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Featured Roleplay: Supernova

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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby Lady Arwen » May 31, 2011 8:15 pm

Day 1-Arida-de Mon Castle Grounds

"Eh, go talk to the majordomo. I think he could use another person with brains. 'E's thataway," the man said, jerking his thumb over his shoulder and at the elder man. "Go talk to him. I'll make sure you've got a place to sleep."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby Rising_Star » May 31, 2011 8:29 pm

-Day 1-
Capitol University
Judicia, Erbaine
During the Supernova

Connor didn't answer for a long moment.

"I'm not sure, but you can rest assured they'll come to us for assistance." He glanced sidelong at his father. "They'll realize we were correct about the supernova affecting our planet. They'll request our assistance with damage control and supply rationing. We will be influential in the clean-up of the country."

His eyes gleamed briefly in triumph before it faded to a more subdued expression. Connor Dreyman was not one to express emotions or display his feelings. Which was why he was so embarrassed about his panic and concern earlier. He had to take better care in the future. No one wanted a panicked leader. That could lead to anarchy.

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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby MountainFireflower » May 31, 2011 8:35 pm

-Day 1-
The convent

Allee sighed. "You're probably right. Laney's been through so much... and now this..." Allee trailed off, then snapped back to reality. "You're right. She has to be okay."

Allee's eyes widened. "All that happened was the lights went out and the windows shattered? Don't you find that a little strange? I can understand that being the case in a thunderstorm, but this..."--she waved her hand around--"in the middle of the day? I'm having a hard time believing it was nothing." She paused. "And that's just it. The kids. Where are their parents? We can't get a hold of them because the phones are dead. They don't know where we are. We don't know where they are." She sighed again. "I'm sorry, Xandria... but I'm having a really hard time believing this was nothing."

Allee shrank away when Xandria took her hand. "I... I don't know if I believe that. I want to believe heaven's not too far away, but all this... it scares me." Tears started to build up in her eyes. "I've always been a journalist; a writer. Always so sure of the facts. And now this? It's something I can't explain. Something I can't understand." She blinked away tears as her voice lowered to a whisper. "And I'm terrified."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby PrinceCor004 » May 31, 2011 8:55 pm

Day 1: Aridia
de Mon Castle Grounds

"Thanks." Christopher said with a slight nod before walking over to the older man the guard had gestured too. "Pardon me, but the young man over there said I should talk to you about staying here for a few days. He also mentioned something about work..." the bounty said once he was behind the older gent.

Playing the "average guy" was a role Chris had become quite adept at during his years of work. Still, it always annoyed him whenever he had to keep the part up for long. Much to his concealed chagrin, it was looking like this may be one of those long days...
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby Lady Arwen » May 31, 2011 9:42 pm

Day 1-Arida-de Mon Castle Grounds

The majordomo look Christopher up and down.

"I could use some exta help. You wouldn't happen to be good at corralling people, picking out liars, and convincing people to do what they're supposed to, would you?"

The Convent

Xandria gulped. She wished Allee would believe her. It would Xandria believe herself.

"It must have been some big power surge. Maybe something at the energy plant exploded. They'll probably have it fixed tomorrow sometime."

A knock on the door interrupted them. Xandria half stood, startled.

"Who is it?" she demanded. The door opened slightly to reveal one of the sisters.

"I just wanted to make sure you girls were doing alright," Sister Martina said. "Mind if I come in?"

"Not at all. We were just trying to figure out what happened today. It's...not the end of the world, is it?" Xandria asked, slighty worried.

"No, dears, it isn't. That was the supernova."

Xandria glanced over at Allee.

"What exactly is a supernova? I heard it on the news, vaguely, but didn't really pay attention."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » May 31, 2011 9:50 pm

— Day 1 —
Parksville, Erbaine
Palisade National Park

Terra rushed at Lui—tried to catch her—but she wasn't fast enough. She didn't know if she screamed or not when she saw her cousin's head audibly strike the gravel. Her own head swam; she felt like fainting herself.

"Lui!" She cried, shaking her cousin's shoulder with no response. "Lui!"

She seized the older girl's wrist. She still had a pulse, thank goodness.

