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Camping- it's in tents!

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Re: Camping

Postby stargazer » Jun 27, 2011 4:01 pm

Puddleglum, when you camp with the Scouts, do you usually go to a BSA camp? Or do you go to other public campgrounds (like state parks) or private ones? And how big is the group you usually camp with?

Sorry for the questions; I don't mean to pry but I wasn't a Scout and am only familiar with camping solo or with families and friends.

Lady Lilliandil, I've heard of the Jamboree (a national-level camping/gathering) but not had any actual experience with it. Likewise with Jellystone parks - we saw one near Estes Park on our visit to Rocky Mountain National Park, but didn't camp there.

I'm contemplating a relatively spontaneous camping trip this week - just a one-night stayover - but we'll see. Depends on when the predicted heat arrives. I'm too wimpy to want to camp in 90+ weather.
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Re: Camping

Postby Puddleglum » Jul 03, 2011 10:15 pm

Lady Lilliandil wrote:Hey um do any of you know anything about BSA Jamboree?? Random but it has to do with camping!! :p My venturing crew is thinking about going in 2013.

I know some scouts who went to the last one. If you have the opportunity to go I strongly advise it. It will be at a new location, the Last one was at A.P. Hill where it had been held for several years. There are almost always scouts from other contries, as well as around the U.S.
I suggest taking extra council shoulder patches along for trade, which is very compettitive at times. But be advised there are some hucksters that sneak in trying to cheat a gullible scout. My son's O. A. lodge has a no trade policy for their patches. This makes them highly collectable, and some people literally tried to rip them off the uniforms. The rule last year was only scouts may trade with scouts, adults with adluts.
best make arraingments ASAP if you plan to attend. Otherwise there were several troops who camped "outside", at local campgrounds, and attended during the day.
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Re: Camping

Postby Puddleglum » Jul 03, 2011 10:32 pm

No problems about prying. What good are experiences if you cannot pass on what you learn, especially if you make a great blunder that others can learn from? Suggestion; When starting a fire with birch bark do not hold it in your hand as you light it. The sap tends to stick to the skin as it burns :-$
As for where we camp. Our troop makes use of both established scout camps, and other properties. There is a local hunting club which has allowed us use of their land, as well as using a local park during the summer for our troop meetings.
We just returned from a week-long camp up in northern Minnesota near Park Rapids, Camp Wilderness. This is an annual event for our Troop, and gives the newer scouts an opportunity to learn some skills, as well as earning a few merit badges.
The older Scouts are currently planning a venture into the Boundary Waters near the Canadian border. This is of course for more expereinced Scouts.
As for attendance we avarage around six to twelve. It also depends on adult attendance. As you know BSA rules demand the Two-Deep leadership at all functions. If there were a shortage of adults willing to donate their time an event does not happen.
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Re: Camping

Postby Lady Lilliandil » Jul 04, 2011 7:43 am

Puddleglum wrote:
Lady Lilliandil wrote:Hey um do any of you know anything about BSA Jamboree?? Random but it has to do with camping!! :p My venturing crew is thinking about going in 2013.

I know some scouts who went to the last one. If you have the opportunity to go I strongly advise it. It will be at a new location, the Last one was at A.P. Hill where it had been held for several years. There are almost always scouts from other contries, as well as around the U.S.
I suggest taking extra council shoulder patches along for trade, which is very compettitive at times. But be advised there are some hucksters that sneak in trying to cheat a gullible scout. My son's O. A. lodge has a no trade policy for their patches. This makes them highly collectable, and some people literally tried to rip them off the uniforms. The rule last year was only scouts may trade with scouts, adults with adluts.
best make arraingments ASAP if you plan to attend. Otherwise there were several troops who camped "outside", at local campgrounds, and attended during the day.

Thank you so much for this info! I really want to go but I don't know to much about it. I think I will have a ton of fun!

does anyone know about the activities that they have there?
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Re: Camping

Postby Puddleglum » Jul 04, 2011 8:56 pm

M'Lady. I shall ask the current youngster of the wig-wam when he returns from cavorting about with other Narnians of like age.
but as I recall there are many activities. One day in particular is devoted to doing some of the simpler Merit Badges.
They have celebrities at every one. Miss America was there. If you are familiar with the program Dirty Jobs, the host Mike Roe is an Eagle Scout. He attended last year, and threw patches out into the mass of Scouts during the gathering.
There are also different booths with representitives of all branches of the service. My youngster actually got a brand on his hat at one booth of Scouting's Centenial emblem. Not while he was wearing it, of course.
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Re: Camping

