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The Post Office

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Re: The Post Office

Postby georgiefan1 » Apr 20, 2011 8:59 pm

General Information

This is all subject to change :)

Character Name: Clarissa Cache
Character Nicknames or Titles: Airissa
Screen Name of Author: georgiefan1

Character Information

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: hair- Blonde eyes- blue
Weight/Height: height 5'4" weight 125 pounds
Distinct Markings: none
Clothes and Other Accessories: girly, cute and light clothing
Weapons: whatever she has at the time
Armor: none

Residence: very big house in a gated community, the Berg
Occupation: student
Mode of Transportation: walking/ flying/ car
Overall Personality: your typical goody two shoes. Sweet and a daddy's girl. Like to be in control of situations and can sometimes be slightly bossy. Very smart. Loves the idea of love and falls for boys very quickly.
Personality Flaws: loves love. Trusts people to easily. Sometimes bossy.
Hobbies: Ballet class, School, etiquette classes, flying, hanging out with her best friend Topaz
Likes/Dislikes: dancing, love, her parents(sometimes), Topaz, reading/ bad guys, not being able to be with her boyfriend, large amounts of homework, sports
Long-term Goals: to be with the one she loves, to defeat evil
Skills: ability to fly and read minds
Magic Skills: none

Family: Mom and dad- both 40
Friends: Topaz and several average school friends and dance friends
Enemies: her boyfriend's dad, anyone evil
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: Topaz
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History:
Clarissa was born into a decently wealthy house. Provided with all she needed or wants she lived confortably. Her parents were determined to bring her up as a proper young lady. She began to take ballet lessons and etiquette classes from age 4 on. She had gone to the same private school her entire life. This is where she met Topaz where they became quick friends espicially after her mom began working for her parents. This school is also where she met her boyfriend Zach, who she fell quickly head over heels for. She always feels she needs to do everything perfect and is an extremely hard worker. She truly hates to disappoint people

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Rose's RP



General Information

Character Name: Zach Hart
Character Nicknames or Titles: The Purple Ninja or TPN
Screen Name of Author: georgiefan1

Character Information

Age: 17
Gender: male
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: auburn blonde/ light brown. eyes- hazel
Weight/Height: height 5'5" weight 130
Distinct Markings: none
Clothes and Other Accessories: loves to wear the color purple, dresses nice
Weapons: none
Armor: none

Residence: mansion with his dad, the Berg
Occupation: student, works for his dad
Mode of Transportation: limo
Overall Personality: your typical rich boy, private school, thinks hes all that, puts up a front, very sweet, quiet, cares for people
Personality Flaws: lies to get what he needs, thinks money helps things
Hobbies: being with his girlfriend, skateboarding, throwing lavish parties
Likes/Dislikes: Clarissa, Topaz, skateboarding, singing (but noone knows that)/ working for his dad, the nerds at school, his teachers
Long-term Goals: to try to be good
Skills: talk his way out of anything,
Magic Skills:

Family: his dad (age 38) mom (deceased)
Friends: a few fake friends at school, Jared, Clarissa
Enemies: teachers, bad guys, nerds
Pets, Sidekicks, etc:
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: Zach's mom died giving birth to him. So its just him and his dad. His father is the owner of a plant that nearly kills the people who work for him because of the bad fumes. His father is power hungry and loves anything having to do with money. He wanted to raise Zach to be the same and somday own the company. Zach, not wanting to disappoint his father went along with him to learn the ropes. Watching his father's mean ways he slowly became a jerk at school, bullying kids and not doing school work. As he became a teenager he realized the damage he was doing to others and the damage his father was doing. he couldn't break his habits at school but tried harder to be nicer to people, making him run into good girl Clarissa who liked his bad boy persona. He beomes a new person around her and truly likes her.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Rose's RP


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Re: The Post Office

Postby Ithilwen » Apr 26, 2011 5:48 pm

General Information

Character Name: Daia
Character Nicknames or Titles: None
Screen Name of Author: Ithilwen

Character Information

Age: 12
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Blond hair, turquoise eyes
Weight/Height: small and thin
Distinct Markings: A scar under her right ear
Clothes and Other Accessories: 1600s servant clothes
Weapons: None yet
Armor: None yet

