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Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby aileth » Oct 27, 2018 12:07 pm

"Um, sure," said Molly, eyeing Maeve a trifle warily. She didn't look angry at the moment, so it should be all right. She lowered her voice, glancing over her shoulder to see that no one was close by. "I'm not just looking for firewood; I'm hoping to find a box or two that should come washing up. One has fish-hooks and other implements, the other we call the 'food bank.' Chicken soup mix, powdered milk, and other dry goods to supplement our diet. That's if they did it right."

An overwhelming bitterness rolled over the stewardess. Did she dare to trust Maeve, or any of the others, for that matter? "They" had warned her about relying on passengers. But she needed to talk to someone, and if the company had let them all down again....

"I'm really upset with Management right now. They faithfully promised that there would be no more glitches. This"--indicating the barren shore--"doesn't look right at all. And they shouldn't send people on adventures without telling them first. Unless it's all an accident, and that's worse than ever!"
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby Lady Arwen » Oct 27, 2018 4:28 pm

Maeve nodded.

"Sounds like a vacation plan only the idle rich could come up with," she said softly. "I'm sure the boxes will show up. The supply box and the tarp were set here, so they can't be that far off."

She paused and looked out at sea, considering.

"What happened with your Did they know about their adventure, and it just went wrong, or did they not know, either?"
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby aileth » Oct 28, 2018 1:00 am

"Oh, the last group," Molly groaned, "that was a nightmare. You know, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that they were on board with the plan, if I can use that expression. They were all boasting about how wonderful they were going to be at this survival stunt--the funny thing is, that they were the worst guests I've ever had. A pack of spoilt rich kids--used to being catered to, I guess--and not one of them would lift a finger to help themselves or anyone else. They complained a lot, right from the beginning, and fighting!--you never saw such a bellicose bunch. I'm suspect they would have done each other much more damage, if it hadn't been that not one of them knew how to throw a punch, their personal assistants having always done the dirty work for them."

Molly's brow darkened as the memories flooded in.

"That was before the real trouble began. Things really went downhill later. Anyway, there was a disagreement between the management and the custodial branch. The custodians wanted a raise, and refused to work if they didn't get it. I don't know if everyone else decided they wanted a raise, too, or whether they were claiming solidarity. The upshot of it was that the rescue crews went on strike. We were stuck, with no one to fetch us.

"I was following the news on my radio; someone overheard the broadcast, and started a panic in the camp. When I suggested rationing the food, just to be safe, they began rioting and tearing up the camp. Just after that, Junior's private staff came to airlift him out, and wouldn't take the rest--that made everyone else even more frantic. I couldn't do anything about it, because I had run off into the jungle with the only machete. Of course they chased me, and of course some got lost, so I had to deliver them back to camp. Do you know how hard it is to administer a camp when you're hiding out, with irate campers breathing threats and slaughter?

"The company did finally come for us, after they had sorted out their labour disputes. Nobody died, nobody killed anyone (maybe because I had hidden the machete) and once we all got back to port, to hear them talk, you would have thought that the guests had had the time of their lives. So instead of being fired, management decided to give me another chance. I'm not so sure I should have taken it."

Another thought struck Molly, and she turned to face Maeve.

"By the way, who did sign up your group for this cruise?"
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby Lady Arwen » Oct 28, 2018 10:44 am

"Who do you think?" Maeve said, lowering her voice even more. "We all signed up for a basic cruise. Someone else added us to this venture. The only one who could have arranged it would be yourself or Junior. Who, beside you, knew that this line offered that sort of adventure package? Whose last survival adventure was cut short? He knew exactly where the hidden supplies were, and he was the only one who could have taken your radio, and from what you're saying, he had good reason to do so. He wants to be in control of the situation this time, and he'll probably sabotage you just like he sabotaged all of us."
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby aileth » Oct 28, 2018 2:38 pm

"But if that's the case, as I fear it is, why? What does he stand to gain?" Molly pondered aloud. "And, more pertinent to the matter, what are we going to do about it?"
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby Lady Arwen » Oct 28, 2018 5:41 pm

"It's amazing what the rich will do for entertainment," Maeve said slowly, thinking. So far, Molly had been incredibly open and seemed to be truthful, but that openness could work both ways, if someone else were to question her.

