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Gael-Arabella Morton

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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby starkat » Dec 18, 2010 9:01 pm

Thought Gael was a nice touch. She added a dimension that would have been missing with all the warrior characters on the boat.
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby ChristProclamer » Dec 20, 2010 11:13 am

Ditto, Starkat! I, personally, liked the idea of adding Gael. She didn't have a lot to do, but that's why she's a minor character. She complete's Lucy's arc, and gave the crew a reason to chase the mist. Were it not for her, I think most audiences would have been left wondering why the Narnians were actually bothering to go to Dark Island. A few extra moments to develop her story might have been nice, though.

As for Arabella herself, I thought she did quite well, especially given that her accent was completely put on. And I'm relieved she didn't fall into the trap of merely offering cuteness to the viewer.

Although I have to agree with Lirenel about all the stupid grown-ups. My only explanation is that perhaps Rhince didn't want to let her out of his sight or something. "Gael, my dear, I'm going to go die, please come along with me so I can keep you safe." "Yes, Daddy."
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby Aravis Narnia » Dec 20, 2010 7:00 pm

I liked her. Actress did a great job- seemed very innocent and in-character. And Gael adds something to the plot- they are not just throwing a second girl on the boat to appeal to girls.
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby Narnia4Ever » Dec 23, 2010 3:02 pm

For a character that was not originally in the book, I think that Arabella Morton did a fabulous job! :ymapplause: Yes, the extra plot line wasn't necessary, but it was a very cute plot line at that. When I first heard of the role of "Gael" I was, as many of you were, scared that they were putting her for the 'cute girl' role, since Georgie was older. I feared that she was going to become a second Georgie Henley. But I was wrong! She was so cute, and overall I am happy that she was put into the moive. (Helped stengthened Lucy's character as well)
Great job, Arabella! ;)
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Dec 23, 2010 5:43 pm

I cried when Gael and Rhince watch as Gael's mom is dragged away.....
she's such a good little actress! :D
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby Brisa » Dec 23, 2010 5:46 pm

I didn't mind Gael- she only played a small role in the story, and she was cute. :)
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby NaiadWaker » Dec 25, 2010 1:50 pm

There was nothing Arabella did wrong- it was really cute acting.
But I think they shouldn't have added new characters because I don't feel they fully developed the plot about the green mist itself.
Sorry if that was a tad off-topic, but that's what I think. It did give the younger audience a little more of an idea of how bad the green mist was... it took a little girl's mom away.
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby Savber100 » Dec 25, 2010 6:23 pm

Who? /:)

Ah yes,the little girl that randomly popped here and there during the film. Arabella did a fine job but storywise I just found her a distraction to the main plot and a shallow caricature of the poor little girl that plenty of films have and don't need. Yes, yes, I know she was a minor character but that hardly means she can't at least be more interesting and engaging. In the end, I felt she was just a plot device for Lucy rather than a living, breathing character.

So while her character wasn't downright bad, Gael should have either been developed more or just left out of the story. Middling in between just detracts from the entire tale.
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby ChristProclamer » Dec 28, 2010 1:53 pm

A lot of you all have complained that Gael was just thrown in to be cute; quite the opposite in my opinion. When LWW came out, there were several times during the film when the entire theatre went 'awww' out loud at sweet little Lucy.

With VoDT, I didn't hear a single person make a single 'aww' for Gael. I can't even think of a place where one would coo over her. She's a cute girl, but I don't think she was invented for the cute factor. Or if she was, it was very poorly done.
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby CharlotteRose » Feb 20, 2011 9:36 am

What I liked about her was that she was an example of how the Green Mist was effecting everyone and a reminder that the crew had to keep their hope and keep looking for the blue star. She was also played by a good actress, infact, she was great becasue I couldn't tell that she was putting on an accent AT ALL! :D

What I didn't like was that throughout the entire film she was just hanging around doing nothing, with no real purpose except so that Lucy can tell her to be herself. So she wasn't really ever needed drasticly :(

What should have kept the crew going was Caspians dedication to his subjects and the crews honour.

