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Makeup & Hair

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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby De_De » Mar 29, 2013 2:02 pm

Hmmmm maybe it was to do with different hait types, because me sister dyes her hair with hena and it turns out to be this nice orange\reddish color.
Well, here's the before and after of when I dyed my hair

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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby IloveFauns » Mar 29, 2013 6:56 pm

Yes it has worked on hers, it is always how long you leave it in, I always add 10 minuets to the time the packet suggests(well the two times i have dyed my hair with packet dye) my hair is blond so it will come out my vibrant however than someone with darker hair.
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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby CSLewisNarnia » Mar 30, 2013 11:45 am

Hello hello,

I have a question. A hairy question. :P ;))

So I just started washing my hair with baking soda which yielded some pretty good results--my hair felt really clean (not to mention, I feel a little bit more comfortable with what I'm putting in my hair.) However, I am getting a wee bit nervous that my hair... um... has an... unfavorable odor :ymblushing: . My family keeps saying that it doesn't have a smell, but that would be a really embarrassing situation... :P
Is there something I can wash it with to assure that there is a favourable or no odor? I've heard about people washing their hair with apple juice, but I wasn't sure whether it would work..
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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby ForeverFan » Mar 30, 2013 5:46 pm

You have an interesting question, Ella (if I may still call you that? I know the nickname is from some time ago...). I've washed my hair with baking soda for almost three years and have never had any unpleasant smell to it. Maybe if you tried switching to another brand/source of baking soda? I don't use any brand in particular- just whatever the health food store has. :)

I must say, that in the almost three years of doing it, the only negative side effect I've had is that it has completely lightened the top layers of my hair- instead of being a dark brunette as I once was (ah, happy days!) I am now in possession of a headful of lighter-than-golden brown hair. Of course, I used too much baking soda at first, which probably started it all, but I quite like how the baking soda works, and since my hair is really thick I do have to use more than normal, so the lighter hair is a thing with which I can put up.
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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby CSLewisNarnia » Mar 30, 2013 7:20 pm

Thanks for the reply, Fanny!
Oh sure, Ella is just fine. :)
Maybe I'm being paranoid... But thanks for the information! :D
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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby AslansChild » Mar 30, 2013 9:39 pm

CSLewisNarnia, have you tried vinegar? (Not that there's any odor to baking soda, but if you'd want to try something else.) I used that for a time, very good for dandruff. Just wet your hair, scrub with your fingers, then rinse with a solution of 2 parts vinegar, 1 part water. Leave in, dry/style as normal. Watch your eyes! @-) Only downside for me it that my head was very sensitive to it, my scalp was sore after a few weeks. But I know people who've used it for years, works fine. And no odors, once it's dried and such.

Also, I use a water/coffe grounds paste for dead skin. It may work well on your head... :-??
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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby CSLewisNarnia » Mar 31, 2013 7:31 pm

Hm... That sounds interesting, but yeah, I would get a wee bit nervous that my head my be sensitive to vinegar..

Thanks for the information, AslansChild. :)

Also, I have another question. :P
I've been trying to read around, and I see some people comment that using baking soda as a shampoo is... bad? :-\ Well, call me paranoid, but, does baking soda, in the long run, bring some negative effects to your hair? Negative effects such as hair that is dry and breaks, basically that kind of "negative result"?