"What to do, what to do?" Terra muttered frantically, biting her lip. She could try to carry her back to the compound—Lui was smaller, and Terra was stronger—but she knew Lui had hit her head hard, and that moving people with head injuries was a bad idea. Besides, after running seven miles headlong. . . it killed Terra to admit it to herself, but she didn't think she could do it. The internal conflict was maddening.

I can't just leave her here! What about the fire? She's defenseless!

But what can I do?

The jeep, you idiot!

The road was flat enough, she could do this. Terra managed to drag Lui to the jeep, and haul her into it, buckling her in as tight and secure she could. Then, she got behind the vehicle and pushed.

It was grueling, but it was easier than carrying her back by far. Terra talked to Tundra, partly because the wolf needed to hear her voice to know how to follow, and partly because she badly needed something to distract her from the appalling recent events. Today, she'd nearly died under bizarre circumstances, her hometown was on fire, and now Lui was passed out in front of a defunct jeep and she was pushing it towards the compound at a snail's pace on pain of death.

If she didn't get there in time, there was a disturbingly definite possibility that Lui could die. Terra didn't know what was wrong with her cousin, but she did know she had lost a lot of blood before her arm was bandaged. And it wasn't just the wolf bite. There seemed to be something very wrong with her. Terra couldn't help but wonder if Tundra had introduced some deadly bacteria to Lui's bloodstream when she bit her.

This day can't get any worse, Terra thought with her back pressed against the back of the jeep, pushing with every ounce of her remaining strength.

How very wrong she was.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby Anime_tor95 » May 31, 2011 11:35 pm

--Day 1--

*Jack ran down the precinct hallway, "Come on, we gotta go now!" he yelled.

His partner stayed glued to the laptop screen, "Hold on, If i don't finish backing up this hard drive we'll lose all of our criminal information!"

Jack tried to respond, but it was to late, the earthquake had cracked the foundation where his partner had been standing, he was gone.

This brutal image awoke Jack who was now drenched with sweat. He glanced at his forearm, it looked horrendous. He knew had had to go to the hospital, so he tried once more to stand. Somehow making it on both feet, he hobbled forward, looking almost drunken.

Jack was in luck, ambulances were still covering the streets of Burg, attending to others who were wounded. He managed to make it up to one of the doctors, she looked very startled by the sight of him.

He made his best attempt to speak to the doctor, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he collapsed right in front of her.

*He was back in the hallway again, just shortly after his partners death. He realized that he could not stay here or else he would meet the same demise. He ran as fast as he could down the hallway, scrambling to find an exit, a door lied at the end of the hall, Jack charged for it, the foundation falling in behind him. Then he heard a voice, "Mr. Hollander! Mr. Hollander, please wake up!" then everything shook violently.*

Everything went white, then his vision came to him, he awoke in a hospital room, being shaken by a nurse.

"Mr. Hollander, you need to take your medicine now." she said overjoyed.

Jack propped himself up on pillows, his head was aching, fragments of the incident filled his mind, but none of them seemed to make sense, he just wished someone would give him answers.

He swallowed the medicine and slumped back on the pillows, then sighed longingly.

"First I have to get out of here...." he thought.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby malkah » Jun 01, 2011 2:34 am

-Day 1-
Capitol University
Judicia, Erbaine

"I didn't do anything either!" Laramie cried, shaking the fingers that looked like Liam's as if she could somehow shed his hand and find her own again. Her mind spun in panicked circles, trying to grasp even a fragment of the situation. "You grabbed my hand...and the next moment, you're wearing it. I don't even know, Liam."

Laramie stared down at the foreign hand attached to her own familiar wrist. "Are we hallucinating?" She looked up at Liam, but she only found her own bewildered fear mirrored in his eyes.

Suddenly, another wave of energy rocked the area around them, and over Liam's shoulder, Laramie saw a building shudder. Two windows bulged outwards and shattered into a million flying shards, headed straight for them. She lunged for Liam to push him out of the way. "Look out!"
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Luisana Wolfe

Postby Chloë Máiréad » Jun 01, 2011 5:17 am

— Day 1 —
Parksville, Erbaine
Palisade National Park

It took Tundra some time and a few failed efforts, but she finally jumped into the moving Jeep. Curling up beside Lui, she whined continually, a sign of amplified distress.

