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The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Gymfan15 » Apr 29, 2018 12:36 pm

^^ One of the next new areas to come out is likely to be Law, so perhaps making sure you've got those areas completed and traps obtained will be good. It seems like recent law areas make use of Shadow and Arcane as well, so ensuring that you've got those traps up to snuff is good too. There isn't likely to be another Rift area very soon so that's no rush.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby starkat » Apr 29, 2018 2:20 pm

Thanks Gymmie. I need another 30 dawn dust to get into the heart of the meteor and then I can get the Meteor Prison Core Trap.

Edit: Trap gotten! Now to getting another relic hunter segment.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby shastastwin » May 08, 2018 5:56 am

I'm up to 7 Relic Hunter Theme Scraps!!! :O :D I just need #7 and #9. Maybe I'll get some lucky treasure chest opens soon.

I had enough Clockwork Cogs after this last Absolute Acolyte to buy the first Timesplit Rune to put toward the Rift upgrade. Only 9 more to go . . . *weeps at the thought of catching 45 more AAs before the new trap*
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby starkat » May 08, 2018 6:04 pm

I've got another two to go. I'm missing 4 and 5. This last chest was weird. It had a ton of rift mice in it and it was a relic hunter map. I need to go hunting the relic hunter for more maps.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Gymfan15 » May 08, 2018 7:56 pm

I've got six...still looking for the others but I'm sure they'll be along shortly.

I've been having fun doing some boss hunting lately...Bat 10 in Furoma with Ascended cheese is pretty fun! :D
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Varnafinde » May 19, 2018 5:19 pm

I've got 7 scraps, but I wonder whether the numbers I've been given, are wrong. I assume the system knows which ones I'm still missing, though.
I think I got my last scrap two or three years ago - but since then I've not been hunting on so many RH maps, mostly area specific maps. But now I should stick mostly to the RH ones until I get the last 2 scraps.

I also need to do 4 more AA runs in BW Rift, to get the trap there. I still need 40 Clockwork Cogs, after having looted or bought the 10 Timesplit Runes.

Other tasks are to bronze or silver some more mice that need crowns. My ambition is to bronze almost all mice and silver about half of them. I need about 30 bronzes, and I've already silvered close to 45% of the mice.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby fantasia » May 22, 2018 9:59 am

Got my 7th scrap the other day. :D

Varna wrote:I've got 7 scraps, but I wonder whether the numbers I've been given, are wrong. I assume the system knows which ones I'm still missing, though.
Yeah, they don't drop in order. I'm missing Theme Scraps I & VIII.

In between treasure maps, I've decided to make a push for Elder status. I have 17% to go, so it'll take a while, but I wonder if future areas will reward me for having a higher status, and therefore, it's probably worthwhile to get there.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby starkat » May 27, 2018 5:15 pm

I am now missing only one of the relic hunter theme scraps!

My updated to-do list

I'm still missing the:
magmatic golem
battering ram
9 mice in Moussu Picchu (I started out with an advantage due to the Christmas event and didn't have to build supplies.)

I'm still missing some of the more advanced:
Got the law trap.

Need the clockwork base and the timesplit dissonance trap (These are going to take AWHILE)

Relic hunter theme scraps I'm missing:

I don't have the ninth or tenth battery in furoma rift done yet either, but I've got all the mice.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby fantasia » May 30, 2018 11:33 am

I can't get over the fact that Mousehunt has FINALLY incorporated my most desired feature, which is an in-game friends system. Wahoo!!!
I know Gymmie and Varna have had friends for quite some time that aren't NarniaWebbers or real life friends, but I have not, and this is going to completely change the dynamic of the game for me. For example, I can't just leave my trap alone assuming I won't be taken on a hunt, because that's unlikely to happen now. Currently up to 65 MH friends.

I mentioned this on FB, but as of now I'm planning on keeping all of my raffle tickets/daily gifts/map invites to you all, but I'll share with others if I have open spaces. :)
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Gymfan15 » May 31, 2018 9:16 am you get to experience the pains and joys of a large friends list! (Although I don't know if I count as having a "large" list because I've had under 150 friends since the dawn of time, I think).

The pros definitely outweigh the cons, in my opinion...all those extra hunts add up. And thanks to sorting mechanisms like Frequent Gifters, Teams and allowing you to see the rank/location/stats of friends when you go to invite them to maps, it really helps to make a large list not too overwhelming.

