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The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby johobbit » Oct 19, 2012 8:33 am

May I just say that, Mel, your work is beautiful! The finished product is so attractive.

Wow, shastastwin, that is one loooong scarf! Way to go! :D I bet doing something creative like this is a fun outlet in the midst of all your studies.
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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby FencerforJesus » Oct 19, 2012 11:18 am

I do absolutely nothing in this regard, but there is a new ministry that has risen in my church this year called Blu52. It is named after the nephew of a couple in my church who passed away from cancer (and was a believer). What a few ladies in my church do now is crochet "prayer shawls" and when a person of special need is brought forth, they crochet a prayer shawl and give it to them to remind them that God still loves them and cares for them. One of the prayer shawls when to the gal that was involved in the zip line accident and got infected by a flesh-eating bacteria which forced her to get her legs amputated. From what I understand the impact of these prayer shawls have been phenomenal. And unfortunately I don't have pictures.
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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby wild rose » Dec 13, 2012 2:52 pm

I can't believe I haven't been here in ages
Mel, your work is amazing, same for you shastastwin :)

so, I've finally gotten around to teaching myself how to Naalbind, and I finally got the hang of the Oslo stich, I've made my niece a little pair of socks, one came out slightly larger than the other, which was frustrating, but oh well. Now almost everyone in my family suddenly needs/wants hats or socks or mitten :p I'm going to try my hand at the other types of stiches as well :)

here's a picture of the socks I made :)
naalbinded socks
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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby SnowAngel » Dec 15, 2012 4:14 pm

Those socks are so cute, wild rose. :)

I have some pictures of a denim bag that I made for a friend that I'm planning to post, but I have to figure out where I put them and upload them to photobucket first. :) I will try to it soon, I'm really pleased with how this bag turned out. :)

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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby shastastwin » Dec 15, 2012 5:58 pm

I finished the afghan over Thanksgiving, but I didn't want to put pictures up anywhere until we'd given it to the friends it was made for. Since we saw them this weekend to give it to them, you all get to see the finished project, too. :D

Here are some pictures:
Picture 1

Picture 2

I also made a couple of "Tea Toters" to carry tea bags on trips. They are pretty cool and hold about six bags of tea.

Tea Toters
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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby Meltintalle » Dec 16, 2012 10:08 pm

Stwin, as 'gazer said when he saw the picture of the afghan, "Impressive. Most Impressive." :D

How did the chained compass square go? I tried one a little while ago, but either my instructions are messed up or I missed something very obvious. :ymblushing:
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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby shastastwin » Dec 17, 2012 9:35 am

Glad you all liked it.
The chained compass was a bit tricky, but it worked out. It didn't look as good on its own as I thought it would, though. Do you know what went wrong? I may be able to figure out what you need to do. :) The biggest thing to watch with that one is not to crochet through the loops until all three are done and ready to be connected.
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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby SnowAngel » Dec 18, 2012 6:27 pm

Wow, shastastwin! That's a very unique afghan. :)

This is one picture of the bag I made. I have three more pictures, but photobucket isn't working right now. I'll try again later. I made two bags for my Mom and one bag for my sister for Christmas, however I wrapped them without taking pictures, but after Christmas I'll take some pictures of them. I really like the two I made for my Mom.


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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby Meltintalle » Jan 01, 2013 3:39 pm

stwin, I don't actually remember seeing instructions for a loop while I was doing the first few rounds, but I think we can chalk some of the problem up to impatience on my part. ;))

That's a lovely bag, SnowAngel! :)

Awhile back, I mentioned that I was knitting a sweater from this pattern. I finished it back in the beginning of December, and I've been enjoying it ever since. :)

picture 1
picture 2

I still need to reinforce the front edge and buttonholes with ribbon and add proper buttons, but I've got lots of time for that. ;))
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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby Pattertwigs Pal » Jan 01, 2013 6:11 pm

I do a lot of cross-stitching. When this thread was first opened I really really wanted to post about a project that I was working on but I couldn't because it was gift for a person on the forum. I cross-stitched this baby afghan. I modified patterns I had. Some took a lot of modification others only a little.

I cross-stitched this and this for another friend who was had a baby.
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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby Aslanisthebest » Jan 01, 2013 7:45 pm

Since the first and second pages, since I last posted - thanks, everyone, for your kind comments! :D :P

Wrose, those socks are so cute!

Shastastwin, that's a really great crocheted afgan! Are the squares similar to granny squares?

Lovely bag, SnowAngel!

Mel... that sweater! :O It's lovely! I admire everything about it: the style is darlingly vintage, the color is so warm, and the cables are beautiful. Wonderful job! Thanks for linking to the pattern.

PatterwigsPal, your cross stitched Narnia afghan left me speechless... I have no words... it's really fantastic! Wow. :ymapplause: Is it your own pattern?

I have been working on some things here and there. I was working on a grey cable scarf which I finished a couple months ago.
Picture (disregard the watermarked url, it's invalid. :P )
This was what I took of it a few days after I started it. Its finished length is around 6', so it's plenty warm. I am looking forward to wearing it. :D
I also begun two other scarves with a similar pattern - one chocolate brown and the other burnt orange. Finished the former and working on the latter. One of my New Year's Resolutions last year was to learn cables, and while I've only just learnt one type, I'm pretty glad that I fulfilled that resolution to some degree. :P

I have always wanted to learn Fair Isle knitting, so one day I decided to youtube it and tried a little bit. I'm interested in getting better at it.
First Try
The back of it :P
Most recent attempt (I found the diagram pattern for it off of google; it's not mine.)

So that's been mostly what I've been doing. I'm hoping that this year I can try and make a sweater. We'll see. ;))
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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby Aslanisthebest » Jan 24, 2013 9:13 pm

I haven't watched Dr. Who and am not at all familiar with it and am not really that interested it, but I know that this site is full of Dr. Who fans.... so, for you guys:

Crocheted Amigurumi Dr. Who, complete set of doctors & tardis
The detail is fantastic. Amigurumi is one of the easiest things to go wrong with (*cough* many of my early prototypes... :ymblushing: ) and especially so when you're going for that much detail. But it's seamlessly done here! The tardis looks great, too. ;))

And while looking around:

Amigurumi Merida
The same seller on Etsy has Captain America and Loki, it looks like (never seen anything Marvel, I should add as a discalimer :P )
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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby IloveFauns » Mar 22, 2013 3:12 am

I am working on a quilt and since my last attempt my sewing skills etc have improved. Here are the patches i have completed so far.

Any suggestion from zelda fans would be great or if you think there is a certain stitch that would look good or style.




I have got some zelda embroidery patches and some iron on crayons for a few of the other patches I plan to do two of each style.
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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby johobbit » Mar 22, 2013 7:06 am

IlF, I don't know much about Zelda, but ... very nice job! :ymapplause: :D

Even though I hardly ever post in here, I thoroughly enjoy reading about all of your various projects, and so appreciate the talent here!
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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby Meltintalle » Mar 22, 2013 9:24 am

I'm not a Zelda fan either, but... I really like the button one. What a neat idea. :D
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Re: The Second Measure: Sewing, Yarnwork, and other Needlework

Postby IloveFauns » Mar 22, 2013 5:44 pm

I am currently working on another button patch those and the chain stitch ones take sometime.

I think i got the button idea from a picture i saw a few years ago when i was doing a sewing assignment.

So what projects has everyone else been doing?
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