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Various Vacations: departures and returns

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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby johobbit » Aug 18, 2013 5:56 am

Hey there, TheGeneral, it's so nice to see you again! Welcome back to the forum. :D And, 'tis a bit late, but to the rest of you, glad y'all had good vacations! B-)
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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » Feb 12, 2014 2:07 pm

This is not exactly a voluntary departure from NarniaWeb doings, but an ice storm is currently sweeping across my region, and there's a pretty good chance that my internet connection—along with many other beloved and electrically powered devices—may be AWOL for the next few days. Keeping my fingers crossed that the storm ends up being a dud, but if not, you'll know why I'm very quiet!

Edit: Thankfully, it looks like my area was mostly spared from significant power outages. Very grateful. :)
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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby Puddleglum » Aug 17, 2014 7:53 pm

Just returned from a week away. The Mrs., and I were trudging about the South shore of Lake Superior this time.
First stop was a boat trip around the Apostle Islands. Learned a bit of history, and got some good pictures. One lesson; when the reservation says a meal will be served, verify. Got off the boat in a very hungry state.
Some excellent sight seeing along the Michigan coastline. One trip to old Fort Wilkins was nice. I do enjoy seeing some of the historical sights being restored.
Disappointed in the agate hunting. Turns out much of the shoreline is Federal Park land, so you can look, but no souviners. Sort of a let-down after one of the sites we looked into said that there was great agate hunting.
Eventually we made it south to Green Bay, and a stop at Lambeau Field. Didn't go in, but had to get some pictures.
Long drive home, and we made it on time to hit the hay about 9pm Friday night. Then it was off again bright, and early to run some stuff up to the offspring in collage 2 1/2 hours away to deliver supplies for classes starting in a week.
We pulled in AGAIN about 5 this evening.
Went through most of the stuff we aquired on our travels, including some agates, ( purchased at the Fort ) that have copper in them. Some raw copper from a young fellow selling them on the roadway. Have to support these little go-getters. Two more walking stick medallions. One from the fort, and another for hiking Miners Falls.
The rest can wait. My eyes are wanting to roll out of my head from focusing on miles, and hours of road, and my body is asking, " Why am I up?"
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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby Puddleglum » Aug 17, 2014 7:54 pm

Just returned from a week away. The Mrs., and I were trudging about the South shore of Lake Superior this time.
First stop was a boat trip around the Apostle Islands. Learned a bit of history, and got some good pictures. One lesson; when the reservation says a meal will be served, verify. Got off the boat in a very hungry state.
Some excellent sight seeing along the Michigan coastline. One trip to old Fort Wilkins was nice. I do enjoy seeing some of the historical sights being restored.
Disappointed in the agate hunting. Turns out much of the shoreline is Federal Park land, so you can look, but no souviners. Sort of a let-down after one of the sites we looked into said that there was great agate hunting.
Eventually we made it south to Green Bay, and a stop at Lambeau Field. Didn't go in, but had to get some pictures.
Long drive home, and we made it on time to hit the hay about 9pm Friday night. Then it was off again bright, and early to run some stuff up to the offspring in collage 2 1/2 hours away to deliver supplies for classes starting in a week.
We pulled in AGAIN about 5 this evening.
Went through most of the stuff we aquired on our travels, including some agates, ( purchased at the Fort ) that have copper in them. Some raw copper from a young fellow selling them on the roadway. Have to support these little go-getters. Two more walking stick medallions. One from the fort, and another for hiking Miners Falls.
The rest can wait. My eyes are wanting to roll out of my head from focusing on miles, and hours of road, and my body is asking, " Why am I up?"
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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby johobbit » Aug 18, 2014 6:13 am

Sounds like a lovely trip, overall, friend Wiggle. The shores around Lake Superior are packed full of wild beauty! Welcome back. :) (Hope you both slept well last night. i-))
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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby Puddleglum » Aug 18, 2014 6:49 pm

I wish I could enjoy being back my Good Hobbit. Though the first day back to work was not toooo bad. A tad humid, but bearable. It was having to mow a rather bushy lawn that has reworn my already tuckered self.
Thankfully my next outing will wait for the State Fair. More on that in the appropriate site.
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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby ValiantArcher » Aug 22, 2014 9:26 pm

I realise I should've probably posted here a couple weeks back :ymblushing: , but I'm on a mini-semi-hiatus from NW so I can concentrate on some things offline (including finishing my Masters). I'll be off quite a bit over the next couple of weeks at least still. :)
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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby HyperWing » Nov 23, 2014 9:38 pm

Greetings everyone!

