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Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

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Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby Ithilwen » Sep 28, 2010 4:50 pm

Whoever has read the new VDT spoilers knows what I'm talking about -- the possible (even probable sounding) love triangle between Caspain, Lilliandil, and Edmund.
There was already a lot of discussion of just Lispian vs. Suspian. What happens now that Edmund is in the picture too?

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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby Josh » Sep 28, 2010 5:07 pm

Honestly I'm not too worried about it. It seems like the love triangle will just be played for laughs. It will probably be resolved in a friendly manner. I do think Caspian and Edmund's attention to Lilliandil may be a good way to set up Lucy's self esteem issues for not being noticed by the boys.
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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby Invisible Woman » Sep 28, 2010 5:10 pm

I agree. I laughed so hard when Lilliandil asked if her beauty will be a distraction and Caspian and Edmund shouted "NO!!!" =))

I wouldnt worry about this turning into a "Team Caspian" or "Team Edmund" thing.
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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby DamselJillPole » Sep 28, 2010 5:32 pm

I laughed and honestly thought that it was pretty funny! :)

I honestly love how they played out Caspian's reaction to seeing Lilliandil

Lilliandil (played by Laura Brent) appears to them as a star and then in human form. She welcomes the Dawn Treader people, introduces herself as the daughter of Ramandu, and tells them that she is their guide. Caspian remarks, with an awestruck expression, "You are most beautiful!"

It's sweet and I can see this starting off very romantically. I mean he never told Susan how he felt with words. So this is much better. It's true love! :D :D

I just hope this Caspian/Edmund both feeling attracted to Lilliandil doesn't consume too much of her and Caspian falling in love on film. ;)
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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby Shastafan » Sep 28, 2010 6:43 pm

I hope not. When both Edmund and Caspian shout "NO!" I thought it was because they were both in awe of her, not because both thought she was attractive. I stand firmly believing that there shouldn't be any romances that weren't in the book, but this could be interesting and even funny, as long as it doesn't get too out-of-hand. ;)
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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby DamselJillPole » Sep 28, 2010 6:50 pm

^ The person who wrote the story might have interpreted Caspian's and Edmund's annoying glances differently then how it'll look in the movie and to us. I don't think it's going to be anything big.

I'm just happy that the crew is going to have Caspian attracted to Lilliandil first off. :D
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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby joy93 » Sep 29, 2010 9:41 am

DamselJillPole wrote:^ The person who wrote the story might have interpreted Caspian's and Edmund's annoying glances differently then how it'll look in the movie and to us. I don't think it's going to be anything big.

I'm just happy that the crew is going to have Caspian attracted to Lilliandil first off. :D
When I first rad this part i was like okay what is up with Edmund liking Lilliandil :-\ Know i am not worried because like Damsel said it could have miss interpreted. So we will not know till we see the movie. I just hope that it does not over shadow Caspian falling in love with Lilliandil or it turning into a compitition. I am just sooooooooo happy that Caspian said "YOU ARE MOST BEATIFULL." I literally jumped out of my skin when I read it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :p
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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby Elanor » Sep 29, 2010 9:45 am

Wow - I've never heard of Edmund getting into it, not sure how I'd like that. But if it was pretty simple it would probably be fine.
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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby A_Narnian_Ship » Sep 29, 2010 10:55 am

Josh wrote:Honestly I'm not too worried about it. It seems like the love triangle will just be played for laughs. It will probably be resolved in a friendly manner.

I hope so! My first reaction was "Oh no! Are we going to have Caspian and Ed draw swords over this like on PC with Caspian and Peter over the castle raid?" But after I had calmed down, I reminded myself that not only is this one persons interpretation of the clip, but like you said, Josh,will most likely be "resolved in a friendly manner."
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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby DamselJillPole » Sep 29, 2010 11:50 am

If you want to feel irked about something else rather then this, this is what I found on Aslan's Country:

They try to swim away, but are almost ‘ran over’ by the ship. Three or four sailors (including Caspian) jump in to save them.

Caspian: “Susan! It’s ok, I’ve got you!” Lucy: “It’s me, Lucy!”

Nooooooo!!!!!! :-o :(( :(( :(( :(( :((
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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby Valiant » Sep 29, 2010 1:29 pm

It probably will be played for laughs, and I hope thats all, but I won't bet my life on it. If Suspian happend, this could happen. Even if its for laughs, I don't like it. Its not funny. It just sounds silly to me.

Ooh and Lilliandil sounds fiesty...but don't all "strong" female charcters these days sound this way? 8-|

But yes, I loved that Caspian said "you are most beautiful"!
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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby 220chrisTian » Sep 29, 2010 2:24 pm

@Damsel: I didn't like Caspian's confusion of Lucy with Susan either! I don't read this as Luspian or anything, though. Paul on NarniaFans said since Lucy and Susan are sisters, they could look alike and Caspian might be confused. But they don't look alike at all to me. :-s

Instead, this Caspian/Lucy exchange made me think more of the "Lucy wanting to be as pretty as Susan" subplot. According to the transcript on Aslan's Country, Lucy asks Edmund if she's as pretty as Susan. Then she transforms into Susan after saying the beauty spell but is sad when she realizes it doesn't work. And in the report from ComingSoon. net or Examiner, Lucy worries about her looks and tries to get attention from boys.

For me, all this is troubling. I read this as a major character change from the book. Yes, Lucy wants to say the beauty spell so she'll be beautiful and Susan ugly. But Lucy generally doesn't have problems with vanity! That shouldn't be a temptation for her in the movie! And yet Apted says it is. /:) ... :((

Oh right ... the purpose of this thread! I didn't like Edmund's "NO!" or awkward glance at Caspian either. But as long as it's just for laughs, and nothing comes of it, fine. And yet, like Josh, the response from Lucy lends more to the vanity temptation / Susan / beauty subplot. This is more than self-esteem to me. This is something else, I'm just not sure what. I don't like it. /:)

Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby narnialover4 » Sep 29, 2010 5:26 pm

Oh wow...this could get VERY confusing! Edmund needs to find someone else (or nobody at all) and Caspian...well, he should fall in love with Lilliandil.
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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby joy93 » Sep 29, 2010 7:08 pm

Damsel I do not like it either!!!!!!!!!!! :-o :-o PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME THAT CASPIAN IS GOING TO BE STUCK ON SUSAN! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :(( :(( Okay maybee he just got them mixed up because Lucy looks like Susan, but he knows Susan is not suppose to come back. So why did he call her name :-s You can talk about the PreScreening on this link viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1931
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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby Elanor » Sep 30, 2010 8:30 am

joy93 wrote
but he knows Susan is not suppose to come back. So why did he call her name

If he thought Lucy was Susan, I don't think he'd have time to consciously think "Hmm, Susan said she wasn't coming back, so this must be somebody else" His first thought when he see's someone who looks like Susan, is "Susan!!" lol, obviously. :)
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Re: Caspian & Lilliandil... and Edmund?

Postby Rilian » Sep 30, 2010 8:47 am

I hadn't considered Edmund in the triangle, and I don't think there will be one. I think they just wanted a funny, awkward moment.

But I would gladly sell every other big change in this film for a love triangle between them. X(
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