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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Ithilwen » Jan 08, 2012 4:16 am

I have a question.

I've been wondering about this ever since I saw the finale back in Season 5.

When the Doctor reboots the universe, how much changed exactly? How much of the Doctor's past *actually* happened? Does he now only start to exist at the point Amy remembers him? Is that when he's "born", now? Did none of his past life ever happen, save for his own memory of it? Are the days of Ten, Rose, Martha and Donna's travels gone? Is the Tom Baker era wiped away, along with all the adventures of every other incarnation? Is it now just the Eleventh Doctor coming into existence, and that's the very first time this new, rebooted universe has ever seen him? Or was his past life somehow restored too?

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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby shastastwin » Jan 08, 2012 3:27 pm

Riella, My understanding of it is that it all stays the way it was before, it just almost DIDN'T happen when the Doctor wasn't in existence. Once he began existing again, his whole history existed as well. It would have to for him to be the man that Amy met and remembered. It's all a bit timey-wimey, isn't it?
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby starkat » Jan 08, 2012 4:14 pm

*finally answers her own question* I thought the Christmas special was cute. It was a bit more warm and fuzzy like The Next Doctor.

For the next season, I'd like them to bring back the individual episodes instead of some grand overreaching storyline. At least a handful of them. Just episodes of them having fun instead of all of them being so doom and gloom all the time. Think we'll see River again?
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Jan 08, 2012 5:23 pm

They had some individual episodes last season and they were some of the weaker ones. I prefer a story and character arc across the season.
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby stargazer » Jan 08, 2012 6:38 pm

Riella, I also interpreted it as the entire universe - includng all the people the Doctor has interacted with in his previous incarnations - were restored.

I'm kind of torn between long arcs and individual stories. Long arcs allow for lots of development and in-depth stories (LOST being a prime example), but can make it harder for new fans to pick it up in the middle. Individual stories can be fun if they're well-written, but that can be a challenge if the writers are focusing on the story arc episodes.

As far as Ms. Mirren playing the Doctor...she could pull off the distinguishd British type character, but would be quite a change from Matt Smith's Doctor. I think the right actress for a Time Lady could be very interesting, but no names immediately come to mind.
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby PrinceCor004 » Jan 08, 2012 8:32 pm

*pops in quickly on the topic of a Time Lady*

Since getting/watching Season 5, my Mom and I have wondered about the Doctor possibly regenerating as a Doctress... or Time Lady. ;)) Personally, I wouldn't be overly opposed to it.... if they did it well. Which, right now, I'd say they probably would not. So just stick with a Time Lord, I guess.

Though, if you did have a Time Lady... how about Kate Beckinsale? ;)) :p
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Aravanna » Jan 08, 2012 10:45 pm

Right, haven't actually posted in this thread before.

When did you first hear about Doctor Who?
It was definitely through Narniaweb. I can't remember if Dr. Ransom or JillPole was to blame though.

What was the first episode that you watched?
Good question. It might have actually been THE first episode with William Hartnell. I found the first four episodes on Youtube. But that was right around the time I also found "Blink" and "Rose" on Youtube as well before they were taken down. The only one that impressed me was "Blink." As a matter of fact, it captivated me and Doctor Who sort of stayed in my subconsciousness for several years before I finally found the first five seasons on Netflix this winter.

Classic Who fan or NuWho fan?
NuWho. I'm afraid to say that I like shiny things too much to be a fan of the old series. I might give the Tom Baker era a chance at some point if I can keep an open mind about how low of a budget they had to work with.

Who is your favorite Doctor?
David Tennant wins slightly over Matt Smith. I think David is just such an instantly likable person, and he brings that to the role. They both have wonderful quirky Doctors with a lot of depth, wisdom, and even brutality behind the exterior. However, I think the universe would actually be in better hands with Matt's Doctor. He's much less likely to be emotional and spread radiation around the universe for two weeks will he says goodbye to random companions. In the end David wins because he was in a larger majority of my favorite episodes.

Who is your favorite Companion?
Amy and Rory! :D I love having a married couple on board the TARDIS. It gives a nice dynamic instead of just having a young lady who's really easy on the eyes infatuated with the Doctor. Go Rory the Roman!

Donna gets honorable mention because I loved her platonic relationship with Doctor the Tenth. She had the most ridiculous guilty pleasure scenes that I still laugh at on YouTube of anyone. ("Lop a bit off, grow another one. You're like worms.")