Residence: Prison
Occupation: Servant to prison overseer
Mode of Transportation: Feet
Overall Personality: Kind, extremely loyal, shy
Personality Flaws: easily gives up hope, low self-esteem
Hobbies: Reading, drawing, telling stories to children, using her imagination
Likes/Dislikes: likes legends and stories, dislikes her life and the prison overseer
Long-term Goals: To survive the cruel treatment of the prison overseer
Skills: Cooking, cleaning, hiding and getting away quickly and quietly
Magic Skills: None

Family: An adoptive "aunt". Another servant who is like family to her, though they're not actually related.
Friends: some prisoners, and fellow servants. Especially the children servants who she cares for.
Enemies: The prison overseer
Characters to whom yours is a sidekick, etc.: Aeryn

Short History: The daughter of a deceased prisoner. She was left to die, but some servants took her and cared for her. The Overseer agreed to let her stay if she worked hard to earn her keep.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): True Justice


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Re: The Post Office

Postby malkah » Apr 26, 2011 6:00 pm

General Information

Character Name: Laramie Tyler
Character Nicknames or Titles: Amie, but only occasionally
Screen Name of Author: malkah

Character Information

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Mutated Human
Hair/Eye Colors: dark brown/blue-green
Weight/Height: Slender/5'8
Distinct Markings: Freckles and a small birthmark on her right shoulder.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Casual clothes, usually jeans and shirts. She also loves skirts and long coats.

Residence: A small house in Judicia.
Occupation: Student at the university; caretaker of her younger siblings. Also works on weekends as a part-time secretary.
Mode of Transportation: Her feet.
Overall Personality: Caring and intensely loyal, perceptive, sensitive to others and their feelings, logical, practical, and reserved.
Personality Flaws: Stubborn, rather fearful, resistant to change, has a lot of trouble with things outside of her logic/comfort zone.
Hobbies: Playing the piano, climbing trees, baking, and sketching very badly.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: music, school and studying, all things green, the rain, things that make sense, cinnamon. Dislikes: cats, mending, writing/public speaking, demanding people.
Long-term Goals: See her family somewhere happy and safe, be able to finish her education, own a grand piano someday.
Skills: Other than playing the piano, she has a knack for other languages.
Magic Skills: She has the ability to absorb the energy of different objects, either manipulating them or transforming them into something else. This usually happens against her will; at this point, she's not able to control it and her abilities often respond to her emotions.

Family: Her mother Lydiah, deceased father Daniel, twin brother Ben, younger brother Nicky, and little sister Mirren.
Friends: Leon, her next-door neighbor, and several fellow students at the university, especially Liam.
Enemies: Anyone trying to hurt her family.

Short History: Laramie's father passed away of an illness when she was 13. After his death, her mother had to leave the home and find work as a seamstress. Laramie and her siblings were mostly self-taught for the rest of their education.

And then, the supernova happened. They were forced to leave their house and move to a safer part of the city. Lydiah had to seek new employment as money grew even tighter, and Mirren, the littlest sister, seemed to never be healthy. Ben and Laramie, already close, bonded into an tightly-knit team in response to the chaos of their world. They became everything to each other.

Slowly, the world seemed to be coming back together, when Ben suddenly began to display unusual gifts he had never had before. He began to talk to Laramie of strange encounters, other people he had met who shared his powers, and the fight for humanity that his abilities were required in. Despite all that Laramie could do to dissuade him, he disappeared one day and was never seen or heard from again.

As far as Laramie's concerned, she lost her brother to a "gift" that was far more like a curse. She wants nothing to do with anything super-human or the so-called ideals Ben abandoned them for. Thus, she is terrified and furious when strange powers, similar to the ones Ben had, begin manifesting themselves in whatever she does. So she fights her abilities as best as she can, and attempts to pretend they don't exist the rest of the time.