Lui moaned, feeling the wolf's fur beside her. She grabbed a fistful in her shaking hand and finally gained the willpower to fully wake up. Her eyelids flew open, but her dark brown eyes complained about the brightness. She squinted.

Turning her head, she gave a slight whimper at the pain in her head. She saw Terra in the corner of her eye. Lui turned as much as she could and said, "Terra, stop...You're going to kill yourself." She took a breath. "You need to go back to safety. "

Lui watched as Terra shook her head. "Go now. I'll be fine. If you see someone, send them back. Okay?"
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby PrinceCor004 » Jun 01, 2011 12:08 pm

Day 1: Aridia
de Mon Castle Grounds

"Sounds like my job at college..." Christopher replied with a chuckle. "What are my orders, sir?"

At least this job had the possibility to be fun. It wasn't as interesting as hunting someone down, but it would give Chris a chance to use some of his bounty hunter skills nonetheless.


Day 1: Burg
Somewhere near the downtown region

Berg's been hit pretty hard. At least the medics and local law enforcement is doing their job...

For the past hour Malcom had been traveling through the city, being sure to take the alleys and backstreets to stay out of sight of civilians. Now, he was perched on the side of the old Catholic church in the middle of downtown, blending in with the surrounding gargoyles.

Lawrence had a grand view of downtown from this spot, being able to see most of the recovery procedures taking place. Hmm, maybe I'm not needed after all... Malcom's thoughts were cut short by the unmistakable sound of gunfire coming from the street behind him. With one quick move, Malcom jumped off his perch, landed in a shadow and reappeared in the alley behind the church next to his Hyper-bike.

The sound of shouts and more gunfire led Malcom to 23rd street where two robbers were escaping through a narrow alleyway. The robbers ran until they were at a dead in on 22nd street, then they stopped. Actually, collapsed would be more accurate. "Man! I can't believe you actually shot her!! I mean... man! You never said anything about that!!"

"Shut up, kid! You knew how I operate and you still tagged along. Stop trying to tell me what I can and cannot do!" the older thug whacked his younger accomplice up the side of the head at this. "Go make sure the coast is clear while I count our loot..." The younger thief followed his superiors orders and walked over to the end of the alley grumbling about his life and the like while rubbing the side of his head.

While the two thieves were separated, Malcom jumped down from his hiding spot on the building above the alley and stood between them. The younger thief turned and gave a surprised yelp, yet did not try to do anything. The older thug gave a start, then reached for his gun. Malcom reached out towards the older thug and the gun jumped into his hand. The younger thief took this opportunity to grab a nearby brick to throw at the intruder. He never got that far as black tendrils from the nearby shadows shot out and wrapped themselves around the kid... suspending him a foot above the ground.

Malcom began walking towards the other brute who was now on his feet and holding a switchblade. "Come and get it!" the man yelled as he lunged for Lawrence. Lawrence side stepped the man, grabbing his arm and with a swift push, dislocated his arm. The thug collapsed to the ground with a muffled wail of pain. "We need to talk..." Malcom said dragging the babbling man over to the far wall and standing him up against it.

"Look at me... look at me. No, not over there, here..." Lawrence was trying to get the thug to look him in the face for questioning, but the half broken man kept looking in all other directions... never looking Malcom in the face. "LOOK AT ME!!" Lawrence finally growled as he grabbed his victim by the back of his head, forcing him to look at Malcom's face.

As the two men made eye contact (rather, when the thug looked at the eye-like blotches on Malcom's mask), a strange thing happened. Suddenly Lawrence was traveling down a tunnel, then suddenly in a massive room filled with... spheres. Each sphere seemed to be playing a separate film, a small snapshot of one larger film. Am I in... in his mind? Malcom thought as he examined the spheres floating around the room. Each one seemed to come from the point of view of someone... the first few seemed to be from a childhood with hazy images of adults and a bright and colorful world. By the sixth sphere, the images had become decidedly more disturbing with images of brutal attacks and other atrocities. From there, the films in the each sphere become increasingly worse, until the last one... the largest one. This final sphere held the image of Lawrence in full costume appearing and fighting the thug.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! I didn't do NOTHIN!!" the disembodied voice of the thug rang though Malcom's mind. Still, he pressed on trying to find a memory of the recent crime. He finally found it... though he suddenly wished he had not. The recent robbery the two men had committed had ended with the shooting of a middle-aged women and her dog. The shooting had been done by the older thug while the younger thief protested the act. This scene brought back memories to Lawrence of his own mother and her death...

