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Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

PostPosted: May 12, 2011 8:11 am
by CharlotteRose
Wow, shes so pretty and that dress is beautiful- especially the colour and the material for the top!!! I love the clutch and shoes too!

Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

PostPosted: May 12, 2011 5:44 pm
by Kat
Found a few more pics of Georgie on Tumblr & a gif with Georgie, Rachel, their mom, & Anna.


Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

PostPosted: May 12, 2011 8:58 pm
by georgiefan1
I love the lighting on those pictures! I love how she really looks her age here :) espicially in the close up shot!

Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

PostPosted: May 12, 2011 9:48 pm
by Ithilwen
Aww! Such sweet, beautiful pictures! :D

Wow, that's her mom? She looks nothing like her! :-o

~Riella =:)

Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

PostPosted: May 14, 2011 7:38 am
by Elanor
Those are lovely pictures - she's so pretty, love her hair . . and that last, moving picture makes me so happy; her smile is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!

Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

PostPosted: May 22, 2011 12:13 pm
by cipher
Georgie was the best thing in VDT. But I find it strange why she wants to be Susan? Personally I find Lucy much more beautiful than Susan. Well well....the plot armor I guess.

Lucy, an Guardian Angel?

PostPosted: May 24, 2011 11:49 am
by cipher
Sorry english is not my main.

As most of you have noticed, I have not read any of the Narnia books. But I loved all the Narnia movies:D (yes include VDT;)). There's something that those movie made me realise something:

Sure Peter, Edmund and Susan are very good at fighting (especially peter). But Lucy is the one who actually saves all of them. It was Lucy who introduced the Pevensies to Narnia, she was the one who always believed in Aslan, brought help to Peter and Edmund during the climatic battle of LWW and PC (where she saved Narnians and Caspian X), she also stopped Edmund and Caspian from falling into temptation in VDT (yes I know Aslan is the one who helped them in the book). Those actions also brought peace to Narnia. Sure she have some jealousy of Susan, but she quickly over comes it. Her soul is so pure and innocent. I believe she is an guardian angel that hides amongst the Pevensies. :D
Anyone else share the same view? :)

Re: Lucy, an Guardian Angel?

PostPosted: May 24, 2011 12:11 pm
by puddleglum32
I agree with you mostly Cipher. I think that since Lucy is so quiet, she payes attention to the little things. Edmund and Peter fall to temptation easy. Especially Edmund who has a lust for power. I think that no one really notices Lucy because she has a small stature and attitude. She goes behind the scenes and helps out.

(this may not be the best post, but its what I think)

Re: Lucy, an Guardian Angel?

PostPosted: May 24, 2011 12:58 pm
by cipher
^She is always the savior :D. Personally, I find that she is the strongest of the Pevensies. I think she should've been the supreme ruler instead of Peter. Lucy takes care of governing the land while Peter takes care of any warfare situations :D .

Re: Lucy, an Guardian Angel?

PostPosted: May 24, 2011 3:01 pm
by Shastafan
Although Lucy is a lot like a angel, she still has her flaws. In the movies, she does get jealous of Susan, but she also fails to stand up for seeing Aslan to her siblings (I might be wrong on that one). In the books, she does have some flaws in PC and VDT (they're mostly the same with the movies, though).

For one thing, she may be great in some things, but not with everything else. Peter was more fit for being the High King because he was older, more kinglike, and, well, magnificent. :p But Lucy didn't mind, and besides Peter being in a higher seat than them, all of the Pevensies took equal jobs in ruling Narnia. Peter and Edmund do struggle with issues sometimes, in both the movies and the books, but they eventually see their mistakes and grow from them, just as Lucy does.

And I don't think being quietly observant is what brought Lucy to do all those things. Her childlike innocence and faith were what got her to find Narnia first in LWW and see Aslan first in PC. She was sent out to find Aslan, because of her faith in him. And because Coriakin warned her before, she was able to stop Edmund and Caspian from doing harm to each other (I liked it better in the book, though).

So, because of her amazingly strong faith in Aslan and desire to follow him, she became the character with the most heart in the series. Of course, she's not perfect, and she usually realizes this, but she'll do what she can to do what's right at all times. I wouldn't call her a guardian angel, but I'd call her a light and inspiration among the Pevensies and many other Narnians. :)

After all, in the end, she's not the real saviour, but Aslan is. ;)

Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

PostPosted: May 25, 2011 11:02 am
by cipher
Ah I know Aslan is THE savior:D. But I personally find Lucy is the strongest character of the Pevensies. Yes she have flaws, who doesn't have it? Lucy is my favorite Narnia character. Maybe it's Georgie Henley's portrayal her? :) I saw a picture of Lucy in the old BBC Narnia version. I don't know how good her portrayal in that series is, but to be honest (and not use any harsh language), her look could not compare to Georgie's. :D

Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

PostPosted: Jun 05, 2011 10:54 pm
by juzuma loves lucy
Great role, as always. I think it's not Su's voice. Maybe it's a coincidence? Georgie is older than Lucy is supposed to be. OK, Susan's voice can be in two scenes, you know. And I found BBC versions on Youtube and in both new adaptations and older is cute.

Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

PostPosted: Jun 07, 2011 12:09 pm
by 220chrisTian
I watched “Elizabeth: The Golden Age” (2007) on DVD last night. I really liked it! And it occurred to me afterward how much this “woman warrior queen” [movie tagline] is like Lucy. Elizabeth I reigned during England’s “Golden Age.” So do Lucy and her siblings, in Narnia. Elizabeth’s reign is like a light dawning in England, an age of tolerance and exploration. Lucy means “light” and through Aslan she brings light to Narnia after 100 years of winter. Elizabeth valiantly went into battle with her subjects, dressed like a man. I wonder if Lucy does the same in HHB. She does this in a few Narnia fanfics. Elizabeth is the “virgin queen.” So is Lucy. The only difference is the far greater measure of faith Lucy exhibits, namely her alone time with Aslan. I can’t see Elizabeth doing this. So, did Lewis have her in mind when he created Lucy? What do you guys think? :)

Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

PostPosted: Jun 20, 2011 7:58 am
by AslansChild
When Georgie was in Japan VDT premiere with Ben...she had glasses on.

Image ... apan05.jpg ... apan03.jpg

I think she looks good with the glasses B-) ...but someone said she wears contacts alot...(obviously, because I never new she needed glasses until a few months ago!)

Anyway...does anyone have any more everyday/life pics of her in glasses?
Could you post the here?

Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

PostPosted: Jul 14, 2011 6:51 pm
by Kat
Georgie attended the Legally Blonde Musical Press Night @ the Savoy Theater in London last night.


Re: Lucy-Georgie Henley

PostPosted: Jul 15, 2011 11:41 am
by Elanor
Adorable pictures!! Her dress is really pretty - very simple, but classy. I love how the hand bag spices it up. Her hair is gorgeous as well, though I don't think it's especially flattering.