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Lewis a cult member?

C. S. Lewis, his worlds, and his faith.

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Re: Lewis a cult member?

Postby Hermitess of Narnia » Jan 14, 2012 3:05 pm

From reading C.S. Lewis' and Tolkien's work I doubt they had joined any cults. Lewis speaks about humans longing for another world because we were created for another world and says belief in Christ is the fulfillment of this longing. I doubt Lewis would feel a need to join a cult because he says fulfillment comes from Christ.
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Re: Lewis a cult member?

Postby twinimage » Apr 20, 2012 8:22 am

Wow, what good timing for me to find this topic. I just read some article the other day, which was saying some very bold things against Lewis and Tolkein, saying they were satanic and part of the Golden Dawn and corrupting our children by using mythological creatures and magic in their stories. They were saying the occult has adopted these myths as part of their teachings and stuff. In response to their "arguments", I personally would want to ask them what came first, the ancient mythology or the occults adoption of these stories to use for their own purposes. Also, why would you link Lewis with the occult, when he uses mythology in his stories? Does that mean that all who study, read or write about ancient mythology are are followers of Satan or that Satan will enter your mind and cause confusion in your beliefs? If I study mythology, I study it as just that. It is fiction. Should I take every fiction book I read as the absolute truth? I find their arguments against Lewis and Tolkien very weak and I ponder on their intentions on trying to defame them.

I have not studied C.S. Lewis' life, nor do I know all of what his personal beliefs were outside the generic description that he was a Christian. Everyone here has said well that C.S. Lewis and Tolkien were not members of the occult, which I believe is what the 'Golden Dawn' is, nor did they include satanic teachings in their work. I'd suggest you talk to your friend and remind them that everything you read on the internet is not always true. Use logic, as Professor Digory Kirke would recommend. :)
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Re: Lewis a cult member?

Postby coracle » Sep 15, 2012 10:30 pm

C.S.Lewis was a strong Christian, devotedly Bible-based, true to the teachings of Jesus Christ and a true follower of Jesus Christ.

Every so often a misguided pastor passes on stuff from these Tolkien/Lewis conspiracy sites, one of which I spent an afternoon writing replies to when a Christian friend (who doesn't like fantasy) was given material from one of these weird people (the alleged ex-witch sort).

Lewis was such an important Christian teacher of his day, that he was asked to give talks on BBC radio during the World War 2, to help people understand Christian faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

Any more suggestions of this sort should be laughed at and referred to NarniaWeb for the person to check out!
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