I was here for a short time about a year ago but my time posting here got cut short due to some huge problems in real life and elsewhere online going on. I've got most of that either resolved or at least managed well enough that it's not threatening to bring everything crashing down if I'm not dealing with it every free moment I get.

Long story short I'm no longer living in Arizona. My new home is in the state of Washington. I look forward to re-joining this community and doing some more posting.
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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby johobbit » Nov 24, 2014 12:49 pm

Hi again HyperWing! We're glad you are back, and that the challenges you faced are mostly resolved. It sounds like they were exhausting and very time-consuming. We look forward to having you around the forum again. :)
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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby HyperWing » Nov 26, 2014 11:06 pm

Thanks johobbit! Yeah they were exhausting alot of trouble between family members and my grandfathers housekeeper. Lots of fighting and lots of legal stuff and having my name put into the middle of it (I didn't find out until I got one of those "You are required to deal with this..." letters in the mail).

I was glad when it was all over. Now it's just a matter of finding a job and getting a few much needed certifications.
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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby johobbit » Nov 27, 2014 8:50 am

Ugh, that sounds miserable! Especially the suddenness by which you found out. All the best with finding a job and getting the needed certifications.

I truly hope this is a special Thanksgiving for you today!
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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby Puddleglum » Jun 08, 2015 4:55 pm

Returned a little while ago on a trip south with The Mrs.
We visited Huston, and Dallas this time, with a day in Galveston, just to walk the beach along the Gulf.
I honestly had never seen a jellyfish before in my life, and it was quite strange looking to put it mildly. Several shells had washed u, and so we have a nice collection. Though there was one that still was occupied, by a hermit crab. The poor fellow seemed rather put out to be on land, but i didn't want to cause further irritation by giving directions as I was new to the visinity, and would most likely get him lost.
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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby narnianerd » Aug 01, 2015 11:13 am

Attention to all whom this concerns;

As of tomorrow I officially belong to the United States Government and thus shall be departing for many weeks of training down south. As such I shall have both limited time and access to technological devices, therefore I regretfully find myself at crossroads in my life where I must officially separate myself from my internet persona, at least temporarily. I shall miss you all. Best of luck in all of your endeavors. Hoah and farewell.

- narnianerd, Jackalope Joe or Zak, depending on how you knew me.

(Seriously though, y'all rock hardcore. I'll miss you guys, a lot.)

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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » Aug 08, 2015 9:46 am

Good luck, Joe! Take care. :ymhug:
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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby Boy Scout » Jun 08, 2016 6:31 pm

Hey guys! Remember me? Probably not :p

I joined this community back in June of 2010, as I was getting ready to enter 6th grade. It was the first time I had found a group of people who shared my passion for Narnia and was the first time I put myself out on the internet.

Now, I've just graduated high school, and I find myself heading of to the University of Illinois this August! To save time flew by would be a gross understatement.

I last checked in here in July of last year. But I've been thinking so much about how my life is changing, and I couldn't help but smile when I thought of this community.

I've changed a lot from the lonely middle schooler I was when I joined (and I'm so thankful I have) but I've retained my love of Narnia and my passion for Boy Scouts (in fact finished my Eagle Scout this winter).

But I didn't come back on here to brag about who I've become, but rather to humbly thank you. To thank you for the joy you brought a younger me, and the nostalgia you bring the current me. I want to thank you, each and every one of you, for the impact you had on my life, large or small. There are still a few of you who I talk to outside of here, and whenever I met a Narnia fan, I always ask if they're a member.

It's good to see names and faces that I recognize on here. Currently I'm smiling stupidly that the "Camping" thread I started all those years ago is still active. Who knows, maybe I'll be on here a bit this summer (maybe under a different name though B-) ).

Aslan's blessings upon you all!

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Re: Various Vacations: departures and returns

Postby starkat » Jun 09, 2016 8:02 am

Welcome back BoyScout! It is great to see you again. Congrats on finishing high school and congrats on college!
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