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The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby Bookwyrm » Oct 18, 2010 9:17 pm

BAH! I have noticed people using the dialect of the Monastery and commented on its distasteful sound. Your poison, though a delectably wicked plot, only served to make the cappuccino even tastier than before.

And now I think it's time to hang lovely giant stills from the trailers all around the room. Preferably ones showing Ramandu's Daughter, Eustace as a dragon, and the sea serpent attacking the ship. Don't they look lovely and spoilery? :D

Hmm, I thought my disguised entrance to the library was quite clever, but seemingly no one has had any trouble finding the secret button to make the giant theater sized TV screen retract into the floor and reveal the secret passage in the thick stone walls of the tower. Perhaps I shouldn't have painted the button red and put a "Do Not Push" button on it?
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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby narnianerd » Oct 19, 2010 6:24 am


Mahahaha. Spoilers galore... I'm do not thinketh that the red paint would have worked. Although. We could of made it look like blood... That would of scared them away. Even better, caused a green smoke machine to make a picture ot the WHITE WITCH! Now that would of scared them half to death and made them have random nightmeres...

This movie looks nothing like the book but I think I shall be happy with it... Maybe. MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby narnian_at_heart » Oct 19, 2010 10:57 am


We have 5 pages in or Lair while the Spoiler Free Monastery and the Middle Way Paths have but two apiece. We have more than the both of them combined. Obviously, we are the winners! We have conquered. Try to argue with that, monks!

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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby FencerforJesus » Oct 19, 2010 11:38 am

Thy point? Many of thy posts and thy pages are mere discussion on what thy shalt eat at thy buffet, many have little to do with the Spoiler thou boasteth about. The few pages of posts at the Monastery and the Middle Way have more value than the feeble posts I hath seen here. And do not try to useth argument that by posting here that I boost thy standing, but thy own Dark Lord hath posted as much at the Monastery. I shalt not argue with thy argument. I shalt cut it down with mine sword. Thy Spoiler has not only led thee to the path of gluttony, it hath also weakened the value of thy posts. Thou mayest have more pages than we of the Order or the Pilgrims upon the time of the glorious viewing, but what doest that prove? But hearken, ye may have more pages, but our posts are longer, and our scroll bar on those pages much thinner. What have ye to say to that?

And hath not ye read the rules to being an ultimate evil overlord? Doth not the rules dictact that ye shalt not engage in a maniacle laughter? The time ye spend on thy laughter only allows us of the Order to be ready to stand against ye. Actually, it doth more. It helps us to understand why we chose our path and confirms that we chose the right one.

And as to why I hath not posted as much as some may wish? I require much time away from where the Spoilers lie on NarniaWeb. So even if I were a member of thy evil society, I wouldst still not have the luxury of the time to indulge in thy Spoilers. For example, I must depart this coming weekend whilst I demonstrate my true skills with a blade on the battlefield of a tournament. It is in such event that I hath aquired sufficient skills to fend off the many attacks of the Spoiler. I shalt now return to the Monastery and as I go, knowest that the pure of mind shalt always enjoy the first viewing of the film than what those rotting Spoilers can provide.
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.
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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby Bookwyrm » Oct 19, 2010 1:37 pm

Can I get a BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Oh, that's nice. I feel better already. Hmm, should I cue up "We Are the Champions" on the Evilly Awesome Stereo since we've made it to five pages now? :D

And now for some spoiler talk. Anyone else see the new spoilers about that Scholastic play thingamajig? Technical term there, thingamajig. Apparently the swords don't summons Ramandu's Daughter like a lot of people thought. They really are for killing the Dark Island Doom Resort. Weird. /:)
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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby Lady Galadriel » Oct 19, 2010 2:29 pm

*materializes in a cloud of malevolent green mist* :ymdevil:

I cannot forget my satisfaction by knowing the spoilers for PC. Had I not known them, and since I had not been expecting such major plot changes, I can only imagine how horrified I would have been to see the changed character arcs, added scenes, and dreadful Romance on screen. :-o But since I knew ahead of time, when I finally got to see PC, I fully knew what I would see; and, rather than having my hopes for a much different adaptation destroyed all at once, I was able to sit and say, "Interesting movie, anyways." :)

Of course, I eventually became more lenient towards the PC adaptation. And thus, despite being one of the Spoiled Rotten kingdom, I hold out hope for VDT. Even if it may not be the kind of adaptation I prefer (which I am grateful to know ahead of time), I will still be able to think of it as a good movie. B-)

The Grand High Dark Overlord wrote: Anyone else see the new spoilers about that Scholastic play thingamajig?

