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Questionnaire Videos

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Questionnaire Videos

Postby Aslans_Jewel » Mar 20, 2012 7:43 pm

Well, a while ago (when I was just starting to come back to the Forum, November-ish) A couple of people in Chat were doing video questionnaires. People would ask them questions, some logical, some very interestingly strange. I thought that since Ive been here a while, it was about my turn to do one, let yall get to know me better, and prove that I have the thickest hick accent here :p
I need questions, and since Chat has been REALLY slow lately due to end of the year tests, people getting ready for summer and summer jobs, etc., I thought I'd turn to the Forum for help! I wont be answering every question, but pick my favorites from the bunch. I'll be open over PM or E-Mail (If you E-mail me I'd appreciate the e-mail address to be your name or username; I don't open e-mail from strange addresses)

Maybe this could become a more wide-spread thing here. People (with parental permission) could all make ask for questions, make videos, and post them here. I think its a really interesting way to get to know someone and get an idea of their personality. If someone doesn't want to make a video, they could ask for questions here, and post questions and answers they get to this thread.
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