Who is your favorite Villain?
Hard. I think The Master got the best interactions with the Doctor. While I loathed most of "The End of Time" I did love the chilling scene where the Doctor discovers he can hear the drums as well. And I loved the Tenth's ultimatum to come along in the TARDIS. Oh, and the Master has THE BEST buildup of any villain in Utopia. I think I might have jumped up and down and screamed when he opened the watch.

However, the Weeping Angles are what made me fall in love with Doctor Who. They are so chilling and masterfully written. Who ISN'T afraid of something that only moves behind their backs? Of course, then Steven Moffet had to go ruin his own monsters in "The Time of Angels."

What is your favorite episode?
Again "Blink" got me hooked. Loved everything about it from Sally Sparrow, to the supporting role the Doctor took which led to the epic TV conversion between the two. The time travelling aspect was used superbly and the Weeping Angles are just terrifying. I jumped and startled more in one episode than I did for the two previous series.

That being said I actually think "Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead" wins out. I loved the character of River, and I loved the the idea that she and the Doctor kept meeting in the wrong order. It's heart wrenching that the first time he meets her is when she dies. The Vashta Nerada were pretty creepy especially considering all you ever see are shadows the skeletons of the dead people they leave behind. The Data Ghosts are intriguing, the supporting cast was great. I really liked Donna's arch and I think my heart dropped into my stomach when the man she was "married" to sees her but can't speak because of his stutter and she walks away thinking he never existed. But my favorite scene was definitely the one where Ten saves River. "Everybody knows everybody dies, and nobody knows it like the Doctor. But I think all the stars of all the worlds might just go dark if he ever once... accepted."

The episode has lost some of it's staying power now that we know who River is, but I still loved it. It was another episode I screamed at in glee and convinced my sister and brother-in-law I was out of my mind.

How excited are you for Series 7?
Surprisingly, I'm not very excited. The first four series of the rebooted Doctor Who have been a mix of atrocious, average and exceptional episodes. Since Steven Moffat took over, the overall quality has risen, but there haven't been any episodes that just blew me away... Moffat's writing just isn't as good, and the long arches turn whole series into one big episode, which means the show has lost some of it's quirkiness and colorfulness... and there is ample opportunity for glaring plot holes.

Series 5 wasn't so bad, but Series 6 killed me. Moffat spent half of it pounding into our heads that the Doctor HAD to die. It was a fixed point in time. The universe would collapse if he didn't die at right that point. And then of course, he didn't die. It was some hokey robot. But somehow the universe was fooled and was just okay with that. It took all the power out of jaw dropping first episode. When the Doctor's regeneration went out after River shot him, it was just chilling. And all that power is lost when we discover it's not actually him." Also, River's character isn't as interesting when we find out she didn't kill him on purpose. What was the point of her even being in the suit? Bait?

I'm one of the people hoping Series 7 is more episodic and Steven Moffat doesn't do as much of the writing. I never thought I'd say that after the first four series because I loved his work so much.

The Topic of Time LadiesKate Beckinsale is too big an actress IMHO. As is Helen Mirren. If you look through IMDB, the Doctor was the defining role for all the actors who played him up to this point. So while I'm not in violently opposed to having a Time Lady ("The Doctor's Wife" informs us in no uncertain terms that it's possible) I think it had better be an actress without a lot of history. I do have to ask though, would the companion be a guy? That would really change the dynamic of the whole show because the Doctor has to be the authority figure... so there would be some wimpy guy at her beck and call? Kind of weird.

And after reading everyone's reviews of the Christmas Special... I'm probably going to hold off buying it on Amazon until Season 7 is available. (I hated "The Next Doctor" and if this one is anything like it, I'll pass.) That's a long wait though. :(
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby coracle » Jan 09, 2012 3:39 am

I've been watching a lot of Dr Who DVDs this holidays, and noticed that I have started talking like the Doctor. ;) Should I worry? :-s
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Ithilwen » Jan 09, 2012 4:02 am

coracle wrote:I've been watching a lot of Dr Who DVDs this holidays, and noticed that I have started talking like the Doctor. ;) Should I worry? :-s

Not at all. ;) The Doctor is cool. B-)

I think most Whovians *try* to talk like him. ;))

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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Gathmandais » Jan 14, 2012 3:06 pm

When did you first hear about Doctor Who?
I watch Charlie McDonnell on YouTube and he talked about it a lot and also is part of a TROCK band. (Trock = Time Lord Rock)

What was the first episode that you watched?
The first episode I watched was "Voyage of the Damned" in August, 2011. (I'm a new Whovian)

Classic Who fan or NuWho fan?
I definitely do not like the classic episodes. I watched a few of them and was scarred. 8-}

Who is your favorite Doctor?
I'm a Tennant fan myself, but Eccleston and Smith did/have done a great job.

