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The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby Varnafinde » Feb 04, 2015 4:43 am

I have finally seen the movie - I suspect it won't run for much longer in Oslo, after having run for 6 or 7 weeks, so I made sure to see it in the theaters at least once.

Although there are scenes I don't care much for (far too long fighting scenes, for one thing), I basically liked it. I'd agree with those that have said that part 3 is better than part 2. I should watch it again - but that might not be until I buy the DVD (preferably the Extended Edition).

Seeing Legolas running up crumbling stairs, reminded me of him running on top of the snow. I don't exactly remember that from the FotR movie, but I remember it very well from the book.
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby The Old Maid » Feb 04, 2015 5:42 pm

Originally posted by Varnafinde:

Seeing Legolas running up crumbling stairs, reminded me of him running on top of the snow. I don't exactly remember that from the FotR movie, but I remember it very well from the book.

The star comment reminds of a snark I heard, can't remember where:
"Parkour ... invented by kittens."

But as regarding the snow, I'm guessing Elves have some science, magic, or other that let Legolas turn the snow into a non-Newtonian fluid like the famous cornstarch tests. No idea if Tolkien had heard of it, though. [/nerd moment]
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby waggawerewolf27 » Jun 11, 2015 3:10 pm

Last Christmas we went to see the third instalment of The Hobbit. Both of Peter Jackson's productions have now finished. And now the Road has finished definitely for Saruman. For Dracula and for other characters played by Christopher Lee. This morning on the news we heard this 93 year old actor has passed away, due to heart failure. I thought I should let you all know.
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby Varnafinde » Jun 13, 2015 8:35 am

That's sad news. He did an amazing job as Saruman - I haven't seen his other films/characters.

He was really devoted to Tolkien's works - by the time LotR was filmed, he was still reading it every year, because he thought it was such an important book. He will be missed.
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby johobbit » Jun 13, 2015 9:12 am

It is sad, indeed, and the news was flooding my FB newsfeed the other day, not surprisingly. What a career Lee has had, although, like Varna, I have not seen any films he was in besides The Lord of the Rings. For me, as for many others, I presume, he simply was Saruman! Although I recall reading he was hoping to land the Gandalf role. I love that he read TLotR every year ... and long before the films were even thought of. Also, he was the only cast member who actually met Tolkien, and I quote ...

on Christopher Lee wrote:I met him quite by chance, really,” he recalled in the interview. “I met him with a group of other people in a pub in Oxford he used to go to, The Eagle and Child. I was very much in awe of him, as you can imagine, so I just said, ‘How do you do?’”
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby johobbit » Oct 24, 2015 5:27 am

The latest cool Tolkien news is the newly-found annotated map of Middle-earth by the Professor, himself. :D And it was found in a The Lord of the Rings volume owned by Pauline Baynes, herself. Can't get much better than that!!

Fascinating. Sadly, I can't nearly anywhere afford it. :P

In other news, I finished my 23rd reading of The Lord of the Rings awhile back, and, honestly, as with the Narnia Chronicles, it becomes more beloved and precious (no pun intended ;) ) with every read! ♥

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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby Anfinwen » Oct 26, 2015 5:05 pm

johobbit wrote:I finished my 23rd reading of The Lord of the Rings awhile back

I don't know exactly how many times I've read it, but if an audiobook counts, I'd say around ten. I'm listening to the un-official audiobook by Phill Dragash. I listened to it the first time in August, and now I'm in "The Two Towers" again. :ymblushing:
Just in case others haven't heard of it, here's the link.

It's possibly the best thing to happen to LotR.

EDIT: You can currently hear only the trailer on that site.
If anyone is interested I can post the links where you can hear the actual audiobook.
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby King_Erlian » Jul 06, 2016 2:26 am

How do you pronounce the dwarves' names in The Hobbit?

It really grated with me when I heard some of the dwarves' names spoken in the Hobbit movies, as I'd had my own ideas as to how the names ought to have been pronounced from reading the book when I was 8 (44 years ago).

In particular, Fili and Kili - in the films they're pronounced "Filly" and "Killy". I'd always thought of them as "Filey" (as in the seaside town in Yorkshire) and "Kylie" (as in Minogue, although she wasn't famous when I was a child - she would only have been 4 when I first read the book).

Also, "Gandalf" should have been pronounced "Gandolf" (I think a note in one of the LOTR appendices supports this).
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby johobbit » Jul 06, 2016 10:40 am

This is how I have pronounced them, but whether they're correct or not, I do not know.

Fili - Feel-y
Kili - Keel-y

Oin - rhymes with groin, although I have heard that Oh-in is more proper
Gloin - same, but possibly Gloh-in

Gandalf - Gand-alf
Hmm, not sure about the last syllable as 'olf' ... I used to say it more that way, but then heard/read (and I forget where), that that 2nd "a" should be more prononced as such.