Normally I don't like the addition of new characters but in this case I didn't mind.It probably wouldn't have mattered to the stoery weather she was there on the voyage or not.
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby Lu_valient » Feb 20, 2011 1:51 pm

I like how Gael was worked in. I hope she turns up in the Silver Chair.
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby Liberty Hoffman » May 30, 2011 10:25 am

^^ where would she be in SC? she lives on Narrowhaven.....
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby Evelyn » Jun 07, 2011 8:24 am

I thought Arabella did really well. She really conviced me about her charactor and was, of course, very cute and inocent. (Side note: did anyone besides me think she looks a bit like Anna Popplewell?)

Storywise, yeah, she was very under developed. I would have felt really truely bad for her if they gave her story more screen time and depth. But things move so fast in VDT, so they didn't have time.

Personally, I think the movie would have been just fine without her. But I didn't really care about her being in the story, since they handled it well. Only in a few scenes did she distract from the main story, imo. More development would have made it better, though.

So while her character wasn't downright bad, Gael should have either been developed more or just left out of the story. Middling in between just detracts from the entire tale.

Agreed, Savber100. They really need to avoid letting this happen again. It was fine, but we don't want an undeveloped "MLG" in every Narnia movie just because Gael worked. ;)

(When coming home from my first viewing with my friend, I said, "That should have been one of us!" One night, after watching PC when I was spending the night, we "wrote" ourselves into VDT (this is before it came out). One of us was a girl picked up from the Lone Islands. I had totally forgotten about our "script" until I watched VDT!)
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby Elanor » Jun 07, 2011 9:05 am

I think Gael was a great add on; she didn't do too much, but she was sweet, and helped to develop the Lucy Beauty problems . . I have to say I LOVE the scene where those two girls are together in the room, and Gael says "When I grow up, I want to be just like you." I felt like jumping up and down for joy when she said that. :D
I think Arabella Morton did an excellent acting job too. :)
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby Louloudi the Centaur » Jun 16, 2011 12:52 pm

Arabella Morton to me did very well in acting. She said her lines very naturally like a seven or eight year old would(I think she was actually eight years old while they were filming this :p ).

Gael's character's meaning is very debatable. Some say she was unnecessary, while others say she was a nice addition. I've done some thinking, and I think Gael was a helpful addition to not only Lucy's character, but to Aslan's.

I've first off found similarities between Gael and LWW Lucy. Both of them have been separated from their mothers, and they are very young when this happens, only seven or eight. Lucy, in addition, also has her brother taken away by an evil figure. However, Lucy meets Aslan, and with Him, there was hope, and Lucy got her brother back. In VDT, Gael was seen in fear as her mother was taken from her. She even admitted at one point she missed her mother. She was very scared and didn't have much hope when Lucy said it was going to be okay. Lucy told her to have faith in Aslan, and there was hope because Gael's mother was rescued. This helped Aslan's character, because in Christ, there is always hope, even in the darkest times, or even when you're just afraid.

For Lucy, Gael helped her remember who she was when she tried to change who she was, or flipped around. Lucy learned, in brief, that Christ made her for a reason, and that she should not change herself just because she was pressured. Gael wanted to grow up and be like Lucy. Lucy taught her through her lesson with Aslan, that Gael indeed was made for a reason and should not change herself.

Overall, I think Gael was more vital to Aslan's character than Lucy's.
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Re: Gael-Arabella Morton

Postby AslansChild » Jun 20, 2011 7:37 am

I thought Arabella was sweet in VDT...but sometimes her cuteness and her lines were a bit...forced. Like when she said: "Is it the volcano?" A bit...fake, sorry. Other scenes were adorable when Drinian giver her the orange, and when she first meets Lucy...just cute.

Did anyone see her new photo-shoot, by any chance? Here's some pictures: (mods, I hope I did this right this time around...they're all under 500 px wide)






more are here: ... Photoshoot
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