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Getting to Know You

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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby johobbit » May 01, 2017 6:36 pm

A hearty welcome to NarniaWeb, Fireberry! :D Yes, agreed, your username is great! And a high-five to a fellow Canadian. There are a (very) few of us Canucks on here. ;)) B-)

Interesting ... THaHB was my leas-liked Chronicle growing up (although I still really liked it), but now it nearly vies with my long-standing favourite, The Silver Chair. Although I do hasten to add, as others have stated, that my best beloved Narnia story is whichever one I am currently reading, they're all so amazing. I love that you've read the series "many, many, many, many" times. :D

It's good to have you here!
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby hmj97 » May 17, 2017 6:00 pm

1. Name: hmj97

2. King or Queen of Narnia (guy or girl): Queen

3. Family (single/married/kids): Single

4. Occupation: College student/childcare provider/freelance actor (won't be freelance for much longer, thankfully!)

5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: I think I found this site back in 2015? Or maybe it was last year? I think I found it through a Google search when I heard news about 'The Silver Chair'. And then I read a comment from someone who was wondering about auditions for the movie and I had to make an account. I love talking about acting and I really wanted to help that person out and get them informed. (Shout out to the admins for getting me set up with my account after a couple tribulations! Hope I wasn't a bother!)

6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles?: I started reading LWW when I was about 8 or so (I think for a book report?) but I just wasn't a reader as a kid and gave up after around page 24. :)) I restarted the series around Christmas time 2015. I, umm, still have 3 books to read. :D Whoops. I have ADHD so it's kinda hard for me to really sit down for a few hours and commit myself to reading. It doesn't help that I've been super busy the last 5 months, either. :|

7. How many times have you read the Chronicles?: Not even once all the way through the series. :)) Working on it though!

8. Favorite of the Chronicles: From the ones I've read, probably LWW. MN comes in at a really close second though (so far, at least).

9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: Reading, creative writing, learning different languages (currently learning 7) in addition to being interested in travel, world culture and history, singing (only sometimes - I get tired of my voice after a while! :)) ) and acting. I'm originally from Portland, Oregon but I now live in a small-medium sized town in the Midwest (a good 7-8 hours of a drive to any real city) due to having a parent previously in the military. There's no talent agency here, but I'm moving back to Portland next summer and I'm so excited to get an agent and do a lot more screen acting stuff instead of being relegated to strictly community theatre and bit roles in local indie shorts. I read through the first few pages of this thread and I came across a few other people interested in different aspects of filmmaking, so that's really neat! How fun would that be if we all got together at some point and made a feature film? :) I also love film scores (James Newton Howard, Harry Gregson-Williams and David Hirschfelder are a few of my favorite composers) and I'm interested in learning how to knit. :D I also have a slight obsession with thunderstorms and fog (especially fog - guess it comes with being from the PNW :)) ).
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » May 18, 2017 11:03 am

Welcome to NarniaWeb, hmj97! :-h Ooh, I'm almost envious that you still have a few of the Chronicles left to read... it would be amazing to go back and read them for the first time again. :D

And wow, you have lots of interesting interests! I'm especially curious about what languages you are learning... I tried to start learning Russian on top of studying Greek a few months ago, but learning two new alphabets/keyboards at once was making me dizzy. :))

Anyway, you might enjoy checking out the books thread, Writer's World, and The Second Measure, which is for all things sewing, yarnwork and other needlework. We also have a thread called The Filmmaker's Studio which is currently locked, but I think it could be opened again if there's interest. :)

If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to ask! Have fun exploring the forum!
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby hmj97 » May 18, 2017 11:44 am

The Rose-Tree Dryad wrote:Welcome to NarniaWeb, hmj97! :-h Ooh, I'm almost envious that you still have a few of the Chronicles left to read... it would be amazing to go back and read them for the first time again. :D

And wow, you have lots of interesting interests! I'm especially curious about what languages you are learning... I tried to start learning Russian on top of studying Greek a few months ago, but learning two new alphabets/keyboards at once was making me dizzy. :))

Anyway, you might enjoy checking out the books thread, Writer's World, and The Second Measure, which is for all things sewing, yarnwork and other needlework. We also have a thread called The Filmmaker's Studio which is currently locked, but I think it could be opened again if there's interest. :)

If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to ask! Have fun exploring the forum!
Thank you for the warm welcome, The Rose-Tree Dryad! :) I'll be sure to check out those other threads. Thank you for mentioning them!