"If other people figure out what we've just discovered, or if Gladstone thinks we know, we might have some trouble. But, I have a little bit of experience with this sort of matter," she continued. "I think, if I have the time and things go my way, I can get the radio nicely, and it won't have to concern anyone else besides us. But Angie--Molly, Angie is needs a real doctor. She can't go more than a few days, so I don't have the sort of time I would like. Do you think we could work this together?"
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby Pattertwigs Pal » Oct 28, 2018 6:13 pm

Pittersticks was enjoying creating a commotion; however, he wasn't particularly pleased at the big dog chasing him. Suddenly he felt an icy blast.

At the sound of the commotion, Twig's had pushed herself up on her knees. She still felt a little unsteady so she stayed sitting on her feet. She was hardly surprised when Maeve encased Pittersticks in ice. She was pretty emotionally numb by this point; nothing would surprise her. She did make a mental note to stay on Maeve's good side if possible.

Just then the girls approached and asked for warm water. Twig's was still mad at Pittersticks and would not have minded if staid frozen for a very long time. The girls however, didn't care whether or not Pittersticks deserved to be frozen. It was sweet that they were so concerned for his safety. "It is fine with me if you use some of the water, I don't think putting him in the pot would be the best idea. As long as Maeve doesn't mind you defrosting him, since she's the one who iced him."
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby aileth » Oct 29, 2018 8:40 am

Molly stared at Maeve, as though gauging her capabilities. Then she slowly nodded.

"Yes, I'm willing to work with you, if you have a good idea, or any ideas at all. I'm prepared to take this island to pieces to find that radio--or somebody," with a fierce motion of her hands. "I feel responsible for my guests, even though I didn't plan any of this." She glanced around. "Speaking of which, where did Mr Walters go? I must keep a particular eye on him."
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby Lady Arwen » Oct 29, 2018 3:52 pm

Maeve nodded, inwardly wondering if Molly actually would have the guts to cut anyone's throat.

"I think the best route, then, would be to play dumb for now, and get through at least the next day. Especially with Walters...he seems to have quite the case of paranoia already."

Maeve looked up and down the beach, then out at the setting sun.

"Did he have that bag of his with him? I would think we could hear those pills rattle for a mile."
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby aileth » Nov 01, 2018 4:06 pm

Seemingly occupied with gathering sticks, Mr Waters had been straining his ears all the while to overhear the conversation between Maeve and Molly.

"See, Ithy, you were right all along!" he chortled to himself. "You knew that there was some nefarious plot being carried out by nefarious people in some nefarious way. This proves it beyond a doubt. A close eye must be kept on that young whippersnapper, lest he bring further disaster upon our heads. No one else can do the job like Ithamar Cadwallader Waters!"

With exaggerated tiptoeings, bag tucked securely under his arm, he scuttled off from the vicinity of the stewardess, who, in his opinion, was far too inclined to try to ride herd on him, interfering with his important investigations.
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby Lady Arwen » Nov 07, 2018 8:35 pm

Kaelin glanced down the beach at her sister.

"He's pretty cold," she said slowly," and even with warm water, it takes time for mass to defrost, so...if Maeve minds, she's be back before we get him back."

She gave a curt nod.

"I don't think she'll mind. Is there something we can put him and the water in?"


Maeve looked around for a few moments, noting a pair of footprints in the sand that belong to neither herself or Molly.

"Keep talking, Molly, and stay along the beach where we've been," she said, pointing at the prints and beginning to follow them. She stopped and listened as she neared the treeline, hoping Waters' pill bag would be rattling.

