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The ~Gael~ Poll - VDT

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What impact will Gael's character have on VDT's plot/story?

Positive influence
Negative influence
No big deal one way or the other
Can't decide
Other, please share
Total votes : 54

Re: The ~Gael~ Poll - VDT

Postby 220chrisTian » Jul 13, 2010 3:52 pm

I voted 'positive influence.'

1. I don't think she'll be a major character in the film, i.e. have a lot of screen time, which is fine with me.
2. There's nothing wrong with having a friend for Lucy, especially a female one for a change. Besides, Lucy is now in the position of having a positive influence on someone else, a person of faith whom another can look up to. :)

ForeverFan wrote:I think that Gael and her storyline has potential, as a subplot (or even a sub-sub plot), to bring something- perhaps a little extra richness or depth, to the over all storyline.
So do I and this is what I want: a subplot or storyline that adds depth to a redemption theme (hoping it's there). How will Gael influence the plot? I don't know. But after doing some research for my VDT book review, in which I discuss the redemption theme, I discovered that one Hebrew word for 'redeem' [and there are many] is "gaal" (Strong's H.1350). wrote:1) to redeem, act as kinsman-redeemer, avenge, revenge, ransom, do the part of a kinsman
a) (Qal)
1) to act as kinsman, do the part of next of kin, act as kinsman-redeemer
a) by marrying brother's widow to beget a child for him, to redeem from slavery, to redeem land, to exact vengeance
2) to redeem (by payment)
3) to redeem (with God as subject)
a) individuals from death
b) Israel from Egyptian bondage
c) Israel from exile
b) (Niphal)
1) to redeem oneself
2) to be redeemed

Did Douglas Gresham pick the name 'Gael' on purpose? Now I'm wondering. Of course, the name could have a different meaning in another language. :-\

Here is a portion of my review, in which I discuss redemption in the Lone Islands.
The scenes that take place here are all about freedom from slavery – redemption – as the first step toward Aslan’s country. They’re almost a reenactment of Israel’s leaving slavery in Egypt for the Promised Land – and our leaving the enticements of sin and the world for Christ and heaven. How? Like Christ, King Caspian humbly hides his true identity from the Calormene slavetraders (Chronicles 40, 44). Like Christ, he humbly identifies with his subjects and allows himself to be captured (41-42). Like Christ in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Caspian enters Narrowhaven to set the captives free (51-52). He even “declare[s] every slave in this market free” (61). Interestingly, the New Testament context of redemption is to buy back someone in a slave market, in order to deliver the person from bondage (Rightmire). So, like Christ, Caspian redeems his friends by paying money for them, in order to secure their freedom (Chronicles 62). And like Christ overthrowing the moneychangers in the temple (see Matthew 21:12-13, Mark 11:15-17, Luke 19:45-46, John 2:13-16), Caspian overthrows the corrupt Gumpas to show him who’s really in control and what true leadership is (55-60). Aslan reveals himself in these islands through the actions of Caspian – a reenactment of Aslan’s setting free the statued prisoners in the White Witch’s castle in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. As a result of Caspian’s restoring right rule to the Lone islands, and of his friends obeying him and overcoming temptation to reveal his true identity, everyone sets out for Aslan’s country – prepared for another revelation of Aslan.

So ... your thoughts?

Re: The ~Gael~ Poll - VDT

Postby 220chrisTian » Jul 15, 2010 12:29 pm

Okay, it's been two days. I did a little more research on Gael's name. And I found this. Gael can come from

1. Gail or Abigail, Hebrew for 'father of joy'
2. Gale, English for
(a) 'jovial'
(b) 'gale' or 'storm'
(c) Gaelic for 'stranger'


3. Gaelic for 'a Celt' or 'wild' or 'speaker of Gaelic'


So, your thoughts? Maybe someone should ask Doug Gresham. ;)

Re: The ~Gael~ Poll - VDT

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Jul 19, 2010 12:05 pm

^^ wow! that's so cool! maybe Doug Gresham named her too? that would be cool! :ymhug:
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Re: The ~Gael~ Poll - VDT

Postby wild rose » Aug 05, 2010 6:30 am

I couldn't decide if she would be a good influence or bad influence, I'll have to wait till the movie to decide
I generally don't really like the idea of her being in the movie but maybe she'll fit in quite nicely so I'm waiting till the movie comes out before I make my judgements
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Re: The ~Gael~ Poll - VDT

Postby Valiant » Aug 08, 2010 3:33 pm

I voted negatively, but I will have to wait and see as we don't exactly know what or how big her part will be.

