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Happy Thanksgiving! (2017 edition)

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Happy Thanksgiving! (2017 edition)

Postby SnowAngel » Nov 17, 2017 1:23 pm

Late again, I thought about this thread two weeks ago, but didn't put it on my to-do list.

I love this time of year. The air is cool and crisp, there's apple cider and pumpkin desserts, Christmas music (if you start listening to it this early), and so many other wonderful things happening.

Have any favorite traditions or memories of Thanksgiving?

My favorite tradition is my family’s “thankful for” jar. When I was about 6 years old my Mom started the tradition and we’ve done it every year since then. Here’s how it works, we get a large canning jar, some nuts, M&M’s, candy corn, or other small candy and nuts. We pass the jar around the table and saying either "Thank you God for…"or "I’m thankful for…", and then we drop one piece of candy in the jar for each 'thankful for'. We usually do this at lunch every day until Thanksgiving and then on Thanksgiving and the days following it we get to eat the candy and nuts. We each do 6 thankful fors everyday depending on the size of the candy or nuts we are using that day. We normally have 2-3 large canning jars filled by Thanksgiving. :)

I'm thankful for...
~My savior, Jesus Christ!
~My parents! They are so wonderful. :)
~My brothers and is so awesome with them!
~ Extended family - some days I am more thankful for them than others.
~All of the wonderful people here on NarniaWeb! :ymhug:
~Black Rifle Coffee - seriously good coffee!
~Canon cameras

What are you thankful for this year?

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving! (2017 edition)

Postby Kalta79 » Nov 17, 2017 10:19 pm

Black Rifle Coffee? (Coffee is one of my few vices)

I'm thankful that even though I'm sick, I'm well enough to do most of the stuff I need to do around here, and that we've got plenty of food and firewood. And I'm thankful for all my animals. I'll think of more later, I'm sure.
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving! (2017 edition)

Postby fantasia » Nov 21, 2017 2:44 pm

SnowAngel, I love your family's tradition! :D

I asked my son this year what he was thankful for this year and he said "Christmas." :)) (I have a ways to go in parenting... clearly ;) )

This year with all of the storms in the gulf and fires in the west, I'm thankful for a house with warm water and electricity. And while I'm often complaining about the clutter in my house, I'm thankful for all the gifts and memories that come from them. :)

For Thanksgiving dinner, I'm taking care of the green beans and stuffing this year. :D If I have time, I may also throw in a Boston Cream Pie, which isn't exactly traditional Thanksgiving food, but I made one for the first time this last Super Bowl and loved it. This is a good excuse to make another one. ;)
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving! (2017 edition)

Postby Kalta79 » Nov 21, 2017 7:48 pm

I love Boston Cream Pie :-)

Oh the fire season this year was absolutely terrible, worst in the 12years we've been here(well it'll be 12 years next month), the air was very smokey for nearly two months straight at least. We've had fires 15miles or less from us too, and wildfires are the only thing I really worry about out here. Because we can't drive for medical reasons, we'd need someone else to evacuate us, and we've got all our animals as well. So I'm thankful the fires didn't get close enough for that, and that I could use the smoke as a scapegoat...anything went wrong then, I just blamed the us not winning the lottery was the smoke's fault, not that we didn't have a ticket. :D
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving! (2017 edition)

Postby Eustace » Nov 22, 2017 11:17 am

I am so glad to be hearing about other people's traditions.

For me, the big thing at out Thanksgiving is the talent show. Everyone has to show off a talent even if it is not really a talent. Last year, my brother and sister did a danced and sang to the Sisters song in White Christmas. That was really cool. Most years, talents are something that is not really considered a talent but instead is quite funny. Like the year, I did magic tricks without learning any magic tricks. I made up the tricks myself and they are easy to do and I am not good at slight of hand. Like the card trick where I have nine cards in my hand and I go through everyone asking you which card was yours. I only have to ask 1-8 times before I get the correct one. Or the one where I pretend to put marbles in a cup but instead put them in my pocket. Or the one where I made water disappear.
Hint, I drank it.
Unfortunately, my relatives started to laugh which made me laugh and then I spit out the water on the crowd. Oops! =))

But the point of the talent show is to just have fun.
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving! (2017 edition)

Postby SnowAngel » Nov 22, 2017 11:21 pm

Kalta79, I love BRCC, easily my favorite coffee company ever. I don't have to have a lot of coffee, but I do love my cup or two of really good coffee everyday.

I love that answer, fk. Christmas is awesome!

Oh, Boston Cream Pie is one of my family's favorite dessert especially my Dad's favorite. I haven't found a good completely from scratch recipe yet.

Eustace, lol! Sounds awesome. :D

Today, I am so thankful that tomorrow is Thanksgiving and that my family will all be around the table. I'm thankful for blankets, heat, snow shovels, hot coffee, long books, the library, sticky notes, sharpies, colored pens, and colored lights. :)

I am printing the first of these two coloring pages for the younger siblings to use tomorrow before lunch. ... ages-kids/ Think it would be fun to see what they put down on their own (without a special theme or having to take turns).

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving! (2017 edition)

Postby fantasia » Nov 24, 2017 4:13 pm

This may be a bit shallow, but I'm thankful for the record high temperatures for Thanksgiving and the day after (today). The weather was perfect for a post-feast walk. ;)) Yeah....needed to walk off a few calories. :P ;))
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving! (2017 edition)

Postby SnowAngel » Nov 24, 2017 8:45 pm

Our Thanksgiving menu was brisket, mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, okra, and cranberry salad. Delicious.

And instead of pies we had pumpkin cheesecake with pecans on top. So good, and since Scarlet made it, it was healthy. :D But it didn't taste too healthy. :) But have no fear, we will have pies another day. ;)

We played several games of scrabble by the fireplace in the afternoon. And I might have won a few games. :) There are were also several games of cribbage played, but I didn't play any of them.

Had to have some Black Rifle Coffee, I blended Silencer Smooth and Blackbeard's Delight for a medium/light flavor. :) It was good, probably the reason I won scrabble. ;)

Everyone loved the coloring pages, the younger siblings colored and wrote out people and things they are thankful for while waiting for lunch.

No walk at lunch for us this year, way too cold. That's the one tradition I missed yesterday.

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Re: Happy Thanksgiving! (2017 edition)

Postby stargazer » Nov 24, 2017 10:29 pm

Happy belated Thanksgiving to all!

I'm grateful for family near and far, and friends new and old.

I'm grateful for NarniaWeb. I've met many wonderful people on here, many of whom have become close friends in real life as well as online.

I'm grateful for the chance to see the August total solar eclipse with a couple dozen NarniaWebbers. Good times!

I'm grateful for sharing Thanksgiving dinner with my brother and his family, and my mother, in the skilled nursing facility where she lives. It was turkey with many of the usual side dishes, and wasn't too bad for "institutional" food. We're planning another, bigger dinner sometime this weekend.

(I'm still adjusting to the idea of Seattle rain, rather than Minnesota cold and snow, for this holiday).
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