What are everyone's thoughts on the Chief Dufflepud himself? I'm not sure what to think of him at the moment. I kinda like him. ;)

I am to some degree disturbed on what the Scholastic play says about Eustace's transformation. This is the second version for VDT that says he is transformed by a flash instead. I had thought it was confirmed that Aslan would transform Eustace back into a boy in the way he did in the book. We shall see. :|

Of course I am very annoyed by the fact that the lords themselves set out to destroy the Mist??? Ew. But on a more positive note about the mist, I like what the Magician says in the play to Lucy: "It comes from a place called Dark Island. If it finds you, it will seek out your scariest dreams and make them real." That sounds like it is true to the heart of VDT, :D even if the Dark Island's power is magnified.
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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby daughter of the King » Oct 19, 2010 6:45 pm

Greetings, my fellow minions and Grand High Dark Overlord! *dramatically collapses into one of the comfy chairs* I have had far too much homework lately (nasty stuff, it keeps me from viewing spoilers!) and so I have not had ample time to discuss with you that which is most important as we prepare for the Great Viewing. But I am here now (for the present moment at least)!

Lady Galadriel wrote:I was not able to find those records. Wouldst someone enlighten me on exactly how to find them? ;;)

You can find the records of the Spoiled Rotten Empire Which Sailed the Seven Seas on page 13 in the Old Spare Oom. I would get a link, but I don't have much time and the last time I tried to do that my reply somehow disappeared while I was looking for the link.

Overlord wrote:The Grand High Dark Overlord is pleased by the spoilers we have discovered from the first 30 minutes or so of the movie. The plot seems mostly intact and the characters mostly in character.

"Mostly" being the key word in that sentence, I presume? I too think that the opening of the film will be mostly intact aside from things like Lucy being obsessed with her looks to the point where she imitates a flirting nurse and Edmund sticking out his tongue at Uncle Harold (what a silly, childish thing for him to do. I would expect that sort of behavior from pre-LWW Edmund, but most definitely not VDT Edmund).

Riella wrote:It said something along the lines of Caspian being angry at Aslan for what he lost... could that mean Susan?
It could mean his father as well, especially considering that his father is mentioned later reportedly when they're at the world's end...

I think it meant his father. Based on the fact that Caspian is protective of his father's memory in PC and he apparently asks Aslan if his father is in Aslan's Country then I think it's safe to surmise that Caspian is still angry about his father.

Lovely spoilery posters, Grand High Dark Overlord! A poster that would be even more spoilerish would be the White Witch with her very green eyes.

Bookwyrm wrote:Anyone else see the new spoilers about that Scholastic play thingamajig?

Indeed. They were most....puzzling. Lord Rhoop throws a sword at Eustace and Eustace is teleported back to Ramandu's Island? Or does he get undragoned and then is teleported? That part was confusing. And then because Eustace has the sword at Ramandu's Island I assume he places it with the other six and then is he teleported back? Most confusing. It does not make sense. At all. Especially because if he is undragoned during this great, big action sequence it would be poor filmmaking to pause and have the whole Eustace-tries-to-tear-off-his-skin-but-can't-and-Aslan-does-it-for-him scene. I like that scene, and out off all the parts in the book that was the one I was looking forward to the most. Now I don't think it will be intact. How annoying.
And my sister and I were talking the other day and we realized that the sunrise scene on Ramandu's Island probably is not in the movie either. That was the one scene I would have wanted to see in 3D. The only one. Not happy.
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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Oct 19, 2010 9:03 pm

Booky: I pleaded upon the people of the Middle Way and those also of the Spoiler Free and asked them to come to our domain here in the Spoiled Rotten kingdoms, but they would not hear me! alas, they turned their backs and chose to stay within the bounds of their kingdoms, though I pleaded with them to join us.
I am your most royal spoiled rotten servant, at your service ^:)^
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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby Bookwyrm » Oct 19, 2010 10:22 pm

There, there, dear minion. I know you did your best. Alas, but I think even the lure of true enlightenment is not enough to stir them from their stubborn ways. We weep for them all while assembling ion cannons to mount on the the top of tower to fire down on the Monastery if it ever comes to open war.
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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby MinotaurforAslan » Oct 20, 2010 2:58 am

Spoilers so far have enlightened me. I have now been given fair warning that the movie's plot has been changed so much that I will barely able to stand it. Thank you, great spoilers. You have eased the pain I would have had on December 10.
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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby narnianerd » Oct 20, 2010 10:58 am

Ah Mino, first listen to my point which I have been pushing around for the past few days.