Laramie never asked for anything but to be ordinary, and so she keeps herself sternly logical and regimented, trying to hold onto normal life and keep her world from shattering by the force of her will. Because maybe, if she holds on tightly enough, no one will ever know.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
Rose's RP/Supernova

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Re: The Post Office

Postby MountainFireflower » Apr 26, 2011 8:39 pm

This info may change, but here's the basic idea. :)

General Information

Character Name: Shaydria O'Teale
Character Nicknames or Titles: She always goes by Shay.
Screen Name of Author: MountainFireflower

Character Information

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Short blonde hair, blue eyes
Weight/Height: 115 lbs; 5'7"
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: A button-up & loose-fitting shirt, and/or a jacket; breeches, & boots. She hardly ever wears dresses - they're not her style (although that does change).
Weapons: A small sword. She knows how to handle large swords, but the small sword is the one she’s most comfortable with.
Armor: None.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) Shay rents a room above a little shop in Griande, when she's not traveling (which isn’t often).
Occupation: Professional wanderer. ;)) She looks for any odd job that can be done in the towns she visits.
Mode of Transportation: Walking, or a horse - whatever is needed at the time.
Overall Personality: Shay is very independent, and she's hardened as well. She's got a very free spirit and doesn't like to be told what to do. She does have a soft side, she just doesn't show it very often – and deep inside, she is very, very vulnerable. She's very battle-worn and can hold her own in a sword-fight. She's used to being on her own, and she doesn't like to depend on anyone.
Personality Flaws: Her independence, pride, and fear of the unknown; also, her refusal to be open and honest with people, and the way she builds walls around her heart.
Hobbies: She likes to braid things – rope, grass, string – as a way for her to de-stress. She also likes to whittle with a small knife. She is a fan of music and the arts, surprisingly, although she doesn’t show it. She likes violin music and learned how to dance when she was a teenager. She also likes to read.
Likes/Dislikes: She likes sparring, horseback riding, reading, laughing, and making things with her hands. She dislikes emotions, her enemies, wearing dresses (although that will change), and getting hurt.
Long-term Goals: Shay isn't sure what she wants. She can't ever see herself becoming docile enough to settle down, but she would like to in the future.
Skills: She's very skilled at sword-fighting and using most any other weapon. She also can ride bareback. And she can braid rope. ;))
Magic Skills: N/A

Family: Her parents died when she was young, so the only family members she has are distant relatives.
Friends: Adrian, Terence.
Enemies: Almost everyone. :p
Pets, Sidekicks, etc.: She does have a horse, who is her only real companion.
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: Shay travels with Adrian & Terence to go find Aeryn, so she's often seen with them. :p

Short History: Shay's parents died when she was 13. Since then, she has been on her own for most of her life. She now does odd jobs, looking for work in whatever town it can be found. She decides to travel with Adrian and Terence, to go save Aeryn.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): True Justice
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Lucy of Narnia » Apr 27, 2011 1:13 pm

General Information

Character Name: Robert Johnathon Lowell
Character Nicknames or Titles: Bob (what he always goes by)
Screen Name of Author: Lucy of Narnia

Character Information

Hair/Eye Colors:brown/ blue
Weight/Height: he's slim but muscular and slightly tall-ish
Distinct Markings: dimple in his left cheek
Clothes and Other Accessories: jeans, white t-shirts, sneakers
Weapons: pocket knife
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) his house in the city
Occupation: shoe salesman
Mode of Transportation: foot, bike
Overall Personality: laid-back, lazy, dry humor
Personality Flaws: lazy, sarcastic
Hobbies: selling shoes, reading (he's a real book-worm), hanging out at home
Likes/Dislikes: shoes, phone calls to relatives, staying indoors, going out in the rain/ video games, when he doesn't sell shoes on a certain day, pushy relatives and neighbors (he is a loner and considers people trying to visit more than once a month 'pushy')
Long-term Goals: to go to college some day
Skills: he's good with his hands, like carving wood. when he was little he watched his mom crochet and learned by himself though he only does it when there is nothing else to do and it is a gift for somebody (he is embarrassed to be seen doing 'sissy' work) ;))

Family: dad (with whom he never had a good relationship), mom, other relatives (aunts, uncles, etc) He is not very close to any of them, sadly.
Friends: Joe Hanson
Enemies: none, but the boss is hard to please
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: a gerbil named Scooter and a bird named Rosa

Short History: he grew up. he got a job. he lives alone. Then one day everything changes...and he has the super-human ability to see footprints/shoeprints even on concrete.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): Supernova

Shop Information (Optional)

Shop or Business Name: O'Brian's Shoe Store
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) shoes
Manager and Employee Names: Manager: Jason O'Brian Employees: Bob, Carter, Smith, among others.

