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Re: Video games

Postby NarnianMonkey » Mar 03, 2017 7:28 pm

I managed to get a Nintendo Switch on day 1 as a few-days-late birthday gift, though it's technically more of a gift for the entire family for obvious reasons ($300 is not cheap).

I also got The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild as an again-somewhat-late birthday gift. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is pretty great from what I've played so far, BTW, it's pretty open-ended with several options for going about most things.

Hopefully you can manage to get your hands on a Nintendo Switch soon! (P.S. My dad didn't have to sit in line that long as far as I know, so I guess we got a bit lucky there.)
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Re: Video games

Postby Sonny » Mar 04, 2017 5:20 am

I took my friend to pick up his pre-ordered copy of BTW for Wii U... thankfully they were sold out of copies or I would have bought one! :P I'm actually currently replaying Zelda: Wind Waker HD on my Wii U, so I really don't need to spend the money on another Zelda game till I finally beat Wind Waker. I do look forward to getting it in the future though. When I asked the guy at the store when they'd get new copies... he said APRIL 15TH!!!!!
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Re: Video games

Postby fantasia » Mar 04, 2017 7:27 am

Cool Monkey! Yeah, with two kids and a third on the way I just don't have the time to play video games anymore. At least not open world games that can take hours and hours to complete... and if you just burn through the dungeons, where's the fun in that? :P We'll get it eventually, but no rush.

Sonny, I LOVE Wind Waker. It's the only game in relatively recent history that I played from start to finish. :D Most of the time I get bored or interrupted and stop in the middle. You say you're replaying it, did you beat it the time before? Or did you not quite finish?
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Re: Video games

Postby NarnianMonkey » Mar 04, 2017 8:17 am

Well, to be fair, even if you were to try to burn your way through the dungeons in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the game actually puts up a pretty good fight back against you. It might just be the hardest game in the entire The Legend of Zelda series. However, as someone who's played their fair share of Mega Man games (a series of games notorious for its difficulty), I've mostly been able to manage it so far.

Also, if you really want to, this game supposedly lets you run right to the final boss really, really early on, so you only really have to do the dungeons that you want to do this time around from the sounds of things.

...though that being said the game is still incredibly long, and I can still understand it if you don't really have time for a long game like that.

...speaking of shorter games, I also ordered a copy of Super Bomberman R, which I expect to be a blast as a local multiplayer game. (Pun totally intended.)

P.S. I actually haven't played The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker/Wind Waker HD. Maybe one day I'll be able to change that.
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Re: Video games

Postby Sonny » Mar 04, 2017 8:41 am

fantasia_kitty wrote:You say you're replaying it, did you beat it the time before? Or did you not quite finish?

I got all the way to the final battles and couldn't beat one, so when I came back to it a couple years later I decided to restart from the beginning.

NarnianMonkey wrote:P.S. I actually haven't played The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker/Wind Waker HD. Maybe one day I'll be able to change that.

Well I do recommend it! I love the toon graphics.

My favorite Zelda game is Skyward Sword, though that could be a nostalgia factor because it's the first Zelda game I ever played!
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Re: Video games

Postby fantasia » Mar 04, 2017 9:52 am

Good luck to you Sonny. :) I know I had the worst time against Gannon(dorf?) in the final Wind Waker battle. But I did it! Barely! LOL
I think my favorite thing about Wind Waker is the music. :D

NarnianMonkey wrote:Also, if you really want to, this game supposedly lets you run right to the final boss really, really early on, so you only really have to do the dungeons that you want to do this time around from the sounds of things.
I had heard that. That this game is a nod to the original Legend of Zelda in that it's an open world and you can do anything you want to at any time. Although I'm pretty sure I remember in the original LoZ, you couldn't get to Lvl 9 and beat Gannon without picking up some things along the way. It seems like the magic arrow maybe was required for the final battle? It's been too long, I don't remember for sure.
All I know is that I'm not a good enough gamer to face a final boss without as many power-ups as possible. :))