She needn't have worried, as Waters' tiptoeing was quite like an elephant tiptoeing through a room of eggshells and air horns.

"Gotcha, Walters," she said, collaring the errant detective. "Why is it I always get the feeling you're about to cause trouble?"
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby aileth » Nov 08, 2018 11:39 pm

The great, the magnificent, the irresistibly stellar detective I C Waters had just about pulled off his best escape yet, when he was pulled up with a jerk. Quite literally.

"Waters, Waters," he mumbled despondently, his hand going up to straighten his nonexistent tie. "Trouble? I--I wasn't going anywhere, really. Just wandering along the beach, you know."

He heard Maeve's snort of disbelief, but already he was thinking of how he could evade these women and begin searching for clues. The suspicion that the flame-headed one was actually a rival agent returned to his mind. He must find a way to distract them so that he could carry on unimpeded. So far no useful ideas came to mind. Perhaps it would be best to sleep on it. The best detectives always slept on their problems, and came up with brilliant solutions in the morning. That's what he would do. And tomorrow he would also confront that Gladstone fellow. Yes, that was just the thing!

With a sigh of satisfaction, Waters subsided onto the sand by the fire.
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby Movie Aristotle » Nov 17, 2018 10:58 pm

“Miss Twig’s!” Junior blurted out when he saw her faceplant into the sand. He tried to get to her as fast as he could, but running on sand can be awkward. Then he heard barking which distracted his attention, and for a moment he stood unsure of where he was most needed, helping the lady up, or stopping the dog and squirrel from tearing up the camp. Then, a noise that was unlike any he had before heard. He stood frozen, looking for its source, but when he turned back to view the squirrel he found it was actually the squirrel that was frozen. A spectacle like that was enough to confuse just about anyone, but it had any even more peculiar effect on Junior, perhaps because he was so sheltered from violence, especially the supernatural kind. It appeared that Maeve had some sort of... freezie power, which would definitely come in handy if they were in a position to make snow cones. For now, perhaps it would be best to keep an eye on her.

He turned his attention back to Maeve for some sort of explanation. He was thoroughly confused, and was wondering if perhaps Maeve was on a freezing spree, ready to go after someone else next. But this did not seem to be her plan. True, the squirrel seemed mischievous, but was icing him necessary?

The girls walked to the squirrel and for a moment Junior headed in their direction, out of a protection instinct. But he overheard Maeve’s sister say: "Probably...I don't think Maeve wanted to kill him, so..." This confirmed that Maeve meant no permanent damage to the squirrel or any of the other castaways, so he relaxed, and as the girls ran to Miss Twig’s, he followed.

Twig’s seemed weak and shaken, and so he now felt that despite his best intentions, his indecision lead him to the worst outcome, protecting the girls, who didn’t need protection, and not going directly to help Miss Twig’s after her fall.

The girls asked Twig’s a question and then went to thaw out the squirrel. Gladstone walked up. “Let me help you. Come, sit up here close to the fire. You’ve had a rough day.” Junior thought that Twig’s might resist more, but she accepted his assistance. He picked up a drying blanket he found along the way and escorted her back to the campfire. When she was seated, he shook out his beach towel and draped it around her, but he spread out the blanket close to the fire to finish drying as he sat next to her on the sand.