It could be very good, but I just feel they are trying to add the "cute" factor. Hope they prove me wrong ;)
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Re: The ~Gael~ Poll - VDT

Postby De_De » Aug 09, 2010 5:00 am

I voted for no big deal. I really don't think she will be much in the movie, as in she is definatly not a main character. She doesn't pose a real threat to ruining the plot IMO.
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Re: The ~Gael~ Poll - VDT

Postby fantasia » Aug 21, 2010 6:14 am

Slightly off-topic here, but Arabella has an official fanpage on Facebook now for those who might be interested. :D!/pages/Arabella-Morton/153303528017748
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Re: The ~Gael~ Poll - VDT

Postby icarus » Aug 21, 2010 4:18 pm

I think if you made a list of all the scenes that we know Gael to be in (quite a lot) of all the lines of dialogue we know her to have (quite a few) and of the duration we know her to be in the movie (the majority of the voyage) and made a likewise comparison with all the other characters in the movie, i'd wager that Gael would currently only be behind the main core group of Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, Eustace and Reepicheep in the final standings.

I'd imagine she would currently easily be ahead of the likes of Drinian, Rhince, Rynelf, Bern, Rhoop, Gumpas, Pug, Chief Dufflepud and of course Ramandu in terms of featured scenes, dialogue and overall screen time (such that we currently know of).
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Re: The ~Gael~ Poll - VDT

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » Aug 22, 2010 4:55 pm

I voted "can't decide." It's frustrating that they would add a completely new character when we're all so intense about the filmmakers getting each of the main characters' individual stories right (Reepicheep, Eustace, Lucy, Edmund, Caspian), but I'm open minded about the Mysterious Little Girl and hopeful that I'll like the part she plays in the film. :)

There's been a lot of talk about the mention of orphans in Eustace's rhyme about the Pevensies in the recently released clip, and it got me thinking. Remember in the breakdown of the Narnia super trailer that was shown at the Biola Media Conference, part of it is scenes of Lucy and Gael? The last part is:

Another scene includes Lucy comforting Gael as she misses her mother by telling her to trust in Aslan.

If Lucy had already lost her parents, this statement would be even more profound.

It could also represent a purpose for Gael: wanting to reunite with her mother (and I assume she eventually does sometime during the movie) could parallel Lucy's (and the rest of the Pevensies) longing to reunite with their parents in Aslan's country.

Bit of a stretch, though. All highly speculative, and completely depends on whether or not Eustace's calling the Pevensies orphans was not just him trying to irritate them and make them feel abandoned, as we all hope is the case. I don't like this idea and the thought of the Pevensies being orphans very much, because I feel like it could mess up a lot of different things (especially if it is a significant plot point in the film), and would definitely give the movie a different feel, but I guess we'll see! Interesting stuff, at any rate.
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Re: The ~Gael~ Poll - VDT

Postby Eustace » Sep 08, 2010 11:58 pm

When characters are added I usually find it distracting to me. So, that is why I said MLG would have a negative influence on the plot of the movie.
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Re: The ~Gael~ Poll - VDT

Postby aragorn2 » Sep 25, 2010 8:32 pm

I like the idea of having her on the Dawn Treader, it will probably bring out the mother in Lucy which would be neat to see
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Re: The ~Gael~ Poll - VDT

Postby wolfloversk » Nov 21, 2010 8:41 am

I changed my vote to "positive influence" (it was previously "can't decide") Now that we are getting some more information, I think she'll be a positive addition to the story. She'll help bring out Lucy's character, and she'll bring some depth to the storyline. Also with what little we've seen of her-Arabella's acting is wonderful. That scene that was released yesterdayish made me cry.
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