I learned about the Pevensies' fate in LB a few years ago because of some Wikia thread. :(( When I told my mom a few months ago what happened to them (she only ever read through VDT or SC as a kid), she cried. I felt awful for telling her. :(( But I've yet to actually read LB so at least I'll be fully experiencing it for the first time.

I'm learning Russian, Swedish, French, Arabic, Irish, Mandarin Chinese and Hungarian. I'm learning it all on my own time, too, which is nice - I've heard learning languages through school sucks the fun out of learning about them. I wanted to learn Swedish solely because it's a strong part of my heritage and it's the only bit of my ancestry that I've always known about. Only within the last few years did I realize I'm also part Russian, Native American, etc. I'm also playing around sporadically with Spanish, Hawaiian and Icelandic (so I guess that makes it unofficially 10 languages? But I'm not focusing on them so I rarely mention them). I kinda have a thing for lesser-known languages like Irish and Hawaiian. Such rich histories! Also, the Russian alphabet is surprisingly easy to learn. The pronunciation exceptions to certain letters however... I'm still having trouble with that. :)) The Greek and Russian alphabets are both derived from the Cyrillic alphabet, so a small handful of the letters between the 2 languages are the same. I've wanted to learn Greek for a while, but I could never choose between wanting to learn Ancient Greek or Modern Greek. Similarly, I had the hardest time choosing whether to learn Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese. :)) (I ended up picking Traditional.)

The dream would be to get cast as adult Lucy in HHB film (after the script is written so the Pevensies have larger roles than what's written in the book, of course :)) ) but unless the specific agent I'm looking at signing with has connections in London (highly unlikely, though he does seem to have a good reputation with casting departments in LA which is neat) or I eventually get an agent in London (even more unlikely), it just won't happen. I can always fancast myself, though... right? :))

I forgot to mention this, but I'm a bit of a nature photographer. All freelance, though, and I've never submitted my photos for photo contests or calendars or anything like that. I just like taking pictures of pretty things in nature. :) I have a VSCO - I'm hmj97 on there as well, though I haven't updated it in a while. I'll try to update it soon.
Being an actor means exploring the human psyche, often in its most raw form. It's terrifying at times, but so incredibly liberating. And then there's, you know, the less deep stuff, like getting an agent and going on audition after audition.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » May 18, 2017 7:01 pm

@hmj97: Well, I won't say any more about the Pevensies' fate in LB so as to not spoil any surprises, but I do hope you (and your mom!) are able to read the book soon! :)

That's a super cool collection of languages! :D The Russian alphabet itself wasn't so bad, but learning how to type in Russian on an American keyboard, on the other hand... hardly any of the letters corresponded with the phonetically similar Latin letters. I thought my brain was going to melt out of my ears. :P This site was great for practicing, but I figured I'd do better after I was farther along with Greek and maybe I wouldn't be so mentally exhausted. ;)) My ultimate goal is to be able to read Ancient Greek fluently, but I'm learning Modern Greek at the moment just to get my feet wet. Some things have evolved, but the core of the language has endured over the millennia... it's pretty amazing, honestly!

(Methinks maybe we need a thread in the Spare Oom about this topic... I shall have to look into that. :D)

Good luck with your Narnian acting dreams! You never know until you try, and even if playing Lucy is out of reach, you might still get the chance to be a background character. Playing a dryad or a naiad would be so cool!

And wow, very nice photography! :ymapplause:

I forgot to mention before: the central hub for free-floating conversation is the Town Square over in Ditto Town. It's a great place to chat with NarniaWebbers and talk about interests and life stuff, so you might want to check it out! :)
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Hwinning » May 30, 2017 2:26 pm

Hello, Narniawebbers. I'm new, rather confused, and really excited to be here! :)

1. Name: Hwinning
2. King or Queen of Narnia: Queen
3. Family: I'm a teenager
4. Occupation: Student
5. How you learned about NarniaWeb: While desperately scouring the ends of the internet for information about the silver chair movie
6. How old were you when you first read the Chronicles: 4th like 9 probably
7. How many times have you read the Chronicles: Several
8. Favorite of the Chronicles: Horse and His Boy
9. Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: If Hwinning was taken, I would have chosen Breeginner for my username.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » May 30, 2017 2:45 pm

Welcome to NarniaWeb, Hwinning! :-h I love your username and your flair for coming up with creative names... Breeginner is so clever as well! ;))

Glad that you're here, and yes, it can be a little bit confusing at first... if you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask! You'll also be getting a message from one of our trusty members of the Welcoming Committee in the next day or so, and they'll also be glad to help out with any questions you have. :)

Enjoy exploring the forum! :D
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby johobbit » May 30, 2017 2:52 pm

