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Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby shastastwin » Dec 21, 2011 6:53 pm

outlier, you could always get a friend who gets BBCA to record it for you. That's what I'm doing. ;))

I think that your idea about having a character in the vein of Susan is great, Ithi. Actually, it makes me think of an idea I've had for a while. They should bring back Jenny from "The Doctor's Daughter." She had such potential for interesting plot and character arcs. Georgia Moffett has even said she would love to come back and play the character again.
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby stargazer » Dec 21, 2011 8:36 pm

I'll also be taping it, for a number of friends who are eager to see it but don't have cable. (I'll actually miss watching the episode on Christmas Day, as my parents don't have BBC America. But I can catch it On Demand when I return home next week).

Thumbs up to your spoiler suggestion, shastastwin!
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Ithilwen » Dec 21, 2011 9:16 pm

shastastwin wrote:I think that your idea about having a character in the vein of Susan is great, Ithi. Actually, it makes me think of an idea I've had for a while. They should bring back Jenny from "The Doctor's Daughter." She had such potential for interesting plot and character arcs. Georgia Moffett has even said she would love to come back and play the character again.

Actually, I have to say

I wasn't all that fond of "the Doctor's Daughter". I don't know. Maybe I would see her in a different light after she became the companion. After all, Donna seemed much more likeable once she was the companion than she did back in the Christmas special. But still, Jenny's not the one I'd be rooting for. She seemed a little too... energetic and perky to the extreme. It seemed a bit over the top to me. I think if she continued to act that way all through the season, it might be more of a headache than a joy.

Personally, I was hoping for a new character that's in the style of the classic series. Someone fun but very sensible and level-headed. Someone who's personality makes her a joy to have, yet still possesses those very resourceful qualities that would make the Doctor admire her enough to want her as an assistant. :)

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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby outlier » Dec 22, 2011 12:44 am

Thanks for the tips, I think I might know someone who can record it for me...

Re season7-ish stuff:
I definitely agree that maybe season 6 would have been a good time to say goodbye to the Ponds. I think they're both fantastic but it feels like they're pushing the envelope on how long they can stay so I am most open to a new companion. Although I wouldn't mind a them and/or old companions coming back for an episode or so. There's a lot of people who I think would be interesting seeing pop back again for a short time like Jack, Martha, or previously mentioned Jenny. While the reunions occur it can also be seen through a completely new companion. As for classic who comparisons, I'd like to see something mirroring-in-its-own-special-way version of Jamie and Zoe from the second doctor era, but I feel like that's somewhat been done with Amy and Rory only with a romance plot. Maybe another alien companion like Leela? (yeah I know there's more than one alien companion in classic who but she's the only one that comes to mind right now)
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Ithilwen » Dec 22, 2011 4:46 am

outlier wrote:
Maybe another alien companion like Leela? (yeah I know there's more than one alien companion in classic who but she's the only one that comes to mind right now)

Some people are saying...

That the next companion might be Vastra, the Silurian. I don't think I'd be happy about that. :|

Maybe it can be a female Dalek gone good! 8-} (On a side note, I wish there could be a NuWho episode where they travel back in time to Skaro and see the Kaleds before they were Daleks.)

But seriously, I think I'd be happy with an alien companion, as long as it was a character who's likeable, and not too outlandish.

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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby outlier » Dec 22, 2011 3:09 pm

Ithilwen wrote:Some people are saying...

That the next companion might be Vastra, the Silurian. I don't think I'd be happy about that. :|

Maybe it can be a female Dalek gone good! 8-} (On a side note, I wish there could be a NuWho episode where they travel back in time to Skaro and see the Kaleds before they were Daleks.)

But seriously, I think I'd be happy with an alien companion, as long as it was a character who's likeable, and not too outlandish.

Was Vastra the Silurian that was living in 1800's England? If so I can't really see her traveling alongside the Doctor. Yes, she does know a lot about him and the timelords, but there's probably a reason she was in 1800's England and not with the rest of the Silurians... Either that or she has a timey wimey way of being a future companion who helped out at Demons Run
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby starkat » Dec 28, 2011 6:38 pm

Sooo... what did y'all think?
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Dec 28, 2011 6:55 pm

I didn't hate, it I didn't love it. The special was disappointing in that it was merely okay. There were some good scenes but overall the script wasn't very good and the lack of Rory and Amy really hurt the episode. That and Bill Bailey didn't get much screen time. I cringed at the tree soul scenes. I know it was meant to evoke tree spirit moments from Narnia but it just seemed like some overly shallow, generic New Age clap-trap. Sorry to be such a Marshwiggle.
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby RoseRed » Dec 31, 2011 4:44 am

Ahh the special. I'm in two minds about it really.
On the one hand YAY that I ge to see my two favourite things (dr who_narnia) together for what is probably the only time in all of history...but then again NAY to...well, most of it. :P
To be honest I actually had low expectations from the beginning, the plot didn't look like it'd be that goodso I was already prepared. There where lots of bad things if I really think about it- the 'tree souls', and the ridiculous tear ending to name just two. But hey, it had lots of laughs and that's all I really asked for :)
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby stargazer » Jan 01, 2012 10:33 pm

I finally caught the episode today. I think the spoilers and less-than-stellar reviews lowered my expectations, but this is one time the limited spoilers I've seen didn't give away significant plot points.

