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Postby wolfloversk » Jan 18, 2010 5:59 pm

This is a place where we can talk about some of our favorite things to do. My hobbies include hiking, fishing and just about anything that has to do with nature. I've also recently taken up bird watching and I've been able to identify at least 31 species over my lifetime. I also have an artistic side. I like drawing, preferably with pencils and I also like writing. Mostly short stories and song lyrics, but I'm working on a couple of longer works too. Other than that, mostly hanging out with my freinds, family, Patchy, and spending time on NarniaWeb.
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Re: Hobbies

Postby Bartholmew » Jan 18, 2010 6:53 pm

Basically my one and only Hobby is playing RuneScape. (A MMORPG).

Great game if anyone is interested in checking it out! ;)

I also really enjoy going to a friend's youth group every Wednesday night...

But besides hanging with Rachel Hawkins (User on the old forums) and her sister That is basically all of my hobbies.
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Re: Hobbies

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Jan 19, 2010 3:21 pm

some of my favorite things to do are:

listen to Skillet and head-bang :D

listen to Fireflight

listen to Hawk Nelson

volunteer at Soulfest (a music festival in N.H. USA)


reading (all I read is fiction.....exept for The Bible!)


narniaweb!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

watch LWW and PC

make dances to songs

go to Christian rock concerts

play percussion in my church's worship band
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Re: Hobbies

Postby narnian_at_heart » Jan 19, 2010 6:21 pm

Photography: I like taking pictures and videos. I just bought a video camera for my self. I love it. It's really fun to play with.

Computers: I just like fooling around with mine and reading up on computer books. I also am the one my parents and siblings holler for if they can't figure something out.

Politics Especially local small town politics (mayor, council members). My dad is on the city council here and when he was up for re-election, I was the one who said we really ought to hang up posters. My dad was just like whatever about it and my mom didn't think about it. My mom told me what she thought would be good on the posters and I designed them and hung them up. I'm looking forward to doing it again this fall when he's up for re-election again.

Roller hockey I play roller hockey twice a week. I play goalie and it's really fun. Plus, it's really really good excersize.

Piano I love playing piano. I've been taking piano lessons for about four years. Right now, I'm learning the songs from BarlowGirl's How Can We Be Silent CD.

Dancing I really like dancing on the dance team I joined. It's fun and I've gotten flexible. Yesterday, was our last performance for the year. :((

That's about all of mine.
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Re: Hobbies

Postby greenbird37 » Jan 19, 2010 10:10 pm

Love to cook, read, watch movies, internet....not too much I know! ;)
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Re: Hobbies

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Jan 19, 2010 10:24 pm

My favourite hobbies are:

    Reading (mainly fiction)
    Watching DVDs (movies/tv series)
    Listening to music (various)
    Surfing the Net and in-depth discussions on life, faith, LOST etc.
    Spending quality time with friends
    Driving (except when there's lots of traffic, I get lost or am on a dangerous road)

These are some I have to get back into:

    Board games - Risk, Cluedo, Monopoly. Just tried Settlers of Catan.
    Computer games
    Drawing (sketch pencils)
    Writing my novel - Echoes of A Silent Mind
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
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Re: Hobbies

Postby Narnia Girl » Jan 20, 2010 5:27 am

Hmm...some of my favorite hobbies are:

Reading - mostly fiction, and a lot of fantasy.

Writing - I'm currently working on a book called Red Eyes...I have around 16,000 words so far.

Piano - I've taken piano lessons for five years now. I'm mostly working on Gaither Vocal Band songs now.

Listening to music - again, mostly the Gaither Vocal Band, or anything southern gospel.

Dance - just like piano, I've taken ballet for five years. I also took tap for one year too. I'll be going into pointe next year.

Hmm...I guess that's about it. :)
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Re: Hobbies

Postby TheGeneral » Jan 20, 2010 10:15 pm

well lets see..
I read quite a bit, mostly crime mysteries/thrillers, or my world history atlas. I play computer games a lot, almost every night for 1 to 3 hours. I'm on my laptop a lot, browsing youtube or looking up random facts.
Running is kind of a hobby too, every morning at 6, it's actually quite peaceful and it wakes me up. Also downhill skiing whenever I get the chance, I've loved the sport since I was 4. And hiking in the summer, preferably in mountains somewhere, and tenting.
Yeah thats about it ;)
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Re: Hobbies

Postby Shadowlander » Jan 20, 2010 11:42 pm

I have a few hobbies...

Like TheGeneral I love playing PC games, although I've been playing more on my X-Box 360 of late since my PC is getting old and can't quite handle the graphics levels the latter can.

I do enjoy reading although I don't do as much of it as I used to. I love watching movies and tv shows (Lost, and Heroes when I am able to).

I find a lot of pleasure in just mowing my lawn. There's something deeply therapeutic about hopping on the lawnmower and spending time mowing neat rows and trying to achieve perfect strips, although I haven't been totally successful as of yet.

I'm trying to work myself back into a hobby I had in my teens and early 20's by resuming building plastic models. I love WW2 aircraft especially (1/48 scale is my favorite) but I'm not averse to working on ships and armor when I can get my mitts on em'.

W4J wrote:Board games - Risk, Cluedo, Monopoly. Just tried Settlers of Catan.

I love boardgames myself and play them whenever I can. Sorry! and Monopoly Deal are house favorites with my wife and I, but my true love is Axis & Allies. Monopoly is a game I utterly abhor and refuse to play unless someone holds a gun to my head ;)). I play Risk and Castle Risk whenever an offer comes up and enjoy a good spirited game of Fortress America as well. I'm on the verge of possibly getting Settlers of Catan myself...please let me know how that is, W4J! Here's a review I did of Risk over at BGG a few months ago.