"GAHHHH!! Get out of here!! Ma.. aaahaahahhh!!!" the disembodied wailing of the thug was quickly followed by the spheres popping or exploding. At first it was just the latest sphere, then a chain reaction seemed to be taking place as all the spheres began exploding. Malcom quickly pulled back his mind, though not fully knowing how he did it, and returned to his body. He retuned in time to see the older thug convulse for a second before a sickening "pop" was heard and the man went completely limp. A small trail of blood leaked from the dead mans nose, mouth and ears.

Malcom let go of the corpse and stood in silent awe and shock for a few seconds. I... I... killed him through invading his mind? I went into someones mind... He deserved death.

With that bleak thought, Lawrence adjusted his hat and walked back to the frightened young thief. "Who.. who... who are you???" the young man asked as the shadow tendrils set him back on the ground. After a moment, Malcom answered:

"I am vengeance. I am the darkness. I am... Darkrider" With that, Darkrider disappeared into the shadows of the alleyway, leaving a frightened young thief to rethink his profession as the unmistakable sound and lights of police cars filled the alley.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby Silver the Wanderer » Jun 01, 2011 2:43 pm

-Day 1-
Arenico, Diabolis
Downtown, In A Government Building
Previous Post

Gideon and Edwin, guided through the darkened stairwell by the flame on Edwin's lighter, emerged back onto the rooftop to find a crowd gathered on the streets below. The blinking lights and neon signs he had grown used to seeing in Diabolis were out, some of them shattered like the lights in the stairwell. The second sun had faded from the sky, leaving behind an aftermath of broken windows - and a cloud of smoke rising like a menacing, foul-breathed monster.

The casino next door, the Grand Arcadian, was on fire. Smoke poured from windows. Gideon could only assume something had happened when the lights blew out. But though he listened, he heard no sirens, no alarms - only the terrified screams of those trapped inside.

Edwin's voice was shaky, uncertain. "How are we going to get down from here?"

Before Gideon could reply, he heard something that made his skin crawl - the sound of footsteps echoing through the stairwell. Apparently, this building wasn't quite as abandoned as he'd hoped. Wildly, he glanced around, searching for a way to escape, but the Grand Arcadian had been their only route. Smoke stung his eyes, flames licking the roof of he burning building. They were trapped.

The door opened, and out tumbled five men - three dressed in the bright yellow firemen's uniform, carrying a sub-compact flexoladder. It seems as if they were attempting a rescue. The fourth man wore a business suit and looked as if he worked for the government. Unfortunately, Gideon recognized the fifth as Diabolis's Chief of Police.

The Chief was shouting into his walky-talky. "I have visual on the fire - we are attempting a rescue! Ground crew, do you read me? Come in ground crew, answer me!" He shook the device in frustration. As the firemen ran to the rooftop's edge with the flexoladder, he turned around, surveying the scene.

And then he spotted Gideon, who stiffened like a deer caught in the headlights - or, in this case, a thief trapped between a flaming building and a two-hundred-foot drop.

The Chief's eyes widened, and his face darkened with anger. "You!" he spat.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby MountainFireflower » Jun 01, 2011 4:52 pm

-Day 1-
The convent

Allee's eyes widened. "I can't believe I didn't think of that before." She fumbled for her notebook, sticking her pencil behind her ear. She flipped through the pages, then stuck her finger on the one she was looking for. "Here it is. I was working on an article about it for next semester's edition of my college's magazine." She licked her lips and read aloud. "'Many people have predicted a supernova in the near future, the most notable predictions coming from very respected scientists. Even the government has predicted that some sort of radiation or wide-spread disaster will hit Azurema at some point. The question is, is it fact, or fiction?'" She sighed. "I hadn't thought much of it when I first wrote the article. But it appears that the supernova was real." She shut her notebook, which seemed to distill the silence in their eerily quiet room. "I just wish we had known that ahead of time."