I would advise you to go into the theaters with an open heart ad mind. Look at the movie as something you've never read or seen before because I truly think that it will be an awesome movie. However far it may have wandered from the book.

Hey Boss. What good will ion cannons do? Disrupt their coffee makers and lightbulbs? You think we would use something a bit more leathal. By the way. Being a merchanary is so much more fun than being a slave.

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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby narnian_at_heart » Oct 20, 2010 11:15 am

Ah, spoilers I love thee! :x I don't know if I am really considered "spoiled rotten" though because I only knoweth of those posted on here. I do not go out looking for spoilers or reading articles on them because I am much too busy. However, I do not want to leave for the Middle Way. [-( To do so would cause me much pain and heartache.

Grand Overlord, I also pledge myself to thee. I will never leave thy side. My bow and knives are thine forever. I also bow at they feet. ^:)^
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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby Bookwyrm » Oct 20, 2010 11:31 am

Bwahahahahahahahaha! A Grand High Dark Overlord could get used to all this bowing and scrapping. It's rather nice.

Of course we want to disrupt their cappuccino machine! They'll never be able to function without their soothing karmic nectar.
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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby narnian_at_heart » Oct 20, 2010 11:40 am

Ah, that is where you are wrong, BookWyrm. As an avowed coffee hater, I know that one does not need coffee to function. I often have much more energy than my coffee/capuccino/latte drinking friends.

We must destroy infiltrate their monastery with spoilers!!

EDIT: does NOT need coffee. I can't believe I said does need coffee. 8-}
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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby narnianerd » Oct 20, 2010 12:04 pm

Um... Dark overlord... Dude. They can just go out to the local wally world and buy another one after we disrupt theirs. So whats the point? No I say we break out the secret weapon.

looks at the random band behind him THE SECRET WEAPON!

dark and evil music plays in the background

Thank you. Now I agree with Narnia Heart now this is the spoiler I say we confront them with...

HAH! I have fooled them, now I shall divulge my diabolical plan to all of you. Listen I have the blue prints for a silly string super cannon! I say we mount that on the tower next to the ion cannon. We can then fire both, causing a ton of damage! MAHAHA They will be destroyed.
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Re: The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM

Postby Glenstorm the Great » Oct 20, 2010 12:27 pm

excellent idea narnianerd!

did anyone else cry over the school project play thing? It sounds so utterly stupid. I know it's dumbed down for children but oh gosh...If I didn't have plans already, I might not even go see the movie in theaters [-(

I am in the process of bringing another NWebber to enlightenment!! Here is our conversation thus far...

Lark wrote:I haven't been keeping up with spoilers for VDT like I did for Prince Caspian. Shame on me! I might just go spoiler-free this year.

Yours truly wrote:*GASP*! not the Holy Order of the Spoiler Free Monastery!!! but doesn't such wretched purity drive thee to the brink on insanity??!? come join us spoiled rotten minions in The Evil and Dark Lair of the LoESRM! i am a loyal servant to our Grand High Dark Overlord of the League, Booky, may he rule the spoiled rotten forevermore!!! mwuhahaaha!!

Lark wrote:Ah...memories. I was completely spoiled rotten for PC. We were pirates...ARGH! XDDD And we had a band based on POTC characters(my idea :P It was lame. XD).
I don't know...I might join you guys I might not. I'm currently un-affiliated. :P

I wrote:ooh that's fun not lame! i was spoiled rotten as well but i didn't officially join the lair or whatever it was that year *sniff*. this year i am a devoted minion of booky!! bwahaha! :P
oh do it!! please please!! we have a buffet containing half the world's food supply!! booky keeps us very contented. oh and also a HUGE library behind one of our tvs with bazillions of copies of the narnia books so we can compare the spoilers to the true readings. and comfy seating, ooh yeah! xD

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