Picture: Image
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Katana » Apr 27, 2011 1:16 pm

General Information
-subject to change-

Character Name: Kala
Character Nicknames or Titles: she goes by many names
Screen Name of Author: Katana

Character Information

Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Super human
Hair/Eye Colors: White hair, navy blue eyes
Weight/Height: medium height, thin
Distinct Markings: a straight, thin, scar running all down her left leg
Clothes and Other Accessories:black leggings, black button up tunic shirt, gray mid-thigh boots, grey neck scarf, grey belt
Weapons: a long knife and her powers
Armor: none yet
Residence: her families estate in Arenico, Azurema, but she no longer lives with them
Occupation: wanderer, collector of mathoms and curiosities, ninja
Mode of Transportation: Walking
Overall Personality: Mysterious, loyal, brave, wise
Personality Flaws: easily frustrated
Hobbies: collecting curiosities, writing, sketching, thinking, traveling
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: odd items, gutsy people, creatures, discoveries, mint tea ---- Dislikes: wimpy people, annoyances, earl gray, the color beige
Long-term Goals: to survive, to be as useful as she can to her cause, she all she can see and do all she can do
Skills: Stealth, herblore, spying, vocabulary, writing, sketching, bomb-making
Magic Skills: she has no magic skills but she can telepathically communicate and move objects with her mind, she can do this because she is a super human (another name for a superhero)
Family: Her mother and father, and her 5 brothers
Friends: she has them in high places
Enemies: quite a few
Characters to whom yours is a sidekick, etc.: none
Short History: she is wealthy and grew up at her extremely protective parents estate in Anerico with her 5 brothers. when she was 14 1/2 she got sick of the prissy, padded, monotone lifestyle and ran away. shortly after her escape a sun apocylypse happened and she was one of the minority of Azuremians who were turned into superheo's. she didnt even realize it at first but thru a complictaed turn of events she discovered she could telepathically comunicate and move objects. After meeting an older women who had also been turned into a superhero the women took her to forks, washington, to a base to of the good superhero's and it was explained to her that some of the people who were turned super human had turned villain and they were now at war. Kala joined the good side is currently fighting with them now.

Stories Character has been in (Roseys superhero RP): Picture:
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Lucy of Narnia » Apr 29, 2011 4:15 pm

General Information

Character Name: Gracilee Johnson (subject to change)
Character Nicknames or Titles: Grace
Screen Name of Author: Lucy of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 10
Gender: female
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: dirty blond/blue
Weight/Height: very thin, average height
Distinct Markings: long scar on her arm
Clothes and Other Accessories: ragged brown dress
Weapons: none
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) none
Occupation: none
Mode of Transportation: feet
Overall Personality: dedicated but weary
Personality Flaws: impatient
Hobbies: picking flowers, when she has the rare chance
Likes/Dislikes: friends/the jail keeper
Long-term Goals: to escape prison with her father
Skills: is very smart, has a quick mind

Family: father
Friends: none anymore
Enemies: none
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: none other than an old ragged doll

Short History: she has lived in prison with her father since she was four

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): going to be in True Justice

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Re: The Post Office

Postby Shastafan » May 01, 2011 7:28 pm

General Information

Character Name: Mariel Swanlyn
Character Nicknames or Titles:
Screen Name of Author: Shastafan

Character Information

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: TBA (Sorry, I need help on this!)
Weight/Height: Healthy weight and skinny/ 5'2
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: Normal plain dresses, usually brown colored.
Weapons: None
Armor: None

Residence: In a cottage outside of Griande
Occupation: Servant
Mode of Transportation: Walking, or riding a horse
Overall Personality: Quiet, reserved, obedient, nervous, kind, fragile, determined, secretly brave
Personality Flaws: She is very anxious, so she worries a lot and can be very pessimic, grumpy, emotional, and/or panicky. When she gets annoyed or angered enough, she'll be very loud and outright with her words, which can be a very bad thing...
Hobbies: Feather collecting, climbing trees, singing, day-dreaming, swimming, watching boats and animals
Likes/Dislikes: Her family and friends, romance, the sea, animals, helping her family/adventure (or so she thinks), dastardly people, being mistreated, being rude, the family she works for, the what-ifs.
Long-term Goals: To help get enough money for her family, and be swept away by a lover.
Skills: Swimming, singing, cleaning, doing chores, horse-riding, climbing trees, keeping secrets
Magic Skills: None