“That was a nasty tumble you made back there. I hope you’re all right. That squirrel seems to be trouble. You must have quite a time keeping him in check. Don’t worry about what he said to me. People are always making up stories and assumptions about the rich. I let it roll off of me. Not a lot phases me. Although, I’m sorry if he embarrassed you.” He stopped for a moment, listening for a response. Before the silence became awkward, he continued. “I guess, rumors of this kind are new to you. But I get it all the time from the tabloids. I’m glad, for your sake, that there are no reporters on this island, otherwise they’d love to print up some gossip.” Here he stopped and picked up the dental floss. “I’ve been thinking of you a lot lately. Ever since what happened on ship. Not the wreck, that is, I mean that night. -What you said to me. Anyway, it made me think a lot of how I might be perceived by others. And, it also made me think of my motivation.” Here, he sighed. “The truth is... despite what they may say in the papers, I really haven’t had that many relationships. None close that is.” After a moment he quickly added, “Emotionally or physically. I mean, nothing at all like what the magazines suggest. I mean, I’m not around women much. I’m actually too shy. I tend to hang out with the bros and pump iron and go hiking and mountain climbing, dirt biking and do shark cages and things because, well, I’m uncomfortable around women. And so yes, maybe to impress the guys, I play the part, and maybe I try to fool myself, but basically, when I date, I tend to overcompensate on the bravado and end up... oh I don’t know, being unattractive. Maybe this isn’t making any sense. But when I decided to go on this cruise, I decided that I was going to be bolder and just jump right in and try to be outgoing. You know... actually try the whole dating thing again. But I think I just came off as a nuisance, and I didn’t think about your feelings and... well. I made myself into a big jerk. I guess for once I just wanted to be a romantic. But as usual, I’m just a manly man, pretty, rich boy. A bull in a china shop. Thoroughly boring and unattractive. He stopped to look into the fire, not daring to look at her.

He continued. “I guess what I mean to say is, I’m sorry. And I hope you forgive me for the way I acted on ship.”

He went silent, wondering what Twig’s was thinking. He distracted himself with his busy work.

He certainly wasn’t going to ask her. But she wasn’t saying anything either, which just made him more uncomfortable and his sudden revelations seem all the more ridiculous. Well, the apology was done, and there was nothing more to be said. So perhaps it was time to change the subject. He finished his project anyway.

He got up and walked over to where the girls were working to thaw out Pittersticks. “Grace?” He called to the child. “I know that this cruise hasn’t gone as planned, and I know this might be overwhelming for you. I just wanted you to know that it’s going to be all right. Here.” Junior opened his palm to reveal a necklace made of tiny seashells. “I started making this as soon as I gathered your Mom was missing. Your Dad was nervous and worried, so I was thinking you might be too. I’m glad we found her. I know she isn’t well, and things look dark, but I hope this little gift brings you comfort.” At this point, he dropped the necklace in her hand and let her look at the shells. “I hope you don’t mind the minty scent.”

After a bit, Junior returned to the fire and found the blanket was now pretty dry. He sat on the sand, wrapped himself in the blanket, and then took off his sandals. Twigs was still sitting, not far from him. He had to chuckle about what the squirrel said. He was right. It was a romantic spot. Just then, Junior had a sudden thought, which he soon said out loud.

“What did the squirrel mean when he said you were one of the only females here who is not completely furious with me? Why would anyone be furious with me? What have I done?”
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby Ryadian » Nov 18, 2018 10:27 am

Faye arrived with a bundle of driftwood just in time to hear Mr. Gladstone's question about what he had done. As she did not have the benefit of hearing any of what he said to Twig's or Grace, she couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration, even fury, at his cluelessness. She'd been willing to hold off on having this conversation until camp was prepped, but given that they were nearly done, she was ready to let him have a piece of her mind.

"We know about the 'surprise adventure' your cruise line sprung on us." She explained, icily, as she set the driftwood down with the rest of the pile. "And either someone is playing the worst prank of all time, or there has been some considerable incompetence, because we apparently can't even call for help despite two major injuries. If you're going to claim ignorance, you'd probably better do so quickly and convincingly. Otherwise... I think you have lot of explaining to do."
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby Lady Arwen » Nov 18, 2018 6:22 pm

Kaelin studied her palm leaves intently. It seemed as if everything was going bad now. Before, even with Angie's injury and the uncertainty of the accident, Kaelin had been happy enough, glad to explore and create with her friend, trusting in Maeve and Dan's ability to keep them safe. Then Maeve was slipping into her bad place with a smile, and now another strong leader was showing interest in her only friend.

