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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby Dekkie » Feb 25, 2010 6:24 pm

DTR, I'm so glad your performances were successful! :D Plan on doing any more theater in the near future?

As for my play... our first performance is three weeks from today! I think this coming week is going to be our last week rehearsing in our green room, and we can finally move onto the STAGE! I hate how long we have to wait to get on the stage, and wish we could have more practice time up there, especially since we have so many kids in the show.

On another note (no pun intended ;;) ), I just got back from my first ever theater-involved music rehearsal! I'm not a singer, per se, but I can carry a tune. But fortunately I don't have to try to sound good for this production! I'm performing a whiny little opera ditty... in my French accent 8-} ! I'm usually uncomfortable about singing "seriously" in front of people, but since this is supposed to be goofy/bad, and I've got a little more confidence after practicing tonight, I think it'll be fun.
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby daughter of the King » Feb 26, 2010 4:26 pm

I am way to busy. I've been meaning to post here for weeks now.

Destined-To-Reign, I hope you had fun in Cheaper by the Dozen. I have not seen the play version, but I have seen the movie and read the book, and Ernestine is an excellent part.

narnianerd, ooh, Sherlock Holmes sounds interesting! The butler sounds like a neat character.

Dekkie, I hope opening night goes well! I hate waiting to rehearse on the stage too.
Dekkie wrote:I'm performing a whiny little opera ditty... in my French accent 8-} !
That sounds like so much fun.

Okay, so I didn't get a part in the play initially. But, one of the girls who did get cast was accepted to Ghost Hunters Academy and someone had to step in to fill her role. So, one of the cast members stepped in to do hers, and I now have one of the smaller roles. I play Lisa, who is the script girl for Romeo and Juliet, and I'm on stage the entire time. And I found out a few weeks ago that an independent film is being filmed here and auditions are next weekend. I'm going to audition, but I've never auditioned for a film before so this will be a new experience.
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby narnian_at_heart » May 11, 2010 10:19 pm

Well, I did another MCT play this year: the Princess and the Pea. I would have to say it's the funnest role I've done (I played a phony princess who got to act all flirty and bimbo-like. I'm not a flirt so it was super fun to play one) but the plot line and songs weren't near as good as some of the other MCT plays I've done.

It was my last MCT play. I'll be 18 next year so I'll be too old and also, I probably won't even be here. I'm looking forward to college and I hope that I'll be able to do community theatre there.
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby DamselJillPole » May 13, 2010 7:55 pm

I recently acted again in a movie that was done by a few students on internship. I played a college girl named Elena Heart who is obsessed with trying to find a formula for easy love.
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby Princess Anna » Aug 01, 2010 5:13 pm

Bringing this thread back from the depths of the past. (say, page 3 or 4 or so of the SO? ;)) )

I was wanting some advice. So, the auditions for my community theatre's season opener is on saturday. The show is "Oliver!". Now, I love that show... but have no idea what part to try for. Nancy? Bet? (I think that's her name :ymblushing: ) Or do I just say "I'll take anything"? I've done loads of shows... onstage, and on crew. (so many, I've lost track of the exact number) I just don't know what to do this time.

It's freaking me out that it's that close, and I have no idea what role to try for, or what song to use at the audition. Help? Anyone? I'd welcome any thoughts...
(and prayers to calm my nerves would be great too!)

Thanks in advance! :ymhug:

p.s. I don't know if this helps you advice-wise, but I'm a soprano. (sometimes voice part plays a part in getting picked for certain roles, ya know)
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby daughter of the King » Aug 01, 2010 5:29 pm

Just for clarification, have you done shows with your community theater before?

If you will be happy with any part, then I suggest saying that you'll take anything, especially if you've done shows with them before (all theaters, community or otherwise, usually cast people they've worked with already). If you really want to be Nancy, then I say go for it!

As for songs, I suggest choosing one that 1. shows off your voice range, 2. is in the same style as the Oliver songs, and 3. you are comfortable singing. Do they want songs specifically from the show or just anything?

