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Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Oct 21, 2018 5:47 am
by johobbit
So good to have you back, Warrior! I often see you on FB (and enjoy your posts there), and am glad you "got sucked into listening" to the podcast. ;)) :D Welcome here again!

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Oct 21, 2018 9:44 am
by coracle
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Hi, everyone. It's Warrior 4 Jesus. I don't know if anyone remembers me, .... It's good to be back.

Hi Warrior, it's your favourite Auntie here!
Glad to have you back on board. I look forward to reading your posts again. :)

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Oct 21, 2018 10:23 am
by The Rose-Tree Dryad
It's great to see your "face" back on the forum, Warrior! :D I definitely remember you. In fact, if my memory serves me correctly, you were a guest on the NarniaWeb podcast at one point! I'm glad that Talking Beasts inspired you to return. :)

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Oct 22, 2018 12:56 am
by Warrior 4 Jesus
Thanks so much for the warm re-welcome, fantasia_kitty, johobbit, coracle, and The Rose-Tree Dryad! It's great to see some familiar faces. :) Yes, I quite enjoy the (sometimes waffling) discussion that occurs on the podcast. And Rilian, GlumPuddle, and GymFan are all great value. It's wonderful to hear from other NarniaWebbers too.

You have a brilliant memory, The Rose-Tree Dryad! I was indeed on the podcast as a guest for one episode.

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Oct 26, 2018 11:04 pm
by stargazer
Welcome back, Warrior! Nice to see you again.

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Oct 29, 2018 2:18 pm
by Cleander
I saw the message about this a little bit late, so here's my intro:
Name: Cleander
King/Queen of Narnia: King
Family (Married/Single/Kids): Single Kid
Occupation: Student/Writer/Mad Poet
How you learned about Narniaweb : Found it while looking for news about the Silver Chair movie
How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: 9 or 10.
How many times have read the Chronicles: Lost count. Usually read through the series once a year.
Which is your favorite Chronicle: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. (We literally just talked about this in the last podcast). 8-|
Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I play the pennywhistle, collect historic flags (like Patriot/Pirate/Medieval/Civil War flags) and occasionally write poems both humorous and serious (the humorous ones are better). I love reading, watching historic/fantasy films, music. Especially Hans Zimmer music.

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Oct 29, 2018 2:41 pm
by The Rose-Tree Dryad
Welcome to you, Cleander! :-h (That is, if I didn't already welcome you somewhere else... my memory is a bit hazy. ;)))

Very cool that you collect historic flags! What a neat hobby. I'm also wondering what you did you end up in the dungeons at Cair Paravel... did you step on a Talking Mouse's tail by accident, perchance? :P

Looks like you're already having an easy time finding your way around the forum, but if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask. :)

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Oct 30, 2018 8:16 am
by Cleander
I'm under the impression they put me in the dungeons more for my own safety than for punishment... they don't have mental hospitals in Narnia, soooo... * Crazed titters* 8-}.
But somehow there's an internet connection down here.

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Nov 05, 2018 5:19 am
by Warrior 4 Jesus
Thank you, Stargazer! It's good to hear from you, mate. Been awhile.

Welcome to NarniaWeb, Cleander! :)

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Nov 22, 2018 11:35 am
by Movie Aristotle
Warrior! Nice to see you again! I remember the podcast where you guest-starred. I had to come check out this thread when I saw you were the most recent poster.

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Nov 25, 2018 8:20 am
by Artorius Pendragon
Okay, well, I have no idea if I am doing anything right here, but here goes!