I did enjoy the nods to Narnia but have some of the same objections Warrior listed. As for the ending, it was rather predictable. Some of the reviews have lamented how sentimental/sappy it is, but some of these specials seem to be known for that. For example, last year's take on A Christmas Carol had one last day between Abigail and Kazran

I rather expected the TARDIS to be the wardrobe equivalent (that is, the mode of transport to the forest world) given the ads and the way the Doctor calls it his wardrobe. /trivia

Incidentally, this signature isn't a spoiler for the episode; I just found it online and thought it was a fun image reminiscent of Narnia.
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby coracle » Jan 01, 2012 11:15 pm

Haven't seen special yet, and will probably be waiting for a few weeks.

But on the subject of the next companion/s, I wonder if it's time for a companion who has a disability or is physically different. I guess the only real requirement is that they be able to "run" and talk. And to be an accessible character, someone the audience can identify with.
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Bookwyrm » Jan 02, 2012 9:52 am

Tend to agree with the crowd here on the Christmas special. I thought it was fairly silly and overly sentimental/sappy/predictable. I still don't see why the trees even needed a person to hitch a ride in. They were capable of building a ship capable of traveling in the time vortex creating humanoid bodies for themselves.

Honestly, as glad as I am that RTD isn't the showrunner anymore, I'm starting to think that Moffat was a better writer working for someone rather than running the show himself. Series 6 was easily the least impressive season yet, even more blah than Series 3. Really the only thing that made the season worth watching was the excellent acting and a few brilliant episodes like The Doctor's Wife.
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Rising_Star » Jan 02, 2012 4:02 pm

I guess I'm one of the few who really liked the Christmas special. ;))

I liked that it was predictable and sappy. It's CHRISTMAS guys. I want to feel happy on Christmas, not depressed because a really nice person died. For once everyone lived, and there's been very very few episodes like that. (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances is the only other one I can think of.) We were due for another one, I think.

So yeah, I really liked it.

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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby narnianblueboxbohemian » Jan 03, 2012 6:45 pm

Oh what fun! This is my first time to post and it is on a Doctor Who thread! Love it! Narnia chronicles are my favourite books and Doctor Who favourite show so double the joy. :D :D

Okay, to the questions:

When did you first hear about Doctor Who?
In 1974 and Tom Baker was The Doctor. Love the scarf! Love the bright eyes and beaming smile! As a child I just recall thinking he was such a warm soul that cared about you so much. I've not seen that sameness again until David Tennant's version of The Doctor. And K9!

What was the first episode that you watched?
I don't recall, just know it was the first season w/Tom Baker as The Doctor.

Classic Who fan or NuWho fan?

Who is your favorite Doctor?
Toss up between Tom Baker and David Tennant. Love the scarf! Love the bright eyes and beaming smile! The crazy curly hair! As a child I just recall thinking he was such a warm soul that cared so much. I've not seen that sameness again until David Tennant's version of The Doctor. I do like Matt Smith's version of The Doctor though. Love the way he met Amelia Pond as a little girl. Cool.(as are the bow ties) ;)

Who is your favorite Companion?
K-9 completly. As for humans, Sarah Jane Smith hands down. Followed by Donna, Rose, Martha and Amelia Pond.

Who is your favorite Villain?
Hmmmmmmm, I dunno. Maybe the Daleks because they seem so simple yet are so horridly awful! Love to hate them, ya know.

What is your favorite episode?
Oh that would be so difficult to choose. At the moment I would pick one of the one's with Donna Noble and The Doctor. I so enjoy their mutual banter and how they complement each other so well.
'Blink' is of course a top fave as well. And for the classics, oh there are too many to choose from!

How excited are you for Series 6?
Well, since I'm later answering these questions and Series 6 has aired and is now on DVD I'll say I really quite liked it! It proved to be even better than Series 5, which was genuinely enjoyable. So, I'll have to say I was very excited and now after seeing Series 6 can say I think it is fantastic and looking quite forward to the next Series.

As for the latest Christmas Special, 'The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe" well, I thought it fun. :) I enjoyed watching it on Christmas with my children and thought it rather hysterical much of the time. It was more child-like than many of the past Christmas Specials of the 10th Doctor years, but I found that rather appealing. There was the huge "going wrong" item for The Doctor to tend to as well as the warmth of Christmas nicely wrapped in a cozy package that fit well with the goings on of the day. Getting comfy on the sofa with some sweets, biscuits and hot cocoa while surrounded by the joyful aftermath of a terrific day, well, what better way to wind down than with a Doctor Who Christmas Special screaming with Narnia refernces? Just good fun!

And speaking of fun, this thread is just that! B-)
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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Ithilwen » Jan 06, 2012 9:56 pm

Does anyone think/hope Helen Mirren will get her wish, and play the next Doctor? ... doctor-who

In my humble opinion, it would be a terrible choice. [-( I've always been against having a woman Doctor. I don't know why a Time Lord can't stay a Time Lord, instead of regenerating into a Time Lady. :P

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Re: Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

Postby Puddleglum » Jan 07, 2012 6:40 pm

Finally was able to watch the Christmas special today.
Must agree witht the "sappy" label. But, I will also bow to Rising_Star's admonition abouit it being Christmas.
Warrior's point about the tree souls is well taken. Add to that the reference to the "stronger" female/mother made it a bit new age preachy. Predictable too was the wanton harvesting of the forest with no thought. (What's wrong with being marsh-wiggle about it?)
Did rather enjoy the Mum though. Willing to climb into a strange box, fight for her children, then still able to show personal anguish over possibly seeing her husband die. Well thought out character.
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