Family: Henry (father), Leann (mother), Milo (older brother), Sherwood (younger brother), Irving (younger brother), Patience (younger sister), Roselyn (younger sister)
Friends: N/A
Enemies: The family she works for: Thomas Ereth (father), Delaire Ereth (mother), Golda Ereth (daughter), Rylan Ereth (son)
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None

Short History: Because her father lost his job in Griande, Mariel had no choice but to drop any hopes of having an adventure and started working as a servant for the Ereth family. After awhile, she lost her inner glow, and became very stressed with how her life was working.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): True Justice
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Lucy of Narnia » May 02, 2011 10:41 am

General Information

Character Name: Jinna Longham
Character Nicknames or Titles: Jin
Screen Name of Author: Lucy of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 34
Gender: female
Species: human
Hair/Eye Colors: brown, blue
Weight/Height: 137 lbs/5' 6"
Distinct Markings: dimples when she smiles
Clothes and Other Accessories: pilgrim clothing
Weapons: none
Armor: none

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) her cabin a ways from the docks
Occupation: wife and mother
Mode of Transportation: foot
Overall Personality: loving, caring, gentle, sweet, helpful
Personality Flaws: impatient on rare occasions
Hobbies: sewing, spending time with her family, raising farm animals
Likes/Dislikes: cleanliness, the smell of grass, clothes that has dried in the sunshine/ missing a bath, the smell of fish on the docks, when her husband has to be away from home to work
Long-term Goals: to please her husband and help raise their children Skills: she is very good with a needle

Family: John (husband), Mark (7), Angeline (6), Paul (4), Sarah (2), a new baby on the way. She had a young daughter named Gracie Leanna but she died at the age of four (she would now be ten years old if she were still alive)
Friends: Amy Averitt and her family
Enemies: none
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: the farm animals

Short History: she was raised in the grasslands all her life. after marrying John she moved with him to the docks, where he grew up.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): True Justice

Shop Information (Optional)

Shop or Business Name: John's Sewing and Fishing Supplies
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) clothing, fishing supplies
Manager and Employee Names: John manages the shop and Jinna makes clothing in her spare time, which John then sells. (when the store is low, John has to go away to find work)
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Re: The Post Office

Postby MountainFireflower » May 02, 2011 8:03 pm

General Information

Character Name: Riley Donovan
Character Nicknames or Titles: None.
Screen Name of Author: MountainFireflower

Character Information

Age: 26
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Light brown hair, green eyes.
Weight/Height: 6'2", 125 lbs.
Distinct Markings: Um... facial hair? :p
Clothes and Other Accessories: He wears the typical commoner's outfit in Griande - button-up shirt, pants, and boots. He can get dressed up if the occasion calls for it. B-)
Weapons: Whatever he has on hand. :p He's familiar with lots of different weapons.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc): He lives alone above his shop, the Griande Mercantile.
Occupation: Riley manages the Mercantile all by himself, except when Shay is around.
Mode of Transportation: A horse. :p
Overall Personality: Riley is compassionate, caring, strong, and a fair business man. He has a kind heart and has been known to give away groceries and such from time to time. He has a sad past but doesn't tell many people that, and he hates to see any person suffer. He's also very lonely.
Personality Flaws: He has a temper, and he doesn't forgive easily.
Hobbies: He likes to play any kind of game, like checkers. He loves little children, but they remind him of the one he lost. He likes to think, and often retreats deep into his thoughts.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Life, laughter, playing with young children, horseback riding. Dislikes: Death, pain, seeing other people suffer.
Long-term Goals: He doesn't look very much into the future. Managing the mercantile is enough for him. :p He longs for a family though.
Skills: He's skilled at making his business run smoothly.

Family: The only family he has left is a sister who is married and lives elsewhere.
Friends: Terence is an old friend of his, as is Shay. He is very friendly with most anyone who comes into his shop.
Enemies: A few. :p

Short History: Riley's father used to own the Mercantile until he died. Then Riley took over. Riley was once married and had a son, but something happened to them. Now he lives alone above his shop and runs the mercantile day after day.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): True Justice

Shop Information (Optional)

Shop or Business Name: The Griande Mercantile
Sells: (description of merchandise, a menu, etc) Pretty much everything. :p You want it, Riley's got it - or he'll get it for you.
Manager and Employee Names: Riley is the manager. His only employee is Shay from time to time.

