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Was the VDT trailer in front of TS3 in your theater?

PostPosted: Jun 20, 2010 10:06 pm
by Movie Aristotle
I know the last thing we need is another "Teaser Trailer" thread, but I am interested in researching how many people are actually seeing the Dawn Treader trailer in front of Toy Story 3. There have been many disappointed Narniawebbers who have gone to see TS3 and found out the VDT trailer was not being shown in that theater. So what about you? If you saw Toy Story 3 in the movie theater, was the Dawn Treader teaser trailer before it?

Note: There is no need for discussion. All trailer discussion should take place in the official teaser trailer thread. Also, this is not a thread to complain about your local movie theater for not showing the trailer. Previous threads of this type have already been closed.