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Board Games!!!

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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby Anfinwen » Oct 05, 2015 2:19 pm

Has anyone else played "Stratego"? My cousin had the LotR version, and we have Narnia. It's the White Witch's army against Aslan's.

Some of my family's favorites are "Sequence" and "Wits and Wagers."

Sequence is like connect 5 using cards and chips for up to 6 players.

Whits and Wagers is a cross between trivia and moneyless-betting. Everyone makes a guess at the correct answer and writes it down, then all answers are displayed and the players put their pieces on the answers they think might be correct.
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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby fantasia » Oct 11, 2015 5:31 am

Thank you for the suggestions everybody. I've not even heard of most of them, so I clearly have some research to do. ;)

Anfinwen, my Dad had an ancient, classic stratego game that I played a lot with him when I was little. Haven't played it in years.
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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby Shadowlander » Oct 11, 2015 1:26 pm

Stratego is great fun and I love playing it! I've got two sets, both from the 80's and with the molded plastic (blue and red) with the gold and silver unit ID's. I was never particularly good at using the Spy but other than that I think I can hold my own at said game. :)

FK, you might could check out an older game called Scotland Yard. It is a very fun game which involves one player assuming the identity of Mr. X and attempting to flee the other players, who as detectives with the titular Scotland Yard, are working together to blockade and capture him/her. The game is set in London and there are a variety of ways for both parties to get around, be it taxi cab, the Underground, or buses. Whenever I have played in the past it seems that Mr. X, if played well, is constantly one step ahead of the detectives, and it can be pretty tricky to keep up with him! :D

Here's a pretty good (and brief!) review of SY and why I think this just may be what you're looking for. It's also not terribly expensive although you'd need to find it either at a thrift store (and hope all the pieces are inside) or on eBay, or some other such online auction site. B-)

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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby SnowAngel » Nov 02, 2015 6:57 pm

My family and I love Sequence, it's a favorite at our house. We have the original version (we're on our second set of cards/board, we use the first that much), Numbers, States & Capitals (it's educational ;) ), and we use to have the kids version, but some of the cards were lost in a move.

Ugh, I hate Stratego. Several of my siblings are really good at it, including the younger ones. I'm not a very graceful loser, so I gave up playing the game.

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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby mm1991 » Jan 13, 2016 4:26 am

A board game I'm really into lately is called Pandemic. Has anyone played it?

It's cooperative, so it's everyone together against the game. The board is like a map and you have little cubes that are diseases. Everyone has their own role/job and you have to contain the diseases and cure all of them to win. It's more complicated than that, but that's the basic gist of it!
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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby Shadowlander » Jan 17, 2016 10:08 pm

Pandemic is awesome!!! Personally I prefer to play the Medic, but really all of the different roles are useful. :D
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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby fantasia » Sep 06, 2016 6:11 am

I finally attempted to play Candyland with Evan the other night for the first time. He's almost four now so I was hoping he could do it.
It actually started off well! We turned over the first few cards of color and I showed him how to move his piece forward to the matching color on the board and he seemed interested!
But after about three or four turns each, he decided it was way more fun to turn over cards and lay the cards on top of the board with the matching color square. ;))
Still, I have hope that one of these days he'll figure out how to play and enjoy board games.
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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby johobbit » Sep 06, 2016 6:21 am

fantasia wrote:Still, I have hope that one of these days he'll figure out how to play and enjoy board games.

Most likely he will in time. :)

I well remember having to adjust 'rules' for board games with our kids when they were young as they also became interested in another and rather random aspect of the game that appealed to them far more. ;)) And we ended up making some fun games of our own when the regular way of playing just did not cut it. B-)
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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby fantasia » Sep 06, 2016 6:25 am

johobbit wrote:I well remember having to adjust 'rules' for board games with our kids when they were young ...