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Postby sweeetlilgurlie » May 04, 2011 9:36 am

General Information

Character Name: Jean Delacroix
Character Nicknames or Titles: Jean
Screen Name of Author: Sweeetlilgurlie

Character Information

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Ragged brown hair, hazel eyes
Weight/Height: lean/just above medium height
Distinct Markings: A long scar down his chest from a near-fatal sword wound.
Clothes and Other Accessories: According to Lonnie, black. That's what's in for the mercenaries this season. Other than that, comfortable clothes with pockets for weapons and illegal items that he can move freely in.
Weapons: Scimitar. He's a good hand with double handed knife fighting, too.
Armor: Er...leather?

Residence: The ships on which he works.
Occupation: Deck sailor/Cook aboard mercenary ships.
Mode of Transportation: Ship or feet. He hates horses.
Overall Personality: Jean knows how to take care of himself, but the hard life of a mercenary has not taken his sensitivity and kindness out of him. He's courageous, quick-thinking, loyal to good causes, and even a bit moral.
Personality Flaws: His bravery leads him to be a bit stupid from time to time, and he has a hard time deepening his relationships with friends and others.
Hobbies: Climbing. He loves scouting in the crow's nest and going up the ropes on the ship. He'll spar for fun, too.
Likes/Dislikes: Real friends, moral people that aren't the holier-than-thou sort, a strong fighter, home and family/small talk, crude and immoral people, whining, cowardice.
Long-term Goals: Maybe get home to his family one day, when he's ready.
Skills: Sword fighting, knife-fighting, climbing, sailing.
Magic Skills: N/A

Family: Mother, Father, four sisters. He's the oldest.
Friends: Has many casual friends but not many strong friends that he would miss if he left.
Enemies: Captain Lanon Saranoy.

Short History: Jean was restless as a teenager and ran away from home to work as a sailor (against his father's wishes) when he was seventeen. He has seen a good part of the world by now and doesn't find it as exciting as he once thought it would be. One day, he plans to go home, but only when he feel ready.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): True Justice
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Elle's Character Profile

Postby Chloë Máiréad » May 04, 2011 10:04 am

General Information

Character Name: Elle
Character Nicknames or Titles:
Screen Name of Author: Chloë Máiréad

Character Information

Age: 16.
Gender: Female.
Species: Human, though she has the personality of an imp.
Hair/Eye Colors: Reddish-brown, long, with overgrown bangs that partially cover her eyes/Greenish-brown.
Weight/Height: Thin/Short.
Distinct Markings: None.
Clothes and Other Accessories: Dull-colored clothes. She doesn’t like to stand out in a crowd.
Weapons: A knife.
Armor: None.

Residence: In the shipyard of Griande.
Occupation: None, though occasionally, she puts on a show of tricks and “magic” for a few coins.
Mode of Transportation: Her feet.
Overall Personality: Elle prefers to keep to herself, though, occasionally, she’ll leave the shipyard to spend time with people other than the men that work there. She’s mischievous, rebellious, distant, and selfish. However, she is very loyal to those that she loves.
Personality Flaws: She has few good traits about her.
Hobbies: Learning tricks of illusion.
Likes/Dislikes: Being alone, the ocean, ships, magic tricks, cats/the authorities, being told what to do, not having a place to sleep, going hungry.
Long-term Goals: None.
Skills: She has few useful skills.
Magic Skills: She doesn’t know any real magic, only tricks that appear to be magic.

