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NaNoWriMo '13 - It's here!!!

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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - Here it comes!

Postby Ithilwen » Oct 29, 2013 3:18 am

DamselJillPole wrote:Also when does everyone tend to start writing? The night before Nov 1st or you wait till the 1st?

The night before. I like to think it gives me a head start. Especially since the competition will also end before Dec. 1, rather than on the day. So it's just taking advantage of all the time I'm given, in case I end up cutting it close in the end.

Then I write even more on the 1st itself, so by the end of the day, I have two days worth of passages. :D

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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - Here it comes!

Postby narnianerd » Oct 29, 2013 6:12 pm

Hello my fellow crazies, yippee for the NaNo thread. I am indeed doing it, (more on that later.) I'm a pantser, but I certainly have an idea in my head that will guide me as a throw words down into the book. Favorite writing snack? Food. Favorite drink? Dr Pepper of course. For those of y'all who wish to friend me on the site, my username is a familiar jackalopeofevul. :)

As for my actual book, it's actually the second book in a spin off series of a greater world that Lady Arwen created, which is really cool because then the characters from our two book series have the ability to make cameo's in the the other person's books.

Anyways, continuing on. So it starts with a Native American whom is sent east by his father, the chief of a tribe who realizes that resisting the white man is an impossibility. In order to survive in the new world, the Indian must meld with modern society, that what the chief believes. So this native american lives his teenage years in New York City, growing up and becoming a pastor. Once he is an adult he comes back home work as a circuit pastor. That's when he realizes that his old tribe has been radicalized by his former best friend, who believes that they must fight the american ways. So the his former tribe is terrorizing the local towns.
This preacher wants to protect his people, but in order to do so, he needs help. So he hires this bounty hunter named Abigail McKinley who in turn recruits her friend, a sheriff named Jedidiah Moyer. Together, the three will fight to end the terror and bring peace between the peoples.

And yeah, that's 'bout it for now.
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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - Here it comes!

Postby DamselJillPole » Oct 29, 2013 11:48 pm

Ok I'll start writing the night before too. Also how does the word count work on the site too? I'm sure I'll figure it out but I want to go in prepared. I feel like I can start writing now haha :p

Nice summary narnianerd and I added you to my buddy list ;)
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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - Here it comes!

Postby Ithilwen » Oct 29, 2013 11:52 pm

I have finally finished my character profiles. *bows* :ymparty: What does that mean? Why, it means that my NaNo is ready. ;) :ymapplause:

... Kind of. :P

That is to say, it's prepared enough that this non-improviser will only have to improvise on the small details. So, my NaNo is... ready enough. ;))

I'll use the rest of my time polishing the little details I was afraid I wouldn't get to in time, as well as cleaning the room my computer is in, so that the mess doesn't clog up my brain. I don't know about anyone else, but I can't write properly in a messy room. :P

narnianerd wrote:As for my actual book, it's actually the second book in a spin off series of a greater world that Lady Arwen created, which is really cool because then the characters from our two book series have the ability to make cameo's in the the other person's books.

That sounds really cool. Is it based off an RP you did together, or did you guys collab on your own? Sounds like an interesting project. :)

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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - Here it comes!

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » Oct 30, 2013 11:17 am

I wrote:At this point, I'm think I'm definitely planning on participating, barring Real Life unexpectedly chucking a monkeywrench at my head. ;))

I should've knocked on wood. :ymsigh:

I always knew November was going to be a busy month for me, but I was pretty sure I'd be able to juggle everything... turns out, the month is going to be even more busy and unpredictable than I was initially anticipating. My plans about having a specific writing schedule have pretty much gone out the window.

In spite of this, I would still like to participate and am hoping I can, but I may get a late start, or have to play a lot of catch-up. We'll see. Anyway, just wanted to give y'all a head's up in case it seems like I'm AWOL for word wars.

Glad you guys are going for it, WinterStar and narnianerd! :ymapplause:

Winter, your novel getting eaten by your computer must have been awful! :-o I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that your computer stays on its best behavior this year! ;) Jackalope Joe, your plotline sounds very intriguing and cool. Good luck with writing! :)
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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - Here it comes!

