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Turkish Delight Wallpaper

PostPosted: Jan 21, 2012 10:14 am
by Aravis Autarkeia
A picspam wallpaper of Edmund and his favorite dessert! ;) Text is from David Crowder's song "Turkish Delight." C and CC is lovely!


Re: Turkish Delight Wallpaper

PostPosted: Jan 21, 2012 7:21 pm
by Quinlin
Wow! Aravis Autarkeia, this is beautiful and you did a fantastic job with the originality of how you put it together! :D :ymapplause: The icy, frosty colouring is so cool and really reflects off the coldness of this entire scene. This is definitely my favorite scene between Edmund and the White Witch because it shows how quickly he falls under her spell and how she beguiles him with his favorite treats! It's amazing how you captured every one of those moments with this sequenced array of shots. I also particularly like how you differentiated the pictures by sizing them. It adds a lot to the overall effect and makes you focus on all the little pictures instead of just looking at one. The quote of course works perfectly here and I like how you placed it underneath the entire wallie with that turkish delighty box icon next to it! It's really cute! :p If you don't mind my asking what's font did you use for the text? It's very nice! :)

As I said, I love it! *saves to her portfolio* :D

Oh and you siggie is very beautiful as well! :)

Re: Turkish Delight Wallpaper

PostPosted: Jan 23, 2012 12:10 pm
by wild rose
wow Aravis Autarkeia, that's a really amazing wallpaper, I love the sort of pale colors it has, and the many pictures, showing the whole story of Edmund and the White Witch at their first meets is really neat, great job :ymapplause:

Re: Turkish Delight Wallpaper

PostPosted: Jan 25, 2012 8:46 am
by Liberty Hoffman
that is so cool!! I love the coloring and the slightly pale washout of the pictures and how you got the whole scene! keep up the good work!! :D

Re: Turkish Delight Wallpaper

PostPosted: Jan 25, 2012 12:07 pm
by StarAsterisk
Haha that is just AWESOME! I love that song haha! Really great design, it's so fresh and sweet and modern, and goes PERFECTLY with the song! :) :ymapplause:

Re: Turkish Delight Wallpaper

PostPosted: Feb 10, 2012 12:03 pm
by Aravis Autarkeia
Thanks so much for the lovely comments! :ymhug:

Quinlin: I used Ostrich Sans and Ostrich Sans Rounded. :)