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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby Lady Courage » Mar 31, 2013 8:49 pm

I did the baking soda thing for a while and at first, it was fine. I have incredibly oily hair, not even kidding, but eventually the baking soda dried out my hair and left it feeling kinda brittle. [-(

I do recommend ALWAYS rinsing your hair with vinegar after washing it with baking soda. It somehow... Finishes it. Makes your hair super shiny too. But if I were to take it up again, I think a twice a week baking soda wash would have worked better for me. As it stands, it didn't really do anything "special" for me, so I don't have a reason to. :p
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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby CSLewisNarnia » Apr 06, 2013 8:22 pm

Wow.. um.. fingers crossed this goes okay! :P I was initially worried that the baking soda would make my hair dry... >.> Thanks for the information, Lady Courage! :D
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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby Katana » Apr 08, 2013 5:31 pm

Well all I really wear is mascara and occasionally eye liner but I do have suuuuuupppperrrrr long hair, and im always looking for new idea's for things to do with it so if anyone has any idea's or tips for really long thatd be great:)
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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby Lady Arwen » Apr 08, 2013 6:48 pm

Define super long, Katana. Can you sit on it? Does it hit your knees?

Going back to the baking soda thing...I've never tried it before, but my ears did perk up when you mentioned it lightened your hair. Do you know about how many shades? I have really dark hair, and I would like to henna it and go ginger sometime soon, but I'm afraid I would actually have to bleach it first. Obviously, I'm concerned about using too strong a chemical on it, so I'm looking for more natural ways to bleach it. Any ideas?
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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby Aslanisthebest » Apr 15, 2013 9:40 pm

*comes in with a question*

I have a bit of an acne problem. I do not really wear any kind of facial makeup, so it can't be a reaction. I don't do anything to actively prevent acne, but I tend to prefer cleansing the acne and dealing with the problem. I don't have a severe case of blemishes - just regular dots here and there on my face. However, for a few years, there have been these teeny tiny holes on either side of my nose. They can't be ice-pick scars, because I've heard those are from severe acne, which I have not had. I'm wondering if it's a pore thing. Is there such a thing as acne that is like small holes? If not, then I'm pretty certain it's enlarged pores or something. (It isn't blackheads either.) What is a good way to deal with pores? I don't use any kind of toner, facial cleanser - just soap and water. So if I would have to buy anything, I'm rather clueless. Would you all have any advice for what to do/possibly buy (specific brand names would be helpful, as I have no idea. :P )? It's not terribly unsightly, but I would like it to go away. Thanks in advance!

Note: I don't mind using something for a couple of weeks for treatment, but I'm not too terribly keen on something I have to use consistently forever (I think I'll only do something consistently if it's like once or twice a month, such as say, something for pore cleansing.) I make time to wash my face and can apply something for treatment for some time, but I don't really have the time to spend a whole lot of time on makeup. I'm a bit clueless when it comes to what to buy because I really have no idea and am afraid of getting into something that I will have to keep using. :P I don't use moisturizer, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, etc. The most I do is put lotion on my face (usually Vaseline lotion or Johnson Baby Lotion - aka whatever we have. I try not to use anything that feels too chemically.). Dry skin is a bit of a problem, as is chapped lips (but I am working on the latter with a very nice lip balm I got from Burt's Bees at 25 cents :-o ).... >.> <.<
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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby IloveFauns » Apr 16, 2013 3:22 am ... /ID=20698/

I have used it and it works very well. I would use it twice a day for a month. It has worked very well for me so far. Not sure if they sell it where you live.
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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby MoonlightDancer » Apr 19, 2013 2:53 pm

I was intrigued by the idea of never using shampoo, but I have to admit I could never do it. I'm obsessed with hair that smells good.

Anyone into tanning? I only go indoor tanning sometimes, but I found a great spray tan that smells delicious too! I'm obsessed.
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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby IloveFauns » Apr 19, 2013 5:38 pm

I would look terrible with tanned skin, I rather look pale myself. Which evolves me avoiding the sun in the Australian summer.
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Re: Makeup & Hair

Postby MoonlightDancer » Apr 20, 2013 2:15 pm

Anyone get their eyebrows waxed? I personally do it myself. Anyone gotten their teeth whitened? I heard on pinterest that you can just swish with hydrogen peroxide to get those sparkling pearly whites. Not sure if that's safe or not, but I've been doing it for a few months now and have seen some results. Nothing drastic, but definitely whiter than before.
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