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Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby johobbit » Oct 31, 2017 9:27 am

Wow, the first snow, stargazer and friend Wiggle! (No, it's not too early to sing that song. ;))) And hurrah for bonfires! :D We had rain the following day. The temperature is consistently around 7C/44.6F and freezing at night ... more great walking weather!.

Puddleglum wrote:It usually waits for a good foot of the white stuff before dropping them so I cannot rake them up.

Isn't that just the way. :P ;)) I hope you can get those desired walks in!

Our temps jump up for one day this week—Thursday—to 15C/59F, with rain, then plunge again.

Our leaves are very late falling this year: some trees are even mostly green still, 'though beginning to turn. A number have let loose their leaves already, and the green grass is lovely with varying shades of orange and yellow sprinkled upon it. :) Have I said how much I love this time of year? ;) :D

The daytime skies have been very moody and beautiful (cloud-laden), but it's also been a few days since I've seen Orion in all its glory on my early morning walk. Miss that.

This weekend, here in Ontario, our clocks turn back an hour, but as I much prefer the shorter days, I look forward when I can walk again under the stars and into the dawn (without getting up ridiculously early ;))).
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby stargazer » Oct 31, 2017 12:35 pm

We also return to Standard Time this weekend, meaning the sun will set by 5 pm. Time for some early-evening stargazing!

The weekend snow is mostly gone and the skies are clearing here, though it will be rather cool for the kids tonight.

But it will be nothing like Halloween was 26 years ago here, when a large blizzard moved in and left piles of snow all over. 'Old' people like me still talk about it. Here is a gallery of some pictures for your enjoyment.

Edit: One memory I have is going out to the parking lot during the storm to try to dig out my car. It was entirely buried by snow. I called in to work to say I wasn't coming. The response was "Why not? This is Minnesota." They did end up closing later that day when none of the delivery trucks could get in or out of the yard (it was a warehouse)
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby Puddleglum » Nov 01, 2017 4:22 am

Ah. I keep forgetting the time change. It is the time of year when one can sit out in front of the wig-warm, and almost see the shadows stretch across the clearing.
I too remember that snowy Eve stargazer. ( though, while I may feel old, I prefer "well aged " ) ;)
One memory I have is of the emergency rooms being busy with poor fellows with damaged digits from clearing their snow blowers by hand. The Hospitals in the Twin Cities actually flew in surgeons from out of state to help there were so many.
Speaking of the white stuff, I am looking at the weather guy on the TV, and there's more on the way today :-s
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby Kalta79 » Nov 04, 2017 9:47 pm

I live in Klamath County in southern Oregon, and it snowed yesterday, got a break today, but it's supposed to start over night again. Supposed to be icky for at least a week. I grew up in places with real winters, but winters here have been mild for me for so long, last winter was a shock, but I realized it wasn't a 'bad' winter, it was just an average winter. When you're a kid(I know 14 year olds don't like being called kids, but now that I'm well over twice that age, I consider myself a kid at that age) and you open the front door and there's just a wall of snow from the roof to the ground, having snow just stay at knee height all winter is nothing...
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby stargazer » Nov 11, 2017 7:13 pm

Welcome to the weather thread, Kalta! That's a lot of snow, for sure.

Here in south central Minnesota winter snow is a guaranteed thing but it's rare to get that much at once (notable exceptions: the Halloween blizzard of 1991 and the big storm of December 2010 that collapsed the Metrodome for the last time).

The weather can't make up its mind this November, varying between quick bursts of snow and relative warmth (we've probably received about 6 inches/150mm of snow so far, but it keeps melting). One day the wind chill can be close to 0F/-17C, and a few days later we're looking at 50F/10C. But the short days are a reminder that winter is definitely coming.
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby Kalta79 » Nov 11, 2017 9:20 pm

Well last Friday we had some snow, less than half a foot, it's mostly gone now, we've had quite a bit of rain since then, but it's gonna snow again Wednesday and Thursday if not before. I need to get the shovel on the porch. We have confused weather here too, it's common to get all four seasons in one week.
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby fantasia » Nov 13, 2017 10:01 pm

While we've been below average here temperature-wise, we've had the same ol' same ol' non-snowy wintery weather. ;)) No ice thus far, but it threatened to ice last week, but it didn't get down below 36F (I think). But the past several days have been cold, cloudy, windy, and complete with drizzle. Blech. I'm just not much for this sort of weather. ;))
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby stargazer » Nov 21, 2017 12:26 am

I'm in the Seattle area visiting relatives for the holidays, and the past few days have had the stereotypical weather this area is known for...low overcast, temps around 40F/4C, and frequent long periods of drizzle or light rain.

But hey, it could be snowing, right? ;)
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby stargazer » Dec 08, 2017 3:18 pm

Finally, after almost three weeks of clouds and rain, the sky is blue again and there is a bright yellow thing in the sky. I've also had a chance to see the night sky again, with a bright full moon and some excellent ISS passes.

