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Health and Fitness.

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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby Shantih » Aug 19, 2011 8:34 am

Aslanisthebest wrote:Shanith, my sister was just saying she really respects vegetarians who don't eat meat replacements. ;)) I've heard that meat takes much longer to digest and can cause some problems, so I've been considering temporarily giving up meat (because I've gone so long eating meat, I doubt I could give it up.) to lose some weight. ... I don't know if that would be beneficial, though.

It can be a very healthy and beneficial lifestyle if you do it properly, like we're saying - no too many replacements or cheese ;)) A lot of people assume they can just swap out the meat for Quorn or other products and expect great results.

Some food formats are just good - burgers, for example. There's no denying that that was a good idea ;)) But if I want one I make my own, usually with lentils and chickpeas as a base, and then other vegetables to bulk it up. I became vegetarian due to ethical beliefs originally, but now I just honestly don't like meat, which is probably why I don't like replacements that try to act like it :P
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby MinotaurforAslan » Aug 19, 2011 9:03 am

MoonlightDancer wrote:I gained alot of weight at college too., like 20 pounds. :( I honestly don't know how it happened because I avoided fried foods like the plague, and all I kept in my dorm for late night snacking was water, green tea, carrots, apples, yogurt, soy milk, and fat free oatmeal. I would occasionally have pita chips but very rarely. Plus I went to the gym 5 days a week. ... However, the weight I gained was NOT muscle. So it must have been the drinks.

Yeah...soft drinks are concentrated flavored sugar water. Aside from being horrible for one's teeth, they can rack up calories so quickly. :| Many nutrition articles I've read also say to stay away from other seemingly healthy drinks like fruit juice, simply because they contain way to much sugar.

I don't like carbonated drinks (which I am really thankful for) but I always try to water down any fruit juice, punch, or lemonade I get.
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby ceppault » Aug 19, 2011 11:53 am

johobbit wrote:'Tis interesting reading about everyone's habits and lifestyles. Not being overly young anymore ...
*a guy weighs in*

A number of things led me to a serious change in lifestyle and eating habits, from my own experience with cancer to my older brother's mild heart attack. Also had to lose a fair piece of weight for my job; we have a crew member weight limit on the helicopter.

Decided on the "plant strong" diet. Not so much a diet as we understand it, but a full change of eating habits. While these habits may be regarded as vegan, it is not for that reason. Just trying to cheat death. :) You can see my mug on a website all about going plant-strong. It allows for plenty of protein from a number of plant based sources.

As for workouts, trying to keep it varied and based on using my own body weight. No major weight lifting or anything. Regular walking, but no running as my knees just cannot deal with that anymore. Very happy with the results. The key is being consistent - it does not have to be anything misery inducing. Just be consistent with the basics. :) Get out. Walk. Move. Be active.

Still love meat. :ymblushing: But it is a rare treat now instead of a regular part of my meals - like a favorite of mine and a few other moderators, Roy's BBQ.
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby MoonlightDancer » Aug 19, 2011 12:30 pm

Yeah...soft drinks are concentrated flavored sugar water. Aside from being horrible for one's teeth, they can rack up calories so quickly. :| Many nutrition articles I've read also say to stay away from other seemingly healthy drinks like fruit juice, simply because they contain way to much sugar.

Not exactly "soft" drinks if you know what I mean, but yeah, definitely not good and something I'm done with. b-( :-l :ymbilly: [-x ~x(

So yeah...
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby IloveFauns » Aug 19, 2011 4:27 pm

I only eat fish and chicken and that is because i don't like the taste of other meats. especially stakes.
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby Orious » Aug 19, 2011 4:37 pm

Interesting thread topic, MidnightDancer! :)

I am currently a healthy weight, I am skinny but definitely not boyish. :) I would really like to work on a better diet though. I eat way too much sugar, wheat, starch, junk food, soft drinks, and so on.

I try to eat plenty of meat, eggs, butter. Also fruits and vegetables. I need to add dairy, too. Problem is, I skip meals way too often and make up for it by stopping for fast food or else eating snack foods (which don't really have any sort of meat or fat).

I am starting a new job the week after next where I am actually going to have to pack a lunch/dinner. I haven't had to do that in a long time! I am hoping to use this to get a better grip on what I eat. I'll have six or so eggs with butter, pack myself a healthy lunch (several meat packed cold cut sandwiches or...basically anything with meat as the main ingredient and followed closely by fruit/vegetable/dairy something). I'll be working evenings so I won't be able to go out with my friends quite so often.

Generally I make my worst food decisions when I am out with my friends. :ymblushing:

However, I will need to come up with some other plan for exercising. Right now, I walk to work most days. I am not going to be able to do that any more.

