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Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: Feb 03, 2013 12:21 am
by Ithilwen
- Watching the Lizzie Bennet Diaries.

- Making progress on my novels.

- Finally getting more shelf room for my ever-growing library. ;))

~Riella =:)

Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: Feb 06, 2013 2:42 pm
by SnowAngel
Getting a letter from one of my best friends totally made my day yesterday! B-)
Watching old movies with my siblings. :D
Trying new recipes! :)


Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: Feb 06, 2013 8:13 pm
by Boy Scout
Saving Lives

Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: Feb 09, 2013 4:13 am
by wild rose
being able to finish everything I actually managed to plan today, that really makes my day

when people at the dance studio pay on time and I don't have to go running after them like a broken record reminding them that they are late with their payments (being a receptionist isn't always easy :p )

Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: Feb 09, 2013 4:45 pm
by IloveFauns
^ I always pay on time so people don't come chasing after me. Not having to go to work makes my day after 5 days of working 9 hours.

Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: Feb 10, 2013 8:42 pm
by Boy Scout
Finding out I'm able to go on the best church retreat ever which I wasn't able to go to before due to schedule conflicts.

Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: Feb 11, 2013 8:16 pm
by SnowAngel
New knit t-shirts! In the colors I was hoping for! :D
Working on project and having it turn out better than I thought it would. :)
Watching a movie with siblings. :)
And having my big brother watch it with us even though he said he wasn't going to stay in the room while we watched it. :D
The possibility of getting a new Cardinals hat. B-)


Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: Mar 15, 2013 5:22 pm
by Aslanisthebest
We were out and it was cold and wet and rainy. Suddenly, our neighbour came with three cups of warm hot cocoa in order to warm us up. Pretty much made my day. :ymhug:

Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: Apr 06, 2013 7:33 pm
by Ozymandias
I FINALLY FOUND A GOOD PLEATHER JACKET that wasn't cropped. B-) Thank You God! :D WINNING.

Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: May 07, 2013 5:53 pm
by SnowAngel
Writing to my cousin! :)
Eating gingersnaps! ;;)
Getting season 5 of Get Smart! :D
Listening to Citizen Way's Love is the Evidence! B-)
The Cardinals sweeping the Brewers on Sunday! B-) :D


Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: May 08, 2013 4:42 pm
by Princess Anna
Knowing that people are praying for my family and care enough to ask me how I'm doing... how the family is doing. And to have them call or text and leave messages.

My family and friends are priceless to me. I've always known this, felt it every day. But when someone I love goes to Heaven, it's brought all the more to my mind. I am very blessed to be surrounded by the people that God has sent me my whole life. Totally blessed, and humbled. :ymblushing:

Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: May 14, 2013 6:18 pm
by SnowAngel
Watching How To Steal A Million with my parents and siblings. :D
Laughing! ;)
Eating ice cream! :)
Planning my birthday! ;;)


Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: Jul 27, 2013 6:10 pm
by Princess Anna
*digs this thread out from page 2*

Ok, here are a few things:

1) My sister's puppy
-he's fun to play with
-watching him grow is amazing!

2) getting snail mail... from old and new friends!

3) spending time with the three grandparents I have left

4) having a sorely needed "staycation" ;)

5) trips to Barnes and Noble

6) trips to the Muny in St. Louis!!
-saw Les Mis!!!! (and met Cosette, got her autograph, and a pic!)
-saw Mary Poppins (on stage) for the first time!!!

7) time with friends (this is tied in with #6)

8) Learning that Breath of Soul will be back in town in Sept.... and that they'll be back even after that (March), this time in a nearby town!

9) Knowing that the Softball Classic is less than a month away!!! :D \:D/

Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: Aug 05, 2013 11:14 am
by TheGentleWarrior
My very first Yumiko leotard came today!!! :D

I have been waiting for this leotard for what seems like ages now. It's been a month and a half since I ordered it, and it showed up today! It's so beautiful, just what I imagined. The reviews I've read are true, this company makes EVERYONE look good!

Now I know why every ballet dancer wants one. It's worth the insane price tag. :P ;)

Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: Aug 05, 2013 6:25 pm
by Princess Anna
-time with family and friends
-yummy food
-kisses from the puppy
-getting books on writing from a published author friend, 'cause she doesn't need them anymore

And the very special, very exciting things, that I can't stop thinking about...
-Knowing that in 19 days, Nweb's own Avra will be at my house!!! :D
-Knowing that the 15th Annual (and my 9th? 10th?) Safe at Home Softball Classic is in TWENTY days!!!!!! :D :D (hey, I only see those people ONCE a year!) \:D/


Re: Things that Make Your Day

PostPosted: Aug 06, 2013 10:47 am
by checkers
One thing that made my day today was getting back on Narniaweb for the first time in at least...what, a year probably? Good to see this place is still up a kicking, and it's nice to see familiar faces! Er...avatars! :P