Sonny wrote:My favorite Zelda game is Skyward Sword, though that could be a nostalgia factor because it's the first Zelda game I ever played!
Don't hate me, but I couldn't ever get into this one. The hand-holding from Fi drove me absolutely insane. I think I had finally made it to the first dungeon and I think that if I had kept going I would have made it past the hand-holding and would have been ok from there. :P Maybe someday I'll get through it.
Have you played Twilight Princess? It's my favorite though I hate to admit I've never actually beaten it myself (I've seen it done so I know how it ends). I just got to busy and then forgot about it, hence my reservations about an open world like Breath of the Wild. :))
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Re: Video games

Postby shastastwin » Mar 04, 2017 7:31 pm

My favorite Zelda games are Link to the Past and Twilight Princess. I'm like you, FK, and have not actually beaten (or played through most of) Twilight Princess, but I have seen the ending and most of the story, so I'm not too worried about playing through our copy (I never quite get going when I pull it out to play).

I'm currently playing through a game called Child of Light, which is beautifully animated and very light on most things (including story). But it's very enjoyable even so. I like the art, the music, and the battle tactics. (It's a very different system from what I'm used to in RPGs. There's a timeline everyone moves along and you can slow down your enemies and such to get your attacks in and interrupt their attacks.) If you had a day to do so, you could probably play through it in one go. The fairy tale style and setting would probably benefit from this.
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Re: Video games

Postby fantasia » Mar 06, 2017 8:02 am

My husband played through Link to the Past in recent history. Maybe a couple years ago? That was the first time he had beaten that one.

Ironically, my brother in law snagged us a Switch and BotW in our home town. I guess that's the place to get them as he got one for himself as well. We should get it tomorrow I think. Looking forward to it. :D

Tried showing the kids Twilight Princess last night, but they were very bored by it. They like Wind Wake though. We'll give it another few years. ;)
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Re: Video games

Postby shastastwin » Mar 06, 2017 9:06 am

Hurray for getting a Switch and the new Zelda game and ;)) to the kids being bored with Twilight Princess.

I finished up Child of Light last night (I wasn't far from the end when I posted Saturday). I think I definitely lost something by playing the first few short chapters and then taking a long stretch away before finishing it, because the ending worked really well and tied in a LOT more story than I thought it would. The biggest story complaint I had was that between the beginning and the last third of the game, there's very little of the main story involved. All of the side characters and such in the middle are very nice, but because the game is so brief, it feels like there's a lot more to the world beyond the "page" as it were. While I like to feel that there's more to the story with any tale, this felt a little like we weren't getting *enough* of the story (again, just in the middle section).

That said, it's still a beautiful game (I'm listening to the soundtrack now) and I'll probably revisit it once or twice for the New Game+ and higher difficulty settings.
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Re: Video games

Postby Sonny » Mar 06, 2017 8:50 pm

fantasia_kitty wrote:Have you played Twilight Princess? It's my favorite though I hate to admit I've never actually beaten it myself (I've seen it done so I know how it ends). I just got to busy and then forgot about it, hence my reservations about an open world like Breath of the Wild. :))

I played it after Skyward Sword... it was just too dark and the controls didn't seem natural. I never got even half way through it, and I honestly don't really care to try again.

shastastwin wrote:I'm currently playing through a game called Child of Light, which is beautifully animated and very light on most things (including story). But it's very enjoyable even so. I like the art, the music, and the battle tactics. (It's a very different system from what I'm used to in RPGs. There's a timeline everyone moves along and you can slow down your enemies and such to get your attacks in and interrupt their attacks.) If you had a day to do so, you could probably play through it in one go. The fairy tale style and setting would probably benefit from this.

Sadly I never finished this stunningly beautiful game. I had to start over because my save file was on my ex's PS3, and then when I got my own PS3, the save file got corrupted half-way through the game. I didn't feel like starting from the beginning AGAIN. :'( So that was a bummer. Maybe in a couple years when I've forgotten how it goes. I agree it's a very beautiful game.
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Re: Video games

Postby fantasia » Mar 11, 2017 2:40 pm

Sonny wrote:I played it after Skyward Sword... it was just too dark and the controls didn't seem natural.