Indeed, I remember my parents doing the same thing for us as well. Monopoly being the primary example. I don't think I've ever once played a full game of that. ;)) I think we just played until all of the properties were purchased or something like that... ;)) Made a slightly faster game. ;)
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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby shastastwin » Jul 07, 2017 6:48 am

*blows dust off the games thread*

We spent a good part of this past weekend with friends, playing a game I received for Christmas but hadn't been able to try out yet. It's a deck-building game called Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle, and it has a base game as well as expansions that allow you to play a version of the game for each year of the books/movies. It was great fun and worked well for the experienced tabletop gamers and the less experienced in our group. I'm hoping to find another game with similar mechanics to try out. There's a Lord of the Rings deck builder called the Living Card Game I've been looking at for a while. There's also an expansion for the Harry Potter game that I'm hoping to pick up (or at least put on a Christmas list).
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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby Reepi » Jul 08, 2017 5:25 am

shastastwin wrote:There's a Lord of the Rings deck builder called the Living Card Game I've been looking at for a while. There's also an expansion for the Harry Potter game that I'm hoping to pick up (or at least put on a Christmas list).

The LotR game is definitely different in that you build the deck before the game rather than as part of the game like deck building games usually are. A result of this is of course that LotR gets a lot of expansions and it comes down to players who spend more ultimately can play with a better deck. It does feel a lot more like a CCG as a result.

If you are looking for a game where you build the deck as part of the gameplay, there are a LOT of different games there. The usual go to recommendation made is "Dominion", since it invented the genre and has become a classic as a result.
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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby shastastwin » Jul 08, 2017 6:46 am

Thanks for that advice, Reepi. I have noticed all the expansions as I've looked at LotR more, and I'm a bit daunted by them. While the ability to expand the game is very cool, the thing I liked most about HP (before owning it) was the fact I didn't have to invest a lot of money to get a full experience of different levels of play. I've seen Dominion come up a lot in my searches, so I'll look into it a bit more. I'm also considering something from the Legendary line, as that seems to be more of the style the HP game has.
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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby Reepi » Jul 09, 2017 2:48 am

shastastwin wrote:I'm also considering something from the Legendary line, as that seems to be more of the style the HP game has.

Oh yeah, they have a lot of different licensed games. Dominion can feel a bit "boring" because it was the first of its genre and thus a bit "dry". It has a lot of expansions that change things up a bit, but if you're looking for something more HP, the Legendary games have a lot of different licensed version that could be interesting. They all have things that make them unique with different game modes and such.
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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby SnowAngel » Jul 10, 2017 11:28 am

As of right now my favorite board game is Scrabble. My sisters and I have the best time playing together and with our mom. We have good vocabularies since we were homeschooled and continue to read a lot, but wow some of the words you discover in the dictionary when playing words games. :D For-instance cozen, pouf, gloze....

In a game yesterday one of the words played was fee and by the end of game it was played off 3 times into unfeeling. Some of the other interesting words recently were - qua became squads, brow became brownie, maze became amazed, hob became hobblers, rage became enraged, etc.

Quiddler is another favorite and the only word game my older brother will play.

I prefer the short board games like TransAmerica, 10 Days in Europe, Domination, Sequence, etc. More chances to win (or be beaten) with short games. ;)

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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby stargazer » Jul 10, 2017 5:51 pm

I've been introduced to a couple of fun games lately:

Hero Realms - a competitive card game that works a little like "Magic: The Gathering" with the addition that it's a deck-building game. You can acquire gold to buy from a selection of cards to make your deck better as the game goes on.

Battle for Greyport: This is also a deck-building game, but in this one the players cooperate with each other to overcome D&D-type monsters attacking the city of Greyport.
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Re: Board Games!!!

Postby Grandmama » Sep 05, 2019 6:09 pm

I just found this thread. For the most part, I like games which don't have a ton of rules to learn and the game goes fairly quickly. Two card games that fit the bill are:
The Mind (my son introduced me to it)
No, Thanks (my nephew introduced me to this one).

Once in awhile, I do enjoy playing Civilization, which is long and complicated.

I enjoy the board game Acquire quite a bit, also Settlers of Catan and Pictionary. I love Scrabble, but would rather play on-line where I can take a turn whenever it's convenient.
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