Postby wild rose » Oct 30, 2013 12:35 pm

NaNo is....the day after tomorrow :-o I was so busy editing an older story of mine so I could send it to my friend that I never noticed how time flew!!!! I'll cram plannng tomorrow, I really want to have a finished plan before I start. I'm thinking of shooting for 100k this year, I think the novel will be as long as that, definitely more than 50k, that's for sure. I'll have a lot of studying in November, but I think I'll manage.

Joe, you story sounds really interesting, something I would certainly like to read
Rose: awwww, I'm so sorry November has turned out to be so busy, I'm really hoping you'll be able to find time :ymhug:

good luck to everyone as they finish up preparing and planning, only two days left :D
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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - Here it comes!

Postby daughter of the King » Oct 30, 2013 12:45 pm

Welp, I've already hit a snag. I've been sick the past two weeks and thus had zero motivation for NaNo prep. Oh well. I've still got time. Maybe. Honestly, if I can just get over my previous record of 25K I'll be happy. Small steps to success sounds like a reasonable plan.

Ithilwen wrote:For all you peeps like me who have trouble sticking with the contest allll month loooong, here's an alternate plan for making your 50K.

I was already thinking of setting my daily word goals for 2500 a day, but I'm really liking that alternate plan. Getting in even 3000 words a day for the first week would give me some cushion room in case I get sick again.
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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - Here it comes!

Postby Dernhelm_of_Rohan » Oct 30, 2013 5:38 pm

narnianerd wrote:So it starts with a Native American whom is sent east by his father, the chief of a tribe who realizes that resisting the white man is an impossibility. In order to survive in the new world, the Indian must meld with modern society, that what the chief believes. So this native american lives his teenage years in New York City, growing up and becoming a pastor. Once he is an adult he comes back home work as a circuit pastor. That's when he realizes that his old tribe has been radicalized by his former best friend, who believes that they must fight the american ways. So the his former tribe is terrorizing the local towns.
This preacher wants to protect his people, but in order to do so, he needs help. So he hires this bounty hunter named Abigail McKinley who in turn recruits her friend, a sheriff named Jedidiah Moyer. Together, the three will fight to end the terror and bring peace between the peoples.

And yeah, that's 'bout it for now.

Sweet! You're actually using Sagebrush Crossing as your NaNo? That's awesome! Can't wait to read it at the end, Joe. :) Hmm, we should schedule a weekend to meet and write! At a target range of course; I'm trying to practice regularly.

DamselJillPole wrote:Also when does everyone tend to start writing? The night before Nov 1st or you wait till the 1st?

I wait. No sense in doing today what you can put off till tomorrow. Or next week. :p

The Rose-Tree Dryad wrote:I should've knocked on wood. :ymsigh:

You poor, poor girl; you just can't get a break, can you? *offers gluten free chocolate lava cake* I'm praying for you, Rosie.

daughter of the King wrote:Welp, I've already hit a snag. I've been sick the past two weeks and thus had zero motivation for NaNo prep. Oh well. I've still got time. Maybe. Honestly, if I can just get over my previous record of 25K I'll be happy. Small steps to success sounds like a reasonable plan.

You too, huh? Yeah, this nasty cold/throat infection is going around my office. Bleh. I need to suck on a piece of raw ginger to fall asleep. I was pretty unhappy. But then I found this quote:

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
- John Quincy Adams

And I felt better after that. Bring it on, November!

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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - Here it comes!

Postby Silver the Wanderer » Oct 30, 2013 7:24 pm

Heya WriMos! 8D How've you all been?

I'm jealous. I wish I had time to jump on the 50k train this year but unfortunately art school is destroying all of my free time. *drowning in homework and paint* ~x(

Nevertheless, I shall be here CHEERING YOU ON! WOOHOO! :ymapplause: \:D/ :-bd

Also, I'm hoping to use NaNoWriMo as motivation to finish editing work for my current novel project. I'm so close to being done - all that remains is for me to do another round of editing, reading it aloud to myself and correcting things that sound odd. And cutting out unnecessary rambling since my manuscript is longer than I'd like it to be. You'd be shocked how much reading aloud helps in regards to figuring out pacing issues...