Here is a treasure: JRRT, himself, reading selections of his marvelous poetry from Fellowship of the Ring! My favourites? Most of them. ;))
*The Road Goes Ever On and On
*Sing Hey to the Bath at Close of Day! (I love his chuckle at the end of this one)
*Gandalf's Lament
*The Elvish song to Elbereth in the Hall of Fire (to hear the Professor speaking the musical Elvish language is simply lovely)
*Hobbit Walking Song (We Must Away, We Must Away)
*Upon the Hearth the Fire is Red
*The Man in the Moon
*The One Ring poem: except, to me, Tolkien rendered that iconic piece of writing far too briskly/abruptly and very much without the feeling I was expecting and hoping for

I love how he so delightfully rolls his r's in his agreeable, gravely, comfortable, yet dignified, voice.
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby stargazer » Jul 07, 2016 11:17 am

Thanks for sharing that link, jo. I always enjoy hearing authors read their own words.

My pronunciations tend to agree with jo's, except for Gandalf's last syllable rhyming with 'golf.'

Random note: I had a similar experience with star names. I was pretty much self-taught as a kid, and back then there really weren't any pronunciation guides (at least my small-town library had none, and there was no internet yet). Since many come from other languages, like Arabic, the pronunciation wasn't obvious to me. Only years later, when I started hearing or attending astronomy lectures, did I learn that I say some star names differently. (But I got some right, like Zubenelgenubi ;)) ).
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby Lady Haleth » Jul 15, 2016 3:22 pm

So, did anyone see that Tolkien's long poem The Lay of Atrou and Itroun is being republished after 70 years? (It came up in a Tolkien analysis book I read, and I was always sorry I didn't get to read the whole thing). Its about a knight, a lady, and a mysterious witch.
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby Varnafinde » Oct 19, 2016 1:38 pm

Another new Tolkien book will be published in May next year - a compilation of all versions of Tolkien’s tale of Beren and Lúthien.

Edited by Christopher Tolkien and illustrated by Alan Lee, Beren and Lúthien will bring together material scattered throughout the 12-volume History of Middle-earth series.
Beren and Lúthien will be published 100 years since Tolkien’s wife Edith danced for him in a small woodland glade filled with hemlocks in East Yorkshire, an event he later acknowledged was the inspiration for the meeting of the immortal Lúthien Tinúviel and the mortal Beren in the glades beside Esgalduin.

The story changed a lot from Tolkien's first concepts in 1917, until his son Christopher published what became the final version in The Silmarillion in 1977. Tolkien even wrote a version as a poem, which he showed to his new friend C.S. Lewis in 1929 - Lewis absolutely loved it, not least for its mythical qualities.

I'm looking forward to this book - I wouldn't want to hunt through the 12 HoMe volumes for the relevant sections, so having them all presented to me in one volume is great. And Alan Lee's illustrations will be good, too.

Aragorn and Arwen's love story in LotR in many ways parallell Beren and Lúthien's story - Aragorn even addresses Arwen as Tinuviel (another of Lúthien's names) the first time he meets her. (And they are both descended from the famous couple.)

As for my personal interest in Lúthien - my avatar is taken from a painting of a young Lúthien by Henning Janssen (with the artist's permission).
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby johobbit » Oct 19, 2016 4:11 pm

I'm excited about this! It will be wonderful to have every Beren and Lúthien segment currently scattered around the HoMe volumes now collected in one. And what a tale is theirs! Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Oh, wait, this is fiction. :P I keep forgetting that with Tolkien. ;;) ;))

Add Alan Lee's evocative illustrations in, and this should be a beautiful keepsake and magnificent read.
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby The Rose-Tree Dryad » Nov 27, 2016 6:28 pm

Finally got started on The Hobbit this past week! My boxed set took forever to arrive and then it took me a bit longer to actually start reading, but my dream of reading The Hobbit in autumn finally came true. Yay. ;))

It's interesting to finally be reading it after so long. I'm enjoying it a lot so far... Tolkien has a very home-y writing style, much more so than I expected. (In a strange way, it reminds me just a little bit of L.M.M. Montgomery, especially when he's describing the Shire and such-and-such member of such-and-such family.) It's also very interesting to contrast the story with CoN, knowing that Lewis and Tolkien were such good friends! Couldn't help thinking of Jill and Glimfeather when Bilbo is rescued by the eagle!

The boxed set I got was this one. (I couldn't resist the autumnal shades. :P) It's actually a pocket edition, but the books are still decent-sized; they're about the same size as my hand. They're really nice to curl up in bed with!

Still, I wouldn't mind having this set, cake or not. Yum. ;)) Ran across that the other day! The baker did a beautiful job.
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby shastastwin » Nov 28, 2016 8:40 am

Oooh! That's a very nice set, Rose! I hope you enjoy your reading of The Hobbit.

I really want to get that Beren and Luthien book when it comes out. It may have to wait for a birthday list, though.
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Re: The Road Goes Ever On and On: Everything Tolkien - Book 2

Postby fantasia » Dec 18, 2016 12:12 pm

How are you coming on 'The Hobbit' and 'LotR' Rose?
It's been 15 years since Fellowship arrived in theaters. While I don't remember watching that movie quite as well as Two Towers not having Shelob at the end made a bunch of book fans and I scream at the screen, I do sure remember going to the midnight showing in spite of it being finals week. Priorities. ;)
Still my favorite of the LotRs movies. If it wasn't so long I'd pull it out and watch it again, but these days I'm hard pressed to watch a one hour movie. :P
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