And last, but not least, I love writing product reviews on (mostly for books, movies, and video games) and, for boardgame reviews.
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Re: Hobbies

Postby FencerforJesus » Jan 21, 2010 1:06 pm

I have a decent list:

Fencing: Been at the sport for 12 1/2 years, I referee on occasion, and this semester I am going to take a stronger focus on coaching.

Writing: I have completed at least one draft of three full length novels. One is a medieval action thriller, called "A Warrior Within", I did to test the waters. The second is a spiritual warfare novel called "Battle Cry: Adventures in the Kingdom of Heaven". This is the one I am seeking to get published at God's timing. The third is the sequel, "Battle Cry: Expanding the Kingdom of Heaven". I just finished the first draft of that one a week ago.

Video Games: I am much more of a console player with a penchant for Action/Adventure and RPG's. Favorite series by far are Zelda and Final Fantasy. I currently use a Wii and PS2, but I still have a GameCube, PS1, and SNES and have had a N64 (it died on me) and an original NES (it also died on me). I never really got into the PC games.

Sudoku/other puzzles: This is a good time killer when I don't want to write or play games. There are times where I can do the super-hard sudokus without making any notes (ie I could do it in pen). But I also like the Sudoku alternates like Loco Sudokus (where the 3x3 grids are skewed), Sumoku (where you still have the 9x9 grid but your only clues are the sums of two or three numbers), the giants (16x16 grids), and other variations. I also like doing traditional piece puzzles.

Movies: When I get the chance, I'll go catch a movie at the theater.

Bible Study: Unfortuantely I don't do it independently very much, but I seek to make sure I am involved in at least one Bible study every week.

Missions: Having been involved with missions for 20 years this March, I love being involved in outgoing activities. Going back to fencing, my big thing is using the sport as a tool. I've done demos and presentations for nearly 6 years and waiting for the next opportunity to do it again. This is why I chose my username.

I'd come up with some more, but I have to go to class (which is NOT a hobby).
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Re: Hobbies

Postby kotwcs » Jan 21, 2010 2:10 pm

Shadowlander wrote:I find a lot of pleasure in just mowing my lawn. There's something deeply therapeutic about hopping on the lawnmower and spending time mowing neat rows and trying to achieve perfect strips, although I haven't been totally successful as of yet.

I've heard it's one of the best times to do some serious thinking or reflection for a lot of people. I've yet to try it myself, though.^^

Settles of Catan is a fun game if you like similar games like Risk or Axis and Allies. I played it once and I thought it was a bit boring, but if those kinds of games are up your alley, I'm sure it's enjoyable.

I like board games too--in my house, Scrabble is definitely the most frequently played and the most treasured. I think we own about 3 or 4 Scrabble sets.^^

Hm, my hobbies:

Reading- mostly classics and good books, and the occasional non-fiction.

Running- I'm probably one of the slowest runners on the planet, but I detest gyms and I always prefer to be out-of-doors to get my exercise. Add a clear day and a happy dog to go with me, and I'm set!

Watching Japanese dramas- kind of embarrassing, but I watch way too much Japanese TV. I prefer the crime, business, and historical dramas to the romances generally.

Taking naps- as a college student I've gotten to be quite an expert in the field of nap-taking. :D

Things I want to start/get back into:

Art/drawing- I haven't picked up a pencil in so long!!
Horse-back riding
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Re: Hobbies

Postby narnian_at_heart » Jan 21, 2010 2:43 pm

kotwcs wrote:
Settles of Catan is a fun game if you like similar games like Risk or Axis and Allies.

I played that game a few times. We couldn't understand the instructions so we finally had to go online to their site and watch on-line people play it to figure it out. I never did totally get it.
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Re: Hobbies

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Jan 21, 2010 3:42 pm

oh, I forgot: I love playing chess!
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Re: Hobbies

Postby Glenstorm the Great » Jan 21, 2010 8:17 pm

making graphics
playing board games
watching movies
riding my bike
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Re: Hobbies

Postby De_De » Jan 22, 2010 1:09 pm

1. Archery
2. Reading the Bible
3. Daydreaming
4. Music
5 Reading novels
6. Reenactment (medievel)
7. Telling others about God
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Re: Hobbies

Postby TheGentleWarrior » Jan 22, 2010 9:05 pm

Hobbies? I have lots of them. :p

1. Dancing. I take ballet, tap, jazz, and pre-pointe. :D I also try to choreograph dances but i'm not very good at it.

2. Photography. I'm actually quite new to photography but i've found I really like it! I mainly photograph my dolls, dance related stuff like ballet shoes, and outdoor type stuff like the sun setting or our front yard covered in snow.

3. Photo editing..... Is this considered a hobby? If so, I do it! lol. I like to work with pictures I take by adding text, borders, and other things to them, or colour change pictures to black and white, sepia, or black and white with some colour in it. :D I need a better editing system though. Maybe photoshop? :-\

4. Reading. :D

5. Drawing. I like to draw horses, horseback riders, and pointe shoes mainly. I'm starting to work on people now though i'm not very good at it.

6. Narniaweb. Need I say more? :p

7. Making stop motion videos. This is something new i've just started. I've only made one stop motion video so far of my AG doll dancing, and although it's very hard, takes thousands of pictures, and can be painful (lying on a wood floor for 2 hours nonstop! :p ) It's very fun and rewarding to see the completed video made in the end.

8. Listening to music.

9. Watching movies.

10. Internet. Going to NW, Youtube, and other favorite sites of mine. :)

11. Riding my bike.

That's all I can think of right now. There are some things that I stopped that i'd really, REALLY like to get back into though.

Horseback riding. I had to quit due to money problems and because the stable ownders and their "teachers" were being so mean. I miss it!! :((

Figure skating. I had to stop because once again money problems, and not enough time! :p
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