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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby Liberty Hoffman » Feb 19, 2010 1:00 pm

my avatar has changed since my last post:
it's a picture of Josh Hutcherson in the movie Journey To The Center Of The Earth (his character's name is Sean)!
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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby Daylight » Mar 06, 2010 5:47 pm

I change my avatar a lot, but it is currently an avatar made by a friend on Livejournal. I loved the colors and the cropping, and I love that Mickey Mouse is in it. I ADORE anything Disney related. :D
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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby winterlife » Mar 12, 2010 12:13 am

Even though I changed my location again, I am keeping with my old theme.
"Looking for a compass, but I think I got lost in the process."
I am thinking of adding "... not that I know how to read a compass, anyway."
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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby Bother Eustace » Mar 12, 2010 1:32 pm

I just recently changed my Avie and Sig.
My Avatar is a picture of Shawn Spencer from the TV show Psych; one of my favorite shows. Scratch that; probably my favorite show currently on the air.
Psych Avie 04.png
Psych Avie 04.png (20.5 KiB) Viewed 15653 times

My signature is, obviously, from Psych as well, only it also has Gus, another character from the show, as well. The text "A little bit of this, and a whole lot of that" is a quote from the show... Kind of hard to explain unless you see that scene. :p
Psych Sig.jpg
Psych Sig.jpg (26.39 KiB) Viewed 15653 times

I also have this quote in my sig, because, well, it's where my username comes from: "Of course we've got to find him (if we can)," said Caspian wearily. "That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

As for my location: currently, it's just set at USA. Someday I'll think of something really cool to put there instead... :p
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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby wolfloversk » Nov 18, 2010 9:26 pm

My current location & sig are a spin off of a club I made the other day and one of my old avies' was of my rabbit... :)


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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby winterlife » Nov 18, 2010 10:15 pm

I have a new avie and siggie, as you may be able to see. :)

My avie will only be my avie until VDT comes out, but for now, it has my username, NarniaWeb, and my request to all members of the Empire.


My siggie is a temporary one I made. I am looking for a good Tenth Ave picture with Reuben in it, but if I can't find one, I may put him in my avie and keep this siggie.

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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby De_De » Nov 20, 2010 2:12 pm

My location is : Exploring Narnia with Frodo and Lady Courage and Libby in Obi-Wan's spaceship. Come join us!

I was thinking for a long time for a cool location :p. So I decided to combine my three favorite movies: The Chronicles of Narnia, Star Wars, and The Lord of the Rings. Then after some time Narniawebber Lady Courage asked me about my location and we decided to travel together. And then Liberty Hoffman joined us too :D. Anyone is welcome to join us :ymhug:
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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby Shadowlander » Nov 20, 2010 2:54 pm

My avatar is Vault Boy (aka Pip Boy) who is the Vault-Tec mascot in the Fallout series of games.


Vault Boy is quite iconic of the game and used regularly throughout.



I love Fallout. :D

My sig is a picture from Star Wars, specifically that old dude in the Y-Wing that keeps saying "Stay on target!" to Gold Leader before he gets obliterated. Starkat just changed it around for me a bit and put "Stay on topic!" so it would fit the forum better. ;))
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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby stargazer » Nov 21, 2010 12:11 am

Nice to see some info about the new graphics. :)

My stuff is a weird hodge-podge. My location (The Earth Kingdom) is from Avatar: The Last Airbender and may date from our last Special Feature about that show (and it goes along with the Toph graphics I sometimes use).


My avatar is the character Broadway from the 1990s animated series Gargoyles. It's in use this month because my NaNo story is a fanfiction of the show. It's also the first custom avatar (one not from the site gallery) I used here on the forum.


My signature (thanks Gymfan!) is an ad for a certain movie coming up. ;)
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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby Ithilwen » Nov 28, 2010 8:04 pm



My signature, of course, is Smeagol from LOTR. I'm a big LOTR fan, and Smeagol's story was something that was so sad, and made me cry. I think Tolkien did such a good job of writing such a tragic story, and the filmmakers did so well in portraying that story. I couldn't forget it, and wanted to make a sig about it, with enough of a tragic, dark effect to match it.

Location: With Bilbo. Obviously also because I'm a LOTR fan. And Bilbo is my favorite character. :)



My Avatar started out as a picture I found on Google Images one day. It just looked so magical, it reminded me of LOTR or Narnia, and even some of my stories I write, and dreams I've had. So I put effects on it using GIMP to make it look even more magical. And there you have it! :D

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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby Narnia nymph » Dec 06, 2010 9:24 pm

I finally changed my avatar to a scene from VDT. I'm guessing it's the part after Lucy, Edmund and Eustace are transported to Narnia through the painting in the bedroom. I just know I'm going to end up having VDT/1408 crossover dreams after seeing the movie (which won't be until Sunday afternoon, so I doubt I'll be getting any "door prizes" like I did when I first saw Prince Caspian) since 1408 is another movie where a nautical painting comes to life (unfortunately, that one doesn't transport you to Narnia). ;)

I'm leaving my signature the same for the time being, which is simply a link to the fan fiction story I'm working on.
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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby DamselJillPole » Dec 06, 2010 9:59 pm

My Avatar: Is me, but that's not my real name that I have on it. I made it because I have this huge fanyasy of playing the character Irene Adler in the new BBC Sherlock.

My Signature: Obviously I want to see more Sherlock episodes! :) :D

My location: I need to change it. My friend King Tirian and I are both role-players on myspace and close friends now. I role-play a Jill and he role-plays Tirian and both our characters are in a romance storyline so our locations are basically us still role-playing and being silly. hehe :D ;)
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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby Ithilwen » Feb 11, 2011 4:12 pm

Right now, I'm wearing my Valentines Day themed graphics --

Image Image

The avvy is from FOTR. It's supposed to be two Hobbits on a date. @};-

And the sig, also from FOTR, is supposed to be someone giving a Valentine to Frodo, haha. Of course... it's really the One Ring. ;))

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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby SnowAngel » Apr 13, 2011 2:09 pm

I changed my avatar and sig both a couple days, I want something with a Easter theme.

FP Caleb av 2.PNG

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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby Rising_Star » Apr 13, 2011 4:47 pm

Recently changed my graphics . . .

My avatar was made by campgirl and is of Flynn Rider from Tangled, who apparently took over my account on April Fools Day.


My sig is the same . . . a link to my photobucket and a link to where you can buy my book. :D

My location I changed to "I'm on a horse" to parody the Old Spice commercial because I saw this and couldn't stop laughing because it fit Flynn sooooooooo well. :)) (Note: the only people who will really get it are those who've seen the original Old Spice commercial . . . so I recommend you watch that before you watch the Flynn version. ;) )

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Re: Avatars/Signatures/Locations/etc!

Postby Adeona » Apr 13, 2011 6:37 pm

My current avatar was made by oldefashioned on LiveJournal. I'm using it in celebration of spring!
I will probably be getting a new avatar pretty soon for Easter, though.

My signature is a blatant advert for Narnia Style Day, made by our Costumes Moderator Meltintalle:
It links to the Narnia Style Day thead. In my signature is also a list of my "RL" siblings who have NWeb accounts.

My location - "Atop Grasmoor in Cockermouth, Cumbria" - is from a book I read recently: The Shield Ring by Rosemary Sutcliff. I want to go there very badly. :) Plus I just really like the word Cumbria. :p
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