She did not want to be here anymore.


"Hmm, apparently we're doing this now," Meave muttered to Molly, surveying the camp. "So much for the subtle approach."

She leaned against a palm, waiting for Gladstone's reply. It would have to be quite an impressive truth to overcome her perceptions, but she would smile and accept it anyway. There is, after all, more than one way to skin a cat.
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Re: Mansion: Cruise on the Titan IC!

Postby Movie Aristotle » Nov 18, 2018 10:12 pm

On board the Titan IC, various guests were assembled at a large table in the Galaxy Ballroom, though none of them knew why.

Gladstone appeared, wearing a shiny yellow shirt and white suit and tie. He walked right up to Javier. "Is everyone here? Have all the arrangements been made for tonight's surprise?"

Javier responded in his usual condescending manner. "Everything is ready and everyone on your guest list is inside. I still wish you would have told them what is about to happen. I have a feeling that this night isn't going to go the way you've hoped."

"Nonsense" Junior dismissed. "People love surprises, and they love games. Tonight is going to be fun!"

"Well, we'll find out. It's 7 o'clock. Time to start."

"Righto, Javie. I'd better get a move on." Junior bolted inside and hopped up onstage. The backdrop was a shiny gold foil fringe curtain with silver stars, suitable for cruise lines and Vegas chapels where you can be married by an Elvis impersonator. A spotlight appeared on Junior as he grabbed the mic. The spotlight operator sank from view, evidently not wanting to be associated with this spectacle.

"Hey, welcome to all of you. Thanks so much for coming. I've gotten to know you all a bit since the cruise started and I wanted to give you an opportunity to know me better. I feel like you are the very ones that I wanted to be here to witness this very special night. We have lots of surprises in store. I hope you're enjoying the appetizers. I'll have you know, the fried okra was a homemade recipe from my very own mother. But speaking of a nice woman, you're probably wondering why you all are here. Well, here comes surprise number one: Today (today, today) is (is, is) my BIRTHDAY! Yay! Happy birthday to... me, happy birthday to me. Come on, sing along! Happy birthday dear... my name is Junior, happy birthday to me. Ha-hey! Whew. I guess you guys didn't know the words to that song. Well anyway, for my birthday we've got some games lined up. Feel free to stay after dinner for the usual: limbo, pin the tail on the donkey, bob for apples, etc.

“And this night couldn't have been possible without my right hand, Javier Schiffbauer! Javier come on over here!" Javier did. "Javier has done so much for my family over the years. Did you know he designed this very boat we're standing in? He's built this cruise line up from nothing, if you call $800 million nothing. Ha ha. You have our deepest appreciation for everything you've achieved over the past ten years. But, with new times comes new blood and so, I have a little announcement to make to you, my friends, which up until now only Javier and I and a few other people know... drum roll please..."

As there was nobody at the drums, there was silence. "The board of Royal Dittopian Cruise Lines has decided that, starting next year, I will be in charge of all cruise line operations! How about that, ladies? Not only handsome and rich, but I also oversee an entire cruise line! What a catch, right? But keep this a secret as it may affect the market value… I might be more in demand. Ha!

“Which I suppose brings us to the main event. Our first game will feature perhaps the luckiest winner, because tonight, we are playing our very own cruise-line edition of... the Dating Game!" Canned music started playing through the ballroom speakers. Two people clapped. One of them was Junior.

A large game wheel was rolled in by the waiter. "That's right. I've put the names of several single ladies in this room on this wheel right here. We'll spin it, and the winner will get to have a one-on-one dinner with me at my private table. Isn't that great? Who will it be? Will it be timid and terrific Twig's? Fun and friendly Faye? Or someone else? Only chance and time will tell as we SPIN… THE… WHEEL!"