Family: None living. However, the Rowland family could be considered her family.
Friends: Those that work at the shipyard are the closest thing to a friend. Her only real friend was Walter Rowland, who is now deceased.
Enemies: The law.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None.
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: Elle has been on the streets since she was little. The Rowland family took her in, but she still spend most of her time outside of the home. Walter Rowland was the same age as her and they became fast and best friends. However, when Walter died, she became reclusive and spent most of her time with Walter’s older brother, Terence. When Terence started working at the shipyard, Elle sort of started living there and she’s been there ever since.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
True Justice

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
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Re: The Post Office

Postby Shastafan » May 04, 2011 12:22 pm

General Information

Character Name: Clover Periwinkle Junior Springs
Character Nicknames or Titles: Spring, Clove, Peri
Screen Name of Author: Shastafan

Character Information

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Curly golden hair/unusually pink eyes, one sightless
Weight/Height: Healthy weight/5'1
Distinct Markings: None
Clothes and Other Accessories: She's all for flowery and plant colored clothing, and her normal outfit is a t-shirt with a tank top, capris or shorts, and sandals. She also likes wear gardening hats, and wears a bracelet made out of vines and little pink flowers.
Weapons: In her backpack, she holds many plant-like weapons, like a vine rope, a branch sword, and a mushroom gun.
Armor: None

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc)
Occupation: Florist, Tracker, Healer, ANTI replacement agent
Mode of Transportation: Whatever she finds, safe or not, it'll do.
Overall Personality: Outgoing, fair, nice, sarcastic, brave, loyal, clever
Personality Flaws: She finds it hard to forgive someone, even if she knows she should. Unlike her friend, Summer, she sometimes underacts, if that's a word. She's stubborn, defiant, and even a bit harsh, especially to things she doesn't like. And her skeptism isn't always the best.
Hobbies: Messing with plants and flowers, going to lovely gardens, reading books, flying in airplanes
Likes/Dislikes: Flowers, her friends, her family, books, doing good for some cause, meeting new people, having new experiences/being blind in one eye, apologizing, being too late to apologize, betrayel, beliefs about furry creatures trying to take over the world, bad guys, her hidden secrets.
Long-term Goals: To find a new plant species, find Lall, and help Summer's friends with their "important" mission.
Skills: Using plants as weapons, defining what a type of plant is, challenging people, cook, heal with plants, tracking anything.
Magic Skills: If she has any, she's not going to tell you...

Family: Arwin Springs (father), Clover Periwinkle Sr. Springs (mother), Hallie Springs (older sister).
Friends: Summer, Lall, Summer's teammates (sort of)
Enemies: People who think that they can get away taking over the world by dressing up as furry things.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: None
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: None

Short History: Spring had it all in life: two best friends, a loving family, and a great skill with plants. But when Summer and Lall persuaded her to try a scary ride, things went wrong when there was an accident and she lost the sight in her left eye, along with nearly dying. Angry at her friends, she purposely lost contact with them.

But after awhile, especially when her sister Hallie went missing, Spring felt really bad for holding a grudge so long. So, she, with her great tracking skills, went to find her friends, Summer first on her list. Never did she expect to join ANTI, a team of secret agents, though! Having no belief that MUPPETZ actually exist, she's relunctant to have anything to do with this. But she wants to help the late Summer's friend, and this is how she'll do it.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers): ANTI: The Rebellion
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Re: The Post Office

Postby lover of narnia » May 04, 2011 2:00 pm

General Information

Character Name: Zachary John Rivera (Riverton in Anglea)
Character Nicknames or Titles: Zak, Sir ‘Riverton’
Screen Name of Author: Lover of Narnia

Character Information

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Dark Brown, Medium Length / Brown
Weight/Height: Average, Athletic, 145 lbs / 5’10
Distinct/Noticeable Qualities:
Clothes and Other Accessories: White shirt, leather jerkin, black or brown breeches. Boots. An Anglean Ring. Cloak.
Weapons: Sword, Dagger, Pistol
Armor: Leather and chainmail. Light armor. Nothing cumbersome.

Residence: (caves, Ditto Mansion, etc) A home in Anglea, various hidden places in Tierria
Occupation: Spy, Informant
Mode of Transportation: Horse, Feet, ship
Overall Personality: Quiet, forgiving, determined, hard-working, loyal
Personality Flaws: Over-loyalty, disbelief, letting guilt over-whelm him
Hobbies: Carving, spying
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Family, freedom, horses, sunny days, ships, his king,
Dislikes: Tierrians, oppression, rude/immoral people,
Long-term Goals: To someday see his sister move into Anglea and have peace mostly reign throughout the world.
Skills: Spying, knife throwing, sneaking, riding, sword fighting
Magic Skills: N/A