Hope that helps!
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby Princess Anna » Aug 01, 2010 5:40 pm

Thanks for responding! :)

Yes, I've done many shows with them before. (in fact, the bulk of the stuff I've done, has been at this theatre) And I think that the director is one of the ones I've worked with most often, so I'll most likely get a part. (unless something odd occurs)

Re songs:
They normally just let you pick whatever song you want, as long as you bring music for it (there is usually someone there to play the piano for you), and only do 16 measures. (however, for those that don't have one, they make them sing happy birthday or something) I usually go back in forth in my head on what songs to do, and always end up doing the same one or two songs. I thought it might be getting old by now, so something else would be nice. It's just so easy to go back to the one song ("Home" from Beauty and the Beast), because I know I know it well, and it shows off my range. Hmm... in the style of Oliver? Like, which ones? It's been awhile since I've seen this show, so I'm not remembering too well...
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby daughter of the King » Aug 01, 2010 6:06 pm

Princess Anna wrote:in the style of Oliver? Like, which ones? It's been awhile since I've seen this show, so I'm not remembering too well...

It's been awhile since I saw the show, too, but I do remember most of the songs being on the upbeat side. New vs. old can be so hard to tell which way to go. The old one would be one you're familiar with and so could sing easily, but a newer one would liven things up and will show more of your skill since they've heard the old one.......that wasn't very decisive. If you find one you like and can learn it so that you're comfortable with it by Saturday I suggest a new one. But if you don't find one do one that you've done before. Whichever way you go, break a leg!
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby Princess Anna » Aug 14, 2010 9:00 am

daughter of the King wrote:Whichever way you go, break a leg!


I don't have long, so I'll go into full detail later. (which is just as well, as I don't know much yet) But I didn't want to leave you in suspense.

I did get a part! I'll be in the chorus. Again.
*will explain that later, when I have more time*

I ended up using a different song from Beauty and the Beast, than I normally do. So, nothing really new... but still different. Everyone said I did good, and one of my friends said, "You sang beautifully, but I know you can project more than that." And I was like, "Yeah, I know! I don't know what came over me!" And my readings from the script could have been better.

Basically: it wasn't my worst audition ever, but it definitely wasn't my best either.

Again, I'll go into more detail for you later on. (including: how wednesday's first rehearsal went) I just didn't want you thinking I'd forgotten you! See ya! :ymhug:
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby daughter of the King » Aug 14, 2010 6:16 pm

Oh good! I think.....I was going to PM you as soon as I got my homework done to ask how it went.

Congratulations on being cast! Chorus is fun, but it is frustrating if you want to do something else. Aww, I always leave auditions thinking "I could have sung that part better" and "I know I should have stressed that one word more" and "why couldn't I stop shaking???" (I always get terrible nerves when I audition for anything. I've finally gotten to the point where I can talk through them, but I always seem to quiver all over the first time I read.....)

Anyway, I hope you have fun! :ymhug:
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby georgiefan1 » Aug 16, 2010 7:16 am

I really loved acting, I'm one of those kids at my school who are always around the drama room, I even met my best friend through the drama department :)

soon, we will be having auditions for our fall show- Anne Frank, I'm really excited and would love to play Anne(as does every other girl trying out) but I'd be happy with anything :)
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby Faun_Song612 » Aug 24, 2010 10:20 pm

PA - Ooooh, Oliver! is on my list of shows-I'd-love-to-be-ensemble-in! :D Others on the list are The Scarlet Pimpernel, Les Miserables, Jekyll & Hyde (Facade! One of my favorite ensemble numbers ever!) and... oh there are tons of shows that have great ensemble. The best ensemble in a show I've actually been in was Li'l Abner. Anyone ever heard of it? It's crazy and satirical and a bit stupid, but the ensemble had SO much to do. In one (seemingly endless) scene, we did two full musical numbers... the dancing in that show was KILLER. :-o And this was our choreographer:

Ensemble: (Sings and dances four verses of Jubilation T. Cornpone - and that's only half the song)
Choreographer: Okay... can we take it from the top?
Ensemble: (falls over and dies)

I was in such good shape at the end of that show. :p

I just got finished playing two great roles this summer: Maria in The Sound of Music and Bianca in Taming of the Shrew. I did the former with a youth theatre in another town and I can't even begin to explain how wonderful it was. I grew so much as a performer, became really close to my cast. The Sound of Music was the show that made me a theatre geek years and years before I even knew I was one. :P It was just so special... I was heartbroken when it ended.

