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To Boldly Go... To Galaxies Far Far Away and past the Gate

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Re: To Boldly Go... To Galaxies Far Far Away and past the Gate

Postby stargazer » Mar 02, 2013 9:01 pm

Galaxy Quest is a great spoof of sci-fi (especially Trek). I should watch it again sometime. :)

Agreed, stwin, about Kes in Voyager. I thought the concept of a race limited to nine years' lifespan (as I recall) offered some interesting potential for exploring deeper questions about life, the universe and everything, but this was rarely done (the episodes you name are among the ones that do look into this, at least a little).

I also like the concept of Seven of Nine's character - a 'freed' Borg living among humanity - and while they did occasionally examine her journey back to humanity, I think the last few seasons had waaay too much Borg presence.
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Re: To Boldly Go... To Galaxies Far Far Away and past the Gate

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mar 02, 2013 10:08 pm

Parable, I thought it was extremely obvious that Padame was the real Queen.
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Re: To Boldly Go... To Galaxies Far Far Away and past the Gate

Postby Princess Anna » Mar 03, 2013 3:18 pm

starkat wrote:A few questions to help to kick off the thread: (You do NOT have to use these or stick to them)

Are you a fan of any or all of these series?

Uh-oh, what have you done? You know it's going to be hard to get rid of me now, right? ;))

I guess that answers that! (translation: I love all three)

Why do you like them?

Mountie wrote:It's one of those things that's in your blood and never really goes away. It's also one of those things where you can't even express why you love the show because the reasons are so intangible. You just know you love it deeply, no matter what the reason why is.

I suppose, though, that I like it because of the depth with the show and the way it explores the human condition. The characters are written beautifully, in a way that makes you feel like they're your friends. And I can't tell you how many times I've wished I was an officer on a starship. It's something I really, really wish could be reality.

^that! (I know Mountie meant it about Trek, but it still applies to all of them)

Who are your favorite characters?

Star Trek
TOS-Bones and Spock
TNG-I'm gonna give my short answer... Wesley. (long answer can wait)
DS9-don't remember enough about it to say
VOY- The Doctor, for sure. But I forget other than that.
ENT-Trip, for sure. Maybe Hoshi? (that was her name, right?)

Star Wars
original trilogy-this is too hard :p I OBJECT!
prequel trilogy-Padme and Obi-wan (honorable mention goes to Qui-gon)

SG-1-possibly Daniel... but I don't think he was the only one
Atlantis-uh... let me get back to you
Universe-didn't see tons of this, so I forget

What are your favorite episodes?

That's not a fair question. :p

Ok, see ya later!
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Re: To Boldly Go... To Galaxies Far Far Away and past the Gate

Postby starkat » Mar 03, 2013 6:42 pm

I totally did not mean to start this thread and then drop off the face of the 'net. PA, it's one reason I wanted to combine all of those "star" sci-fi series. It'll make for a great conversation! I've never actually seen Battlestar Galactica, so I totally forgot to include it in my opening post.

In regards to my own questions:

Are you a fan of any or all of these series?

Stargate SG-1
Stargate Atlantis
Star Wars

Not so much Star Trek, but I like the episodes that I've seen. It's always been kind of hit and miss with me. I've seen some TNG and most of Voyager.

I cannot stand Stargate Universe. It's too soap opera and even one of the writers called it "stargate light" on his blog. Uh... No.

Why do you like them?

Stargate - Characters. The character development is absolutely fabulous. Jack O'Neill (with two l's) was the bedrock of the series as it got on it's feet. Daniel Jackson was the major character that held the original movie together, but O'Neill was the character that held the tv series together through the first season or so until the plotlines and story was fully developed. Then the whole series took on a life of it's own. Ditto with Atlantis. McKay and Sheppard were the characters that held Atlantis together until that bumpy first season was over with.

Star Wars - not really sure. I watched the movies for the first time when I was 14. Somewhere around 16 or 17 I got into the expanded universe. I think it's the fact that the universe around the characters is so well developed. I can't stand the New Trilogy movies. I actually like The Phantom Menace, but I can't stand the last two. Hayden Christiensen was completely wrong for the part of Anakin in my opinion.

Who are your favorite characters?

SG-1. SGA-1. (the team members). I actually like Vala more than most, but she's one of those characters that doesn't improve for a bit. She's better in season 10 than she is in season 9 by a long shot. Mitchell didn't really fully develop as part of the team probably until the Pegasus adventure where he threatened McKay with a lemon.

Luke, Leia, Han, 3PO, and R2D2 hands down. The droids are fabulous characters.
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Re: To Boldly Go... To Galaxies Far Far Away and past the Gate

Postby shastastwin » Jul 17, 2013 8:13 am

parableproductions wrote:I remember really enjoying the original Battlestar (with Lorne Green). I watched them again on Netflix recently and thought it was still a good show - and I didn't really like the second series and was a continuation of the first with Boxy all grown up. I didn't like the "special powers" they gave them.

The new Battlestar was very good - and a lot darker than the original. But, I didn't care very much for final season. Caprica (the spin-off/prequel) was worth watching - but I doubt that I ever sit down and watch it again.

Since I asked about this show, my wife and I have started watching the new series. I'm fairly pleased with it so far. We're almost halfway through season 2. One of the things I find most intriguing is the focus on religious belief and strife and the fact that they have the humans and Cylons offering such different theologies. Normally, sci-fi seems to tiptoe around religious matters or wave the off as meaningless or primitive. This show has a much more balanced presentation, though I'm still bothered by a lot of what they present. I'd say my favorite characters are Starbuck, President Roslin and the priestess Elosha. I have others, but those are my top picks. My favorite episodes so far are Kobol's Last Gleaming and Home, followed by The Farm, which is just a great exploration of Starbuck's character and history.
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Re: To Boldly Go... To Galaxies Far Far Away and past the Gate

Postby parableproductions » Jul 22, 2013 4:18 pm

Starkat - I completely agree with you that Hayden was wrong for the role. But, I didn't like the story itself and I doubt I would have liked it much better no matter who was in the role.

Shastastwin - the new Battlestar does a good job of not forgetting about faith. While I don't like their polytheism, I do like that they have characters that are firm in their faith and don't apologize for their beliefs.
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