Postby stargazer » Jul 25, 2011 6:59 pm

Enjoyed a camping trip this past weekend with about 15 friends, including a number of young children. We camped at a county park about 45 minutes from here. Hindrances were the high humidity, occasional heavy rains (accompanying passing weather fronts) and ravenous mosquitoes. Still, we had plenty of fire (including some Mystical Fire), swimming, and food - a great time with friends.
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Re: Camping

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Jul 27, 2011 7:52 am

I'll be camping once again next week at Soulfest (a Christian music festival) :D all full time volunteers get free camping :)
it's gonna be a good time - here's to hoping for no rain :D
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Re: Camping

Postby Puddleglum » Jul 28, 2011 7:14 pm

Setting out myself this weekend to meet my brother, and a friend of his for some camping, and fishing.
I will try to be optimistic, but the weather channel is already forcasting rain. Well, I hear that fish bite a bit more when the weather changes.
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Re: Camping

Postby TheGeneral » Aug 02, 2011 3:49 pm

Just got back from 5 days in the Glacier NP backcountry. It sure was amazing. Almost surprised a black bear which wasn't good, I was a lot more careful after that! It's a lot of work, and I think my backpack may not be the perfect fit for me (it dug into my shoulder blades a lot), but overall it was awesome. One morning a howling wolf woke me up at 4AM, that was so cool.
I love backcountry camping, there's just nothing else like it. One night we were 7 miles away from the closest humans, how awesome is that?!
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Re: Camping

Postby stargazer » Aug 29, 2011 10:28 pm

*dusts off the topic, with the long Labor Day weekend coming in the US*

Backcountry camping away from others sounds great, TheGeneral! The nearest thing I've had to that is in the Boundary Waters. Alas, my knees would never put up with any serious hike into the backcountry...especially as I get older. ;))

This upcoming long weekend I'll be camping a couple hours north of here, at Jay Cooke State Park. It's big enough to have some nice trails along the St Louis River, and near enough Lake Superior's North Shore to allow a quick trip that way should we wish it.

(We were camped there the weekend of the July 1999 Boundary Waters derecho, which blew down an estimated 25 million trees in northeast Minnesota alone before moving into Ontario. There was no wind damage at Jay Cooke, but the heavy rains which accompanied the storm caused some flooding there and along the North Shore. Hopefully this weekend will be much quieter!)

Anyone else have camping plans this weekend, or over the next few weeks?
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Re: Camping

Postby narnialuver » Nov 09, 2011 7:56 am

I love camping. I went when I was little. I was going this year but it got to cold to fast so maybe next year.

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Re: Camping

Postby Puddleglum » Nov 09, 2011 9:01 pm


If ever there was a human activity that should be manditory, it should be camping. If nothing more than getting away from all the hustle, and bustle of our modern world. Too many people let themselves be distracted with "things", and don't take the time to just sit, and listen.

there are many campers on this site that I have talked to, and I'm sure that they all would be willing to help with any questions you may have.
I would start out with suggesting that you not bring any electronics, save for a digital camera. It's much easier to notice what's around you when you are not listening to a machine.
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Re: Camping

Postby narnialuver » Nov 10, 2011 6:42 am

Thank you and I would never dream of bringing electronics (other than my camera)

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Re: Camping

Postby stargazer » Nov 10, 2011 9:41 pm

I would respectfully disagree and suggest you bring a phone as well...but urge you to keep it off except in case of emergency - especially if you're camping alone.

Sure, it's unlikely you'd ever need it, but if your car doesn't start 200 miles from home, or you twist your leg in the backcountry, it could make the difference between an inconvenience and a real problem.

Disclaimers: In many backcountry areas there may not be cell service. And to enjoy the natural experience Puddleglum refers to, it'd be necessary to resist the temptation to use all those other applications on phones these days. ;)
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Re: Camping

Postby narnialuver » Nov 11, 2011 7:22 am

oh ya I live in the woods so I would go camping there but I'l still bring a phone. cell service is a big prob. and my phone is a cheap one so I don't have apps.

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Re: Camping

Postby Puddleglum » Nov 12, 2011 9:54 pm


I stand humbly corrected.

I must agree with a cell being needed for emergencies, only. I do carry one myself for that purpose. turning it on at specific times should a parent need to contact me.

My objection comes from seeing too many scouts, and parents who are busy yakking on the things to pay attention to people with them. Not to mention their total oblivion to God's creation around them.
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