It's funny you mentioned the controls don't seem natural. I've just started Breath of the Wild and ... the controls are bizarre. Not so different that you can't figure out it, but it's like, if it's that similar, why change it in the first place?
But I got used to using the Wii Mote as my sword and shield and now that I'm back to holding the controls again like most normal video games, it's like "AGHHH HOW DO I GET MY WEAPON OUT BEFORE I DIE?!?!?!?!?" :)) I'll get there eventually. :P (Ok, ok, I admit, I'm like 15 minutes in. :P )
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Re: Video games

Postby fantasia » Mar 27, 2017 5:51 pm

Monkey, have you beaten Breath of the Wild yet? My brother has actually. :P

I'm working my way through very, very slowly, but I AM making progress. The part of the main quest line that I'm on is to find one of the pictures on the camera to regain a memory. None of them look familiar so it may be a while for me. I'll work on the side quests instead.

I haven't looked at YouTube yet, but I've got to see someone go take out Gannon right off the bat. I mean, I can barely kill the low-level guys, let alone go straight for the final boss. :))

As a side note today, I was talking with my niece (we seem to be pacing each other in the game on the main quest line lol) and she said something about how she couldn't tame a horse... thought that was odd as she's a better gamer than I am and I snagged a low-level one with no problem. But thanks to her comment, I now have a much higher level horse than I ought to for where I'm at in the game because I was trying to figure out why she couldn't get one. I spent probably a good hour and a half minutes catching and taming it. :P Thank you stamina elixers! This is why I make no progress in a game like this. LOL

Between the open world, side quests, main quests, cooking, potion making, getting horses, this game really feels like World of Warcraft to me.
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Re: Video games

Postby Sonny » Mar 27, 2017 11:19 pm

My partner bought me Breath of the Wild last week! It's beautiful! The world is HUGE!

fantasia_kitty wrote:I'm working my way through very, very slowly, but I AM making progress. The part of the main quest line that I'm on is to find one of the pictures on the camera to regain a memory. None of them look familiar so it may be a while for me. I'll work on the side quests instead.

Same! I have no idea where to go!

fantasia_kitty wrote:Between the open world, side quests, main quests, cooking, potion making, getting horses, this game really feels like World of Warcraft to me.

I had the same reaction.
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Re: Video games

Postby fantasia » Mar 28, 2017 6:28 am

Sonny wrote:My partner bought me Breath of the Wild last week! It's beautiful! The world is HUGE!

Awesome! And yay, now I have someone else to talk with about the game. ;))

I ran into a bit of trouble last night. All of my GOOD weapons are breaking when attacking baddies, so I'm left with wimpy weapons. :P I had to turn back from heading to a shrine because I was afraid I wasn't going to make it there. Needing to restock on supplies and then I'll head back again.
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Re: Video games

Postby fantasia » Apr 11, 2017 6:36 pm

Sonny and Monkey, wondering how you two are coming along on BotW?

I have recovered two divine beasts and am on my way to the third. I had the worst time with the elephant until I finally figured out I could move the trunk. And even then, getting it to move to the correct angle was a lot of trial and error. The fire lizard was soooo much easier. Finished him off in about 30 minutes.

I am thankful this game leans more towards problem solving than skills with combat, because I'm truly terrible at the latter. LOL I had a LITTLE bit of trouble with the final boss in the elephant, but the one in the fire lizard wasn't too bad thanks to ice arrows. The shrines are my favorite part, even though they can be aggravating at times. :P
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Re: Video games

Postby Sonny » Apr 19, 2017 1:27 am

Honestly I haven't played in a couple weeks. Been rather busy with adult life. It's still hard to believe how old I am!

SHOW SPOILER Help please?
I am frustrated with the whole heat thing. How do I keep from getting burned up?! Honestly, I welcome help here... :/ I can't get to the camel or the lizard because of it.
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