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Re: Luspian

Postby waggawerewolf27 » Dec 14, 2010 2:33 am

Lirenel wrote:A marriage between a 13 year old and a 20 year old would have been probably unusual past the Victorian age when society began 'upping' the age of childhood, at least in England. By WWII, 18-20 was probably more the average, and I think you could only marry earlier than 17 with parental permission. My great-grandmother married at 23, around 1930 (and she was a poor immigrant), my grandmother married at 19 circa 1953/4.

I think a lot changed after women got suffrage after WW1 in UK and in other places. Once legislation was formed to decide when a woman was adult enough to vote, it had to also decide when she was old enough to marry without anyone's permission. When I was young, the age of majority was 21, so we got a lot of weddings after people were 21. Most of the people I knew waited until then so they didn't have to have parental permission. It wasn't until afterwards, when the legal age for voting was lowered to 18, that people got married that young, unless there was a reason for an early marriage, such as a baby on the way.

Valiant_Lucy wrote:I don't think she had a "crush" on him but she was probably suddenly realizing he was rather handsome, older, and Kingly. And would naturally feel a bit shy and with that comes silliness for most teenage girls

You are right. At least Lucy has good taste. Caspian isn't just any pin-up adventurer whose good looks mask feet of clay. ;)
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Re: Luspian

Postby MaidenofNarnia » Dec 14, 2010 8:27 am

Someone mentioned that it was just Lucy`s way of trying to see if Caspian thinks she is pretty. Also filmmakers were probably looking for a way to have Caspian give reference to Susan. They achieved both goals with having Lucy ask if Caspian found a queen . This seems like the most realistic reasoning. Although it seems weird to have film makers attach Lucy`s beauty insecurities to such a question. They couldn`t find a better way to address each issue separately ?! Mixing Lucy`s concern for her looks and Caspian`s lingering feelings for Susan could have been handled at separate times.

From Lucy`s stand point perhaps it is a mixture of wanting approval and a bit of a crush I suppose. At least the way they handled the situation makes it appear that way. For me it would be awkward to come on to some one my older sister was clearly into. I guess that doesn`t matter since Susan is looking elsewhere. It`s kind of wrong in the way that Caspian still laments Susan but she is off flirting with other young men.
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Re: Luspian

Postby sandyentersNarnia » Dec 15, 2010 4:17 am

Well, it's just normal. If I were in her place, I would be attracted to Caspian. Maybe she just wants to be noticed, especially by a king.

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Re: Luspian

Postby Eustace » Dec 15, 2010 7:46 am

I just had an idea. What if this was actually a subplot of the movie, but they cut all the rest of scenes out that had this subplot. :-s Like they did for the Susapian romance. (They cut out the archery scene,but not all of the scenes.)
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Re: Luspian

Postby cuppycakesrach » Dec 15, 2010 3:58 pm

I dont really see it as a romance , or really even a crush. Lucy is a girl, a teenage girl, and all girls want a boy to tell them they are beautiful ( especially a king ;) ) I just think this bit was added to add a bit more to Lucy's weakness .. her obssesion with the way she looks
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Re: Luspian

Postby sandyentersNarnia » Dec 15, 2010 7:14 pm

Yes, you are having a point^. Lucy maybe somewhat tired of her being the valiant, the strong willed, faithful and honest... and she wants to be really praised of her looks. But I think Lucy just wants some notice from guys, that's why she does those hair thingy and asks about herself (the one with Edmund).

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Re: Luspian

Postby ChristProclamer » Dec 21, 2010 2:57 pm

I don't know how many of you are girls, but as a girl, I can say that I understood this part of the film, and I don't think it classifies as Lucian (my preferred name for the pairing). There comes a time for young girls when they no longer want to be cute little baby-faced Lucy anymore. Now Lucy wants to be pretty and grown up, and even be something that she isn't.

I think Lucy was fishing; she wanted Caspian to notice her, to see her as pretty. Not necessarily be attracted to her, but not to think of her as the Royal Little Sister anymore, either. She didn't need to have a crush on him to want for him to think of her as a woman.

@ PrincessMia241: I didn't notice that about the Aslan's Country scene, but I'll definitely look for it in the's a very telling detail that she should repeat the gesture with Aslan!
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