-Day 1-
Judicia, Erbaine
Capitol University
During the supernova

"It's not like I tried to make this happen." Liam tried shaking his hand off too. What would happen if his hand--or Laramie's hand, whichever it was--did fall off? The very thought disturbed him. "I'm just as weirded out as you are. All I did was grab your hand, Laramie." His eyes widened. "What went wrong?"

He took a deep breath to calm himself. "We are hallucinating. We are," Liam said calmly. "That's the only logical--"

Liam's words were snatched away by the wind as he felt a blast of energy, then Laramie's hand connecting with his shoulder. He flew backwards, barely escaping the exploding windows and blasts of shattered glass. His head spun as he hit the ground, fear starting to grip him like it never had before. He hoped Laramie hadn't been hurt in the explosion. He owed his life to her, or at least he needed to thank her for saving him from a painful experience. And maybe hug her, too - when this was all over.

When this was all over... when would it be over? And dare he look at his hand again?
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Lewis Dreyman, Judicia

Postby sweeetlilgurlie » Jun 01, 2011 8:04 pm

-Day 1-
Capitol University
Judicia, Erbaine
During the Supernova

A faint smile appeared on Lewis' lips. "The idiots," He said amiably, "They'd better not pretend that everything is fine now." He navigated around a pile of crushed chairs that had shot out of one of the classrooms and into a wall.

The lights in the hallway were working just fine up until this point, but as they passed the chairs, with a shudder and a soft noise, they all turned off. "Electromagnetic pulse." Lewis said, looking up at them. "They'll have to trust us for the power."
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby Katana » Jun 01, 2011 8:27 pm

-Day 1-
Arenico, Diabolis

Nari groggily opened up her eyelids and rolled her eyes back to the front of her head. As her vision focused she realized she was in a cement room of some sort, one of the gangsters from before, the one with the peirced lip stood a few feet away...holding a gun. She was gagged and bound. Nari realized what had happened and in involuntary moan escaped her lips. The man turned and looked at her, a grimace on his face. "well well, how does it feel? how does it feel to finally be caught, you little storm rat?" he snarled. "Looks like youve go nowhere to go. No more dodging or running or fleeing, no more hiding, no more waiting for him to come find you." he let out a dry cackle and turned his back to her once more. Nari's eyes widened and her eyes glosssed over with unshed tears at her plight, she didnt think theyd ever catch her.

Just then the iron door opened and a man enetered the room, accompianed by another guard. He was tall and broad and had a learing look on his face, clad in a gray suit. "Hello Nari" his voice had smooth, yet twisted sound to it. He motioned to the guard and the man stepped foward and removed Nari's gag. "..........Hello RaHone" Nari stated emotionlissly" RaHone's eyes narrowed somewhat, as if surprised by her words and said: "im sure you knw why iv brought you here Miss Loreil" "Oh no, not at all, youve just been chasing me all over kingdom come for the pass to years, depriving me of my home and wittling away my childhood and i never ever took the time to figure out who you were or what you wanted" replied Nari condescendingly. RaHone's eyes narrowed ever more, until they were little more then slits. "I am NOT going to tell you where he is you creep, so why dont you just let me go so i cant get on with my life" she added, trying to hide her fear. "Miss Loreil, he hissed: i do not think you understand the gravity of the situation, You are here, in my possesion, helpless. And if you do not tell me where your brother is, this will be most unpleasant. Will you be so defiant when you are burned, bruised or bloody? i think not. Think on this Miss Loreil, I want your brother location from you, and if you dont give it to will have a rather disaterous time here."

With that he spun around and left the room, leaving his guard behind.
Nari's mind began to swim and she sat back against the an attempt to think straight.
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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby georgiefan1 » Jun 01, 2011 9:17 pm

— Day 1 —
Burg, Boriel
On a road to school

(AUTHORS NOTE) sorry for being so late on here (espicially to Shasta) family trips and what not.