A warm and hearty welcome to you, hmj97 and Hwinning/Breeginner (very creative, indeed!). :D :D

Sure glad you're both here and, for sure, feel free to ask any questions if things are overwhelming. Or even if they're not. ;)) Enjoy discovering the forum, especially with The Silver Chair news ramping up!
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby UltimateSchweetWarrior » Jun 07, 2017 12:30 pm

So...since it's been a long time since I've been on, I decided to look at my post here from when I first joined, and some of the things I said are still the same, some aren't, so here are the ones that have changed:

Name: Hasn't technically changed, but I thought I might as well note that you can call me Schweet if you want. :)

Occupation: I don't exactly have one, but I do character designs for a game NarnianMonkey is working on, and if he ever sells it I'll get some of the profit (I think I will, anyway...I'm pretty sure I will, since I think we've discussed it before). I also help him by giving feedback on music, graphics, and just about anything else in his games.

Hobbies and/or interesting things about you: Some of my favorite hobbies are drawing, designing and making up characters (does that count as a hobby?), singing, writing, dancing (either modern or just dancing around randomly when I feel like it; I don't like ballet anymore), playing with my brothers, video games (especially Freedom Planet, Shovel Knight, Mega Man X games, and Mega Man ZX games), hanging out with friends, listening to music, watching TV, and talking about fandoms (which I have a lot of).
As for interesting things about me, I'm homeschooled (and always have been, but I somehow failed to mention that before :-?? ) and a Messianic Jew (again, always have been). I started learning Japanese a few years ago, and I really like it! :) That's all I can think of right now, but there might be other things, too.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby johobbit » Jun 07, 2017 1:54 pm

This is so cool you're here again, Schweet! Was it the Silver Chair news that compelled you to wander back to the forum? :D

All the best with your character designs (and the possible profits!). :) Sounds like good experience, at the very least.

How wonderful you're a Messianic Jew. We have been watching Focus on the Family's "That the World May Know" DVD series with a study group and I am learning so much about the amazing (and very difficult) Jewish history and heritage. So rich and meaningful!

Well, welcome back!
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby UltimateSchweetWarrior » Jun 07, 2017 4:55 pm

Well, the Silver Chair news helped, but it was mostly because NarnianMonkey was on, which reminded me that I hadn't been on in a while, so I decided to see if I had my password saved somewhere so I could get back on.

Thanks! Yeah, I think it is good experience, and I think it's kinda fun.

Yeah, Jewish history is pretty amazing. I don't really have any Jewish heritage, though, since my parents were both raised as Christians and became Messianic Jews after they were married.

Thanks! :)
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby Gildor_Inglorion » Jun 08, 2017 2:18 pm

Hey everyone! I think a lot of people here know me because I've been a member for six years... however, I haven't been on in so long I wanted to reintroduce myself.

I'm a Queen of Narnia and I'm twenty years old. I'm starting my sophomore year in college this fall. I'm a computer science major and I'm getting minors in math and business. I take Krav Maga, and I love art and music. Also I'm engaged. :)

I've been a Narnia fan since I was really young, so I couldn't tell you how many times I've read the series! I also don't know that I could pick a favorite book, I love them all in different ways.

Anyway to anyone who happens upon this post, if you remember me at all (I know it's been a while), message me! I'd love to talk again :) Also, I'll be on chat more often again.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby johobbit » Jun 08, 2017 2:46 pm

:D Schweet!

Gildor, I certainly remember your username! It's good to see you on the forum again. :) Fun to think that you were 14 when you joined! It's cool to read about what you're doing now. I had to look up Krav Maga ... sounds really interesting! Ooh, you're engaged! B-) Congratulations! May I ask when the wedding is?

Also, I strongly assume you are a Lord of the Rings fan, given your beautiful username from that Noldorin Elf ... :D

Welcome back!
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby coracle » Jun 08, 2017 7:17 pm

Ditto what JoHobbit said about the Elf name...

Welcome back, both Gildor and Schweet! It's always a delight to see people returning, and sharing the fun and excitement in the slow leadup to a new movie. :ymhug: :ymhug:
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby stargazer » Jun 08, 2017 7:37 pm

Welcome back! Nice to see you two again. Enjoy the forum and the lead up to the movie.
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Re: Getting to Know You

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » Jun 09, 2017 8:59 am

I'm late to the party, but welcome back to NarniaWeb, UltimateSchweetWarrior and Gildor_Inglorian! :-h I remember both of you from days gone by... it's great to see your usernames on the forum again and hear about how you both are doing! :D
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