Anyways. Yep. Trying to get a grip on things. Wish me luck. :)
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby Gildor_Inglorion » Aug 23, 2011 10:28 am

Well, I'm slightly pudgy, but not too bad, I've lost a lot of weight.
I've been taking Karate for almost three years now, and I'll be getting my blue belt soon! :D
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby TheGeneral » Aug 23, 2011 3:10 pm

Gildor_Inglorion wrote:I've been taking Karate for almost three years now, and I'll be getting my blue belt soon! :D

Awesome, congrats! Karate is cool.

Well, all I do is run about 5 or 6 times a week. Weekends I go 7-10 miles, during the week it's 3-4 miles.
Then I play hockey 1-2 times a week, and bike here and there.

I eat average, not too healthy but not too bad either. I pretty much eat whatever I feel for and it works out fine.

Where I fail is sleep. I almost never get enough rest, even in the summer. Somehow I'm still able to exercise though, but it would be healthier to get more sleeeeeeeep.
I wouldn't call myself an athlete, just an amateur at everything I do. ;) I was skinny as a child, overweight as a teenager, and now I'm in the middle somewhere. Works for me I suppose :p
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby Lilygloves » Sep 05, 2011 1:02 pm

I'm naturally skinny, but I know I should work on getting healthier. Lately I've been trying to do things to lose weight and I have been eating healthier. The problem is that there really aren't a lot of sports or activities I can do to get active. I do wii fitness sometimes, but it only goes so far. I'm not really good at any sports and I live too far from my school to try out for a team. I go to a private school so there aren't as many sports opportunities as you might find in a public school. :((
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby MinotaurforAslan » Sep 10, 2011 12:49 pm

I just found a great video about proper breathing techniques while exercising. ;))

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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby Narnian_Archer » Sep 10, 2011 11:46 pm

I've been taking Karate for almost three years now, and I'll be getting my blue belt soon!

Congrats!! :) :ymapplause: :ymapplause:

Where I fail is sleep. I almost never get enough rest, even in the summer. Somehow I'm still able to exercise though, but it would be healthier to get more sleeeeeeeep.

Oh, yes...that goes for me too!! :) I generally try to go to sleep around 10-11 to get up around 6:30-7...but I'm always going to bed later and because of that I get so tired all the time.... ;;)

Lilygloves I know how you feel. I'm also naturally skinny and was in a similar situation as you because I'm home-schooled. My parents sent us all (my four sisters, brother, and I) to dancing school all our childhood, so that helped us stay healthy. :) If there's some sort of dance class near where you live, you could attend that. Or you could just do exercises yourself. Just do a certain amount of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats every day and every week add a little. And run every day or every other day to help your breathing. :)

MinotaurforAslan Awesome video. :)

I do historical sword-fighting and dancing, so together that keeps me pretty fit. I do exercises every day and am working on doing pull-ups (still can't do even one, but I'm getting there. :) ) I also want to get into some sort of martial arts, but so far it hasn't really worked out. Most people are against me doing different sorts of fighting (it's not for girls... :-o ), and I don't blame them for thinking that way. I just keep doing it. :D It's fun, and it's good physical exercise. :)
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby IloveFauns » Sep 11, 2011 6:52 am

I rather do exercise at home, or on a bike. jogging outside doesn't work for me because i hate people looking at me.

I do half an hour on the wii fit everyday and walk for half an hour. I eat too much chocolate and don't have proper lunches, one day i will have an apple and the next a piece of slice or cheese and bread.
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby Aravis Narnia » Sep 11, 2011 10:15 am

I am a big health and fitness buff. I am a vegetarian- though I do consume dairy, eggs, and honey. I exercise nearly every day. And yes, I did go to Body Flow this morning. I do not play any team sports- though I do love group fitness classes.
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby mm1991 » Sep 13, 2011 6:35 am

The biggest thing with me is that I don't eat chips. I really wish I could resist the temptation of bread but it tastes so good and there is so much you can do with it. :( :p

At least three times a week, I do hooping and also go on the treadmill. I want to start doing yoga soon.

Aravis Narnia, I've tried about 8 different times to become vegetarian but it never sticks. Was it hard for you?
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby IloveFauns » Sep 13, 2011 7:08 am

It is easier just to cut out the meats you don't like. Thats what I did and I am left with first and chicken to eat. Fish isn't exactly meat but it is the best for you and tastes the nicest. Beef and chicken don't fit well with me. I couldn't give up milk and cheese.
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Re: Health and Fitness.

Postby MoonlightDancer » Nov 05, 2011 9:38 am

I keep gaining weight still, and I've been going to the gym and running outside every day. :( I honestly can't figure out what it is. Mostly I eat vegetables, eggs, a few nuts, oatmeal, salads, and fresh fruit smoothies. The only "bad" thing I have is coffee, but I use sweetener, not sugar. I just don't know what's happening. Any advice?
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