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Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby georgiefan1 » Feb 26, 2011 1:30 pm

Whit follows Dori to her official office. Her name was on the door on a sparkly gold star- very cute!

She enters her room and the whole thing is pink- it was amazing. Pink carpet, walls, chairs, the whole 9.

"I hope you enjoy this"
"I love it!"
"Great. Now get comfy- the video will show up on that TV in 5 minutes."

Dori walks out leaving Whit to herself as she tries to figure out where things are. In exactly 5 minutes her lights automatically dimmed and she took a seat in her pink fluffy chair.

The film was about 15 minutes long. It showed Whit all the evul things ANTI does against MUPPETZ. The video showed the main ANTI agents so Whit would know who to watch out for. Some of the names are so wierd, Cyko, Thorn, Mal'ady...random names. But the names pulled something in her. She wrote it off as extreme hatred. Once the video was over Whit took it upon herself to write a little letter to these ANTI people- Cyko seemed like their leader so she addressed it to him.


You are making a huge mistake trying to overturn MUPPETZ. You and your group of ANTI people will be taken down

The Pink Lady
Head of the Childrens Department of MUPPETZ

Whit sends the letter with a mechanical pigeon set to find Cyko- he won't know though the pigeon will send his exact location to me so MUPPETZ can find his people and destory all of them.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » Feb 26, 2011 1:32 pm

(M.U.T.A.N.T.Z. Island)

A scowling Agent Thorn was frogmarched into a dank and gloomy entrance hall, and stood before a peculiar-looking man with dark eyes and a cape standing a few steps up on a creaking staircase. Judging by the rather uncomfortable-looking way he was arching his neck and smiling smugly, he seemed to be trying to loom over her.

There was nothing that irritated Agent Thorn so much as someone trying to loom over her, as she was, technically, a tree, and a natural born expert of looming. Just when she thought she couldn't any more irritated, she discovered that yes, she could.

Drawing herself up to her full height, she glared daggers at the weird man in the cape and spat, "I suppose you're the one in charge of these creatures? Kindly tell me why, and who you are? Wait, let me rephrase that, and cultivate a deeply accusatory tone while I'm at it: just who do you think you are?"

She put her hands on her hips.

"I was under the impression that mere mortals should not meddle with controlling the minds and actions of others, but as usual, the M.U.P.P.E.T.Z. and their supporters seem to believe differently," she finished with a something like a growl.

Weird Cape Man fed the fire that was Agent Thorn's temper by laughing delightedly.

"Wait, wait, wait," he said exactly three times, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes. His face was not suited to laughing; his white, waxen cheeks twisted until they were almost grotesque as his mouth stretched to reveal pointed teeth. "You haven't given me an instant to talk, little antagonist. I had such a nice monologue prepared, too."

"Little?" The dryad said incredulously. "I'm a foot taller than you—"

The man in the cape waved his hand lazily, and Agent Thorn's mouth was smothered by one of the mutant's furry paws. The strange little man then hopped off the steps, and proceeded to circle the dryad and the mutants like an overgrown bat.

"I am known only as the Count, little captive. Normally I would dispatch you to Muppetzylvania to have a fair trial and be sent to the firing squad, but I rather think Ellemo would prefer for me to kill you here and now, rather than risk such vermin getting away. However, I will consider sparing your life if you can be of use to my organization. How good are you at counting, dryad?"

"Counting?" The dryad said, bewildered, as the mutant's furry hand slipped away from her lips with another flick of the Count's bony hand.

"Yes," said the strange man, so serious and staring at her so intently, it was a little disturbing.

"I'm better at kicking and punching and catching bad guys than I am math, to be frank," the agent said dryly. "But if I am good at counting anything, it would be my blessings."

"Counting blessings?" The Count said the two words as if he'd never heard them used before in conjunction. "What kind of devilry is this? Explain it to me."

Aha, the agent thought, a ray of hope streaking through her mind. Bargaining material.

"I will," Agent Thorn said, meeting the eerie little man's cold, curious stare with her own determined gaze. "When you tell me what is going on here, and why."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Feb 26, 2011 2:05 pm

Lia was screaming as she fell faster and faster towards the ground. Then she was hit by what felt like a canon ball. But it couldn't be a canon ball, because if it had been she would be dead, right?

It was a squirrel that had hit her. And most definitely the fattest squirrel she had ever seen. It was also the biggest squirrel she had ever seen. And it was flying towards her. On it's back was a parachute, but as Lia's weight hit the poor big squirrel, it started to plummet towards the earth.