Junior bounded up to the wheel and gave it a big spin. The names streaked round as the pointer clicked on every spoke. "Clickclickclickclickclickclickclick" it went as the audience sat half amazed, half nervous about this rich man's way of asking a girl out. Of course, no one was as nervous as the single ladies in the room who were now thrust into one of the most embarrassing events in their lives. "Click, click, click, click, click" it went as tension mounted higher. "Click. Click. Click. Click." The names were now readable: "Faye; Xandria; Birthday Boy's Choice; Molly. "Click... click... Twigs."

"It's Twig's! Ms. Twig's, come on down!!!" The waiter escorted Twigs up to the stage. "Twig's, you've won! You must be all a-flutter right now." He had no idea how right he was. "Folks, this is just the first event of the evening, so feel free to order what you want and enjoy the rest of the party. Twig's and I will be sitting right over here if you need us, so please have fun and thank you for coming!" Before they knew it, Twigs and Junior were seated at a private table with a red tablecloth and a lit white candle on it. Junior started the conversation:

“Well. How does it feel to be a winner?”

“Um... Well, I am speechless?”

“That's okay. It happens to the best of us. Champagne?”

“No thanks, I don't drink.”

“Ah. To tell the truth, I prefer a glass of sweet tea in a Ball jar myself. James, could you get me and the lady some sweet tea? You'll love it.”

“Sweet tea sounds nice.”

“I've got a peach orchard down on the plantation and every year we harvest and make tall glasses of peach tea. Oh, you'd love the orchard, especially in the spring. -All those peach blossoms leaving a sweet fragrance in the air. Do you like the smell of peach blossoms?”

“I don't think I've ever smelled them. It sounds pleasant.”

“Oh it is. Being in the fragrance business, I've smelled a lot of things, but few compare to a nice peach blossom. It reminds me of home and my momma. You see, every smell has a connotation to it. That's the key to perfume: you have to have a philosophy around it.”

“I suppose so.”

“Take my philosophy for example: You see, I believe that men should smell like plants, whereas ladies should smell like flowers or fruit.”

“What kind of plants?”

“Well, like cinnamon bark. Or an earthy pine scent. Take the cologne I've got on now. This is made from eucalyptus extract and maple sap. It's a mixture I oversaw myself.”

Twig’s nodded.

“Now see, your perfume is all wrong. It's bland. It doesn't remind anyone of anything. It smells like you got it from the discount gift section of the department store. No, perfume has to tell a story. I could get you a perfume that would knock the fellows’ socks off.”

“Oh. Well, um. I guess I could think about that.”

“Oh yeah. And don't worry about the cost. I'd get you a free sample. Being in charge has its perks, am I right?”

“I suppose so.”

“So... about my hobbies: I'm sort of an adventurer. But I also like a nice day at the gym with the guys. Maybe a little paintball one day, a little parasailing the next. I love ziplining over Guatemala. Have you ever gone?”


“Never gone ziplining?”


“Well, you must love to visit the jungle on foot then?”

“I've never been to the jungle.”

“Never been to Guatemala? What have you been doing with your life? Where have you gone?”

“I've been busy with work and it doesn't pay enough for me to travel. This cruise is the farthest away from home I have been.”

“Kind of a shut-in, huh? Ha ha. All work and no play makes Twig's a dull girl. Well, what do you do with your time? Come on, I want to know.”

“I work at the library in the town of Reading. I also visit schools to get children interested in reading. My spare time is spent reading, baking, and doing needle work.”

“I should take you hunting in the Outback. You'd do a lot of baking there. You look like you could use a trip to the tanning salon, or just lay on deck for a while. Me too. I try to keep tan otherwise I burn. But Australia, now there is a place that I love to go. I've gone maybe seven, or eight times. The guys and I head out at least once a year now. I love swimming in the Caribbean too. Do you like the sea as much as I do?”

“I like the sea but I doubt anyone likes the sea as much as you do.”

“Oh yes. I like to lay around on the beach a lot.”

“Maybe could we talk about something other than travel?”

