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Genetic traits

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Re: Genetic traits

Postby Aslans_Jewel » Dec 15, 2012 9:04 am

I wish boldness was a genetic trait :P
I believe you get your hairline from your mother's father. I'll have a really long forehead at around 40. Yay. :P

I have very hobbity feet. Like, really hobbity. My Mom's side of the family has always had really fuzzy feet, and mine are by far the worst among us. Being called Frodo whenever I take my shoes off is awesome. I also have really hairy arms. It's not dark, so you can't see it in the light, but it's really dense, so I don't get as cold :P

@ILF My friend has crazy bad hitchhiker's thumb. He can't even hold a pencil right. It bends at about a 95 degree angle. It's kind of frightening. ;))
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Re: Genetic traits

Postby IloveFauns » Dec 16, 2012 1:44 am

That might explain my messy writing, who knows. Mines closer to 85-88 degree angle however.

I believe boldness is a trait from your mother side I remember something about it.
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