I did Taming of the Shrew with my "home" theatre (the only theatre group in my hometown... we're pretty tiny). I had to jump right into tech week the day after Sound of Music ended and I was suffering from severe post-show depression, so I didn't end up enjoying the show until a few weeks into the run. Sad, but true. :p In the end, I had a great time. It was fun to play an unlikeable character for the first time.
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby Princess Anna » Aug 24, 2010 11:34 pm

Oh, I'm always nervous at auditions. Which, frankly, is stupid. I mean, I've done so many shows now, I can't even recall how many it's been. I've been doing shows with this theatre for seven years now. And yet, I still get terrified at every audition. Shouldn't I grow out of this?! /:)

Re always being in the ensemble (aka chorus):
I have nothing against being in the chorus. In fact, I have loads of fun with it! I'm just getting more and more frustrated as time goes by, because I feel like I'm not getting much chance to grow as an actress. I mean, my most challenging role to date, was in Redhead, about a year ago. In which, I played a waxwork figure of a dead girl. (Granted, I was the only "dead girl"-there were four of us- to get picked up and moved. And I WAS the awesome shock factor... pm me, if ya wanna know why. But it was sad that everyone else got to dance in that show, and I couldn't. I could only sing from the wings. Again, I'll explain by pm, if you want)

I want a chance to be in a lead role, before I get too old to BE in a lead role. Ya know? Let me try at least once... in a role I really love. Is that too much to ask? I think not. :ymsigh:

Re being in the ensemble in this particular show (Oliver!):
I love the songs and the show, and all. But basically, unless you are a lead, or a kid... you won't have much to do in this one. ;)) I'm kinda bummed, cause all my fave songs are sung by the kiddos. :p

How rehearsals have gone so far:
I've only had to go two days a week for about two (?) weeks now. (the leads and kids have at least one more day than us regular adult chorus peoples) We've learned three songs, and coreographed two of them. The kids have blocked two or three of their songs too. And golly, do they look adorable!!!!!!! :x I can't help but sing along when they burst into "Food, Glorious Food!" ;))

I'm excited that I don't have to make or go hunting for costumes. It sounds like I might be able to get by with using my A Christmas Carol outfit and one of the ones I wore in Beauty and the Beast (specifically, what I wore in the "Gaston" song scene). So, that's cool... to dig them outta my closet. :)

Umm, I have a rehearsal coming up on thursday night... and one on sunday night. I'll let you know what happens. Oh! and this past sunday, we gave them our t-shirt order forms and checks. So, those should be ready in a few weeks. (I always love those! one, for a momento. and two, because it's good for PR purposes ;) )

georgiefan1- Break a leg with your audition! That's a nice (although, sad) show. (My high school did it one year. And though I didn't make the cast, it was fun to go see some of my friends in it) Be sure to let us know how it goes! I'm rooting for you!

Fanny, dear- (I hope I got the right nickname for you! ahh! there are SO many nicknames to remember around here!) I agree that Les Mis would be awesome to be a part of!!! (I don't know the others you listed as well, but I'd bet they are fun too!)

