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Voyage of the Characters

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Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby Shastafan » Sep 02, 2010 1:01 pm

I think if you look at "how he grows in VDT," it says he wants to fight again, this time for England. So although he's trying to get away from Eustace(bad reason), he also just wants to fight for his country. That makes me fell slightly better... #:-s
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Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby Pattertwigs Pal » Sep 02, 2010 5:35 pm

I didn't get the question about when Edmund was born and the answer for who tells Edmund they wouldn't come back was Aslan the lion. :-\ Maybe they changed it? It seemed to be much more movie based this time. However, it is so hard to tell what is official and what people have guessed based on the books and the trailers.
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Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby 220chrisTian » Sep 06, 2010 3:44 pm

@FK: This question had a wrong answer and has been fixed ... "Who tells Edmund and Lucy they are too old to come back to Narnia?" #:-s

@Aslan: good thinking! :ymapplause:

@daughter: I received the same results for the two quizzes. Edmund's birth year: yes, a Narnia timeline. Check out the resources section here on NW. I figured out the answer without it though. Wouldn't Edmund be at least 10 c.1940/London Blitz? ;)

I am also extremely disappointed with the answer to "Edmund doesn't want to stay at Eustace's house so he...." If he is joining the army only to get away from Eustace than he's just running away. There has to be another reason for him to join instead of just getting away from Eustace (annoying as he is).
Interesting. There should be more than this regarding why Edmund tries to join the army. But I think the "How Edmund grows" part reflects that, as Shastafan noted. :)

Keep the comments coming! :)

Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby Ithilwen » Sep 06, 2010 7:02 pm

Wow! I had no idea the only reason Edmund tried to join the army was to get away from Eustace!
I can totally see how a lot of people would have a problem with this. I'm sure I will too, after awhile. But right now, I can't get over how funny it is that my favorite character would drive someone to join the army! Hahahaha! =)) =)) =))

Okay, sorry. I'm done now. :ymblushing:

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Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby Shastafan » Sep 07, 2010 6:44 pm

Say, I never though of it that way! Edmund saying, "Please let me join the army! Seriously, you should try staying with a bratty cousin who won't leava me alone! I'll loose my mind if I stay there any longer!" =))
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Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby king caspian » Sep 07, 2010 7:45 pm

I never knew about this. Sounds interesting and I may try it this week!
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Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby 220chrisTian » Sep 09, 2010 4:39 pm

I had no idea the only reason Edmund tried to join the army was to get away from Eustace!

@Eustace+Jill: no one ever said that's the only reason. It may be just one reason. Suggestion: don't take the character profiles at face value. Don't assume that informative VDT movie info will come from them. :-s

Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Sep 11, 2010 9:56 am

I took both Caspian's and Edmund's quiz again and got both right! yay! but that's because I already knew what I had got wrong..... :P
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Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby 220chrisTian » Oct 01, 2010 11:36 am

The Lucy profile is now available on! And there's a cool new game called "Who is Lucy?" Check it out!

Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby Elanor » Oct 01, 2010 12:04 pm

I got 100 on Lucy, 70 on Caspian, and 60 on Edmund. :) Thanks for posting, these were fun!!
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Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby daughter of the King » Oct 01, 2010 12:12 pm

The new game runs faster than the quizzes for some reason. Or maybe my connection is just better today. Anyway, I got 100% and have been promoted to "Adviser of Queen Lucy." Since I am not a registered member of the site I assume that the ranking is just for the game. Also, adviser is spelled wrong on the site. ;)

Some things I am very curious about in Lucy's bio:
Lucy faithfully attends to Edmund and Eustace's needs, even while missing her own family.

What needs? How does she attend to them?

she exhibits compassion and kindness toward her nasty cousin Eustace. Yet Lucy later insults King Caspian and Edmund in their struggles against temptation. So she must endure temptation of her own when she valiantly agrees to say the magic spell that will make the Dufflepuds visible.

This makes it sound like Caspian and Edmund have their temptation moment before the Magician's Island. But that would mean their temptation would have to occur either on the ship soon after they arrive, or on the Lone Islands. It also sounds like Lucy's temptation occurs because she insulted Caspian and Edmund while they were being tempted.

And one thing I am wondering about from the game:
When Lucy stops to take a pebble out of her shoe, who does she encounter?

This is what happens in the book, but is it what happens in the movie? Everything we have heard has made it sound like Lucy is either taken or agrees to go with the Dufflepuds while everyone else is sleeping.

Other than those little things, the Lucy page is excellent. :)
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Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby 220chrisTian » Oct 01, 2010 12:39 pm

@daughter: I also liked the game, much better than the quiz! The spelling error should be corrected soon. ;)

1. Lucy is a faithful sister and friend to Ed and Eustace, is she not? Remember when she offers cordial to Eustace on the boat when they first arrive? Remember Lucy's sisterly attitude toward Ed in the opening scenes of the movie? She's attending to their needs. It's not all about herself. :)

2. Caspian and Edmund's temptation: have you forgotten Deathwater island? That comes before Magician's island! And yes, I think Lucy is tempted partly because of her reaction to Caspian and Edmund. I could be wrong, though.

3. Yes, it's in the book. I don't know about the movie. :-\

Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby daughter of the King » Oct 01, 2010 12:48 pm

Yes, Deathwater is before Magician's Island in the book, but in the movie Magician's Island is before Goldwater. I was wondering if Edmund and Caspian are tempted before Lucy in the movie. Sorry, I wasn't very clear about that.
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Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Oct 01, 2010 1:03 pm

I love Lucy's quiz! I got it 100% right on the first try! yes! :D
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Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby A_Narnian_Ship » Oct 01, 2010 1:14 pm

I am really encouraged by what I saw on the Lucy page. The 1st point that I noticed which was really important to me was that Lucy agrees to say the spell on the Magician's Island; she's not forced to. On one of the spy reports, it had stated that Lucy was "kidnapped" therefore being forced to say the spell. In the book it's Lucy valiantly agreeing to say the spell to not only save her own skin, but to protect all the others on the Dawn Treader. I think this is really important for Lucy's character, and according to the description on, is exactly what she does.

Another thing the description mentions is Lucy must undergo temptation of her own for insulting Edmund and Caspian on their weakness facing their temptations(is this possibly Deathwater/Dragon Island?). In the book when Ed and Caspian start arguing over who's really the "higher" king, Lucy says ""Oh, stop it, both of you! That's the worst of doing anything with boys. You're all such swaggering, bullying idiots!" So apparently Lucy must pay for that remark with the temptation of the beauty spell.

One thing I absolutely, positively loved was the fact that Lucy prays, or calls, to Aslan in the Dark Island. I quote from the description, "....and obediently seeks the voice of Aslan in prayer when surrounded by darkness." That's awesome!!!

I am getting a little more content with how Lucy's character is going to be portrayed. I was a little worried at first with the vanity, wanting attention from boys, and all that rot, but hopefully we'll have a very compassionate, valiant Lucy as well!
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Re: Voyage of the Characters

Postby Shastafan » Oct 01, 2010 1:42 pm

I tried out Lucy's Quiz and got 100%! After looking at Lucy's Profile, I felt positive that if there's one character I don't have any big problems with, it's Lucy. :)

What really caught my eye was how Lucy "takes care of Edmund and Eustace's needs," and that she's kind to Eustace, even if he's mean back. I'm glad to know that she always tries to be nice to her pesky cousin just like in the book, and she'll care for her brother even if he sometimes acts like a jerk. #:-s

I sure hope November comes soon, because I want to read Eustace's Profile pronto! :D
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