1. Name (please avoid your real full name): Artorius Pendragon, or "Arty" if that's too long for you.
2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): King, and remember, "Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen of Narnia!"
3. Family (single/married/kids): Single
4. Occupation: None. I work at home, and get paid my college tuition for it. I also am on youtube, but my consistency with that is a big joke.
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I learned about it from a friend of mine who lives in TX, who might just be on this site, but for some reason I never asked.
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: I was 17. I read through them all in a week, and quickly became THE VERY BEST THING I'VE READ this year.
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: 1.2 times.
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: I have tried to come up with lists, and it never ever works. I always end up thinking to much about the ones that I think I won't like, but instead start liking them with just how good they are! I'll try though. My three main favorites have to be, The Silver Chair, The Last Battle, and The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. After that I love The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and Prince Caspian. (FYI, for all you who are wondering, Prince Caspian the movie is not that bad, I've seen far worse adapatations before. If you don't believe me, watch Eragon! *shudder*)
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: I am a huge reader. C.S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors! One series of his that I think is almost as good as Narnia, is the Space Trilogy! OMW that series is AMAZING! BTW, can someone explain, "Till we have faces" to me??? It's amazing, but I can't understand it!
:) :-\
I also love George MacDonald, (and all of you probably know this, but he was Lewis's favorite author)
In adition, as far as hobbies go, I make short films, write poetry, write novels, sometimes post stuff on my youtube channel, and it's not really a hobby, but I read the Bible too. (Hey, I had to throw it in somewhere!)

I'm really excited to be here on NarniaWeb, especially now with the whole Netflix news coming in! Excited to be here guys.

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Nov 25, 2018 8:33 am
by johobbit
You've done a splendid job, Artorius Pendragon, no worries there. :) A big welcome on NarniaWeb to you, and to you, Cleander! :D We're really glad to have you both here. From your posts, it sounds like you two will fit in very well on the forum.

Cleander, that is so cool you play the pennywhistle. (I'd love to!) Have you ever had any of your poems published?

Artorius, I really appreciate CSL's space trilogy too. Brilliant, they are. Do you have a favourite of the three?

Artorius wrote:but I read the Bible too

Good book, that. ;) :D You're certainly not alone in this on NWeb.

I know what you mean about Till We Have Faces. The first time I read it (quite a long time ago), I was like "Huh?". ;)) The second time, years later, I started understanding it. I think. :P I need to try again. In 2010, we have a reading group here on this book. Here is the link for your perusal: viewforum.php?f=22

Again, welcome to you both!

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Nov 25, 2018 9:05 pm
by The Rose-Tree Dryad
Welcome to NarniaWeb, Artorius Pendragon! We're glad to have you here. :)

I'm a fan of George MacDonald, too; we actually have a thread in The Man Behind the Wardrobe discussing his influence on C.S. Lewis and any similarities between their stories. And since you're a huge reader in general, I bet you'd like the books thread here in the Spare Oom!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and have fun exploring the forum!

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Nov 27, 2018 2:54 am
by Warrior 4 Jesus
Cheers, Movie Aristotle. It's good to hear from you. I've been binging the old NarniaWeb podcasts. I was in a few more than I remember. I wasn't used to speaking in such a manner, so I found the experience rather difficult at times, but I had so much fun. I hope I'd be more articulate these days. And that I'd be able to politely talk over the top of Rilian, GlumPuddle, GymFan etc. ;)

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Dec 17, 2018 7:06 am
by narnianerd
1. Name (please avoid your real full name):

I've gone by a few names on this website, Joe and Nerd being the most prominent of them. Feel free to use either of those.

2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl):

I am a male.

3. Family (single/married/kids):

Very single. =))

4. Occupation:

Mechanic. Go to college kids. :p

5. How you learned about NarniaWeb:


6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles:

Probably like seven. :-?

7. How many times have you read the Chronicles:

Too many times.

8. Favorite of the Chronicles:

A Horse and His Boy is the best book in the series, change my mind.

9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you:

I like pie.

Yeah, thats about it. I've been around the forum since 2008 and I dont think I've ever filled this out, so there you have it, I've done my civic duty. Peace out y'all.

Re: Getting to Know You

PostPosted: Dec 17, 2018 1:49 pm
by Sir Edmond the just
Name: sir edmond the just
King of narnia
Family: first born, 1 brother, 2 sisters, mom and dad
Occupatiin: soccer
How did i find out: my dad
How old was i when i read narnia: 12 or 13
How many times have i read narnia: the magician's nephew, 4 times; the lion the witch and the wordrobe, 3 times; the hourse and his boy, 3 times; prince caspian and the voyage of the dawn tredar, 2 times; the silver chair, 3 tines; and the last battle 2 times .
Favorite book: The magician's nephew.
Hobbies: reading and soccer.