ANYWAY I'm hoping to be more active around this forum so if anyone needs to bounce ideas off of someone, I'm happy to help! :D
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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - Here it comes!

Postby DamselJillPole » Oct 30, 2013 11:17 pm

It's already 1AM here so NaNo starts tomorrow. I'm too excited that I can't sleep and all I can think of are the first sentences I'm going to write. I haven't gotten a precise word count that I will do daily. Usually when I start it's hard to stop unless I get writers block.

How is everyone holding up their anticipation?
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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - It's almost here!!

Postby narnianerd » Oct 31, 2013 7:32 pm

Annd, I'll be in chat all night tonight. :P
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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - It's almost here!!

Postby daughter of the King » Oct 31, 2013 9:44 pm

I started writing at midnight, and so far I've got 1,088 words. I'm actually tired enough to sleep now though, so I'm going to take advantage of not having insomnia for once and continue writing when I get up in the morning. Good luck to everybody! The race is on!
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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - It's almost here!!

Postby DamselJillPole » Nov 01, 2013 12:37 am

Great word count update daughter.

I've been going nonstop for two hours writing now and I am currently at 1,811 words. I'm still not sleepy so I'm gonna keep on going. I can't wait to hear everyone's updates too! Keep up the good work guys! :)
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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - It's here!!!

Postby Melian_Maia » Nov 01, 2013 9:47 am

I wrote for about 22 minutes last night, starting at midnight, and now for another fifteen this morning and I'm at around 2kish. I'm really loving this novel and how easily it's coming to me. Fingers crossed that that will last all month long! ;))

Stwin, I'm a bit shy about sharing my writing, so reading it will totally depend on how confident I feel at the end of the month. But it will most likely be a yes. ;)

Rose, I've developed a few new twists that I would love to talk to you about at some point. Also, I think you'll like where I started the novel. ;)
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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - It's here!!!

Postby Aslanisthebest » Nov 01, 2013 12:41 pm

NaNo, NaNo, NaNo, NaNo, NaNo, NaNo, NaNo, NaNo!!!! :D
Excuse my excitement, but my, the First of November has so much energy packed into it. ;))

I've been lurking in this thread, and I've been enjoying reading the discussions.

I am a pantser, but I am learning how to work my improvisation into an outline so I can actually write a novel. I really didn't think that I would be formally joining, but I've been in such a writing mood lately (after a long, long time), so I might take advantage of the situation and write. I have three ideas in mind that are a bit vague and tentative, but I might try doing some word wars tonight and then work with whichever idea draws me in the most.

I'm InkRain on the NaNo forums, if anyone wants to add me. I might not update my novel info, based on how much I participate. But I'm excited for NaNo on the forum, and I look forward to participating in word wars! :D

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Re: NaNoWriMo '13 - It's here!!!

Postby Quinlin » Nov 01, 2013 12:43 pm

Hey everyone! I feel like I've been away from the forums for ages, but I haven't had much time at all between work and family. Still, I have poked around here and heard all the exciting Narnia news. :)

Anyways, after never having previously participated, I came to the decision to do NaNo this year! :ymparty: Woo! Now my biggest problem is...I have no idea where to start. No, not as in I'm not sure how to complete my goal and simultaneously write well, it's simply that I really have no idea where and in what scene the first chapter begins. I've got most of the characters sorted out and some highlights of what goes on to eventually bring my two main characters together, but things are just so out of order and non specific that I'm trying to basically start from scratch. I'm also the kind of person who is constantly over thinking how a moment goes, trying to make it as realistic as possible in the place that I've set it in. Knowing my pace in all of my other writing creations, there's a lot that I put into every character and chapter. I'm already freaking out that I'm running behind and won't be able to keep up my minimal word count for the day, especially with my busy schedule and lack of inspiration.

I've made some outlines and lists of what I'm hoping to include and weave into the overall theme. Thankfully, I have no intention of giving up on this story because I'm really connected to the characters and everything they have to give. I've told myself, even if I don't reach 50k, but get a good book in the end I'll be proud for a newbie. :)

Cheers and good luck to everyone! Your stories all sound so amazing! :D

Edit: Wow! I can't believe this is my 3,000th post!
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