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"My Pet(s)" Blog

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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby starkat » Mar 28, 2012 10:13 am

I walked her last night and apparently dad timed her. She only barked about 20 minutes. Today I took her to a dog park for the first time. Thankfully there were only two other dogs there. She did pretty well for about 20 minutes and then she started getting so wound up she was on the verge of completely not listening and aggravating one of the other dogs so we called it a day. We went over to the little dog side for about 5 more minutes since there weren't any other dogs in there. They just opened this dog park about 10 minutes from me. Rev doesn't do well in the car. All other dog parks are a minimum of 20 + minutes away and all are really crowded. This one may very well get that way, but at least there's a small window to introduce her to it.

I'm going to try the wear her out method right now. Someone I talked to also suggested that we try the water method since she hates water. Take a water bottle and spray her in the nose and tell her No like you would with a cat. The real problem is she is probably bored. So we'll see what happens next.
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ramagut » Mar 28, 2012 2:45 pm

starkat wrote:She did pretty well for about 20 minutes and then she started getting so wound up she was on the verge of completely not listening and aggravating one of the other dogs so we called it a day.

My dogs never listened when we were in the dog parks--I have been told by many owners that is the point; to let them be dogs! ;))
However, aggravating other dogs is not really a good idea unless they are playing.
And at 20 minutes, she was just getting warmed up! I usually stayed around an hour. Of course, that's after they got used to the park.
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby starkat » Mar 28, 2012 4:52 pm

Rev's been wheezing lately so I haven't been walking her lately. The dog she was aggravating had had a very bad experience in a dog park when they were young and I didn't want either dog to have a bad experience especially because I've never had to deal with an aggressive Rev. I'm pretty sure Rev just wanted to play, but she was being more physical than the other dog was comfortable with. She's always been a very friendly dog. I'm hoping to expand the time to about an hour the more familiar she gets with the place. If it's not raining tomorrow, I'm going to take her again also in the a.m. so hopefully there won't be too many dogs around again. After we've been there a few times, I'm considering bumping the trip later in the day where there will probably be more dogs around to see how she does.
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ramagut » Mar 28, 2012 5:23 pm

Sounds like a plan.

My little snots have been getting away from me the last couple of days when we are out on walks. With my surgery on my knee, I don't have the same ability, evidently, to hold on to them.
Chester's not so bad, because he was picked up by the animal rescue in a truck stop parking lot and who knows how long he had been there, so he does have some common sense.
Teyla, on the other hand, has been coddled by me since she was 2 months old and she has no common sense. And with the interstate being at the end of our apartment complex, I'm terrified that she will get hurt.
Anyway, they have been sleeping well the past several nights! ;))

We have a dog park here, but it's in the middle of this huge county park and there is no shade and it's just not real accessible or enjoyable.
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby starkat » Mar 29, 2012 9:57 am

I hope they start behaving for you better. I know what you mean about dog parks that are hard to get to. Up until this one opened, all the dog parks were over 20 minutes away. Rev hasn't learned that riding in the car is easier when she lays down yet. She stands, so she wobbles all over the place including off the seat.

We went back to the dog park this morning. We were all by our lonesome, but I think she had fun. We made it somewhere between 30 and 45 minutes today. :) I walked the path and she wandered around behind and in front of me.
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ramagut » Mar 29, 2012 10:02 am

That's what I would do when there were no other dogs in the dog park, otherwise my dogs didn't seem to know what to do. They would just stand there looking at me! ;))
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ramagut » Apr 07, 2012 10:19 am

(Double post, I know, but it's been way over 24 hours)

I am walking my dogs again (I had been paying someone to do because of my knee surgery). But one or the other keeps getting away from me somehow. A couple of days ago, I had to chase Teyla with my car. Sounds worse than it was...I was going slow and by that time she was headed for me and she got right in the car. And that was on a street right next to the interstate. It makes me so nervous when she gets away from me.

Jack Russell Terrier: 0-60 in 3 seconds! (Teyla has shorter legs, so she probably only goes up to 30 mph!)
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby wild rose » Apr 26, 2012 8:44 am

Yikes, sounds like quite an experiance, I hope you start feeling better soon :ymhug:

Hooray for spring, the grass has begun to grow at last and now I can pick Lucy fresh green grass instead of having to buy it :D
Lucy's got this weird habit now of when things don't go the way she wants she runs into her house and begins chewing it :-\
My niece and Lucy have finally made friends, my niece learned how to feed Lucy properly and now is constantly running over wantng to gie Lucy some treat :p I'll be glad when the weather will be warm enough to take Lucy outside for a long needed walk and excersize. I do let her run around my bed from time to time to let her stretch her legs (she refuses to walk on the floor) but nothing beats the great outdoors :D
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ramagut » Apr 26, 2012 12:07 pm

That is one spoiled guinea pig! ;))
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby Pattertwigs Pal » Apr 26, 2012 2:18 pm

ramagut wrote:That is one spoiled guinea pig! ;))

I was thinking that and then I saw your post. ;))

Aravis had to have two teeth pulled. :( When she first got back after having it done, she didn't meow or make any noises at all. That is very unusual for her. She's fully recovered now. I do wish she'd pick better times to use her voice though. :P
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Re: "My Pet(s)" Blog

Postby ramagut » May 04, 2012 2:05 pm

Well, as much as we love our pets and this thread, we are going to say goodbye to this blog for now.
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