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Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Aug 27, 2009 2:17 pm
by Valiant_Lucy
Welcome to Makeup & Hair, a thread for us girls to chat about our favorite beauty products, tips and tricks. :D New to the whole makeup scene? Don't worry, we're all more then happy to answer any questions and give suggestions! :)

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 04, 2009 8:23 am
by jadis of narnia
LoL.. Really?.. hmm.. well, I'll go first.. I don't wear any makeup, except for some light colored lipstick every now and then.. but I never put any type of makeup on my eyes or face.. the area around my eyes and certain my skin are too sensitive for that.. I have to be careful what I wear in the area of makeup.. >.<

but I'm mostly obsessed over my hair.. still trying to get used to its shoulder length shortness.. :/

I don't know how much help I'll be with makeup to anyone.. although this should be an interesting topic to check in on now and then.. C ya 4 now..

~ jadis

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 11, 2009 6:38 pm
by NaiadWaker
My hair is shoulder length, and I barely wear makeup. The most I've worn is lipstick and blush. I'm like you, Jadis, it's my hair I do stuff to.

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 11, 2009 8:15 pm
by TheGentleWarrior
Well then, I'm like both of you, Jadis, and NaiadWaker. ;)) I wear no makeup for 11 months of the year, and then only in June do I wear makeup for my dance recitals. Even then I only wear lipstick, blush, and eye shadow. I really don't like mascara eyeliner or that other stuff. >.<

I'm obsessed about my hair!! All I do is stare at it in the mirror and try to make it managable. :( It's super thick and just past my waist and it really annoys me. You all should see me when I get out of the shower. :p Let it dry for about an hour then *POOF!* it's an instant pile of bushy frizz. =S After about a day or two it flattens out and becomes back to it's wavy self though.

Anyone have any tips on how, if at all, you can thin your hair out a bit by yourself at home?? I really don't have the money to go to a salon, nor do I really trust a stranger to mess with my hair. ;)) :ymblushing:

BTW, when I do wear makeup for my recitals, I like to wear brown sparkly eyeshadow for ballet and tap. :) It's pretty, sooo sparkly. ;))

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 12, 2009 8:12 am
by wisewoman
Instead of thinning, TGW, have you ever tried a silicone serum to calm the frizz? I use one (Citré Shine) and I can attest it really helps with frizz! Val uses one as well and loves it. Your hair might certainly be thick enough to qualify for thinning, but I would try the silicone serum first. Other brands include John Frieda and Silk Drops. I like Citré Shine best though.

I've been wanting to post these links:

Busting Acne Myths
Blemishes! Why Me?

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 12, 2009 10:36 am
by cuppycakesrach
I also have problems with fuzzy hair lol ... what I do to get rid of the fuzz is in the morining after i get out of the shower i wait about ten minutes to let my hair air dry a little bit then i take like a little hand towel and ... sorta like scrunch my hair with it to get the extra wate out ... then my hair is just damp .. so i put this scrunching mousse in it and scrunch it with another hand towel nad let it dry on its own .. and that takes care of my fuzz ... lol
But I like makeup. I use Lancome, and its so pretty . I have this really pretty like marunish-pink sparkly eyeshadow and its soo pretty. I wear it with this evergreen colored eyeliner its so dark it looks brown its called forest or something like that and it matches really good with my eyes. but other than that and some mascara and foundation .. I don't wear much make up .. but I do like it :))

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 12, 2009 11:01 am
by Lady Arwen
I use a de-frizzer, too, TGW. Also, a question for you--do you usually wash your hair with shampoo? I only use shampoo every now and then, and only use conditioner on a regular basis. It makes mine less frizzy.

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 13, 2009 1:28 am
by IloveFauns
I now have 21 colours of nail polish

Theses are my favorite colours

The 5 bright ones

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 13, 2009 10:27 am
by SusanTheArcher
How can I get rid of acne scars? Mine usually fade after a while but how can I speed up the process?