Strange, thought Lia. I seem to remember doing this once already today.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah," screamed the squirrel. "We're going to die!!!!" He punched a button on his watch and spoke into it hyperly. "HELLLLLLLLLLP MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

Lia looked at the squirrel in disgust. Something told her that she needed to steer the squirrel safely to the ground. She grabbed the parachute ripcord and gave a yank.

Of course, the yank sent her flying off the squirrel's back and down towards the earth again, but not for long. She was hit by five more 'canon balls'. These squirrels must have had more training, because they were much more calm and collected about falling. They yanked their ripcords and soon Lia and her furry heroes were all safe on the ground.

They landed rather hard. Right on top of something soft and squishy. When they all stood up and dusted themselves off, a huge procession of squirrels were coming down from the trees. Lia looked down at what she had landed on.

It was the rather chubby squirrel who had screamed for help.

"Aw," she said, picking it up. She tried not to groan with pain as she realized just how heavy it was. "Are you okay?"

"I saved you!" was all the squirrel could say. He was happy, bouncing up and down in Lia's arms. "I did, I did!!!" He looked at her curiously. "I'm Chunky, by the way."

Lia looked at the squirrel. The name certainly fit. And now he was jumping out of her arms and hopping up to Chatter.

Chatter smiled (if it was possible for squirrels to smile) at Chunky and handed him a golden acorn. "For your valiant, er, efforts to... cushion our new Queen's fall, Chunky."

Lia looked rather startled. She was a queen. Of crazy, rabid, talking, squirrels. She didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing, when all of the sudden another procession of squirrels arrived. They had several prisoners in their midsts.

One of which was a Cyclops.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Jillhope » Feb 26, 2011 2:05 pm

The Crazy Feery Of Infinity Awesomeness (Feery being a combination of Fee and Fairy [otherwise know as "the sprite gurl"]) noticed the girl (lia) falling. She thought it was interesting that the girl hadn't thought of puting on a jetpack before falling off of something... The sprite gurl always wore a jetpack... it was one of her assets. She was a fairy after all, even if nobody believed her when she told them that.
She released a little bit on her jetpack so that she leveled out with the falling girl and started talking.
"HIYA!!!" she fairly screamed it "WHAT YOU UP TO???" she had a tendency for noise "I"M THE CRAZY FEERY OF INFITIY AWESOMENES! WHAT'S YOUR NAME???" She couldn't understand why the falling girl looked so frightened. "DO YOU LIKE MY HAIR?????????" the sprite gurl's hair was about a thousand coloures of the rainbow... and one of her favorite features because she styled it so that it stuck strait up in the air. "AND MY EYES TOO??? THEY'RE PRETTY AWESOME AREN'T THEY?" she always wore coloured contact lenses and right now she had in one blue one and one pink one. "AND MY DRESS!!! ISN'T IT JUST LOVELY?" and yes, her dress was colourful too, it was orange and pink with blue and purple polka dots all over it, it had one sleeve and a strap over the other shoulder, crowning that strap was a giant foofoo rose, all the coloures of the rainbow and many more.

Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Shastafan » Feb 26, 2011 2:13 pm

Fall waited impatiently for someone to pick up the phone. He groaned when he got a busy signal, and prepared to redial, but then, someone else came in. "Hey, Lavender! How are you?" Fall mentally slapped his face. It was Hallie, a MUPPETZ agent that bugged him to death. Hallie Springs had gleefully joined the MUPPETZ team, but Fall suspected it was because she wanted to be near him.

"Yes, Hallie? And don't call me Lavender! It's Fall now!" He hissed. His real name was Lavender Allison Pinkston. Oh, how he disliked that name!

"Whatever you say, Lavender! Have you heard any news about Clover recently?" Clover Periwinkle Junior Springs, who went by Spring, was Hallie's little sister. She was very spunky and sweet, but had mysteriously vanished a short while ago. It was odd that Spring, out of all people, would go missing. She was so outgoing that it was hard to not notice her.

"I'm afraid not," Fall muttered. "I'm sorry she's still missing, but I assure you I have no idea where she is..." He wondered if Summer knew about Spring's disappearance. Summer, Spring, and he had been a triangle of friends a long time ago. Things had changed though, especially after he had sneaked away and joined MUPPETZ. "Look, I'm busy right now. Can you get off please?"