Who is your favorite Companion?
I think Donna Noble was definitely my favorite. But I do like Rose. She was sweet.

Who is your favorite Villain?
I'd have to say The Silence (The Silence as the grey dudes, not the whole religion thingy)

What is your favorite episode?
"Silence in the Library" and "The Forests of the Dead." (They're ONE episode, come one)

How excited are you for Series 6?
Well since I've already watched series six... I liked season six a lot. It really messed with my mind a lot and was all confuzzling.

As you can see, I really liked the fourth season. The 10th doctor, Donna, the Vashta Nerada...
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Hermitess of Narnia » Jan 14, 2012 3:58 pm

coracle wrote:I've been watching a lot of Dr Who DVDs this holidays, and noticed that I have started talking like the Doctor. ;) Should I worry? :-s

I doubt you should worry, I usually find myself speaking with a sort of British accent after watching something British (especially BBC Narnia) but it will clear up unless you purposely try to imitate his accent.

On the subject of the Doctor regenerating into a girl: I personally wouldn't like that, I'd rather see a separate series about a Time Lady. Undoubtedly, a move like that would send the comedy ratings skyrocketing, but I think people would be laughing at the Doctor. And if the Doctor did have a malfunctioning regeneration and did turn into a girl, it would absolutely drive everyone batty if they bring Gallifrey back in and it would drive all the Time Lord genealogists mad. Also, the idea is just weird.
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Gathmandais » Jan 14, 2012 8:13 pm

I've heard a little about this but I don't know anything about it: Is it true that time lords can only regenerate 12 times? If that's so, that means that the Doctor has only one more regeneration left. What happens to the series than? Will they just keep Smith and the next doctor for a really long time, or will they ignore the fact?
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Ithilwen » Jan 15, 2012 2:29 am

Gathmandais wrote:I've heard a little about this but I don't know anything about it: Is it true that time lords can only regenerate 12 times? If that's so, that means that the Doctor has only one more regeneration left. What happens to the series than? Will they just keep Smith and the next doctor for a really long time, or will they ignore the fact?

It's true. But I think they'll find some way around it. For example, The Master has had more than 13 incarnations, because he found a way to be "reborn". And if a Time Lord is reborn, then (if I remember right) they basically start over and have 13 more incarnations left.

I think the Doctor might have more left, since River Song gave him her remaining regenerations to save his life in "Let's Kill Hitler".

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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Gathmandais » Jan 15, 2012 4:47 pm

Okay, thanks, Ithie. That makes some sense. How did the Master find a way to be reborn?
I only know of his sort of re-birthing in those two episodes between the 4th and 5th seasons (the reboot). But I'm not sure if that's what you're talking about. (Again, I've only seen two or three of the original Doctor Whos)
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Ithilwen » Jan 15, 2012 5:03 pm

Gathmandais wrote:Okay, thanks, Ithie. That makes some sense. How did the Master find a way to be reborn?
I only know of his sort of re-birthing in those two episodes between the 4th and 5th seasons (the reboot). But I'm not sure if that's what you're talking about. (Again, I've only seen two or three of the original Doctor Whos)

I haven't seen all of Classic Who either, though I've seen a good deal of it. Unfortunately, most of them were episodes without the Master. I know he was reborn in the episode you mentioned -- the End of Time specials. I know in the movie with the Eighth Doctor, he took over someone else's body. He seems to find a unique way of surviving each time, using different Sci-Fi techniques. How the Doctor will end up doing it is anyone's guess. I don't think there's any "official" way of surviving past your 13th incarnation.

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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Aravanna » Jan 15, 2012 8:54 pm

Hey Gathmandais! "Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead" is my favorite story as well. :D

Anyhoo, to your question. It's also possible that the Time Lords themselves put a restriction on the number of regenerations. Now that they're gone, the Doctor might have more than thirteen incarnations. According to Wikipedia:

The BBC's Series 4 FAQ[9] suggests that now the Time Lord social order has been destroyed, the Doctor may be able to circumvent the limit on regenerations; it says: "Now that his people are gone, who knows? Time Lords used to have 13 lives."

Either way, he has at least two incarnations left since Matt Smith is number eleven. Between the three actors we have anywhere between three years and ten years (or more if someone REALLY likes the role) of Doctor Who left. :)

In the end it all depends on if the series is still making money or not. If it's a viable show, you bet there will be more than thirteen incarnations of the Doctor. :p
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