And wowee, I woulda been exhausted!!! Good on you, for hanging in there! (and having fun with it!) I'll try and pm you or reach you some other such way, about SoM and Shrew!
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby Faun_Song612 » Aug 25, 2010 11:06 am

Aww, I'm sorry. :ymhug: And I understand that. But when you say "lead," do you mean THE Lead, or do you just mean a larger part? Because there are plenty of great parts (in straight plays and musicals) that aren't the leading lady but which have a LOT of stage time, and some of those you can grow into, instead of out of. Some such roles are Margaret Johnson in the musical The Light in the Piazza (one of my top dream roles). She's the mother of the main character, is in pretty much every scene, sings some awesome songs (including the lovely finale) and is a very challenging vocal part. Another one is Mrs. Potts in Beauty and the Beast - sings the title song. 'Nuff said. :p Lady Macbeth in Macbeth. Okay, that's a lead-lead... but a very young woman obviously could not play it. The little old ladies in Arsenic and Old Lace! Oh man, I'm dying to play one of them. :D "Mama" in Bye, Bye Birdie... hilarious. Madame Thenardier in Les Mis (I saw the show at a high school in the spring, and Mme. Thenardier completely stole the show. Just sayin') Ursula in The Little Mermaid! (Forget Ariel - I want to play the baddie!) Marmee in Little Women... The snobby Queen in Once Upon a Mattress... I could go on and on. So maybe your chances at good roles will just improve as you get older! :)
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby Princess Anna » Aug 25, 2010 3:44 pm

Faun_Song612 wrote:Aww, I'm sorry. :ymhug: And I understand that. But when you say "lead," do you mean THE Lead, or do you just mean a larger part? Because there are plenty of great parts (in straight plays and musicals) that aren't the leading lady but which have a LOT of stage time, and some of those you can grow into, instead of out of.

Well, I suppose THE lead, or a supporting role.
I just think it'd be nice to have more stage time, and be challenged more. I mean, I've only had a handful of characters that even had a name. And the most lines I've ever said in a show, probably only amounted to three sentences, or so. :p So, yeah. It'd be interesting and fun to be something/someone else.

So maybe your chances at good roles will just improve as you get older! :)

Maybe! :)
I mean, it would be fun to be Marmee (Days of Plenty is a wonderful song!), or Mrs. Potts (though, if I do Beauty and the Beast again, I BETTER be Belle... I've wanted to be her since the movie came out! :)) ). Whoever plays Madame Thenardier usually does steal the show, but I don't know if I'd wanna be her. ;))

But good point, thanks! I guess I was just in a sulky mood last night. :ymblushing: I mean, the fact that I get to do shows at all is pretty special. Not everyone can say they've done one... let alone many. (or that they've been a part of an original cast of something... and I can! Dad and me were in the original cast of a musical a local guy took twelve years to write. I'd say this was around 2005, maybe? if not, a little after that. But yeah, it was The Oregon Trail: the musical. And man, did it ROCK! I hope some other group does it sometime, the music and story were awesome. and I'll never forget that I was a part of it's first run!! we made a cd and everything. how cool is that?!)
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Re: Acting and Live Theatre.

Postby daughter of the King » Aug 25, 2010 7:45 pm

Break a leg, georgiefan1! I have unfortunately never seen Anne Frank although I really want to.

That's quite a schedule, Faun_Song. I think I would have keeled over if I had done two shows in a row like that.

Princess Anna wrote:And yet, I still get terrified at every audition. Shouldn't I grow out of this?! /:)

You know, one would expect that auditions would get easier every time, but they never do. I don't know why. Maybe it's the adrenaline rush or something.

Princess Anna wrote:I want a chance to be in a lead role, before I get too old to BE in a lead role. Ya know?

Oh, I know. The really exciting roles are the lead ones, or at least the ones with lots of lines. I don't want to be Cinderella, but I would love to play one of the stepsisters.

I've never heard of Oregon Trail, but wow that sounds so awesome. You even made a CD?

I picked up the script for White Christmas today. It's less like the movie than I was expecting. They cut a lot of songs and added other ones and left out a few things and added others. Auditions are in three weeks; I'm trying to talk my little sister into auditioning with me because she's the right age to play Susan Waverly and she had an absolute blast when she was in Christmas Carol last year.
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