"Of course, my lovely flower. Goodbye, dear!" Finally, she hung up, he thought bitterly. He would never forgive Spring for introducing him to Hallie, who had fallen in love with him right on the spot. He redialed Ellemo's number. He was hoping to get her at last, but to his embarassment, he figured out he had put in the wrong number. Oh, no, who did I call? Then it hit him: The Director of the Children's Division is who he had called. She couldn't find out about his scheme! Anything but that!
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Narnia_Fan12 » Feb 26, 2011 2:40 pm

CyKo motioned to Summer that the sleep over bomb wouldn't be that good an idea. With the squirrels effectively everywhere, the bomb would not only make the squirrels sleep, but also themselves. The logic here is that they were already being grasped onto by ten squirrels per leg- and one who has previously nommed on caffeine hardly ever lets go. He had read something like that in "CaffeiNation" magazine, anyways...

CyKo noticed that Lia had fallen, but couldn't get to her due to the barrage of squirrels that kept propelling into his face. He did, however, see her land on some really chubby squirrels, so he hoped the was okay.


"LIA!" CyKo shouted with surprise, trying to get her attention. "They're taking us to their prison cells... or something! Help us out!" Over the chattering of the squirrels, however, he wasn't sure if Lia could hear him...

He also saw this funny looking fairy gurl thing, flying around in a jetpack. He had no idea what to think of her. (:P)

After all of this, he was thrown into a hollow tree, with which a gate was latched shut. CyKo could easily have climbed over the gate (it was only as tall as his chest) but there were guard-squirrels everywhere. There would be no chance of escape.... from those who can overtake you in a millisecond.

Through the gate came a metallic bird, with every flutter of its wings was a clank of metal. In its beak was a little scroll of paper. The bird flew right past CyKo, and up towards the ceiling of his cell. It then dropped the letter, flew down, pecked Cy's head and flew back from whence it came.

"...A death threat? The pink lady?? WHIT?! :-o" He turned to his fellow agents and glanced a disturbed look.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Feb 26, 2011 2:57 pm

Lia stood on a balcony with six of her rodent ladies in waiting. It was definitely interesting being a Queen of the Squirrels. She had seen the squirrels bring in the one-eyed prisoner and was unsure what to think of him. He had known her name, yet Lia was sure that she she had never seen him before in her life.

The squirrel Chatter had informed her that one of her duties as Queen was to interrogate the prisoner. Of course, she was rather happy to do so, seeing as though this particular prisoner knew her name.

She walked down several walkways that had been newly installed (for her comfort, Chatter had told her) to the holding room. Inside was the Cyclops and at least three of his coconspirators. Chatter had informed her that they were a threat to her kingdom. Especially the one with the Emotigun. And the fairy gurl. Nobody knew exactly where the fairy gurl had come from, but after Lia had landed on Chunky, she had also landed.

And was promptly taken into custody. After all, nobody could yell at the Squirrel Queen.

But Lia was not interested in any of the other prisoners. All she wanted to know was how the Cyclops knew her name.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Jillhope » Feb 26, 2011 3:11 pm

The fairy gurl pouted in her captivity. She hadn't yelled at the weird squirrel queen! she was just making friendly conversation! well, she decided that now she would make friendly conversation with her furry (and a little bit fat) guards.
"WOWZERS!!!" she said as quietly as she could handle "YOU FOLKS REALLY AREN'T TOO GREAT AT THE WHOLE HOSPITALITY THING, ARE YOU?" she laughed too loud "THAT'S ALRIGHT THOUGH, BECAUSE I'M JUST GREAT WITH BEING HOSPITABLE! EVEN WHEN i'M NOT IN MY OWN HOME!!! HOW WOULD YOU LIKE A FOOFOO FLOWER???" she shoved her foofoo flower in the face of one of the squirrels "HERE!!! YOU CAN HAVE IT!!! NO, NO, i MEAN IT! IT'S ALL YOURS!!! NO STRNG ATTACHED! OH, YEAH, DID i MENTION THE FACT THAT I'M A FAIRY???" she was starting to feel more herself "WHAT ABOUT SOME COLOUR??? HERE YOU CAN HAVE THIS HANKY!!!" she pulled a brightly coloured handkerchief out of her pocket. "ALL YOURS!!!" what she didn't give them were her inflatable needles... they were rainbow coloured and she liked the way too much to give away.

Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Narnia_Fan12 » Feb 26, 2011 3:25 pm

The Fairy Gurl continued her overly loud conversation with the guards as Lia entered the cell.

"Lia, it's so good to see you. We're in a bit of a mess here, could you tell them to let us go? Lia? Why are you looking at me funny?"

CyKo then looked again to the fairy gurl, who wouldn't stop talking.

"Do you know who she is? Of where she came from? Or why she won't stop talking?"