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 13, 2009 11:52 am
by Shantih
My hair is prone to frizz, I use shampoo every time I wash it but make sure it's a gentle one, and I use a small amount, then about twice as much conditioner that I leave in for about 10 minutes. I'm also trying to get into the habit of running a bit of curling mousse through my hair after I shower as this helps hold the curls and keep it from frizzing.

And, however much I love them, hot showers aren't good for frizz prone hair, so I try not to subject my hair to them too often :)

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 15, 2009 4:21 pm
by Rachel111
I am only eleven so the only make up I wear is a pale foundation and powder and some lip gloss. Nothing noticeable except to me. ;;)

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 16, 2009 6:24 pm
by Valiant_Lucy
Hey all...
I have a hair-related question. I'm planning on purchasing a hair straightner soon. Is there really a difference between a drugstore 40-50$ one, and one for more like 100$ from Sephora...? I've read places that the more expensive ones are much easier on your hair, don't damage it nearly as much, etc. I mean, for that much money you THINK that it would do a better job. What do you all think? I do tend to have frizz-prone hair, so something that's going to be easier on that would be good...

Shantih, have you ever tried any "anti frizz" product? John Frieda (spl?)'s "Frizz Ease Serum" is quite good. I believe he also has an accompanying line of shampoo/conditioner etc. :)

Also on de-frizzing hair...if you have anything made of pure silk ( like a scarf), tie it around your hair. It will flatten your hair out, make it shinier, and generally reduce the frizz. You only have to do this for even just two minutes. It is AMAZING. I read it in a magazine, and tried it, VERY skeptical. But it seriously works. :D

TGW, I would reallllllly suggest you try and get your hair thinned. It shouldn't be expensive at a reasonable salon. I finally gave in and have been getting my hair thinned for the past year and really, it makes a huge difference. But, DON'T try it at home. I don't even want to think about how disatrous that might turn out. :-s

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 16, 2009 9:18 pm
by Rachel111
Hi! My older sister uses a Chi. I think she spent about $100 dollars on it and it works really well and doesn't damage your hair. Hope this helps!

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 17, 2009 10:21 am
by Kate
Val: I've gone through so many hair straighteners that it's not funny. My family started out with drug store ones that were all terrible and broke soon after we bought them. So then my grandmother got us a more expensive one, but it broke too. Fortunately, it came with a warranty, so we got a new one, and then again, when that one broke as well. Finally, my mom bought this one at Target. It is surprisingly good! It has worked for quite some time and works better than any of the straighteners we've had. It has sort of fabric plates that are really neat. As to whether it's better for your hair, I have no idea.

In my experience, it would have been cheaper if we'd just bought a really good one to start out with, but as it is, we finally found a cheap-ish one that we like.

I have been growing my hair out lately and I love what it's done to my hair. I rarely have to straighten it anymore to get it straight and I just blowdry. If I wear it curly the extra weight makes it less huge and volume-y.

As for make-up, I wear a mineral powder as foundation and usually some mascara and maybe blush or eye shadow if I feel like I'm going somewhere special.

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 17, 2009 11:37 am
by NarnianQueen10
I wear make-up for special occasions,or when I'm going to a party of something.I only wear foundation,concealer,tiny bit of mascara when I can be bothered. :)

Re: Makeup & Hair

PostPosted: Sep 18, 2009 3:09 pm
by mar_girl
TheGentleWarrior wrote:I'm obsessed about my hair!! All I do is stare at it in the mirror and try to make it managable. :( It's super thick and just past my waist and it really annoys me. You all should see me when I get out of the shower. :p Let it dry for about an hour then *POOF!* it's an instant pile of bushy frizz. =S After about a day or two it flattens out and becomes back to it's wavy self though.
That is my hair right there. After you wash and rinse it, try putting in some leave-in hair conditioner. That helps make my hair less poofy and frizzy. I use something similar to this. Shine serum helps so much with dry hair, too.

Lady Arwen-- I thought that it was not using conditioner that made one's hair frizzy. Oh well.

Val--I sleep on a silk pillowcase sometimes. That might also help with frizziness. I tend to move around when I'm sleeping, so who knows. :p

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