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does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

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does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby FellowFaun » Jul 05, 2016 1:11 pm

hey Narnians, I have lots of interesting questions for you !

I am a dollhouse enthusiast and thinking to make my first ever room box with a Narnian theme ! I am so excited to make a miniature realistic version of tumnus' cave ! But i have got few questions to be clarified and so I thought you all will be the correct people to answer me.

1. is it okay to make a miniature version from the movie set of mr. Tumnus cave ? ofcourse I am not gonna make an exact replica of it, i wanna add my creativity to it but gonna take few elements which felt would be nice to have. so I am just thinking may be i might be doing copy right violations or things like that.

2. but then what exactly was in his kitchen ? how did he cook the cakes and toast ? what should i study about to know more about a "narnian" type of kitchen ? did he have a fire in his kitchen or the one that was in the fire place was sufficient ?, did he have a kitchen sink ? did you notice th tiny kitchen in the !st narnian movie ? that was too cute right ?! some copper, bronze and glass vessels ?

3. ae all fauns vegetarians ? I am gonna have only veggie dishes in my roombox as i am a vegetarian lol :D but then if fauns are half goats then isn't it normal to think they are vegetarians ?!

4. What exactly was in the right side of the screen in tumnus cave ? a little raised platform with 2 steps with possibly a chair and a table and book shelves etc ? can any one tell me more about this part ? this is so mysterious to me as they showed that part in too dark in the movie ?

5. have anyone gone to the movie sets exhibition ( if at all there was such a thing ) ? if so, can you please share with me some brightly lit pictures of various aspects of the cave ? apart form my project, i am just too curious to see how it would look like ( there are two images in th net but they dont cover his study area, kitchen etc ! ) :)

thank you all, looking forward to hear from you :)
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby fantasia » Jul 05, 2016 2:04 pm

Hi FellowFaun! Welcome to NarniaWeb! I love the sound of your project! :D

I'm going to take a stab at your first question, though I'm by no means a lawyer or copyright professional. I'm pretty sure you would be ok provided it was for your own use and enjoyment and you did not try to profit off of a Tumnus cave dollhouse. I can't imagine it's any different than people building costumes that mimic the costumes in the movies and wear them to cosplay events. I've never heard of anyone receiving a copyright infringement for that.

As far as details of the sets go, have you looked at some of the LWW movie books that are available? Like, 'Cameras in Narnia' by Ian Brodie or the 'Official Illustrated Movie Companion' ?
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby FellowFaun » Jul 05, 2016 2:26 pm

Hi fantasia_ kitty :)

thanks for your reply. Yours is the first ever reply to my first post to Narina web :)
Yes I will not be selling anything of that in the near future as this is my first room box and i am hoping it should turn out well. I wrote to Simon Elsley of the then droughtsman of Narina - LWW movie, in particular the Cave of mr. tumnus ( i saw the drawings in his page )

Infact only after writing to him to know moe about the diferent sides of the cave , i got the theme for my room box. I have not got any reply from him yet for my 2nd mail. he should be busy as now he is an art director for few projects. Thinking to call him ( if I am not gonna irritate him with repetitive questions )

Thanks for the information about the books ! its very interesting, i will look at it and see what are the other books available about LWW movie :)
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby FellowFaun » Jul 05, 2016 3:41 pm

Yes just now purchased the camera's in Narnia book !! Yay ! Can't wait to see it. I have another quwsrion. There seems to be a thera about Narnia geography. Should I consider reposting this question there as well or will it become a spam ? Thank you .
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby coracle » Jul 06, 2016 2:07 am

Hi FellowFaun, and welcome to NarniaWeb.

Are you asking about a Narnian geography thread? - I think your question about modelling Tumnus' cave is a different subject, but you could mention it with a link here, or just quote the name of this thread, and that it is in "Narnian Fan Art".

