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Lucy-Georgie Henley

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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby 220chrisTian » Sep 13, 2011 3:36 pm

@Elanor: it's okay. :)

"The Class Project": Mira Sorvino and Rusty Schwimmer joined the cast. Sorvino will play Abigail Breslin and Georgie Henley's alcoholic mother! :-o I like Sorvino because she has class. I loved "At first sight" with Val Kilmer. The casting of Sorvino and Schwimmer, along with Abigail and Georgie, seriously raises the stakes for this movie! I'm glad to see that Georgie is taking a serious role with serious actors, even if I don't particularly like the movie or her role in it. This is a far cry from Anna and William at this point. Neither has done anything significant post-Narnia. "Captain Planet" and "Totally Tom" seem silly and beneath them as actors. [I think Anna's more talented right now.] And "A Great Education" - Will, Emma Roberts, and Ben Kingsley - isn't getting off the ground.

Twitter: a new fake Georgie has surfaced = @gergiehenley. Don't follow it!

My story on casting Sorvino and the new fake Georgie account (proof) is here.

I desperately want Skandar to show up in something, on par with Georgie and "The Class Project." Can't he take a break from Cambridge, just for us fans? :(

Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby AslansChild » Sep 13, 2011 4:01 pm

Is it just me, or is Georgie looking more and more like another certain Henley?




I'm a bit ticked about her new movie though, doesn't sound all that promising...and her costume and makeup makes her look gothic...
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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby FB92 » Sep 13, 2011 4:11 pm

She's my favorite character. Georgie is such an amazing actress.
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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby 220chrisTian » Sep 14, 2011 2:47 pm

@AslansChild: interesting comparison. :)

Georgie's role in "The Class Project" may not be that promising (and it requires a Gothic look), but the casting is. I'm certain this film won't be a dud. I just hope Georgie's acting is better than what I saw in VDT; I hope it's on par with LWW. What matters there is more the director than anything.

What matters to me most about this film is its moral tone, not the character Georgie plays. I learned a long time ago that playing only good people on screen is a fantasy, not reality. The world is also full of bad people who become good [Eustace, Edmund, etc] and bad people who stay bad [White Witch, Rabadash, etc]. Do the bad become good? Do they receive justice for their evil deeds? If so, the moral tone is as it should be.

So will the production get the moral tone right or wrong in "The Class Project"? Is there a moral to the true story of two Canadian teenagers who kill their alcoholic mother? According to Bob Mitchell, a Toronto reporter who wrote a tell-all crime book and who rightly thinks the girls got away with murder - no, there isn't. But according to the production company's plot synopsis, there may be a potential moral. If the film follows that synopsis through [a portion is below], then I'm for it. My story on this is here.

The Class Project, a riveting true crime movie, is also an inside look at the youth culture that not only supported their heinous act but also encouraged it, guarding and revelling in the sisters' dirty little secret for almost a year.

Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby eustacegirl » Sep 16, 2011 2:33 pm

I actually like the gothic look. Nothing wrong with that once and a while!
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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby Kat » Sep 18, 2011 12:29 pm

How is this role not promising? It's a huge departure from her role as Lucy Pevensie in the Narnia series and as an actress, that can only be a good thing. Why would people want her to play the same kind of safe role over and over again? It's the ability to play diverse characters that will guarantee her career longevity.

Georgie is one of the (2) main leads - not some peripheral character. The cast includes an Oscar nominated actress (Breslin) & an Oscar winning actress (Sorvino), and they plan to have this screened @ Cannes. At this point, I'd say that choosing to do smaller independent films is a smart move & her people are doing a great job managing her career so far.