Clarissa Cache pulls up to her boyfriend's house/castle like thing in her little red car. She steps out and goes around to the passenger seat. Zach always prefers to drive her, joking that hes a better driver.

"How is your dad today?" Clarissa asks.

"Hes fine" Zach replied stiffly, his knuckles tightening on the wheel. She could obviousley tell he was hiding something. His father big cooperation and all. And the fact his mother died the day he was born. Clarissa turns up the radio louder and takes one of his hads in hers. She needed badly to talk to her best friend Topaz but she had to walk to school...maybe she should call Topaz up and offer her a ride? But Topaz hates being a third wheel between Clarissa and Zach anyway.

The couple exit the car once they enter the school parking lot. Zach reaches across and again hold Clarissa's hand. All of a sudden the sky goes dark and students are screaming. Clarissa hears teachers trying to get students inside.
"Topaz! Topaz! Where are you?!" Clarissa screams as she looks around wildly for her.
"Clar! Come with me! We will find her later. Right now we need to get you safe!" Clarissa's heart melted and she followed Zach. Her faorite thing about him was that chivalry was never dead. Together they enter the school building.

Zach Hart exits his mansion to see his girlfriend sitting in her little convertable. He goes straight to the driver seat and starts the engine.

"How is your dad today?"

Well that was a lie. They had gotten in a fight...again. The amount of yelling sent through the house could give him headaches. But of course Zach could tell Clarissa the subject of this argument was her. His father wasn't a fan of Clarissa. Zach felt there was truly something between them. Zach's hand was taken by Clarissa's and his tenseness relaxed some. He parked the car and walked around to her door to take her hand. All of a sudden the sky turned black. Screams filled his ears including screams coming from Clarissa. He went into tense mode.

"Topaz! Topaz! Where are you?!" Clarissa screams as she looks around wildly for her.
"Clar! Come with me! We will find her later. Right now we need to get you safe!"

She follows along as they enter the cafeteria. Zach brings her into a corner and he sits her on his lap. Annoying teachers are trying to give instructions while everyone freaks out. The lights go out and everything is on complete darkness. Well....theres nothing left but to wait...

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Re: Featured Roleplay: Supernova

Postby stargazer » Jun 01, 2011 10:06 pm

— Day 1 —
Palisade National Park
Near Parksville, Erbaine


“So let’s have a quick lunch…and then we go through our camping gear and pick out what we need to survive. And then we can talk about what to do.”


“That sure hit the spot,” Dan said. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was before, with all that’s happened.”

“I’m sure everyone’s going to have their own ‘this is what I was doing when the supernova struck’ stories. And those deer dodging around Grace will make a fun story to tell her grandparents when we get back.” I wonder if they’re all right, Angie thought to herself, knowing her husband had the same worry. Their parents lived hours away from Parksville, so it was very possible they were safe and sound.

“Yeah; they keep telling us how lucky we are to have her.”

An unspoken But hung in the air, and Angie waited patiently for him to finish the thought. He quickly obliged.

“But I still feel guilty about having lunch up here while people at home may be fighting for their lives. Our friends and parents, if they’re safe, must be wondering about us.”

“At least they knew we were up here camping.”

“Yup. So what do we do now?” Dan looked up at the sky for what could have been the thousandth time since the supernova had burst into view; its afterimage had faded by now and to all appearances the trees and plants around them looked perfectly normal now. But the sun was definitely on its way toward the horizon; they wouldn’t get to town before dusk even if they left immediately. And both parents knew that hiking in the wild darkness with an eight-year-old was not an option.

Angie echoed his thoughts. “I think it’s best to spend the night here; our tent is still set up. We can’t get back to town before sunset, and there’s no quick way to find out what’s going on there.” She pulled out her cell phone, but as expected the display remained dark. Then she looked up with a smile and snapped her fingers. “You know, this campsite isn’t that remote; the main park road isn’t far away. Maybe we’ll get some news from others passing by.”

Dan recalled the teenage girl who’d run through their campsite with news about a fire in Parksville. “That might work – as long as we're careful about who we talk to.”
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
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Location: by a campfire


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