Best wishes with your model, and I hope you will be able to share pictures of it when you are ready.
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby FellowFaun » Jul 08, 2016 7:59 am

Okay, I will try there as well ! And I have started to buy the necessary accessories for my tumnus cave ! The cameras in Narnia is arriving, meanwhile got a slanting backrest chair ( or how do you call that ?! ) for M. Tumnus, still pondering to buy a simple armrest chair for Lucy ( with some narnia like carving :D ) or a Sofa like seating, silver tray for keeping the food and tea, silver jars, a black metal tea pot for the tea !

so suggestm e what else can i add for the food ?! Oh yes and a round table to keep all those and a side table ( if you notice carefully, there are 1 / 2 side tables where there was a candle over a book and some silver jar nearby ! :D

and a photo frame for Tumnus dad and collected some free printable faun paintings, so cute !

Made some rough cave wall to see whether my assumed works or not, and is 10 cm enough for a fire place ?! :)

will update you once i start doing something more !

Also what kind of stove did narnians use ?! they might have used some wood stove ?! The victorian type or tudor type ? or what kind of cake they could be eating ?!

Update 2 : attached a screenshot from the movie, where people normally dont see it. The kitchen of Mr. tumnus !! Now you should help m in identifying tiny things / describing his kitchen in as much detail as possible !! Thank you !!
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby Meltintalle » Jul 09, 2016 2:58 pm

This sounds like a really fun project. You seem to have quite the eye for detail!

My personal thought is that, since the visits to Narnia started in the Victorian age, the modern conveniences like stoves and sewing machines would be in the Victorian style. :)
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby FellowFaun » Jul 10, 2016 6:21 am

Thanks for your reply Meltintalle ! Oh i was wondering whether i should use some Tudor stoves and stuff like that, but thankfully i could use victorian stoves, which look great :) i am planning to buy it then.

if i have to make tudor stove, i need to construct it and so it needs more space :) Thank you !


So this is the study of Mr. Tumnus !! I finalyl got some rarest image i feel :D it has some book shelf, study table with lot of books , candles, scrolls, may be a chimney lamp would be a better addition ? and the walls contain something notices and posters stuck to it. and the study is in a raised platform !

was he working as a teacher or something ? Remember he has some parcels taking to / getting from somewhere ? what are they ? where he inght possible taking them to ? to whom ? add something that runs in your imaginations, so we make Mr. tumnus's place more lively ! Thank you

Update 1 : just bought some cabinets and finally Aslan's face on the roombox door !!! yaay !!!
What do you say ?!
Some ornamenal designs on all the 4 sides of the front frame ! my budget is about 300 Euro, i eel bad ot spend that much as a student, but i hope i can be able to sell it at the end. I am okay if i take just the invested money. lets see !

Update 2 : Seriously pondering about what Tumnus had in his kitchen, numerous glass jars, bottles,ceramic jugs and pitchers, brass and copper vessels, bronze ladles, baskets, milk can ( was there a cow in Narnia ? ) !! i am purchasing EVERYTHING !!

someone should give me some input about a kitchen sink lol :D is it even sensitive to have something like a wash basin / kitchen sink when there is 100 years of winter ? I have just planned for a stone trough, where people pour water into it with a jug, do you feel i need a pipe connection ?! Aren't all the pipes stopped working because of winter ?!

UPdate 3 : Got a teeny tiny box for the strange flute of Tumnus ! Yaay ! And I will make the teeny tiny flute by my own ! :D
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby Meltintalle » Jul 11, 2016 10:45 am

I have just planned for a stone trough, where people pour water into it with a jug, do you feel i need a pipe connection ?! Aren't all the pipes stopped working because of winter ?!

I like the idea of the stone trough. It feels like something that would have been in the cave already and Mr. Tumnus and his father would have adapted it to their use. :)

Have you thought about the books that Lucy looks at on his bookshelf? Do dollhouse makers have blank books that they customize?
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby FellowFaun » Jul 20, 2016 10:11 am

Thanks for your reply Meltintalle ! yes you are right ! I just now got it ! will let you know about the books below :

I have a lot of updates to make !