It doesn't matter that she's going to dress up like a goth chick and that she's going to be playing a murderer. It's acting. She was lovely as Lucy & IMO the best actor in the series. But I really hope to see her doing more films in the near future & to do that she'll need to prove herself in other roles if she wants a viable acting career outside of the Narnia franchise.
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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby 220chrisTian » Sep 18, 2011 2:34 pm

@Kat: did you read anything I wrote above? I know who's in this movie. I run a Skangie fansite. I and the admin of Georgie Central started an unofficial Facebook page for "The Class Project." I know this is an excellent opportunity for Georgie. I know she can't be Lucy forever either. The point is that it matters what you choose to act in, i.e. the film's moral stance no matter which character you play (good or bad). Personally, I would love to see Georgie give up acting altogether and work in music or missions.

Where did you hear that they planned to screen the film at Cannes? According to book author Bob Mitchell in an interview a few weeks ago, they plan to screen it at the Sundance Film Festival next January.

Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby Kat » Sep 18, 2011 4:08 pm

@Kat: did you read anything I wrote above? I know who's in this movie. I run a Skangie fansite. I and the admin of Georgie Central started an unofficial Facebook page for "The Class Project."

You know, you might want to try to check the tone of your post. No matter how many fan sites you run for Georgie or the "The Class Project," the fact is, other people have opinions, too. You can choose to debate like a grown up or get snotty. Yes, I read your post & I'm responding to the following quote.
Georgie's role in "The Class Project" may not be that promising (and it requires a Gothic look),

The point is that it matters what you choose to act in, i.e. the film's moral stance no matter which character you play (good or bad).

That's your opinion. The fact is, Georgie is an actress. It is her job to portray various characters - The more diverse, the better. Whether they are morally upright or morally bankrupt, whether or not the film has a moral stance, my point is that who she portrays on screen is not a reflection of who she is as a person. As an actress, it's her job to be true to the character. She can play as many unsavory characters as she chooses. It is HER choice.

Personally, I would love to see Georgie give up acting altogether and work in music or missions.

But this isn't about you. And if Georgie chooses a role in a movie that you do not deem morally upright, it's still her decision. You can choose to support her or not, but some of the over the top judgmental comments you've made here and on other sites are going to garner negative attention. If you're going to put that kind of thing out there, other people have a right to disagree.
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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby Ithilwen » Sep 18, 2011 4:30 pm

220chrisTian wrote:@Kat: did you read anything I wrote above? I know who's in this movie...The point is that it matters what you choose to act in, i.e. the film's moral stance no matter which character you play (good or bad). Personally, I would love to see Georgie give up acting altogether and work in music or missions.

Georgie's role in "The Class Project" may not be that promising (and it requires a Gothic look)...What matters to me most about this film is its moral tone, not the character Georgie plays. I learned a long time ago that playing only good people on screen is a fantasy, not reality.

If it makes you feel any better about Georgie, I would have taken this role (in fact, I have played roles like that) without a qualm. And I've been a devout Christian since I was 3 years old. Both murderers and goths are the best roles you can get when it comes to acting, especially when they're put together as one character. The mind of your character is so complex and intense, it's such a challenge. You have to be really on top of your game to get it right, and I haven't met too many people who wouldn't love to take a crack at it.

As for the moral of the story, we'll have to wait and see for ourselves what it is, once it comes out. Not every story serves the purpose to "fix the bad guys" in its plot. Sometimes it's just a "portrait of a mind", which is only there to show how other people think; especially if they have an unusual mind (I think a murderer would fit into that category). Kind of like a canvas portrait -- a canvas portrait isn't there to fix the flaws in your face; it's made to show your face as it is, flaws and all. Some movies are made with the same intent. It depends on what it was made to be.

(EDIT: I just read the plot synopsis for the movie. I don't see anything wrong with it. It sounds fascinating. A true story, as well. So Georgie will be tapping into the mind of a real girl whose life went wrong. Very intriguing; to tell the truth I feel a bit jealous. ;)) I'd love to play a part like that. It also sounds to me like it will have a very strong moral, from what it says. As for the "bad becoming good", as you said you liked in stories, if they're telling a true story, the characters can't "go good" unless their real life counterparts did.)

