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Happy Thanksgiving!!! (2015 edition)

PostPosted: Nov 25, 2015 7:43 pm
by SnowAngel
This month was so busy I forgot to start this thread...better late than never. And now I am going to copy last year's post...(shamelessly too.)

As always what are your favorite traditions or memories of Thanksgiving are?

My absolute favorite tradition is my family’s “thankful for” jar. Most of you already know about this, but I'm going to post it again so everyone knows. :) Years ago when I was about 6 years old my Mom started the tradition and we’ve done it every year since then. Here’s how it works, we get a large canning jar, some nuts, M&M’s, candy corn, or other small candy and nuts. We pass the jar around the table and saying either "Thank you God for…"or "I’m thankful for…", and then we drop one piece of candy in the jar for each 'thankful for'. We usually do this at lunch every day until Thanksgiving and then on Thanksgiving and the days following it we get to eat the candy and nuts. We each do 6 thankful fors everyday depending on the size of the candy or nuts we are using that day. We normally have 2-3 large canning jars filled by Thanksgiving. :)

I'm thankful for...
~My savior, Jesus Christ!
~My parents! I couldn't ask for a better Mom or Dad, they are so wonderful. :)
~My brothers and is so awesome with them!
~Grandparents, aunts & uncles, cousins. Family is the best! :D
~My pen-pal and her family. Outside of my family the one person whose friendship means the most to me is my pen-pal's. ;;)
~All of the wonderful people here on NarniaWeb! :ymhug:

So, what are you thankful for this year? And an almost HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone!!!


Re: Happy Thanksgiving!!! (2015 edition)

PostPosted: Nov 26, 2015 10:48 pm
by Movie Aristotle
November always seems like a "hymn month" to me. Perhaps I start to have a hunger for the traditional at this time of the year because Christmas is just around the corner and so are Christmas carols, but I always listen to hymns the whole month long and especially at Thanksgiving dinner. Since my church typically sings more modern worship music, this is a great way for me to learn the old hymns and connect with previous generations.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving!!! (2015 edition)

PostPosted: Nov 27, 2015 7:59 am
by Puddleglum
I was wondering if someone was going to start this thread. thank you SnowAngel.
I am most Thankful for Salvation through Christ's gift to us on Calvary.
for my family, and friends.
For steady work.
For health.
For the opportunity to give to others this season.