I went on a nice little unfriending party today; first getting rid of some MH friends who have been inactive for YEARS and then FB unfriending all my MH-but-not-real-friends. It was a nice trip down memory lane...I've kept some NWeb and real-life friends on MH in the hopes they'll play again, or at the very least, will be good for Cobwebs or something down the line, haha.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby fantasia » Jun 07, 2018 7:17 am

After some serious DHU and poor planning by myself (I missed a Minotaur by one stinkin' clue!), I've decided to focus primarily on the FRift for the moment in the mini-event. This is an area I don't feel like I have a good handle on because I'll see other people show up with gobs and gobs of high-level cheese and I'm like "How did you get that much cheese?!?" But, I'm moving on up the Viceroy ladder, which is what I want right now. Taking special advantage of the students dropping bonus tokens. :)

I'll probably head back and do another minotaur run at some point before the end of the event, but I'm annoyed at that area right now.

I might also go farm some undead emmental cheese as that's a nice one to have on hand for maps and I'm running low.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Gymfan15 » Jun 07, 2018 9:33 am

FRift is doesn't take too many runs to build up a nearly self-sustaining cycle of cheese/Enerchi. I haven't gotten mine to the point where it's all completely balanced...each run I do I end up with a ton of ONE cheese but not another. Right now I'm SWIMMING in Master Cheese and run I'll have a ton of NOG and probably more Ascended cheese as well. (It's not sustainable to craft Ascended cheese, btw, but it sure is fun!).

Eventually I would like to keep building my stash until I have a healthy amount for Halloween, since it was so profitable for taking down Rift ships.

Wasn't planning on doing a Mino run for the event, but I changed my mind and now I'm about halfway through one...don't really need any loot from there, but a shot at a piece of trap loot is always worthwhile.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby starkat » Jun 07, 2018 5:23 pm

I went ahead and got the puzzle aura. I'm in the Furoma Rift for the next few days to try and get a jump on the formation of the 9th battery. I will probably go back and finish the minotaur run towards the end.

Edit: Got the 9th battery. OUCH. 1000 pieces for the 10th... I'm going to stay here and hunt awhile. That's crazy. But it would be nice to be completely finished with this section and be prepped for next easter.

Edit: I made Viceroy!
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Varnafinde » Jun 17, 2018 1:34 pm

I've been in FRift for a while and finally got the 10th battery - but I haven't started using it yet. I'm down to 6th or 7th, but I'll probably skip the rest and open the full battery set next. I finally silvered all the Rift Masters.

I've also been working on silvering some of the Fungal Cavern mice, and currently the Living Garden mice. I hope to silver the Lucky Mouse, and I've farmed a lot of Enerchi (from base and charms) for when I go back to FRift.

Still need to do the 4 AA runs for the BW Rift trap, but I'll leave it for after the event.

I haven't done anything with my friends' list yet. I have less than 50 friends, so no rush to prune it - but I'll go through it eventually. I prefer to keep only those that I actually interact with, if only by exchanging raffle tickets - but I'll keep most of the NWeb MouseHunters regardless of activity (unless they haven't played for years).

I think the new Friends system is a good idea. Makes Facebook optional.
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby fantasia » Jun 21, 2018 6:28 am

Got my Queso Dousing Rod this morning. I thought I was at the very beginning of the Meteor from a previous map, but no, I was in the Meteor so that was an easy thing to check off the list. ;))

The biggest plus of the mini-event was the super boost in level. I guess since I'm always doing maps in low level areas I don't rank up very quickly. ;)) But i went up over 4% in two weeks! I'm up to 88.2% Viceroy and I'll continue to work on ranking up until Queso Canyon comes out in a few days. :)

ETA: On an additional Mini-Event note, the bonus loot is really making a difference and working its way up the crafting ladder. I have 72 Rift Rumble cheese ready to go my next time around :-o and that should translate into a whole lotta Onyx and Ascended. Not to mention tons and tons of lower level cheese that I didn't want to use because my batteries got too low, so I think I'll be in good shape until I get to Elder level. :)
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Re: The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

Postby Gymfan15 » Jun 21, 2018 8:59 pm

Hehe...I got enough tokens to craft nearly 400 Master Fusion (and then a ridic ton of Belt and Claw tokens leftover because I’m woefully unbalanced)...I can see all the Rumble and Gorgonzola now. ;)) My lowkey goal is to have a very healthy stockpile of Pinnacle cheese for Halloween, assuming the Ships come back...and I’d also like a very good pile of Ascended cheese for CNY and Easter. But that’s quite far off into the future; I’m just keeping an eye on my supplies with that in mind.

I also got my Rod for QQ...I thought I might be out of luck because I remembered crafting Sunrise cheese recently and thought maybe I didn’t have any Dawn Dust left but I had exactly 50. ;)) so that’s all good and ready to go.
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