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Christianity, Religion and Philosophy, Episode VII!

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Re: Christianity, Religion and Philosophy, Episode VII!

Postby Justin of Archenland » Apr 10, 2020 12:30 am

It's really cool to see this thread right after I join the community!

I had no idea there was a place for this inside the forum, so my thanks to you all already. I haven't read all the posts, but as expected I've seen many different views and backgrounds.
I am myself probably more in 'evangelical' group (although I'm Dutch and things are slightly different here). I enjoy reading the Bible, but also hold a strong belief in prayer and living in relation to God. I hope that's okay for the people that are in a different form of faith, as I have seen throughout this topic. I've had and have my struggles with God, the Bible and - naturally - especially the church, but I do consider myself a firm believer.

I don’t think any of us can truly just look to the Bible for the answers, then once we get stuck, look to another to help us understand it, then check to see if that person’s responses contradict the Bible, because then you’re back to going based on your own understanding which could be flawed.

I'd like to touch upon this. I understand where Kalta is coming from. I think the worst thing to do is try to figure out the Bible by yourself. We have many very wise and God-focused people in the world and 2000 years of church history. Although I do feel we talk too often and too scholarly about the details of the Bible, I think it's great to discuss it with others, then pray for its wisdom to be revealed and follow the conclusion that comes out of it.
I don't think one will lose his/her salvation over a misinterpreted doctrine, since most of our foundation in Christ should be enough to lead us on the right path; closer to God and His will. As long as you're searching God and seeking to know and follow Him, you will have a lifetime full of new insights.

That's not to say there aren't some tricky questions that have been raised, though. In my opinion, they're just not as numerous as we make them to be.

God bless!

P.S @Kalta Great choice using Matthew 25: 32-40 for your chosen path :)
“Child," said the Voice, "I am telling you your story, not hers. I tell no one any story but his own.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Horse and His Boy
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Justin of Archenland
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