“Oh, but you'd love travel. There are so many sights to see! This cruise is just the beginning. There are so many wondrous sights that a boat can't even get to: like Nepal, or some temples of Thailand. Also, central India is worth seeing.”

“Yes, I am sure they are but the chances of me getting to see them are very slim.”

“Not if you stick with me. I'll pay. I'm a millionaire, remember? Just say the word and we'll go backpacking in Kathmandu. Books can never do justice to real experience. You need to get out of your comfort zone, be brave, do what you've never done before.”

“It would be highly improper for me to go backpacking with you."

“Nonsense. The people of Nepal don't care. Oh look, salad and bread rolls! I took the liberty of ordering the fat free Italian dressing. It's tangy but no aftertaste. My favorite. So you said you like books. What do you read?”

“I love mysteries, fantasy, and classics. Classics like Mansfield Park, A Christmas Carol, Sherlock Holmes. Oh and mythology.”

“Man's Field Park? Isn't that the autobiography of that one baseball player? Oh, I can't remember his name right now. The legend...”

“Um... no. It is a story by Jane Austen. It is set in England in the 1800s.”

“Oh, right. Jane Austen. Should have known. Couldn't stand the movies I've seen, with all those silly costumes. Darcy just didn't get it. Of course, Elizabeth was mistaken too. How could she be so clueless that he liked her, anyway?”

“Some people have a knack for being clueless.”

“I know.”

“It gets rather annoying at times.” Here, Twigs looked pointedly at Junior. Junior mistook the cue entirely.

“Funny thing, I thought maybe Jane Austen would come up. Look, no more beating around the bush. I've seen you in the cafeteria sitting sort of by yourself and so I've stopped by to chat a few times. I understand how you might get a little attracted to me.” Here, he smiled boyishly. “I've seen your subtle hints and attempts to catch the attention of the rich boy. Well, they worked. You've got a chance at a real dinner with me. So, what do you want to say? What stands out the most about me? My charm?”

“What charm?” Twig's leaped up from her seat.

“I just mean, all signs on this ship point to you and me.”

“Right now, the only sign I am interested in is stop! You have done nothing but make me uncomfortable since I joined you! ‘I don't wear the right perfume. I need to travel more. I'm dull.’ You are an arrogant spoiled rich boy. Not everyone wants to hang out with you. If I have done anything to make you think I was interested in you, I apologize. Only shallow women would want the attention of a self-absorbed rich boy like yourself. I also do not like being entered in a contest to win a date with someone without my consent. If this cruise is any indication about what it is like to travel and the people I'll meet, I will go back home and never travel again!”

Twig's turned and fled, angry and embarrassed tears streaming down her bright red face. She breezed past Javier, who straightened his tie. The spotlight operator, soundman, and waiter were looking on, and after Twig’s left the room, they walked up to him. The waiter, James, spoke first. "That was embarrassing."

“I’ll say,” said the muscular, brown-haired spotlight operator.

Javier responded coldly but curtly. "It was a two-bit carnival sideshow. That redneck has absolutely no idea how to run a respectable cruise line. If we left it to him, he'd have us all costumed like the Grand Ol' Opry serving chocolate coins and grits. I'm glad we won't have to worry about him much longer. I can't stand the sight of him. Tomorrow. We'll do it."

"But boss," the spotlight operator, Bob, spoke up. "Didn't you hear? He just announced he was taking over operations. You're not going to go through with it now, are you? It would raise suspicion."

Javier sighed with regret. Not the sort of regret as though you are sorry, but the sort of regret when you realize that you're going to have to delay your plans because you have to cut your toenails. "The only people who know that are the people in this room. We'll have to dump them too. -And anyone else you see him associate with. This may work in our favor. One person gone overboard is headline news. A group gone missing is just daily life. And these afternoon drinking parties that the rich throw so often get out-of-hand.”

OOC: Thanks to Pattertwig's Pal for helping to write the dialogue!
Movie Aristotle
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Movie Aristotle
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