CyKo shielded his ears until Lia started her reply...
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Feb 26, 2011 3:32 pm

Lia looked at the Cyclops in disgust. How did it get around with only one eye? And, to make matters worse, it was questioning her! ( :p ) She looked at her Squirrel followers. "Leave us."

She waited until they were gone to speak to the prisoner. "Who are you?" she asked as she untied the vines that bound his hands. "You're free to go, but help me, please." There was some desperation in her voice. "I feel that I should know who you are, but have no memory of you. Are you from Primberly too?"
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Narnia_Fan12 » Feb 26, 2011 3:37 pm

CyKo was almost as confoosed as Lia was. "Why, its me, CyKo! Surely you remember me? From ANTI? American Nitwits Think Intelligently? We're on a quest to save the world from the grasp of the M.U.P.P.E.T.Z. They're trying to take over the world."

As he said MUPPETZ, a great calm came across the squirrels. No longer was there chattering, no longer was there ultra-fast movements.

Chunky walked through amongst the crowd. "The MUPPETZ are not to be spoken of here. Theystoleourcaffeinestorages." After Chunky said this, groans and tears streamed forth from the squirrels, as if a mother had lost her child. They spoke not, but whispered of the sadness. Behind his tears, Chunky looked hungry for revenge.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Jillhope » Feb 26, 2011 3:39 pm

The sprite gurl heard herself being referred to by the weird one eyed thing.
"I CAN TOO STOP TALKING!!!" she shrieked "WATCH!" to prove her point she closed her mouth for a grand total of three and a half seconds and the for fear of exploding opened it again with the words "WOW!!! ARE YOU A CYCLOPS??? WICKED!!! DO YOU WANT TO SEE THE DRAWING I MADE OF A RAINBOW CYCLOPS???" she snatched a piece of folded paper from her bottomless pocket an shoved it under the cyclops' nose "D'YA LIKE IT??? I MADE IT TWO YEARS AGO!!!"
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Feb 26, 2011 3:45 pm

Lia just stared at Cyko, ignoring the fairy gurl. She was not very interested in seeing a picture of a rainbow Cyclops. Especially when there was a real Cyclops right in front of her. "Muppetz? You mean the TV show I used to watch as a little kid? Wait... Did I watch it?" She sat down and rubbed her forehead. "I can't remember." She looked up at Cyko. "Tell me more about myself." Then she looked at the Squirrels who were watching her and the prisoners. "Poor things. They lost their caffeine."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Narnia_Fan12 » Feb 26, 2011 3:58 pm

Amidst the squirrel's sadness, the Sprite Gurl hurled a picture that looked like this:


"You have... a natural artistic instinct, Miss Sprite." CyKo finally praised.

But CyKo tuned his ear into the bit about Lia talking about MUPPETZ.

"You WATCHED them as a kid? This wasn't on your resume! You lied to us! Traitor!!! First Whit, now you. If I can't trust my own agents, who CAN I trust?!" CyKo then saw that she was sincere- there wasn't any lie within her words. His lie-detector-watch would have alerted him instantly.

"You are Lia, you are an ANTI agent, you are helping defeat the MUPPETZ, you've got some form of amnesia. I'm not fully aware of your past- but I'm sure I could help you find information on it..."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby georgiefan1 » Feb 26, 2011 4:11 pm

After a considerable short time Whit's pigeon returns to her.

"Good girl...I hope your a girl" The way the pigeon pecked her she guessed it was a boy. Whit turned off the pigeon and takes out the card from inside it showing the awful ANTI people's placement.

She sticks the card into where it goes in her TV and a huge map of USI shows up. Whit is very suprised- they are decently close to Muppetzylvania. She laughed because they got taken by the squirrels and some random person who looked like a squirrel queen was talking to Cyko. His face...the one eye... it seemed way more reconzable than she could comprehend. Whit felt like she was losing it. She decided to go find Dori to ask her why she is feeling this way.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: A.N.T.I.: The Rebellion

Postby Melian_Maia » Feb 26, 2011 6:41 pm

Lia looked at Cyko for a moment in silence. She was even more confused than ever. "You mean to tell me that I am a secret agent sworn to destroy harmless puppets?"

The squirrels started to protest. They were angry with their Queen for taking so long in interrogating the prisoner. "Can we stab his eye out?" asked a small squirrel in the back of the crowd. She was bouncing up and down. Even without caffeine the Squirrels were hyper.

"No," snapped Lia. She was trying to think. Her few remaining memories were rather muddled. "A secret agent, huh?" She continued to think, running her fingers through her dark hair. Then she looked up in confusion. "There wasn't a runaway bus on our mission, was there?"
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