But not all actors choose the movies they're in according to what the movie is about. That's usually only the case if they view their acting career as a sort of ministry. Most people who enjoy acting do so for exactly that reason: they enjoy acting. They'll want to take unusual parts to see if they can do it, and grow in their talent. It's not about the movie itself. It's about the part they play, and how interesting it would be to try to portray them. Most of the time -- no matter what the message of the movie is -- the actor, in his heart, is not agreeing or disagreeing with the message by choosing to act in the movie. For them, it's often about the part; not the message. For example, Skandar was not saying he was agreeing with Christianity by starring in a Christian movie. Likewise, a Christian can star in a very non-Christian movie without agreeing with its message at all.

I don't know if Georgie Henley is a Christian or not; but even if she is, unless she states outright that her goal is to choose parts that reflect her mindset, or star in movies that always give the right message, or that she wants to use her career as her method of witnessing, then we can't expect her to do so. Even if she is a Christian, and wants to serve God, not everyone uses their career as their witnessing tool. Take the band Evanescence for example. They are Christians, but not a Christian band. They say they use their lives -- the way they live and the way they talk to people they know -- as their way of witnessing. But they don't use their band. Witnessing doesn't always have to be done through a career. :)

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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby coracle » Sep 21, 2011 12:34 pm

When Georgie is acting, her role is to show the audience what the character is like, to help us understand the character's personality and motivation etc. Most actors don't make role choices only on presenting a positive moral idea, because adult material is much more complex than sweet 'happy ever after' tales.
Art reflects real life - and when we explore such characters and their actions through film we better understand others we meet in real life.

Younger Georgie enjoyed acting darker roles, shouting and being fierce. It's good to give her a chance to be fiercer and darker in her roles.
And I agree that she needs to play these roles to develop her skills and showcase her talents, to allow directors and casting agents to see her potential.
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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby eustacegirl » Sep 22, 2011 12:47 pm

Really nothing wrong with the gothic look. She doesn't look that extreme and I can be more gothic/punk at times in my looks.
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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby Kat » Oct 12, 2011 4:49 pm

Just saw this video on YouTube of Georgie & Abigail promoting "The Class Project," posted by georgiehfan. I'm surprised that Georgie looks so pretty, even with the darker hair & the heavy Goth make-up. I saw one still shot a month ago which wasn't very impressive, but she looks so pretty in motion.

I'm really interested in hearing her Canadian/North American accent. Can't wait to see this. :)
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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby Pattertwigs Pal » Oct 12, 2011 5:40 pm

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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby AslansChild » Oct 12, 2011 7:49 pm

I just saw that Kat...I'm sad Georgie's chosen such a dark role. Murder, goth... [-( a shame

Remember this interview?

Henley clearly has a rare determination for a girl of her age, without a dought the sign of a beautiful future as an actress. But maybe there's something more profound that anticipates how she will change as an adult. "I'm a little different," she says, "and not in the best sense, most of the time." Is it possible that this sweet face is just a mask which serves to hide a sombre and maybe a little macabre spirit?

"You're going to be one of those child actress who becomes a Charlotte Church, turning back on childhood innocence."

"You're perfectly right," smiles Henley, "That's what I'm preparing to do now."

You're not kidding!
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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby Elanor » Oct 13, 2011 8:16 am

I understand how it's easy to feel that way, because it was my first thought too - and addressed by coracle and Ithilwen above. I'd love to be an actress myself, and making my humble way to it (:P), and the dramatic roles, the conflicting feelings of yes, maybe a murderer, and even a goth (:P) can be the most fun, and sometimes easier, to play. I haven't had much of a chance at dramatic characters yet, but I want to someday.
That doesn't mean you should do something you consider wrong in your acting, but in no way is it *wrong* to play a character who is evil. It's everyone's choice if they want to, but please don't condemn someone for doing it. :)
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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

Postby AslansChild » Oct 13, 2011 4:13 pm

true, okay let me rephrase my OP:

I just see a problem in Georgie claiming to be a Christian, and then play a goth.
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