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Re: NaNoWriMo 2014: It's Here!

PostPosted: Nov 25, 2014 11:32 pm
by aileth
Keep going! Keep going, everyone!

I really, really want to finish the book. I think there are only three more chapters, since I did the last chapter on day 3. But chapters keep popping up out of nowhere, and demanding to be written, so we'll see what happens.

Now whether the book will be any good is the next question; that is a problem for later (I hate editing :D )

Re: NaNoWriMo 2014: It's Here!

PostPosted: Dec 01, 2014 11:25 pm
by stargazer
Congrats to aileth and all our other winners (and participants) this year!

I ended NaNo with about 31k words but still feel pretty good about this story. Ideas keep coming to mind, and once other things settle down a bit I'll return to writing it. It's fun once I put my mind to it.

(And in a nod to our Ditto Story writers, I've included a pub named the Cup and Platter, though I didn't copy any of the original's fun details such as the holographic Hugh).