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Three Reasons

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Re: Three Reasons

Postby King_Erlian » Oct 19, 2015 4:46 am

1. Paper aeroplanes are useful for passing messages to classmates when the teacher's not looking. Knitting needles are useless for this purpose.
2. Unlike paper aeroplanes, knitting needles can tempt drummers into drumming on the table, which is really irritating.
3. You can be stabbed with a knitting needle; the worst you'll get from a paper aeroplane is a paper cut (though that's still quite nasty).

Three reasons why eyepatches are better than milk.
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby NarnianMonkey » Oct 21, 2015 11:10 am

1. Eyepatches can be used to block out light on an eye that hurts. Just TRY doing that with milk. It won't work. Therefore, eyepatches are better.
2. Eypatches look cool. Milk doesn't. Therefore, eyepatches are better
3. People with eyepatches frighten Jrdlkrnrnr. That results in Jrdlkrnrnr hating eyepatches, and they hate people too. Also, Jrdlkrnrnr gain superpowers when drinking milk, meaning they like milk. Therefore, that must mean that milk hates people, and that eyepatches like them, and that, therefore, eyepatches are better. (This also officially makes the Jrdlkrnrnr what is known as a "running gag". XD)

Three reasons keyboards are better than chocolate.
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » Dec 08, 2015 3:01 pm

1. Keyboards don't melt all over your hands when you hold them too long.
2. Keyboards don't tempt you to cheat on your diet!
3. Keyboards have keys that are fun to press and make a neat clickity-click sound.

Three reasons why parrots are better than rubber bands.
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby King_Erlian » Dec 09, 2015 2:57 am

1. Parrots talk. Rubber bands don't.
2. If you're a pirate, you can have a parrot perched on your shoulder, which is cool. A rubber band will just fall off and looks stupid.
3. Parrots have beautiful plumage, even when they're dead. Rubber bands don't, even if they were alive.

Three reasons why pocket watches are better than Facebook.
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby ValiantArcher » Jan 03, 2016 8:31 pm

1. Pocket watches don't send you annoying notifications.
2. You can access your pocket watch without internet or data.
3. People tend to get in less arguments over pocket watches than on Facebook.

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Re: Three Reasons

Postby Movie Aristotle » Jan 09, 2016 8:12 am

1. Sunshine grows food.
2. Sunshine gives you heat.
3. Sunshine doesn't rock over your toes.

Three reasons why avalanches are better than acorns.
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby King_Erlian » Jan 11, 2016 5:09 am

1. A film called "Avalanche!" might be exciting. I wouldn't expect a film called "Acorn!" to be so.
2. "Avalanche" is worth more points in Scrabble than "Acorn".
3. A young child might find an acorn in the garden, swallow it and choke. Unless you live high up a mountain, the child isn't very likely to find an avalanche in the garden.

Three reasons why dentists are better than aluminium (aluminum).
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby ValiantArcher » Jan 30, 2016 5:51 pm

1. Dentists don't generally dent as easily as aluminum.
2. You don't usually find dentists in your casserole the same you way you can find bits of aluminum foil.
3. Dentists are more skilled at dental care than aluminum.

Three reasons why notebooks are better than rivers.
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby NarnianMonkey » Jan 30, 2016 7:02 pm

1. Notebooks can reliably store information. Rivers tend to destroy information if anything.
2. Notebooks come in pretty much any color imaginable. Rivers are a lot more limited in what colors they can be.
3. Cats hate water. Rivers are made of water. Notebooks aren't. So notebooks are better for people who have cats, and since most people like cats, that, combined with the other points, makes notebooks better, hands down.

Three reasons that clowns are better than windowsills.
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby King_Erlian » Feb 01, 2016 6:58 am

1. Clowns can make balloon giraffes. Windowsills can't.
2. If you fall off a windowsill, you may get hurt, depending on how high it is. If you fall off a clown, you get a laugh.
3. "Send In The Clowns" is an internationally-known hit song. "Send In The Windowsills" isn't.

Three reasons why the letter "M" is better than gravity.
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby ValiantArcher » Mar 05, 2016 7:31 pm

1. "M" is used to write more words than "gravity" is.
2. "M" is symmetric, whereas gravity isn't.
3. An "M" can't bring you down, while gravity can and does.

Three reasons why bread is better than yo-yos.
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby King_Erlian » Mar 07, 2016 7:00 am

1. Bread makes delicious toast, which has a wonderful smell. Toast a yo-yo and you get the smell of burning plastic.
2. I can bake bread. I've never been able to get a blasted yo-yo to work.
3. Jesus never said "I am the yo-yo of life".

Three reasons why classical music is better than supermarket trolleys.
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby SummerSnow » Mar 20, 2016 7:15 pm

1. Classical music can stir up all sorts of emotions while a supermarket trolley has not been known for any great achievement in this area.
2. Lovely sounds can be heard from classical music while supermarket trolleys are either practically silent or rather squeaky, which is not known to be pleasant by any stretch of the imagination.
3. Classical music has radio stations devoted to it while radio stations do not talk about the wonder of supermarket trolleys.

Three reasons why nail polish is better than a box.
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » Mar 24, 2016 3:45 pm

1. You don't have to worry about your pet cat setting up house in a bottle of nail polish, unlike a cardboard box. ;)) (I'm lookin' at you, Maru. :P)
2. Creatively wearing nail polish is generally more accepted than creatively wearing a box, unless you're dressing up as a robot for Halloween.
3. Nail polish comes in all sorts of bright, shiny and sparkly colors, unlike boxes which are usually boring brown.

Three reasons why toothbrushes are better than tricycles.
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby waggawerewolf27 » Apr 06, 2016 8:57 pm

1. Toothbrushes are a lifelong necessity to attend to personal hygiene, unlike tricycles
2. Toothbrushes are easily transportable on long journeys to distant destinations, unlike a tricycle
3. Unlike toothbrushes, people grow too large to use a tricycle comfortably and with dignity.

Three reasons why a compact mirror is better than a lawn mower
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Re: Three Reasons

Postby ValiantArcher » May 22, 2016 7:08 pm

1. A compact mirror can fit in your pocket but a lawnmower can't.
2. You can't check your reflection in a lawnmower but you can in a mirror.
3. A compact mirror is good for checking around corners without being seen whereas a lawnmower would announce your presence before you even made it to the corner.

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