Family: Aeryn
Enemies: Tierrians,
Pets, Sidekicks, etc: A horse
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.: N/A

Short History: Zachary lived at home with his parents until he was 19. Then, after his Father was struck ill, he left for Anglea, to try and find a future, leaving his younger sister a lone. He eventually found himself an Anglean spy, working for the King to gather information about Tierria. It was a dangerous job, but with his skill, it was fitting.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):
True Justice

Picture: Image

Color: #301200

Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
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Evangeline Moore

Postby Chloë Máiréad » May 09, 2011 11:01 am

General Information

Character Name: Evangeline Moore
Character Nicknames or Titles: Van, Vange, The Huntress
Screen Name of Author: Chloë Máiréad

Character Information

Age: 27
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Dark brown, wavy hair/Greyish-blue.
Weight/Height: Thin, but very much in shape/About 5’ 9”
Distinct Markings: None.
Clothes and Other Accessories: She wears whatever the occasion calls for. She tries to blend in most of the time.
Weapons: She’s been trained to use many weapons, but she usually uses whatever is available to her at the moment.
Armor: None, though she wears a bullet-proof vest every once in a while.

Residence: She moves frequently.
Occupation: Professional hitwoman, bounty hunter.
Mode of Transportation: Anything that can get her from A to B.
Overall Personality: Callous, controlling, unforgiving, unfriendly, conceited, dishonest, selfish, independent, and fearless.
Personality Flaws: See above.
Hobbies: Target practice, hunting.
Likes/Dislikes: When things go her way, guns, knives/anyone who tries to stop her from accomplishing a task.
Long-term Goals: None in particular.
Skills: She’s skilled in the combat of weapons and tracking people down.
Magic Skills: None.

Family: Her mother and two younger sisters are dead.
Friends: She doesn’t make friends, only aquaintances.
Enemies: She has many.
Pets, Sidekicks, etc:
Characters to whom yours is a pet, sidekick, etc.:

Short History: Vange grew up in a single-parent home. Her mother was rarely home to care for the younger children, so Vange took up the responsibility herself until she ran away from home at age 16. She joined a crime ring and became a hitwoman after some training. Eventually, she met up with Chris Howard, who trained her further in the trade, aiding her in becoming a professional. Chris and Vange became an item, but they split after 5 years of being together. Ever since, she’s been laying low and completing her jobs in silence and without suspicion.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):

"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
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Re: The Post Office

Postby PrinceCor004 » May 09, 2011 12:19 pm

General Information

Character Name: Christopher Howard
Character Nicknames or Titles: Chris, Mr. Howard, Black Hand
Screen Name of Author: PrinceCor004

Character Information

Age: 30
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Hair/Eye Colors: Dark/Dark
Weight/Height: In excellent shape/Around 6' 1"
Distinct Markings: Scar down his back from a previous "job"
Clothes and Other Accessories: Casual, mostly wears whatever is handy or is needed to blend in. Loves black shirts and jackets, though.
Weapons: Anything and everything. Prefers speciality weapons and hand guns.
Armor: None

Residence: No fixed location
Occupation: Bounty hunter, gun for hire.
Mode of Transportation: Whatever is needed.
Overall Personality: Suave, manipulative, cold, calculating, unfeeling, clever, distant.
Personality Flaws: See above.
Hobbies: Killing, getting paid for "jobs"
Likes/Dislikes: Weapons, the thrill of the hunt/kill, drinks (on occasion)/ Pretty much everyone, government, employers who try to double-cross him.
Long-term Goals: None.
Skills: World class tracker, hand-to-hand combat and any other combat.
Magic Skills: None.

Family: Unknown
Friends: Only acquaintances and only for a certain period of time.
Enemies: All

Short History: Chris has the dubious honor of being the youngest known bounty hunter in Azurema, having started at the age of 17. Little is known about his background, for Christopher always tells a different tale to everyone he meets. Chris did make the acquaintance of a young hitwoman named Evangeline when he was 21 and began teaching the young woman to become a bounty hunter. The two had a romantic, as well as professional, relationship for 5 years till Chris suddenly called it all off and left.

Since then, Mr. Howard has continued with business as usual. Occasionally crossing paths with his old flame/student.

Stories Character has been in (Ditto Mansion roleplay, Fountain
roleplay, Ditto Story numbers):

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