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Things that Annoy You

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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby Aslanisthebest » Jan 01, 2013 3:29 pm

Getting a song that I don't like stuck in my head.... all the way into the next year. %-( 8-}
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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby wolfloversk » Jan 01, 2013 10:56 pm

Glitches that mean the difference between winning a battle in a video game and losing... or that result in the death of your character and/or your friend's character :((
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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby DamselJillPole » Jan 02, 2013 1:34 am

Headaches and waking up because it hurts really bad. :(
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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby RubyGamgee » Jan 03, 2013 4:39 pm

Bella, that's the worst! Why are the stupidest songs the catchiest?

I get frustrated (but don't participate in) pointless debates in any comment section of any social networking site (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, etc...).
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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby wolfloversk » Jan 08, 2013 3:05 pm

-Getting told by my parents not to get married
-Getting asked at every family gathering if I've found a boyfriend yet
-Guys who ask me out more because they want a girlfriend than because they actually like me (and they usually don't know me very well either)
-FB randomly changing my relationship status to "married"

Can't I just live and let life lead me where it wants?! :P
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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby SnowAngel » Jan 08, 2013 4:00 pm

Being tired.
When people don't think before they say something.
Someone asking a question that had they been paying any attention to what was happening around them, they would have known the answer. /:) And them asking the question more than once. 8-|

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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby Purpleotter » Jan 08, 2013 4:24 pm

When people abuse/kill animals for no reason. This dog got shot by this guy and he's currently in the vet hospital... Poor pooch :(
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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby IloveFauns » Jan 08, 2013 5:55 pm

wolfloversk wrote:-Getting told by my parents not to get married
-Getting asked at every family gathering if I've found a boyfriend yet
-Guys who ask me out more because they want a girlfriend than because they actually like me (and they usually don't know me very well either)
-FB randomly changing my relationship status to "married"

Can't I just live and let life lead me where it wants?! :P

I thinking getting asked if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend at a family gathering happens to most. It is so annoying.

What annoys me is people asking me to do stuff that I don't believe needs doing and getting annoyed at me when I don't do it.

My family constantly complaining about stupid things, such as how the cheese is cut, who did this and who didn't.

My dad believing that there is only one way to d everything and that's his way. If It works another way I can't see why I can't do it that way.
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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby Aslanisthebest » Jan 08, 2013 6:58 pm

I know, right, Dani? ;))

I'm sorry about those, wolf! And my condolences to you as well, ILF. (the cheese being sliced! I understand your frustration, but that gave me a chuckle. :P )

I read that news story, too, Purpleotter. It's so painful... why would someone do that to an innocent animal who can't speak for itself, let alone try fight? I'm glad the dog is alive; I'm praying that it makes a good recovery.

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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby IloveFauns » Jan 08, 2013 10:45 pm

Indeed everyone laughs when I tell them. I never cut cheese when dad is home, well I try not.

I know what you mean about the early thing. If I know no one I usually pull out my phone to not look awkward, If I know them I ty to be interested in the conversation.
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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby De_De » Jan 09, 2013 12:51 am

This probably happens to people who type in different languages, like I type in both Russian and English and usually at the same time...I mean in one tab I'll be typing in Russian and in another one in English. And for me the most annoying thing in the world is when I forget to change the language and start typing with Russian letters where I'm supposed to type in English. I get sooooo annoyed...does that happen to anyone?
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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby Aslanisthebest » Jan 09, 2013 3:31 pm

hahaha! I'm sorry, ILF!

Lol, yeah, I usually pull out my phone or read if it wouldn't look to awkward for me to read (such as, if I'm in an elevator or something). It's great when you know someone, but sometimes even when trying to engage in conversation, some people look at you like you're from another planet if you try talk or something... :P (or, worse, if it's quiet in the room, when you talk and suddenly break the silence, everyone jumps. :P

That sounds pretty frustrating, De_De. I never usually have the occasion to type in any of the languages I'm learning, but sometimes when I want the Gujarati word for something, the Swahili word or Spanish word for it will come to my mind.
Also, because Gujarati (like Russian) isn't in the Roman alphabet, when I write it, sometimes I'll accidentally write something in the Roman alphabet when I meant to write it in the Gujarati alphabet. :P It sometimes happens vice-verses, too.
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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby IloveFauns » Jan 09, 2013 5:46 pm

When My friends and I go places we try to turn up together. What annoys me, also is going into a small shop and the shop assistant spends the whole time starring at you. If Feel so awkward.
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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby TheGentleWarrior » Jan 17, 2013 11:48 pm

Right now? People.

They more than annoy me right now. X(
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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby Narnian_Badger » Jan 19, 2013 9:19 am

Low blood pressure.

Seriously. Ow.
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Re: Things that Annoy You

Postby Aslanisthebest » Jan 19, 2013 12:38 pm

People who, once I'm gone, couldn't care less where I am, but then when they bump into me say, "Oh, we miss you!" when I know there are /plenty/ of ways to contact me if they actually cared. And the best part is that they claim to be followers of Christ. 8-| Most of the only people who actually seem to care are my Narniaweb friends, one or two good friends I have in RL, and supposedly "worldly, non-Christian" friends.
And that leads to another annoyance! People who walk around calling themselves Christians and cause shame to the name of Christ. As a follower of Christ, I'd rather work with and be around non-saved people and show them the true love of Christ as I am called to, rather than be around wolves in sheep clothing who parade around doing things that are beyond the line of decency, call themselves Christians, and constantly attempt to manipulate you by misusing Scripture to justify their ugly behaviour.
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