1. books and book shelves : remember the three book shelves and some overhead cabinets ? i got 2 shelves out of 3 and the third one is gonna have a door. The over head cabinets I am gonna make in polymer clay along with the doors, the stair handles, the iron designs ( called as grills ?! ) , etc

many books are going to be blank, as it will take really a lot of time to make ALL the books readable. however I have plans to make as much readable as possible like those lucy specifically see in the shelves, they nymphs, about humans, etc. I am planning to add a lot of pics and some descriptions to make the books interesting, along with i am thinking to look for some strange and interesting titles for other books. ( suggestions welcome )

2. Lot of decaters, metal ( silver and copper ) glass, porcelain and ceramic dishes, bowls, jars, cups, bottles, vases, plates, cutlery, cooking pots are in the wish lists. yet to be purchased.

Purchased the toast stand, and the silver accessories for the table on the fire place side.

3. Beautiful slanting chair ( or how do you call that ?! ) for tumnus and an awesome leather chair for lucy. Along with a table to place the tea.

4. Study place : a study table, a hurricane lamp, a chair ( already bought ) , a book shelf at the back are in the wish lists. Will buy it next month.

5. the cave walls, this is the most interesting part, i tried to make plaster cave walls with paper balls, it came out very well, i need to paint it and see how it looks like !

6. I will give for the custom making the room box ( ordinary ones dont have anything that i look for ). Once i get it, i will begin the lighting and walling !

7. There is a beautiful lantern shaped light for the ceiling ( is this a good idea ? )

8, kitchen cabinet, umbrella, parcels, etc is to be bought :)

( i couldnt upload an image coz of the board attachment quota ! )
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby coracle » Jul 21, 2016 3:55 am

This is sounding more and more interesting.
Can you give an idea of how big the whole thing will be when it is finished?
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby FellowFaun » Jul 21, 2016 5:18 am

Hi Coracle,

thanks for the reply !
my approximate tentative calculation is about 70 cm deep ( from fire place to the interior of the kitchen ), height is about 30 - 32 cm, and length is yet to be calculated, but approximately 40 cm or less.

But i will measure the proper length once all my ordered furnitures are arrived, and then I will give the custom order, the face of the box will have a frame or border, where the 4 corners will have 4 lion faces, antique gold in colour, with some brass trimmings in the 23 sides and in the bottom, I am planning to have " For Narnia and for aslan in brass / golden color writing ! "

Is it cool ?! :)

p.s, I even got an idea for my next project as well , if my present project sold well, atleast if i got the manufacturing cost. The wardrobe in one side of the box and one can actually see the snow narina with a flickering lamp post through the opening at the wardrobe. It seems possible as of now :)

And in the other side, the narnia entrance with lamppost and lot of snow clad trees, rocks etc, and a sledge with white stags ( with white fur ! ), how is it ?!

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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby FellowFaun » Jul 22, 2016 4:02 am


Thisi s the chair initially i bought for Mr. tumnus !
But i bought another one with cushions and all, so still in oscillation. But yeah lets seeat the end.

Let me know how this chair looks. i am so happy with this purchase !
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby coracle » Jul 22, 2016 2:43 pm

Tumnus has two chairs, one for him and one for a friend. Perhaps he doesn't have many visitors? So he might sit on the cushioned one except when he has a visitor, and then he sits on the one in the photo?
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby FellowFaun » Aug 06, 2016 2:24 pm


Hello people !

I have a lot pf updates to be made ! 2 of the 3 ook shelves arrived, the toaster stand, few kettles, the box for the tiny flute ( the strange one in the movie which i will be making in the following weeks ) have also arrived !

The is is a very rough image of the cave wall and a dimlit interior inside the cave room. I have to alter a lot of them, i am actually going to have a leather chair and another arm chair with beautiful purple cushions, etc but this image is to give an idea how its gonna look. The copper sets are my old ones. some silver seats are yet to be ordered soon :)

Do let me know are you satisfied with the interior. ( but still i am going to make a bit more nice without excess plasters, some plaster rocks etc !
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Re: does anyone know more about tumnus cave ?!

Postby FellowFaun » Aug 06, 2016 2:25 pm


this image URL should work :)
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