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Books: 2nd Edition

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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby sillygoose » Sep 21, 2010 7:59 pm

um sandyentersnarnia, I'm guessing you're talking about the second lotr book, The Two Towers? The Fellowship of the Ring is the first book.

Ahh so I can't find who mentioned The Princess Academy, but I love that book. I love any book that Shannon Hale wrote. I love Shannon Hale for that. Haha my favorite book of hers is Burning Enna and to whoever has read that book Finn is still one of my original book crushes. :p

My favorite book cover of all time would be of Avielle of Rhia by Dia Calhoun. There's just something about it that stands out to me and that I still remember it clearly even though I haven't seen the cover upclose in 2 years. I just love the snow white hair and the mystical look to her but yet there's something human about her.

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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby johobbit » Sep 21, 2010 8:43 pm

Actually, sillygoose, The Lord of the Rings is made up of six books: two in each volume. The six books are Tolkien's making; the three volumes are the publisher's.

Book 1: "A Long-Expected Party" - "Flight to the Ford"
Book 2: "Many Meetings" - "The Breaking of the Fellowship"
(which comprise The Fellowship of the Ring)

Book 3: "The Departure of Boromir" - "The Palantír"
Book 4: "The Taming of Sméagol" - "The Choices of Master Samwise"
(which comprise The Two Towers)

Book 5: "Minas Tirith" - "The Black Gate Opens"
Book 6: "The Tower of Cirith Ungol" - "The Grey Havens"
(which comprise The Return of the King)
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby sandyentersNarnia » Sep 21, 2010 11:32 pm

sillygoose: No, there's a BOOK II in a LOTR: Feelowship of the Ring. :) I just don't remember the title of the chapters in it. ;))

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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby sillygoose » Sep 22, 2010 12:46 pm

Oh cool, I didn't know that. For some reason whenever I read a book I always skip over the chapter names and anything that isn't exactly part of the text. So I guess I missed "Book I Book II" thing. My bad..
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby sandyentersNarnia » Sep 23, 2010 4:30 am

^Don't worry, no big deal about it. :)

I can't choose which book to buy! The one suitable for my age, but a little bit daring for a 15-year old girl. :D Any suggestions?

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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Sep 23, 2010 12:48 pm

oh wow, I am already reading book 3 in The Tomorrow series by John Marsden called "A Killing Frost"
it's amazing! this series is addicting!

EDIT: oh my word I just found out about the new 39 Clues series! it's called "Cahills vs. Vespers" :D
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sep 23, 2010 5:49 pm

A Killing Frost? Are you for real? They renamed the title of the third book's for the US market? Why is that even necessary? It sounds so lame. I like the original title better - The Third Day, The Frost.
Liberty, it's great that you're enjoying the Tomorrow series. It's very good.
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Sep 24, 2010 12:45 pm

^^ really? they re-named it? aw, that's annoying.....
well, I just finished it and wow, I sobbed when Robyn died. I was shocked for an hour! :-o

what's the 4th book called?
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Adeona » Sep 24, 2010 3:02 pm

Lady Haleth wrote:I like all of Marguerite Henry's books, but that one [King of the Wind]is probably my favorite. Best horse story ever.

I agree. It reminds me of Black Beauty, but more interesting and not quite as sad. Agba the mute horse boy is a great character, and the trio of boy, horse, and cat is very sweet. :)

I haven't read all of Marguerite Henry's works, but my least favorite so far is Black Gold. The ending is so depressing! :(

sillygoose, that cover is quite fascinating.

Since my last post I've read The Princess Bride, which if you haven't read it is very close to the movie, except with more humor. Mr. Goldman's writing style is unusual but enjoyable. I really like the little parenthesed side notes- "That night, alone in her room, she examined herself pore by pore in her mirror. (This was after mirrors.)" or "'I'm going to America to seek my fortune' (This was just after America, but long after fortunes.)" There are enough of those to effect the style, but not enough to get annoying. There is some language, though.

I also read And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. TONS better than Murder on the Orient Express, but a lot more disturbing, too. Even though on the back it says "Before the weekend is out there will be none" I still held out hope up to end that someone would survive. :-s That's a mark of great writing, I suppose! And I never guessed about hoax the Judge and Armstrong played. :ymblushing:

Haven't got to CoK yet; still working on the reread of KoA, having been bombarded by books recently. I'm also working on a fat kids' book, The Mysterious Benedict Society The size at title pulled me in, the blurb furthered my interest, and a quick flip through finished me off. ;)

Ohh, I wanted to share two more covers I just love. (I know we're kinda off that topic now, I hope you don't mind. :ymblushing: )
Image A good book, too, very different. The cover fits it wonderfully, and this is one case where the cover is what pulled
me in. (I know the horse isn't the most realistic, though. :p )

^ A mediocre book with a couple very good parts and a lot of humor. And, as you can see, a beautiful cover.
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Meltintalle » Sep 24, 2010 4:52 pm

*comes in to disagree with Adeona* :p

I think San Domingo is a whole lot sadder than Black Gold. Not sure why I think that in particular, since the horse dies in both of them, unless it's because Black Gold dies doing what he loves and San Domingo's death is more of a random twist of sad fate.