Temperatures remain far above what I am used to at this time of year, with highs pushing 50F/10C and just below freezing at night.
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby waggawerewolf27 » Dec 15, 2017 1:23 pm

Ah yes, it is the business end of the year. Weather hasn't been too bad, and yes, we did get some rain, though not really enough for the slog ahead.

stargazer wrote:Temperatures remain far above what I am used to at this time of year, with highs pushing 50F/10C and just below freezing at night.

Those temperatures would be nice right now. 38C on Wednesday and 44C on Thursday. It slumped to 30 yesterday though horribly muggy. The sort where it isn't muggy enough to get a decent drop of rain. But today the mugginess has gone and we are back to 39C. A weak La Nina effect, BOM says, counteracted by drying Indian Ocean weather currents.
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby johobbit » Dec 16, 2017 6:54 am

Kalta79, good to have you on the Weather thread. :) :-o at that amount of snow. I have, at times, experienced similar huge snowfalls. Amazing, really. Everything shuts down and everyone is out helping everyone else shovel. And play. ;))

Glad to hear you've had clear skies finally, stargazer, after what sounds like very dreary weather. Sounds similar to yours around then, fantasia, blech.

Goodness, wagga, those temps are too much. #:-s Hope it cools down to more comfortable air for you soon.

We have had a lot of cloud cover lately, but with snow most days this week. :D Probably a total of 12" has come down. So pretty, and fresh every day. I bundle up when I walk at 6:30 a.m. Everything is hushed. Beautiful. Some days the features (like the side of the road) have been hard to distinguish, so careful treading is in order. ;))

One clear early morning (the peak of the Geminids!) I had the privilege of seeing a few bright meteors ... one especially long one. But no fireballs. And the Moon and Jupiter were close in the pre-dawn sky. Quite the sight, with the Moon's earth-shadow very, very distinct and sharp. Then that night on my walk, I hadn't checked for ISS passes before I left, but saw the vast arc of a bright one (-3.4 mag) around 5:30 pm. Sure enough, I looked online when I arrived home, and that's what it was. Lovely!

We have a bit of a warm-up coming on Monday and Tuesday, but with some snow, yet possibly a touch of freezing drizzle, then back to colder mid-week. Christmas Day looks to be partly cloudy, around -3C/26F, then -10C/14F at night. :)
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby fantasia » Dec 20, 2017 8:10 am

For the first time that I remember, we have a chance for a white Christmas this year. A SLIGHT chance of snow is in the forecast for the 22nd and the 24th, with VERY cold temperatures for highs so the snow that MIGHT fall PROBABLY won't melt. ;))

I'd like a white Christmas, that would be fun. :D
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby waggawerewolf27 » Dec 20, 2017 6:15 pm

Fantasia, I do hope you get your White Christmas. Here, "white Christmas" is a coconut bedecked bit of confection to keep us happy, and our jaws firmly locked too fast to sing the umpteenth chorus of "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas". :D All hard vanilla toffee with preserved fruit. Do enjoy that sort also, if you can get some.

Meanwhile yesterday and the day before were both at 44 degrees Celsius (about 110 Fahrenheit). I'd be delighted if from Sunday onwards for a couple of days, including Christmas Day, we just don't go down to Hades to frizzle and fry. ;)

Merry Christmas to all of you on NarniaWeb. I think I'll wear my new NarniaWeb T-shirt on the day. :ymblushing: :)
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby johobbit » Dec 23, 2017 8:50 am

I hope you can have a white Christmas, fantasia, even if it's just a covering, which is still so pretty.

:P wagga re the White Christmas song. Wow, such heat you're having, oh my.
But :D wearing your NWeb t-shirt on the 25th.

We are for certain having a white Christmas here. Snow just keeps on falling, and whilst this is not ideal for travelers, it sure is pretty to walk in and to look at as we're gathered 'round the meal table or Christmas tree.

The temps here are to be dropping to arctic air cold on Boxing Day. Which means the snow will be staying. :D

stargazer, how is the weather looking out west?

Stay safe, everyone, and a very lovely Christmas to all!
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby Puddleglum » Dec 23, 2017 5:42 pm

Hello again. Sorry about not bein more dependable at this.
We finally have a decent layer of snow on the ground here. While I am relieved to not have three feet of "heart attack" snow this inch last week, inch, and a half today is getting a little tiring.
I cannot complain too much about the temps, as they have been above average for months. But now that we have company coming ( timing is everything ) we are expecting to have below zero F for Christmas.
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Re: Everyone wants to talk weather part 2

Postby stargazer » Dec 24, 2017 1:09 am

Jo, the weather here has been pretty seasonal the past week, I think (not being fully conversant with local patterns) - some cloudy wet days alternating with the occasional day of sunshine, with highs around 40F/4C and lows around freezing.

They're calling for up to an inch (25mm) of wet snow tomorrow, just enough to snarl up the city in time for Christmas. The sky is clear right now (midnight) so we'll see if that happens.
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