know this took a lot of time and effort. :) :ymhug:

I had a bit of trouble transferring my account but I got it to work and here I am!! I can't wait to explore everything. I especially like the new smilies. :D
X( <--That one's cool.
:-o <--that one's cooler.
8-} <--I think I like that one best of all! =))

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 04, 2009 7:33 pm
by sweeetlilgurlie
This is very different. It will take lots of getting used to.

I'm not sure if it's just this computer, but some of the words on the page are all skewed off to the left. I don't know what's up with that...

Also, I really don't like the chatroom. At all. *votes for the old one*

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 04, 2009 7:58 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
I'm an Aussie and last night (it's Saturday lunch time here) and since, I've been trying to log into the new site. I kept being directed to the old site. Thankfully someone gave me the temporary URL and it worked. So here I am.
I like the new layout, it's clean and easy on the eyes. Different but good. Great work Tirian and mods!

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 04, 2009 8:53 pm
by Varnafinde
The new site is finally accessible for me, and my account transfer seems to have been smooth! I'll post first and get up my avatar later, but by the time most of you read this, it will be in place :)

A few interesting smilies there - I won't need most of them often, but I'm likely to try to find an excuse for using some of them! :ymsmug:

This is partly a post to test a couple of things - but it is also a post to say that I like the new colors and background graphics! Soft colors and friendly on the eyes. :-bd

Having the avatars almost in the middle of the screen will take some getting used to. It's strange not to have them on the left - I think I'll have my signature on the left rather than centre, in order to balance it a bit. :-?

Overall, my first impression is positive. Welcome back, New NarniaWeb! :ymhug:

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 04, 2009 10:30 pm
by Erucenindë
NN95 and Gent:

I did change my name to Eruthiadwen, because I thought the ë wouldn't be allowed. But then Fantasia_Kitty told me that it was alright after all, Tirian had figured out it was allowed. So I changed my name back to the original cuz i liked it better. :)


Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 04, 2009 11:24 pm
by Kate
May I say that my favorite new feature is the "Gender" listing in the side profile? There will be no more embarrassing gender mistakes for me!

Why is there no laughing/giggling emoticon? I miss the previous one and even the sniggering one used in the chatroom.

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 05, 2009 1:48 am
by IloveFauns
it took 24 hours before i could get on. Looks like another forum i get on but different colors and pictures ect.

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 05, 2009 7:20 am
by NothinButNarnia
Love the new forum and site layout, but I miss the old one too, i just felt like home :ymhug:

oh, how do you retrieve your old forum account, I couldn't figure it out and had to rejoin, and that is kinda annoying cause now i'm starting as a Newbie again. thx!

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 05, 2009 7:27 am
by starkat
NothinButNarnia, I've gone ahead and updated your post count and the admins can change your join date. :) So you aren't starting out as a newbie. :) Check your pms for additional details. :)

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 05, 2009 7:52 am
by FencerforJesus
It took me until this morning to be able to visit the forums. But it didn't let me go directly to the Spare Oom. I was able to go to Narnia & Christianity and Prayer Requests, but not Spare Oom. From one of those two, I was able to use the forum jump to get to the Spare Oom. Now that I am on, I hope I won't get redirected to the old forums again next time I log on.

The biggest thing I don't like is not having the format BBCodes available on a regular reply. I'm the kind that won't think about needing to click on the "Post a Reply" button before I start posting for doing bold or italics until I get to that point.

I did notice the upload attachment part below the "Post a Reply" options. That could be useful than having to copy and paste things for a very long post in threads like Christianity, Religion, and Philosophy.

Overall, it will take me a few days to get adjusted to the format (like poster identity on the right side instead of the left) but it looks good.

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 05, 2009 7:59 am
by OurDLF
Wow.... it looks better than I was expecting (you know, you get used to things...)!

The new smilies are =)) , though.

Re: Growing Pains: Feedback on the New Forum

PostPosted: Sep 05, 2009 8:29 am
by wisewoman
Bother Eustace wrote:EDIT: Wow, just found the new Character profiles. I never would have thought they'd be set up wiki-style like that... very interesting. Is it just me or is there more now than there were before?

No, it's the same amount. I think we are mostly done with the main characters at this point.

Fencer wrote:But it didn't let me go directly to the Spare Oom.

That is really, really weird! I'm glad you made it now though.

Fencer wrote:Now that I am on, I hope I won't get redirected to the old forums again next time I log on.

I don't think you will. The issue was probably a DNS one... other sites do not recognize that NarniaWeb has a completely new layout. It's like they have cookies of their own that stay stored. It takes a little while for the change to filter through. Time is really the only solution.

Fencer wrote:The biggest thing I don't like is not having the format BBCodes available on a regular reply. I'm the kind that won't think about needing to click on the "Post a Reply" button before I start posting for doing bold or italics until I get to that point.

I agree, but originally there was no quick-reply box at all. You had to click the Post Reply button to even get a post reply box at all. One thing you could do is click the Preview button when you're writing a post. It will show you what you have so far, with your post box below. And all the controls and options will show up then.

I'm still getting used to the new smilies, actually. I think I prefer the old ones...