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Is Aslan Jesus?

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Is Aslan Jesus?

Postby Andre_inmayville » Nov 26, 2018 12:45 pm

Jesus Christ in a Child’s Imagination
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe does not seem like it would have much in common with the Bible. C.S. Lewis added to his archetype by re-creating the sacrifice, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ with Aslan into a magical world that is fit for a child’s imagination. Aslan sacrificed himself to save Edmund’s stead, who was supposed to be killed by the Witch, after he betrayed Aslan. In comparison, Jesus sacrificed himself to save mankind from their sins even though many people didn’t have faith in him. C.S. Lewis emphasis the importance of Christ and the lesson the story teaches children through the story series of event.
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Re: Is Aslan Jesus?

Postby puddleglum32 » Dec 11, 2018 6:15 pm

I agree, while Aslan's story is not a carbon copy of the 33 years Jesus spent on this earth, many of the traits of Jesus can be seen in Aslan. Who knows, Lewis could have made Aslan Jesus. Good point about Edmund, I may be looking to into this but, it always seemed to me that Edmund represented all of humanity. The line in the VDT indicates that Aslan is in fact Jesus because he says to Lucy "But I have another name, you must learn to know me by that name". This makes me think in "our world" his name is Jesus.

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