I was really excited about Blue Roan Child when a friend told me about it, it sounded exactly like the sort of book I'd like, but the execution of the idea just did not work for me. It might not have even been the story itself, but there was an overwhelming sense of futility to the writing. That book stands out in my memory as one of the worst disappointments I've ever read. Unfortunately. :(

Also, Court Duel is one of my favourite fluff reads. ;))

I went to the library today and came out with a giant stack of books to read. First, I found book three of the Mistmantle Chronicles, which I kind of like but I don't remember what happens in the first two so I got both of them to refresh my memory. I found two Chrestomanci books by Diana Wynne Jones, Thimble Summer by Elizabeth Enright, and A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Minever by E. L. Konigsburg because I'd been thinking about it just recently and there it was! I also considered getting all four Gregor and the Overlanders (Underlanders?) books but decided against it because my stack was getting hard to carry and I didn't want to put any of the books I already had back. ;))
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Aslanisthebest » Sep 24, 2010 8:01 pm

*has missed talking about books and arrives here, though she hardly recognizes the book titles about* Except for Enna Burning and LotR, of course.

I haven't come here for the whole of summer it seems! Well, not much to recap on what I've read, because I didn't read a terrible lot and haven't been reading a terrible lot. (sacrilege of a bibliophile, alas.)

However, I have come love the thrift store here. Love, love, love. They have tons of very-good-condition books and just a swell variety. After ploughing through large lawbooks with brown leather bindings and several dusty cookbooks and books of the related sort, I've been able to discover many treasures each for 40 cents/70 cents/half-off on Monday. I'm delighted!!
I first found some Anne of Green Gables books, then Oliver Twist, Tom Sawyer, Sherlock Holmes, a 52 year old copy of Family Treasure Story Books. Then one day I found The Thief and was too happy to contain myself. :P Anyways, to cut this horrific regale short, I've been able to find quite a lot of darling books (including all the Narnia books :D) for my library. Elated? Quite!

Now, on to the serious talking...
Currently I'm reading Green by Ted Dekker. Am on first page and trying to decipher and organize good guys, bad guys, plot, etc. :P
Another book I'm reading is The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane.
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy along with Malkah and ForeverFan.
And a few fairy tales book.

*stops this endless ramble* I just really wanted to return to the books thread. ;;)
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Lady Haleth » Sep 24, 2010 8:30 pm

Black Gold and San Domingo were not my favorite of Marguerite Henry's books because of the sad endings, but I still liked them. Her Justin Morgan Had a Horse is good too. And of course, the Misty trilogy. Though the middle one (Sea Star has some sad scenes, like when Sea Star's mom dies. But my favorite of those was always Stormy. I loved it. All the drama of the storm--and the adorable illustration of Misty and Stormy.
You like Mistmantle, Meltintalle? I really like it too. My favorite characters are probably Fingal and Juniper.
I really liked The Princess Bride, too. It was so funny! Yet there were parts that were scary too. I love Fezzik. And Inigo is cool.
A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver is very good, and I liked the humor there too.
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Sep 24, 2010 8:51 pm

Aslanisthebest, have you read Ted Dekker's Circle Trilogy - Black, Red, White? They help to understand the characters and direction of Green. I found Green a bit sloppily-written to begin with (and I'm a huge Dekker fan) but it steadily improves and is a great addition to the series.
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby Elanor » Sep 25, 2010 9:52 am

Books!! *rubs hands in anticipation*

Lately I've been reading through lots and lots of P.G. Wodehouse. British humor at it's best!! It's all really hysterically funny, and well written too. I just can't get bored of it. The short golf stories are actually my favorite, oddly enough, as I don't like gold. My sister was also skeptical, but later she agreed. Jeeves and Wooster are awesome too!!
And I feel like reading Bleak house again too, though it wasn't long ago that I did. Ooh, I can't withhold myself from Dickens.

I'm also considering re-reading LoTR, for the millionth time (can you guess? They're my favorite books. period).
And I shocked myself by discovering how little C.S. Lewis I've actually read. So after loving Mere Christianity, I'm turning to The Four Loves.
That's all for now.
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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby flambeau » Sep 25, 2010 3:36 pm

Spent about an hour browsing through the book section at a thrift store yesterday, and found a couple great deals! :) I got Monster by Frank Peretti (not my favorite book by him, but $2 for a hardback? Yeah, I'll buy it. :P ), Ivanhoe (a lovely leather-bound copy! :) ), The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie (another leather-bound book. I haven't read this one yet, but my mom said it was good so I figured if nothing else, it could look cool on my shelf. :P ), and The Odyssey and The Iliad by Homer (I've been meaning to read these for a while, but hadn't gotten around to it.). Five books for $9! :D I'm happy.

I also convinced my mom's friend who was with us to buy Gods and Generals. :D If I didn't already own it, I would have bought it myself. ;))

Oh! I got my copy of Manalive in the mail a few days ago and it is so pretty! I love it!

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Re: Books: 2nd Edition

Postby FencerforJesus » Sep 26, 2010 6:37 pm

I am shamelessly putting in an upcoming book plug. Those who have visited the Writer's World thread have been aware of this, but yours truly has been offered a contract for my fiction spiritual warfare novel, "Battle Cry: Adventures in the Kingdom of Heaven". After the last few days in prayer about it, I have not been able to come up with a legitimate reason not to accept it. So tomorrow or Tuesday, I am signing and submitting the contract. I will let you all know when the release date will be once that becomes clearer.
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